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Earth Also Has Secrets Earth Also Has Secrets original

Earth Also Has Secrets

Author: Mute_Mute

© WebNovel

The Beginning

A quiet and wavering voice is heard inside of Winters head, slowly picking at his brain, telling him to wake up from his slumber "Wake-up". The beam of the sunlight shines through Winters window which wakes him. He slowly opened his eyes only to stare at the roof and huff out a sigh. Knowing He had school that day and he forgot to do his paper, he was not looking forward to the lecture Ms.Valez would give him on his way to the School hall. Winter begins to rummage through his clothes and picks out a worn hoodie and some roughed up jeans. Winter smirks to himself knowing fashion in his hometown is something rare so wearing what you wanted was no problem and judgment free. He packs his bag with the essentials, paper, pencil and eraser and begins his short journey to the Townhall which is where the school is located. A handful of 6-17 year old's being rowdy as all teenagers are. Winter smiles to himself, the thought of being around others humbles him. Makes him feel apart of something but that soon turns into a thought process of excuses as Ms.Valez makes her way towards Winter.

'Winter, do you have your paper?' Ms.Valez asks in a serious tone.

'Uh... Sorry Ms.Valez could you refresh my mind? Which paper was it?' Winter replies back.

'Winter... Its the report about the Expansion of Earth or rather New Haven. The New Capitals and how our Economy turned from paper to Crystals and silver-gold coins? Does that ring a bell?' Ms.Valez questions winter with a serious face as she continues to grade papers while showing no interest in Winter but rather the report that was due.

'Oh? Oh yeah! I turned it in, it probably got lost in all the papers you have to grade you know?'

'Mhm, Ill let it pass this time... again, this is the last time Winter' she walks away huffing

'Thank you Ms.Valez!' Winter sighs softly and continues his path towards his classroom. He gets closer towards the classroom door and takes a deep breath. He grabs the handle and turns the nob as the door creeks from its old age. In full view he sees his friend Clark. Sitting in front of the class as always. The social butterfly you could say. Clark glows up like a light when he sees Winters dead morning face and waves his hand towards him, gesturing Winter to come over.

'What do you want Clar...' Winter stops abruptly and shock is shown all over his face, Clark grins.

'I know man! I had the same reaction.' Clark starts to unravel the scroll that was laying on his desk in front of them. Winter stops Clark in a effort to not draw attention to themselves.

'Yo hide that! Right now man, you cant just openly do that in public... what if an administrator or teacher was here? Just shove it in your bag and we'll talk about it at my place dude,' Winter nervously looks around the classroom hoping no one saw what he had. Clark laughs it off and puts the Scroll into his bag and gestures at Winter to sit next to him. Winter grabs a seat and unpacks his school supplies. Paper, pencil and eraser like always. Sadly, Winter was on the poorer side of the scale. His parents abandoned him and shunned him and was just left. Only person he has is Clark the social butterfly who would talk to anyone. Ever since he befriended Winter his popularity went down in class and people disliked hanging out with him. Regardless their friendship stayed strong. Clark would usually bring Winter some food from his home since Clark was on the wealthier side of the scale. In fact one of the richest families in Winterhold (Their hometown) The next period starts and a new lesson begins.

'Sigh' The teacher entered the classroom and looked disgruntled and unenthusiastic about teaching the class

'Now listen up class, The new era of our Earth or rather "New Haven," as the World Association of Geographical discoveries(W.A.O.G.D) calls it. From the perspective of our ancestors what do you think they thought when the Earth was expanding?' The teacher asks the class as he stands in the front looking for hands being raised.

'They probably thought that the world was ending because of the new land right?' One of the students blurt out

'Precisely. Many turned to religion as the end times and with religion on the verge of politics, WW3 happened and our civilization nearly went extinct. We call that Era what?' He turns his attention to Winter who raised his hand.

'It was called Néa Avgí, greek word for "New Dawn" and it was the worst era. Many innocent lives were lost because of politics. Ideals that one President thought would suit the whole world, but he nearly ended it instead and guess who paid for his actions... Our people' Winter exclaims as he sits up straight and locks eyes onto the Professor

'Winter! That's enough.. Do not make me call your parents to lecture you' The professor raises his tone as he says those words not knowing Winter had no parents.

'Go ahead. If they ever show up that is,' winter gets aggressive yet lowers his voice.

'That's not what I mean Winter.. Listen up class, keep your ideals and opinions to yourself okay? Moving on, Winter is correct. It was called the New Dawn because our life's were changed. 6 New terrains or land were forged on our earth expanding our universe. Does anyone know the 6 new lands?' The professor excuses himself and proceeds to walk around the classroom.

'As we all know our land is called Winterhold. Or commonly known as my name," Winter snickers as he boasts about his name.

'I know them! Like Winter said ours is WinterHold the next is Casiam, umm the jungle is called Arbol de vida or translated as Tree of Life...,' Clark gets interrupted by the bell as it rings non-stop. The teacher begins to dismiss everyone and says goodbye. Winter is stopped by the professor to speak to him privately about what happened during class.

'Winter, I have to talk to you once everyone leaves for lunch' the professor softens his voice.

'Fine, Ill catch up with you in a few minutes Clark, meet at the usual," Winter silently mouths as Clark that he wants to die.

'Listen Winter, I'm sorry about getting angry at you. I didn't mean any disrespect. Specially consider---" The teacher was cut off abruptly.

'Its fine, it doesn't matter and I don't wanna talk about it okay? Can I go now?" Winter replies to the teacher hoping to leave, considering he wants to know more about the scroll that Clark has.

'Of course.. Ill see you next Thursday,' The teacher goes to his desk as he dismisses Winter from the classroom.

Winter sighs and smacks himself on the face. Trying to hype himself up and his smile returns. He rushes through the hallways as teachers tell him to not run or slowdown, considering his nature of course he's not going to listen to them. He Sprints towards a corner leading towards the main hallway to the cafeteria and accidentally bumps into the New transfer student from Casiam. They crash into each other as her books and materials fall to the floor. Winter gets up and Apologizes profusely. ''I am really sorry about that!" Winter begins to pick up the students papers and books up, he returns the notebooks and pencils to her, oddly enough they lock eyes together. His honey brown eyes gazing at her Ocean blues.

"Sorry about that... Again," He chuckles nervously as he scratches his head. "Oh um...," those were the only words the new student could muster as she would blush and look away. Winter taps her shoulder "Well anyways... Nice talking to you? Ill see you around the school!" Winter runs off and waves at her continuing onto his original path to the cafeteria. She shakes her head to cool off mutters 'Jerk..' under her breath.

Winter makes his way to the cafeteria to find Clark eating alone. He makes his way to Clark and sits next to him "Hey, so about the Rune Scroll. If that's real we need a rune reader dude," Winter raises an eyebrow towards Clark as he begins to grin "You know that new chick transferred here from Casiam? She's gorgeous man... might be love at first sight hahaha, Not only that but every person from Casiam is rich and they have rune readers!" Clark continues to ramble on about rich and the beauty's from Casiam. Winter interrupts Clark "She may be from Casiam but her eyes are not from there. She had Blue eyes just like everyone else in WinterHold, Isn't that...odd?" Clark looks puzzled for a couple of seconds "That may be true but your eyes are Brown and you were born here In WinterHold so I don't know man. Could be many possibilities. I'm pretty sure the only people with eyes close to yours are from Hamerden. Regardless She's beautiful heh," Winter sighs softly as he grabs some fries from Clarks plate "Yeah that's true, well whatever. Go talk to her since you're obsessed with her "beauty,". Find out if she really has a rune reader that we could use," The bell rings and everyone in the cafeteria and in the halls begin to go to their next class.

"Meet me at my place Clark, after school," Winter gestures the OK sign towards him as they both leave

"You gotcha!," replies Clark with a smirk

The two young boys go their own paths. Will the new student become apart of their little crew?

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