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45.45% DxD: Rise Of Sloth / Chapter 9: Ch9: Phenex Party (4)

Chapter 9: Ch9: Phenex Party (4)

Before we start the chapter, a quiz question for you all.

Boobs or thighs?



3rd Pov

As the entire devils were voicing their worthless opinions on what Falbium had said, He himself was sleeping soundly with Roy.

If anyone looked at them without any context, one would think they are a father and son duo who are sleeping peacefully.

Though they might question if Roy is his child or not as he's bald while Roy isn't.

Roygun didn't miss this chance and took pictures of Roy to add to her secret collection.

Ever since she found out she had a little brother, she took photos of him without him noticing and added them to her collection.

Meanwhile Serafall and Sirzechs were trying to calm the crowd without using force. as for Ajuka, he was just watching this all without interfering.

"There's also the mystery behind who started the mess in the party." One of the devils said, reminding others of the battle royal that happened just a few minutes ago.

"That's right, we haven't found the culprit behind it." NPC number two said which agitated them further.

"There's no need to beat around the bush, we satans know who the culprit is." Ajuka came in.

"Then please tell us my lord, they trampled on our pride, they deserve punishment."

Ajuka simply grabbed Roy from the back of his shirt, not before making sure he doesn't wake up for now.

"This boy is the culprit." As Ajuka said that, the hall fell silent again before bursting in voices of conflict as they were baffled that how could a child be the preparator behind this.

They couldn't believe this simply because it would hurt their pride more than it previously did if this all was done by a mere child and they played right into his trap.

Even if you give the truth to people, some will always ignore it for their own good, as it hurts their fragile ego to acknowledge their incompetence.

Ajuka could feel the glares of a certain person drilling a hole in his back but alas he ignored it.

"Sorry for my crewd joke, I just wanted to lighten the mood. Do not worry as we will find the culprit and punish them for the sake of all of the devils they have harmed."

As expected, the devils burst into choruses and cheers for satans efforts and promises to punish whoever trampled on their pride.

Of course there were few people with a functioning brain and knew Ajuka wasn't joking.

Though they weren't the victims as their brain worked enough for them to not be chosen by Roy as his targets.

But this did cause a minor problem for Roy. As we all know, with great power comes great bitches.

Hence why families that now knew of his power, were going to tie him to their family by offering him their daughters, or sons if he swung that way.

Though Roy wouldn't mind that as he had a goal of making a large harem for himself, but for a very specific reason, pillows.

He wanted to have a large variety of boobs and ass pillows that he could sleep on. after all the difference in the softness and size of them made them perfect for different situations to sleep on.

"This is unacceptable!" A loud voice came from the Phenex families table, the host themselves.

It belonged to no one other than the supposed star of banquet, Riser Phenex, the hair of Phenex clan.

"I would allow Lord Asmodeus as I respect them, but this insolent brat needs to know his place. How dare he sleep in Riser's Celebration party." Riser said as he walked towards the table that Roy and other Satans were.

Roy woke up from sleep and saw an angry chicken coming towards him "What?"

He said in a nonchalant tone, making Riser angrier as the child Infront of him didn't even show him respect.

"Do you even know who I am?"

"Nah can't be bothered by that." Roy replied which earned a chuckle from Serafall and Roygun.

Riser took a deep breath to calm himself, which he failed at successfully.

"I am Riser Phenex, the hair of Phenex family."

"Well good for you I guess." Roy said while giving a thumbs up.

This time sairaorg and Falbium joined in and laughed with Serafall and Roygun.

Sirzechs himself looked away and put his hand on his face to hide his smile from hearing that.

Riser did his best to control himself, after all even if he was angry he didn't want to punish a child right away.

"I'm the host and star of this banquet, you should be honoured that you are even in my presence. Don't you know the basics of etiquette of respecting the host of a place you are invited to?"

"You talk too much for a bird. If you're done I'm going back to sleep." Roy then took out Chastiefol and walked towards the table to sleep on it.

"You..." it was then that he lost it. He took out a glove and threw it at Roy "I, the great Riser challenge you to a duel."

Roy took the glove and threw it back at Riser, hitting him in the face "No thanks."

'Is he dumb? Challenging me, a child to a duel?' Roy thought to himself and was concerned about this world's lack of brain cells.

'Then again it makes sense... most of the women I've seen all have curvy bodies, guess the braincells of the whole world was the sacrifice for that.'

"How dare you do that to Riser."

"Sigh... you want a duel? sure let's do it. But remember I'm just child. I hope your fame won't take a dent because of that."

Riser took a moment and realised what he's been doing. "You are indeed right. So I'd like to say that instead of duel, we can think of this as a spar, me the great Riser teaching you something. I'll even let you attack me first."

"What's in it for me?" Roy asked, as if he wasn't supposed to be punished and was even asking for a reward.

"I give you my sister. How's that? she's going to be part of my peerage in future so it's alright if I use her."

What Riser said made some people look at him with disgust, even lord and lady Phenex were baffled by this.

As they were going to protest, Ajuka give them a sign to not interfere in this.

'What a disgusting man, to treat someone of your family like that, even my friends and I didn't do that.'

As Roy was about to reject, Roygun put a hand on his shoulder and crouched down to his height.

"Accept it. If anything goes wrong I'll have your back, as for that girl that he's wagering, I think she would be better of without that family." Roygun whispered in a low voice.

Roy only wished for this banquet to end and it had been dragged this long to this. He didn't want to waste any more energy on useless things but an idea came to his mind.

Surely if he beats the shit out of the host of the party, the party will end, right?

There was also the fact that his sister asked this from him, it was one of the rare moments of her asking something from him instead of other way around.

"Fine I'll accept."


After Roy agreed, Riser and him were transported to a training ground inside of a different dimension to not cause any problems for others.

Other devils watched them through a projection while Satans and their families, watched it in the VIP section.

"Beat the shit out of him Roy-chan, I'm cheering for you." Serafall yelled loudly while watching them.

"Who allowed you to choose that nickname for my brother?" Roygun said as her protective side got active again.

"Don't be stingy, we can share him." Serafall said in a joking manner, which resulted in Falbium hitting the top of her head, making her flinch from pain.

"Hey what was that for!?"

"He's just a child you two. Also I won't allow anyone harm my son."

"What nonsense are you spouting? You two aren't even related by blood." Serafall rebuted.

"You won't understand it. We're connected through a bond more sacred than blood." Falbium said while moving his head side ways as.

Meanwhile Sirzechs awkwardly watched them and released a sigh from tiredness 'I just want this to end so I can go and spoil my little sister.'

As for Ajuka, he just ignored them and was observing the field to see how Roy's magic work.

'I would have kidnapped him and conducted some experiments if Falbium didn't take a liking to him.' Ajuka thought to himself.

Getting back to the field, Roy stood Infront of Riser with quite a distance between them.

"There's no need for countdown or such things, as promised I, the great Riser allow you to make the first move. So go on then." Riser said arrogantly while underestimating bis opponent.

"Fine by me." Roy took Out Chastiefol again from his dream world and then simply threw it towards Riser.

As the pillow was on its way, Riser looked at it and laughed "Should have known better that child doesn't even know how to fi-"

But before he could complete what he was saying, the pillow hit his left arm and he suddenly felt a great amount of pain.

Looking down, he gasped in horror as his left hand was removed from it's place and blood was splattered on the ground.

"What should I call this technique... let's go with Chicken crusher." Roy talked to himself.

A vein popped on Riser's head "Are you calling me a chicken?"

"I'm not, but given that you took it personally, we can say you are indeed a chicken."

The audience couldn't help but laugh at what they heard, specially the people un the Vip section.

Roygun was recording the whole fight to later on show it to Vermeil and tell her how she missed Roy's first fight. She'd do anything to piss her rival off.

Risers hands regenerated and he prepared to cast spells only for Roy to drop his gaurd and look at him with an expecting look.

"What do you want?"

"You sure you wanna go ahead and embaress yourself more?"

Riser stood frozen in his place. Roy was right. He thought that he can use this as a chance to teach the brat some manner, but no he was the one that was getting ridiculed.

More importantly, That child had managed to destroy his hand that easily with a fucking pillow. A single pillow.

The disgrace was too much for him to bear but he also knew that if they continued, his image would be damaged more than it has.

Sirzechs appeared in the field and put a hand on Risers shoulder.

"Guess this spar ends here. I'm sure the great Riser just wanted to show Roy's power to the Devils and make them realise that the new generation is brimming with talent. Isn't that right?"

Sirzechs said with a gentle smile while pressuring Riser to agree.

"Indeed. There was no other reason for the great me to fight with a child that is only eight years old."

"I see. I'm grateful for your guidance." Roy said and played along.

"Though I hope you don't go back on your words and give me my prize."

Riser wanted to rebute and deny Roy's request but Sirzechs hold on his shoulder got firmer.

"O-ofcourse. I always honour my promises. I'm even happy that my sister has a new friend like you." Riser said while Cursing Roy and Sirzechs inside his mind and promising himself to take revenge later on.



And that's it for this chapter. Even I'm confused on how I'm writing and uploading this fic daily.

Was going to take a rest and upload this tomorrow or the day after that, but then I remembered that before power stones getting reseted, this fic got 129 stones.

I was surprised by that and stil am. Thanks for everyone who's supporting this fic and reading it, leaving a comment or a review.

I hope you all continue supporting me and this fic. Till next chapter bye bye~

Don't forget to Keep yourself safe.

Word count: 2077

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