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64.8% DxD: ReKiba / Chapter 77: Training

Chapter 77: Training

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are a lot of fics and ideas there. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

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Word Count 3450

Yeah so I have sick since Saturday. Some sort of virus. It has not been pretty. Actually thought I might die on the first night. I got dizzy and fell. High Fever, but my body was cold, shaking like I was naked in the snow. Then the vomiting followed. I could barely move. I haven't been that terrified in a long ass time.

Yeah but I'm feeling better, so here's the chap


Inside a giant barrier cube combined by Rose's Dimension Lost. The team was training in their own separate cubes. The grind never stops. That applies to all members of the team.

Rosswise was on the outside. She was cross-legged as she was focusing on the barrier and her sacred gear.

She was keeping the combined might of her team in check. To be fair none of them were actively trying to destroy her barrier but keeping their strenght in check was not a small task.

The barrier started to shake once more, so Rose redoubled her efforts.

"Haaa. They are really aren't making this easy on me. But that's fine with me. I will preserve, I'm getting better at this by the minute. Isaiah was right, Dimension Lost truly does belong in the hands of a mage... I wonder if I can convince him to go on a date if I do a good job"

Rose mumbled to herself before blushing. She quickly slapped her face with both hands "Focus Rose, get your mind out of the gutter. You can fantasize about Isaiah later... Ahhhh I did it again!"

~ Isaiah vs Gloxinia

"I didn't expect that you would accept my request for a spar this quickly" Gloxinia said with a smile

"Well for one I'm not one to back away from a fight. And it's obvious that you are trying to see how strong I am. Honestly, I'm a bit flattered that you even consider joining my faction" Isaiah said calmly

Gloxinia just sighed at that " Well you have seen Alfheim's forces for yourself. If someone from the bigger factions decides to attack us we would be hopeless. Judging by the news we receive each year thanks to our brave scouts to go back and forth through the Dimensional Gap. Along with the information you gave us, it's easy to see that things are getting unstable.

Sooner or later someone will approach us. I just decided to get a head start" Gloxinia spread his hands

"But still it's strange how quickly you have come to trust us. Don't take this the wrong way I'm glad you trust us, but it's suspicious. You seem like a smart man. You wouldn't trust someone this easily. Trust takes time, so forgive my bluntness 'what gives?"

Gloxinia erupted into laughter as soon as he heard my question. And it wasn't the fake laugh, this one was genuine from the heart.

"I new, I was right about you. Here is something we didn't share with you, another reason why the Elves accepted us Faries so easily is because of our ability to see through a person's true nature."

Isaiah raised an eyebrow, quickly recalling all the moments he spend with the many different fairies he met "Ahhhh, I see. I was very confused why the young fairies liked us so much. I thought it was because they were curious children."

Gloxinia chuckled at that "Well there is that too, but it was mostly because they deemed you harmless. "

"Wait but then why did they run away when we first arrived?"

Gloxinia started laughing again "Hahaha. Put yourself in their shoes. Would you sit still to find out if some uninvited strangers enter your home? After they realized it was safe, they had a chance to see if you were good or bad"

Isaiah just helplessly shook his head "Man you fairies are such cheats. Do you know how hard it was to learn basic Senjutsu so I can do the most basic emotion sensing? And you are telling me that Baby Faries can do Master Level of Emotion Sensing. Telling if someone is truly good or are they faking it."

" Well, nothing you can do about it. It's just how we are. And I think this is enough chit-chat. Time to see what you have got. Spirit Spear Basquias- First Form"

A giant spear appears behind Gloxinia. An intense aura surrounded the spear. Showing its power. The spear that the Sacred Tree forged itself. The tree that spread its roots across Alfheim, literally becoming one with the planet

Isaiah smiled as he made a simple longsword. The only power the sword had is that it was unbreakable.

Gloxinia frowned when he saw this. "Aren't you underestimating me a bit too much?"

Isaiah pointed his sword at him as he let go of his power, letting it freely flow. The air shook when he revealed his Transended Class strenght "Oh trust me, I'm taking this very seriously, It's just that this is an excellent opportunity to polish up my sword skills."

Gloxinia's eyes widened when he felt Isaiah's powers "Well Fuck... but at least I'll make you struggle to win. HAAAAAA"

Gloxinia flew at Isaiah with his spear right behind him, starting a fight between Leaders.

~Dino's Zone

*Huff, Huff, Huff*

Dino was kneeling down on one knee. Sweat was pouring off of his body

[Well done Dino. You have reached the complete Balance Breaker. And due to your high strenght. You can stay in it for quite a while. Haha! My name will shake the world again! ] Vritra said with an excited voice.

"Yay" Dino said sarcastically, before turning his body to the side


Dino fell on his back "I'm not moving an inch from here. I have reached Balance Breaker I deserve a break."

[True. But you have barely started on training with the True Longinus. You still need to reach balance breaker with that]

" Dude let a guy get his 14 hours of sleep" Dino looked at his wrist where Vritra was talking to him through Absorption Line

[... The saying is 8 hours right? And realistically you only need 5 hours to function normally]

"Nope I need 14"

[Dino..babies need 14 hours of sleep. Even Falbium doesn't sleep that much]

"I know. I aim to surpass him and the Sloth Demon as the person who sleeps the most" Dino said with a faraway look on his face

[You are an idiot. And the people who sleep the most are the ones who are comatose. Like the Devils and their Sleeping Disease. Do you want to be like them?]

A figure flashed in his mind "Not particularly. No"

[Don't play coy with me. I can read your thoughts you idiot. You love the girl. Go out there and confess. You two already crossed the line but dont know where you stand. GO AND CONFESS!]

"Fine! You know for an old ass dragon you sure like to meddle in other people's affairs"

[No I don't, I just see stupidity and I decide to correct it]

"Whatever old man. I'm tired and I'm going to take a nap. I'll take care of everything later-Zzzzzz"

[...He fell asleep. Isaiah of all the potential hosts you had to pick this one. Sigh, what has my life come to...]

~ Meredith's Zone

Say what you want about Isaiah. But the man is a great leader. As soon as I said that I needed some people to test out my mind-control on, preferably scumbags.

He teleported back to Kyoto grabbed a few prisoners and teleported back.

His exact words were 'If you think you need anything that can help you grow, don't hesitate to tell me. I am responsible for you guys. Even the tiniest increase in strenght benefits the whole group. If I can help in any way I will'

So here I am perfecting my mind control to hopefully unlock my Balance Breaker, maybe even make a Sub Species.

Currently, I am working on Long-Range Control. Even if it was a bit brutal. I put needles inside their heads to control them

One small needle just acts as small whisper, slowly chaining their psyche.

A few small needles inside and I can brainwash them to do anything I like, this takes a lot more power naturally. But I can also make one big needle, about the size of a finger and stick it in their heads from outside.

This puts them immediately under my control, like puppets. But it also turned them into vegetables. it completely destroys the mind. Useful for making a lot of mobs to fight for you. Not for anything else.

For some reason, Isaiah insisted I call them 'Needle men'. I'm sure it's some kind of inside joke that I am not aware of. (Ilumi's needle men)

I'm not sure I even what to know.

Meh, I'm going back to work

... I wonder how Dino's doing?

~ Gasper's Zone

Gasper was looking at some spinning training dummies

"Za Woruldo" Gasper yelled out as time froze.

He quickly made dozens of shadow knives and threw them. The knives flew for like a second before they were also frozen in mid air.

Gasper snaps his finger and time starts flowing again.


The dummies were skewered by the shadow knives.


"Well, that's enough for a warm-up. Stopping time and using precise shadow control to make solid shadow knives. Now for the tough part. Valerie-nee said that when I was young she sealed a piece of Balor's power in me. Isaiah-Senpai said that there is a chance for me to use this power. Sacred Gears can change if the user's will is strong enough. And everybody is getting stronger except me. I can stop time but it's no good if I can't actually do any damage to my opponents. I refuse to just stay back and be a burden. I will do this. Forbidden Balor View BALANCE BREAKER. COME OUT BALOR!"

Something shattered inside Gasper. The next moment all Gasper could see was darkness. He could feel Darkness enveloping his body. He grew, the darkness was transforming him into a 5-meter-tall monster. It resembles a dragon with multiple wings, a horn, and red eyes.

'̵̬̱̺͆̀͠G̸̝̥̺̒̈̀͝ị̷̧͚̞͕̌v̷͎̘̙̦̣͐ę̴̼̬͙̓́́̿ ̶͈̀̋̄̕m̶̨̮̱̤͌̓̈́̒ḙ̸̡̦̟̩̬̍̈́̅̓̚͝ ̸̛̩̣̮͑͠ȳ̵̭̹̦̃͘o̵̡̬̭̻͕̐͒̉̇̕u̵̍ͅȓ̷̥̫̱͈̺́̀̓̌ ̸̮̱͈͗͌̃̚b̸̜̑͑̄͛̄o̴͙̠̝͉͛d̴̢̺̦͍͂̌̀̑̚y̸͇̩͕̣̪̌̄̿!̶̭̋͑ ̵̥̿͒́̇͊Ş̷͖͓̈́ȩ̶̢̛̭̠̮͌̈͗̃͝t̴͉̦̪͈̐ͅ ̴̖̭͊ͅm̵̰̙͓̅̍̿̐ẹ̵̢̧͙͓̠͐͝ ̴̫̓̓͒̉͘ͅF̵̡̢̖̳̉́́r̷͔̦͆̃͛̾ė̶̠̤̦̺̖͎̒̚e̸̤͉͈̟̻̼̔̿̋̃̇!̸̢̙͙̺̰͙͘

('Give me your body! Set me Free!') A voice echoed in Gasper's mind. It sounded like someone was scratching nails on a blackboard.

Gasper felt that he was losing control of his reason, and his body


Gasper used every bit of his willpower to push down the 'voice' and cancel the Balance Breaker. He slowly reverted back to his normal form. His clothes were torn revealing the muscles he gained while he was training.


Gasper fell on his back and took a few deep breaths.

"Okay.. that was something.. I have a soul or whatever in my Sacred Gear. Good news, I have a way to get stronger. Bad news it's like its stuck in a mid-way point between a Balanece Breaker and a Drive. It's stronger than normal B.Breakers but it's also a lot more difficult to control.

"This is going to be hard. Dio-sama show me the way!" Gasper sent out a prayer into the multiverse hoping he would get some help from his idol.

~ Valerie's Zone

Valerie had sweat pouring down her frowning face. She had her eyes closed as all Three of her Grails floated above her hands.

"ARIZE Evil Dragons. Come forth and serve me!" Valerie called out. As shadows gathered under her feet. The Shadows expanded and


She looked at the Evil Dragons who were starting to reconstruct.

" I don't require your wills so Goodbye~" The grails glowed again. The Dragons roared in pain as they struggled.





But their struggles were in vain, slowly their wills were erased, leaving blank states. 10 Evil dragon puppets gained.

"Ugh" Valerie held her head

"Ahh, that really hurts. But I'm thankful for Isaiah's swords. Without them I would have gone insane. And this headache will only last a few minutes. A headache in exchange for Dragon Bodyguards. Worth it"

Valerie looked at the Dragons who were practically turned into robots.

"Now to buff these guys. Anti-Dragon Slayer abilities, strength enhancement and other effects. I'll also use some of Isaiah's swords. Then i just need to program them so they can access their combat memories and I'll be set, I practically became a summoner

Dino's going to be pissed. After gaining the True Longinus he realized that he was an idiot for going with the Fighter route when he could have lazed around if he had summons/pets. Now he is envious of Tiamat because she can create monsters to fight for her.

~ Kuroka, Koneko and Kurama

Kuroka and Koneko were outside the cube with Kurama who was giving them some tips and helping them. They have made a lot of progress with Senjutsu in Alfheim. The Pure Nature Energy makes it a lot easier to train. They aren't doing Sage training just yet. As there is nothing to purify in Alfheim as it is already pure.

~Ingivild and Tiamat

Ingivild was also outside, training in the Seas of Alfheim.

Ingivild was flying just above the sea. Giggling happily, the sea was shaking, following her every movement. every few seconds a giant Water animal was formed. Countless giant serpents, leviathans, sharks and all manner of water creatures were formed from the seawater.

Each of them easily packing a Peak High-Class attack. So dangerous yet so beautiful. The observers from Alfheim looked at her in awe.

"She looks like a fairy. A dark fairy" An elf commented as she looked at Inigvild who was flying with her Black devil wings

" A dark fairy. A Spriggan"


A real gigantic Water Serpent rose from the Sea.

"AHHHHH MONSTERRRR!!!" The small fairies started to run away

Ingivild chuckled when she heard the faires

"A real Leviathan? Couldn't you make anything more Original Tiamat-san"

Tiamat flew down in front of Igivild and scoffed "I'm still getting the hang of this. It's weird, to actually create something. I went from being a Dragon that can just Destroy and Hit harder depending on how injured I am, to a Goddess that manipulates Water and Life."

"You might want to pick up reading manga. Creativity is just hard for some people. It should give you some ideas on what 'monsters' you are able to create. I do admit I did gain some inspiration about water abilities from manga." Ingivild blushed a bit

Tiamat looked down, she never had a creative mind. She just fought and hoarded treasure for most of her life. Along with studying magic to become stronger. Creativity wasn't really ever needed.

She looked up at Ingivild "Tell anyone and we will have problems"

Ingivild grinned as she made a zipping motion on her mouth. Another Strong Being corrupted by the magnificent aliue of Manga.

~ Asia

Asia had her eyes closed as she was focusing on both of her sacred gears. Twilight Healing and Valorand Destruction. Two opposing forces were about to form something truly special

Asia's eyes flashed open "Combined Balance Breaker: Undying Battle Medic"

Her Aura burst out of her. Mana and Touki blasted out, cracking the ground. Her two Twilight healing rings fused and became a Tiara with an Emerald Gem in the center.

On her hands, she had small spiked golden gauntlets. That covered her knuckles, the back of her hand and her wrists. (FMA, Alex Armstrong gauntlests).

Then from the wrists, two wide golden straps, went crisscrossed all the way up her arm to her shoulders.

She took out a sword from her back.

" Demon Sword: Lostwayne"

An exact copy of Asia appeared in front of her, in her Balance Breaker. One that had half her strenght. Asia split her strenght, the original having half and the clone having half.

"Let's go" The original said to the clone who only nodded

Both Asia's roared out as their auras exploded. Both of them focused their power in their right fists who were glowing from the dense energy the fists contained.


Both of them punched each other at the same time


But their fists never collided. The sheer force of the punches was preventing them from making contact. The air between their fists was chaotic, the air, no the space itself was shaking and collapsing, with lighting energy coming out from it.

The backlash from the chaotic energy hit both Asia's. Dozens of deep slash marks appeared on their bodies. Only for them to be healed the next second by a green hue.

The Aisas jumped back, their bodies back at peak shape before they launched at eachoter again

" "ORA" "



~ Misaki and Xenovia

Clang. Clang. Clang. Clang

Misaki and Xenovia were currently in the middle of a high-speed sword match. Xenovia was finally wielding Durandal while Misaki was using her Sword Sacred Gear.

Both girls kept clashing and sending sword slashes at each other. Misaki tried to get her with shadows and Xenoia just kept blowing up the terrain.

"Ahhh this is so tiresome" Misaki complained as she rolled her shoulders

Isaiah had doubled their Gravity and Resistance swords. Again..

"Hmm, true. But you have just recently joined the supernatural side. I have been here since birth. Trained as an exorcist. And believe me, we are growing at a much faster pace than they could ever reach. For humans we are doing very well" Xenovia said as she laid down Durandal on the ground. Her arms were feeling numb.

Misaki nodded "Isaiah said that if we keep up this pace, In a few years we could be contenders for the strongest Human in the world. Currently according to Isaiah the strongest human is Tobio Ikuse, the wielder of the Longinus Canis Lykaon."

"And after him is my teacher Vasco Strada. If he were in his prime I believe he can go toe to toe with Tobio. We have a lot of training to do if we want to catch up to them." Xenovia sighed

Misaki stretched her back "Well we have all the time in the world. Thanks to Valerie we don't have to worry about getting old. Otherwise, we would probably be forced to become devils or something. I heard there are other options, Merlin said so himself"

Xenovia shook her head "I dont want to become a devil. Isiah is already one, If I become a devil the chances of our child being born would decrease by a lot"

Misaki just facepalmed at that "Do you think about anything else other than having a kid with Isaiah"

"Yes..."Xenovia nodded seriously "... Sleeping with Isaiah, having dates with him, having intense sex, having even more-"

"- Okay. Okay! I heard enough. Jeez girl you are thirsty as hell"

Xenovia tilted her head "Thirsty? Well now that you mention it, I could use some water right about now"

Misaki grabbed her hand that was about to facepalm. Before slumping her shoulders "Just forget it, let's go get some water. In some ways it's better if you don't know these things. I shudder to imagine you with pop culture knowledge"

Xenovia was confused again but then just chalked it up to Misaki talking about strange things again

~ Veldora

*Grrrrrr. Grrrrrrr.*

Storm clouds rumbled above Veldora as he sat crosslegged in his human form. He had a frown on his face. He was staring at something with a deep hatred

"Dragons... are the species with the highest potential. But we are also among the slowest growers. A dragon needs many decades or even centuries to become truly strong. It has to do with our magical cores. As we age, the core only gets stronger and stronger.

For a Dragon to increase his strenght quickly. There are two ways. For it to fight constantly being as close to death as possible to extract its potential. This applies to every species frankly. And to learn more about their respective element and become more efficient with their power. Maybe even change up their fighting style.

So I, The Storm Dragon Veldora Tempest am about to face my greatest challenge yet!

It will be tough, gruesome and bloody.

But I will prevail..."

Veldora glared down at the pile of science books related to Stroms and Lightning. Like they were about to rise and attack him.

He flinched away from their 'bright imaginary aura'

" Oh Great and Wise... Great Red, give me the strenght to defeat this opponent"

~~ Omake

Great Red suddenly twisted his head towards a certain Green Realm.

'Did a baby dragon just pray to me.. to help him study?


I swear each new generation just gets weirder and weirder'


Btw Veldora is like 50+ years old chronologically. But mentally he is around 19.

Great and Wise ... Great Red. (Two Greats hence why Veldora stopped. It was really funny to me when i wrote it)

Gasper . Forbidden Balor View- Then it was recognized a Longinus it was renamed Aeon Balor

Alcoholic_Panda Alcoholic_Panda

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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