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56.8% DxD: ReKiba / Chapter 67: New Powers

Chapter 67: New Powers

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are a lot of fics and ideas there. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

[ pat ]

Word Count 1650


We were in a barrier field. So the Yokai dont desturb us. I need to rest a bit before starting to drain them. So do the others.

Hence the party that we were doing now

"So, are you going to drain all of them of their magic and vitality?" Kurama asked as he drank sake from his oversized cup.

"Yep~" I nod to him

"Sho. Whs, gtng d ower" Veldora asked as he was stuffing his face with food

(So. Who's geting the power)


Tiamat smacked him on the head "Don't talk with your mouth full. You are a proud dragon. Act like it"

Cough, Cough

Veldora was smashing his chest. His food went in the wrong pipe when Tiamat smacked him. He was finally able to get it out

"Are you trying to kill me you Ol-" Veldora froze when she glared at him "You.. you obviously are crazy" ('are obviously' is the right way,but he is trying to save his ass)

"Ouuu so close" Gasper grinned


Tiamat smacked him again "Thats for calling me crazy"

"That's not fair" Veldora groaned as the others laughed at him

"Hahaha. Tiamat leave the poor dragon alone, he will be scared for life" Meredith said jokingly

"How long until you recharge?" Asia asked me as she drank wine with the rest of the girls

"Should be a few more minutes." I reply

"Oh and Veldora I'm actually planning on taking the power for myself. I think I can reach it"

Everybody around me froze.

And Dino woke up "Seriously?"

"Are you sure?" Valerie raised her eyebrow

"It took me centuries to reach Peak Ultimate." Tiamat was looking at her hands wondering what she has been doing with her life.

The others expressed their doubt as well

"Yes. With the number of grunts here, if I absorb their power and life force. I should be able to reach just beyond Peak Ultimate. Then I will need all of you to fight me at once. So that I can break through. Oh and that reminds me"

I reach for my pocket space and take out the Three Longinuses I got.

"Time for an upgrade. Dino gets the True Longinus"


Dino fell on the ground

"WHYYYY!!! I still haven't even gotten a proper Balance Breaker for Vritra. And now you want me to train another Sacred Gear? A Longinus at that! I REFUSE!" Dino yelled out as loud as he can

"I refuse your refusal. And besides, you are the only one here who knows how to use a spear." I point out

"Hmm. Fair point" Veldora nodded like a wise old man

"It's done then" Kurama agreed.

"What about Rosswisee! She is a Valkyrie she knows how to use a spear" Dino pointed desperately at Rose

"Umm sorry. I'm a mage. The ones that use a spear are in a different decision" Rose said awkwardly, crushing Dino's last hope

"Dino gets the True Longinus" I raise my glass

"""" Agreed"""" The ladies laughed out

"Good luck" Gasper patted Dino on his shoulder

"No way..." Dino fell on his knees, he was depressed " My sleep time.. there will be barely any time left'"

I throw him the spear and a Memory sword

"Those contain Cao Cao's experiences and his insights on the True Longinus"

Now that that's done, we will leave him alone for a while. He really is the only one who can pull out the most from the True Longinus.

If anyone else got it they would have to start from scratch. And with Vritra. he has Armor, can absorb power and has cursed flames. Together with the spear Holy Attacks and overwealming attack power.

"Next Logninus. Dimension Lost. Rose you are up!" I call out

The girl spits out her drink "Huh? No, no. I'm the newest member I don't deserve to get such a strong sacred gear."

"Dimension Lost is best used when it's in the hands of a mage. Now Meredith can also use it, but she already has a Longinus. Two might be too much for her to handle." I look at Meredith who noded

"Yeah. I can handle one more sacred gear. But a Longinus? No way, my soul would probably tear itself apart"

That sounds about right

"But what about me.. I have All of Vritra's Gears. That should be Longinus too." Dino still hasn't given up

"You are a fallen. You can handle the strain" Kurama says with a smirk

"Rahahaha. Just give up Dino. But its still kinda funny. The Holiest object in the world in the hands of a fallen."

"Yeah. I hope God rolls in his grave." Valerie says with a smile

To be fair, she does have a right to hate him. Her sacred gear Sephiroth Graal. It forcibly shows the user the complexities of the Soul. Making them go insane.

I stopped it and Valerie is better now. But she still experienced its effects for most of her life.

"There you go Rosswisse gets Dimension Lost. Train well and use it to protect us" I wink at her

She takes the orb with shaky hands as tears start forming in her eyes

"I will do my very best" Rose says with a tone full of conviction

"And here is another present. All of Georg's magical knowledge. Thousands of new spells. Train hard. Use the sword later. it has a lot of memories. Study it slowly " I pass her a memory sword.

Rose puts the Orb on her chest and it was slowly absorbed. She raised her hand as purple mist emerged from it.

"Who gets the Annihilation Maker? I hope you aren't giving it to Xenovia, she has Zero creativity" Gasper smiles

"Hey I take offense to that!" Xenovia stood up

"Am I wrong" Gasper titled his head


An Arrow hit her chest

Well that's enough of that

"Tiamat will get it"


All of them turn to me with a surprised look on their face

While Tiamat's jaw dropped "You know?... How?.."

She choked up a bit.

"I wasn't sure. But I am now. You deserve it. It's your birthright" I pull the woman in for a hug. She hugs me back, she was shaking

"Know what?" Kurama asked softly, knowing that this was probably a sensitive subject

I look down on Tiamat who takes a deep breath and gives a small nod

" You know that special materials were used to make the Sacred Gears. Especially the Longinuses right?"

They all nod

"Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing were made from the body and souls of Ddraig and Albion. Regulus Nemea from the body and soul of a Nemean Lion. So what was the Annihilation Maker made from?"

My question stumped them. They looked at each other wondering if anybody knew

"That is an interesting question. I have never thought about it" Rose started to mumble, her researcher side was coming out

"Just tell us already~nyaa" Kuroka complained, the others nodded and agreed with her

"It was made using the womb of a certain Mesopotamian Goddess"

(I found this theory on a fic written by 'crossedge' makes so much sense)

Rose and Kurama looked at me with their eyes wide open.

I nod at them "The Annihilation Maker was made from the womb of the Mesopotamian Goddess Tiamat. The Primordial Goddess of the sea And our Tiamat's mother"

Thud x 4

Asia, Koneko, Xenovia and Misaki fainted. Steam was coming out from his ears. Guess things got a little too complicated for them

"Apparently I was born from the gathered remains or essence of the Goddess and that essence was put in a dragon egg. As her last child, I inherited her name"

Tiamat, a Babylonian personification of salt water. She gave birth to many Gods and Monsters. She was also betrayed by her children, well at least according to legend.

"Isaiah, why dont you take it? It should boost your strenght by a lot. You could increase the strength of your swords" Tiamat tried to 'reason' with me.

But I could tell. She was scared to take her mother's powers. This is unknown territory

I shook my head

"As I said, this is your birthright. It would give you a huge boost in power. Most likely you will leave low Low Trancended and jump up to the next class"

Something which should have taken her forever to do.

"Dont worry. It will be fine. I will be using my swords to make sure there aren't any side effects"

I pat her head. She takes a deep breath and nods.

"Okay, people. Enough resting. I'm going to go deal with the grunts. Rip out the gears and take their power. Kurama we are going to need a two of really strong barriers. Rose help him seal Tiamat and me in, while we get our own power boost. The rest of you as well. Tiamat's boost is going to make a lot of noise. And I'd rather we keep it silent"

"Okay" Rosswisse nods as she starts to play around with Dimensional Lost.

Everybody else starts to make preparations for the barriers.

"Dino stop sulking and absorb The True Longinus already"

"Fine.. Just so you know I refuse to sleep any less than 6 hours" Dino grumbled as he cut his palm and smeared blood on the spear.

The Spear glowed brightly, showing it accepted Dino as the next host

"After Tiamat and I get our power boost. We will visit Yasaka. After all we just saved her and Kyoto. And Kurama can get some payback as well"

Kurama grins at that while the rest of them nod.

This ought to be fun. I'm 17 years old. And am about to put my foot on the Transended Realm.

Things are progressing quite nicely.


Don't worry I have another idea in mind for out MC.

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