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84.8% DxD: ReKiba / Chapter 102: Kiba 102- Evil Dragons and Seth

Chapter 102: Kiba 102- Evil Dragons and Seth

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are a lot of fics and ideas there. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat or Ko-Fi. That's a new thing I'm trying out

Also I will start releasing chapters from random fics. This will help me progress on Pat. The Fic is called 'AlcoholicPanda's Snippets' 

And made a fic for HP/DxD: Raven. 

Just in advance so nobody takes the title. That would have sucked. The first chapter of Raven has been posted on both

[ pat ]

Word Count 2420


Alience Side.

The Biblical Alliance consisting of the Heaven, Grigori and the Devils was being attacked. Their enemies were four evil dragons.

Apophis the Primal Eclipse Dragon,

Labdon the Insomniac Dragon,

Grendel the Crime Force Dragon,

Aži Dahāka the Diabolism Thousand Dragon.

Together with the Army of Anubis and the Egyptian God Seth(Set) God of deserts, storms, disorder, violence, foreigners. thunderstorms, eclipses, and earthquakes.

Assisting him by trapping the Alliance in another dimension were Nyx, The Primordial Goddess of the Night and her brother Erebus, The Primordial God of Darkness,

"Let's get this party started shall we?" Seth created a tsunami of sand that headed toward the hotel.

The army of humanoid Jackals rushed straight ahead. They were monsters created for this purpose after all.

Grayfia summoned her magic and used Ice Magic on the Sand Tsunami, which started to be covered in Blackish Ice. But the force was too strong and the sand had divine energy which made it harder to freeze.

Grayfial clicked her tongue. 'The sand has a massive amount of divinity in it. Since he can use it over and over again even if we destroy his creations.' she flung her hands and sharp icebergs formed from the ground and impacted the tsunami breaking it apart.

Now that the 'force behind the tsunami was gone. Sirzechs appears in front of the falling sand and annihilates it before moving to one of the Dragons that was arriving.

~Seth and Gabriel

Seth realised an eyebrow 'They are a good team. And he surprisingly managed to erase most of the sand.' Seth raised his fist as divinity engulfed it and he blocked an attack from Gabriel 'Well, they won't let me create more that quickly, but I can still slowly do it. And time is on our side and backup will arrive shortly'

"What is the meaning of this?! Why is the Egyptian Pantheon working with Evil Dragons?" Gabriel pointed her Holy Light Spear at him

Seth chuckled "Why? It's quite obvious, isn't it? You formed an alliance and are recruiting new members. Now your enemies started to get nervous so they made an alliance themselves. The Egyptian pantheon was invited and we accepted. "

"But why? What could you possibly gain by attacking us?" Gabriel asked she was aware of the current situation of the Egyptian Pantheon. They had lost a lot of believers and in turn a lot of faith. The less faith they have the weaker the boost they get. 

"It's more of what you have to lose than what we will gain" Seth smiled maliciously

'So they want us, the Biblical faction to fall. That way they have a better chance of spreading their pantheon to gain more faith.' " I will not allow that to happen" Gabriel said resolutely

"And you think you can defeat me all alone?" Seth sneered, he was one of the more powerful gods in his pantheon. He wasn't going to fight against Michael since he was basically a Chief God now, but if it was Uriel or Raphael he might be more on guard. Against Gabriel? The big tits airhead? No need to worry

Seth flung his hand and a chaotic energy sphere flew straight at Gabriel. Above her, a storm formed and below her sand started to rise.

He was sure that Gabriel was either going to nullify his attack and back away from the trap he had set. But surprisingly the attack hit her, and then his vision blurred and he was sent flying. Then the pain on his cheek arrived, making him realize he had been hit. 

'How?!' Seth looked at the spot where he stood in the air and Gabriel was there with her wings unfurled, and a holy aura gathered in her fist. He looked back to where his trap was and an illusion of Gabriel dissipated. 

"I am Gabriel the Messenger. The Voice of God and the Fastest Angel in Heaven. Prepare yourself Seth of Egypt." Gabriel created Holy Spears and her figure blurred

Seth smirked as he stomped down, causing Earthquakes and storms to appear. Sand started to rise from the cracks. He was changing the environment to suit his needs. It cost a bit from his reserves to do this but he has the terrain advantage "That's more like it now. Let's see what you have got little angel "

Seth coated his arms in divine energy and clashed with Gabriel, sending shockwaves through their part of the battlefield

~Aphosis vs Sirzechs

"Come let me see what the Strongest Satan can do" Aphosis called out. He is the third strongest evil Dragon after Crom Crouch and Aži Dahāka. But he requested to handle Sirzechs at the start to reveal some of his cards. Because unlike the rest of the Evil Dragons who were bloodthirsty barbarians. Aphosis has full control over his impulses and looks down on the others that don't.

He was the Dragon that was called the Nemesis of Ra. Aphosis of the Darkness

Aphosis roared out a fire attack. At the same time, he manipulated the shadows beneath him that formed from the brightness.

Sirzechs looked at the beam of dark fire coming at him. He raised his hand and a beam of PoD hit it and the attacks canceled each other out.

' I don't know why he is fighting me alone and currently, I don't care. We need to get to Landon so that we can find the location of the Primordial Siblings. The longer we stay here the more danger Rias will be in'

Sirzechs glances at where Rias was fighting. She was doing well but he couldn't help but worry.

' I need to end this quickly' The Maou Lucifer gets serious as he flies towards Aphosis

~ Aži Dahāka vs Azazel

'Why me?' Azazel sighed as he faced the three-headed giant dragon 'Couldn't Sirzechs fight this one? Aži Dahāka is the strongest enemy here

"Now I will finally get my revenge" said the dragon

"Oh come on. it happened thousands of years ago. A bit too long to hold a grudge don't you think" Azazel said in a casual tone, while subtly manipulating his magic, ready to shoot out spells.

"You robbed my home!" Aži Dahāka roared out in anger

" I entered a small cave and grabbed some ores and plants. I already told you this" Azazel sighed out, like he was talking to a child

"It was in my territory!"

"It was 50 kilometers away from where you were! And I just took some samples."

"All of it is my territory!!" The three heads took a deep breath

"Great" Azazel raised his hand and a giant light spear formed. It was three times the size of the one Kokabiel made and a lot more powerful. Azazel quickly threw it at the dragon who quickly unleashed his breath attack

~Grendel vs Michael

" Hehehehe, I always wondered what a roasted Archangel would taste like" the insane 15-meter humanoid dragon laughed like a maniac as he stared down at Michael

" Hmm, you are quite deranged, aren't you? I don't like killing but putting you down would be an act of mercy" Michael said with a small smile

" You Dare! You are just a weak little bird, if it was your father he might be a threat to me, you on the other hand are no threat" Grendel growled out his eyes shining with madness

Michael sighed "You know it's quite common for people to underestimate me. But they forget. I sit on the throne of Heaven now. Do you think someone weak would be allowed to sit on it that and a part of the faith from our believers is going straight to me"

Michael unfurled his golden wings and his aura exploded outward. It was bright golden and was leaking out Holy Energy in large quantities.

Contrary to all expectations Grendel just whistled, he was not intimidated in the least "Now how do you have that much power little bird? I'm sure dear old daddy wouldn't have allowed an angel to get that powerful. Lest you threaten him like Lucifer did"

Michael had an impassive look on his face "Indeed he didn't. But he is dead now. As for how I can handle all of this faith. Me and Helel were twins. And when he fell and turned into Lucifer he was more powerful than me, this is true. But people forget. I am the firstborn. The first son of God! The General of Heaven!" he flew at Grendel and hit him in the side of the face with holy energy sending the dragon tumbling back

"RAHAAHAHA! THAT'S WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT!!!" Due to being one of the very few bipedal dragons, Grandel is a master at fighting hand-to-hand. And prefers to duke it out with his enemies and hates tricks and traps. Because of this most of his power is diverted into his strength, speed and durability. He has no magic except his draconic fire. He takes pleasure in dealing and taking damage

"I WILL RIP YOU APART!!" and like the psychotic killer dragon he was he rushed at Michael, without any plan or actual thought. Just pure instinct and a desire to kill his opponent.


Penemue and Grayfia were surprisingly without any opponents. They looked at each other and realized that this wasn't right. The enemies were too prepared to miss something like this.

But both were strong fighters in their own right. They looked back and their armies and Rias's peerage was doing okay against the Army of Jackals.

So both of them went to help out the rest and try to get quickly to Landon. As he was boosting the strength of the barrier helping the Primordial siblings hide even better.

They went to join Azazel. As Aži Dahāka was a bit too much for the old crow. It is said that Aži Dahāka had knowledge and control over one thousand magic.

Elemental Magic, Teleportation, Space-Time, and Defensive Magic just to name a few. And the fact that he was a dragon. Meaning bigger magical reserves and he could take a lot more damage. 

"Azazel we have come to give you back up" Penemue arrived near her leader and Grayfia is behind her

"Thanks, it kind of irks me that I can't handle him but then again, he isn't one of the strongest Evil Dragons for nothing"

Grayfia unleashed her aura. Black ice started to from beneath her " Don't overdramatize Azazel. Anyone of us can't handle him alone. Sirzechs is the only Trancended Class we currently have with us." 

Penemue unleashed a barrage of light spears, to test out the dragon's defense. She sneaked in some really powerful spears in the berrage. 

Aži Dahāka roared out flames from all three heads and the light spears detonated mid-air. As he was sending out flames. He noticed that Grayfia was spreading ice around them. Creating a field of ice on which would lower the energy cost of her spells. 

The dragon snorted and used Earth Elemental magic to shatter the ground around them, and the ice on it as well. But Grayfia froze that as well. 

'Fine if that's how they want to play, I can do that as well. Purgatory Flames' Aži Dahāka formed magic circles on his hands and mouth. As soon as he cast the spell black flames with a bit of purple in them engulfed his opponents, who quickly backed away.

But the dragon didn't stop there. He started to attack the surroundings as well, throwing his flames in their armies. Wanting to create as much chaos as possible

~ Rias Peerage Pov

In another part of the battlefield, and arguably the safest zone. Rias and her peerage were fighting the Army of Anubis. The 3-meter tall humanoid Jackles with weapons from the Ancient Egypt era.

Rias was blasting PoD shots left and right. She would hit an arm or leg, but the monsters kept going, even with holes in their chest.

Issei and Akeno were fighting together. Akeno's lightning which was normally used to paralyze stronger opponents was useless here. They didn't even feel the current going through their bodies.

Hyodo hit a monster in the head, blasting it off " Don't worry! I will protect Buchou and Akeno!"

Just as he said that a soldier struck Akeno in the chest

" How dare you harm Akeno' Glorious Oppai! DRAGON SHOT!" in his anger Hyodo unleashed a red beam that blew apart the top half of the Jackal

Akeno turned to him "Ara,Ara, how forward Issei-kun. But this might not be the time for this" Akeno dodged the next attack and blasted the soldier away

The other new members were taking this seriously and systematically eliminating enemies near them. Thanks to Hyodo's recklessness they realized that these monsters could only be killed by decapitation or crushing the head. Or erase their whole upper body but that's just wasting energy.

Normally going for the head was the obvious move, but since they were 3 meters tall that was kind of hard to do, so it took them a while to realise the way to kill them.

They were protected by the few Low Ultimate Class Devils and Fallen among the soldiers who were keeping an eye on stronger opponents. 


"Buchou, I will be ready soon for [Transfer]" Hyodo said as he punched another Jackal in his Balance Breaker. 

"Good job Issei. Give it to me when it's done" Rias smiled at him feeling much better now that they have taken down quite a few Jackals. This should boost her reputation a bit as she was gaining war merits.

"I am afraid that won't be possible" A cold cruel voice sounded from behind Rias whose body shivered as she turned around with a panicked look on her face.

Behind her was a phantom with a jet-black body with a muscular build and horns on his head. He glowing fire-like eyes and a cruel smile on his face

God of Darkness. Angra Mainyu from the Persian Pantheon,

He had carefully transgressed the battlefield as he hid. W

"Hello, Ruin Princess" Angra quickly grabbed Rias by her throat and lifted her up as he sealed her magic

Hyodo looked in horror as Rias was captured " BUCHOOOOO!!!!!" He called out as he dashed forward. His roar echoed through the battlefield gaining the attention of the leaders. 

Angra smiled as Sirzech's face paled. 

"Unleash the Titans!"

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