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83.2% DxD: ReKiba / Chapter 100: Heracles Final Labor

Chapter 100: Heracles Final Labor

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are a lot of fics and ideas there. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

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Word Count 2270


~Heracles vs Asia, Gloxinia and Tiamat

"He is so annoying-ne" Gloxinia frowned as he blocked a strike from Heracles with his spear

Heracles had 30% of his body covered in red markings.

"Tell me about it" Asia grumbled as she dodged the club and kicked Heracles in the chest, making him stumble "He is practically a zombie doing suicide techniques"

"Hmmm" Tiamat focused and created some draconic beasts to rush at Heracles. Who smashed them with his club.

"Creating things feels weird. I was a simple dragon. Smash things with excessive force, burn things with my breath and destroy things with my spells. Ocasionaly use Karma to strike back at strong opponents but that was it. Now I have this whole Concept of Water and Life to work with"

Asia snorted "Oh how difficult it is to be you and gain a whole new concept plus push you into Divinity."

Tiamat gave her a blank stare "I wasn't complaining. Just saying it feels wierd."

"Umm is this the time to be arguing?" Gloxinia commented causing Asia and Taimat to look at each other before sighing

"Tia you stay back on this one and support me. You are more exposed" Asia whispered to Tiamat who wasn't happy but she understood. Even as a Goddess, she was still a Dragon. Samael's poison is very fatal to her.

'Spirit Spear Basquias Form Four: Belladona'

The Spirit Spear transformed. It turned into a giant purple bell-like flower. On the inside of the flower the Anther. The seed-like parts on the inside of the flower were sharp. Like daggers. And were coated in a purple liquid.

Belladonna has another name. Poisonous Nightshade.

Gloxinia pointed with his hand at Heracles " Lock On. Fire!"

*Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom...*

The 'seeds' flew out of the flower like a cannon. They were spinning while flying at their target acting more like real bullets.

"Heh. Naive" Heracles scoffed "THIRD LABOR" Heracles yelled out, the black tribal tattoos increased by 10% and so did his strength. He slammed his club against the 'bullets'.

Asia just sighed "See there he goes again."

Gloxinia quickly moved his fingers and a few of the bullets changed course, a few managed to slip past his defense and drill a bit into his skin.

"Tsk" Heracles clicked his tongue and flexed his divine power. The bullets flew out of his skin "You think a little poison is going to stop me? I don't feel a thing!"

Heracles lunged at Asia and threw a punch at her but she didn't move. In a split second, Tiamat appeared in front of her in the perfect position to block the attack. Once she did, she used her Karma Shift.

She threw a right hook which was cloaked in a golden fire. The combined force of the damage she took along with her own power. She slammed her fist into Heracles's chest

"GAH" the god spit out as he was sent flying

"Tia, what happened to playing support?" Asia laughed, not at all mad. Especially since they managed to get good hit in

Tiamat smirked "Well I couldn't help myself. Especially when he set himself up like that"

'Spirit Spear Basquias Form Nine: Death Thorn'

Gloxinia acted quickly. He spread out his vines filled with poisonous thorns where Heracles was going to hit.

But it wasn't going to be that easy.

While he was in mid-air, Heracles twisted himself and hit the air behind him with his club. Creating enough pressure to stop himself

His stone club suddenly changed shape. The tip of the club started to sharpen it slowly took the form of a beak, and the rest of the body also changed into that of a bird. It looked like Heracles was holding a statue of a bird

"TAKE THIS! FOURTH LABOR!" More tattoos spread across his body and he threw the club at Gloxinia.

Gloxinia raised his spear in front of him and transformed it into its Octopus form to block the attack.

But in mid-flight, the bird statue spread its wings and changed directions, the stone club, cut one of the 'tentacles' and hit Gloxinia in the arm with its wing.

"AHHHHH" Gloxinia grabbed his arm in pain, the arm was bent and hung limply "Son of a B#$^!!"

"Tsk, didn't cut it off completely" Heracles clicked his tongue and raised his hand, summoning the club back to him

But just as he did he felt someone behind him

"ORA" Asia punched the God in the face with her gauntlet *BOOOOM*

The explosion sent him tumbling. Well, more like flying.

"Gloxinia you good?" Asia looked at the Fairy King

"Yeah. He got me good. 'Spirit Spear Basquias Form Seven: Moon Rose" His spear transformed into a rose that started to bloom "Droplet of Life"

A large drop fell on top of his head and his arm quickly regenerated causing him to sigh out of relief "Let's kill him already. He was already dead to begin with"

Tiamat flew down next to them "If it was that easy we would have already done it. He is still a God, one that specializes in Endurance at that. And he is fighting using suicide tactics. I'd rather not risk falling for a trap" Tiamat created a lot of monsters to keep Heracles busy. And to Drain his strength. She also sneaked in a few monsters that explode when they are hit.



Tiamat just smiled "Ahhh, music to my ears"

"FIFTH LABOR!" Heracles yelled out, his tattoos spread even further. Covering a half of his body. He started to rip apart the monsters

"Are we just going to let him get stronger?" Gloxinia frowned as he watched Heracles's power spike once again.

"No. Any more than this and he might just grab one of us and blow himself up. Take out someone with him. I'm going to see if I can damage him. Get ready to hit him once I send him flying" Asia said as she dashed

Heracles was getting irritated. No matter how many he kills, a new wave of monsters appears. "RAHHH" He threw his Club as it formed stone wings and started to fly, eliminating more monsters. Heracles grabbed a peculiar big monster by the shoulders and ripped it in half.

But to his surprise, Asia appeared behind the monster. And now both of his arms were extended. Leaving his chest wide open.

"SIXTH LABOR!" Heracles yelled out as he raised his left knee in hopes of hitting Aisa or at least forcing her to reduce her momentum. He put most of his strength behind that knee strike. But due to the size comparison, his knee was heading directly towards her head. He had already summoned the club back at his hand.

And swing it sideways at Asia. The swing carried immense force.

But Asia didn't even slow down. She did something absolutely insane, especially considering who her opponent was. Asia in a daring move jumped and did a front flip.

Her opponent had weapons in both hands. All he had to do was twist and fall to the ground and he could stab her or hit her with his club. The timing had to be perfect and it was. Heracles never saw it coming, one moment Asia was running and the next she landed perfectly on his extended knee.

Heracles watched in slow motion as all of Asia's Aura. Her Magic, Her KI and the Explosive Energy of her Sacred Gear all fused on her fist and her spiked knuckledusters that were connected to her gauntlets. Her had glowed a furious purple-blue

Asia took a deep breath, her thoughts going at insane speeds, she remembered her long hours of training, how focused she was, the reason she fights for, and put it all in her fist.


She slammed her fist into the right side of the God's face as he could only helplessly watch. His face started to bend a bit just from the force coming at him, before the fist had even hit his face. And when it did. at the moment of Impact. It exploded. Purple-blue energies blast out from her fist, she sheer force sent not only Heracles flying, but Asia as well.

Her arm was bloodied up and her fist cracked and twisted. Yet despite the pain she had a joyful smile on her face "TAKE THAT YOU SHITY GOD!"

Heracles had no way to answer. The force and the explosion blew away his right cheek. You could see his cracked teeth and jaw, as blood and bone fragments fell off. He was very disoriented by that attack.

If that wasn't an opening Gloxinia didn't know what was.

'Spirit Spear Basquias Form One, Condense!'

The First Form is just the Spear in its Giant Form. But this time its huge size would be determinantal. So Gloxinia forced the spear to continue into something smaller. Until it was twice the size of an ordinary spear.

Gloxinia grabbed the spear and poured all of his strength into it. The spear glowed in a bright golden color as the air around it started to shake. 


Gloxinia threw the Spear. Even though most of it was pushed by telekinesis it was the action that mattered. The Fairy King poured all of his strength in this attack.

Heracles sensing something coming from behind him increased strength again. "SEVENTH LABOR. EIGHT LABOR"

His power increased again. And he focused most of the tattoo growth on his left hand. He was planning to block the attack with his elbow, so a lot of his power went into that location.


Spear and Elbow collided. 


Sparks started to form at the impact point. Heracles pushed back with all he had. When he noticed a blue humanoid dragon coming at him from the corner of his eye. 'Finally, this Bitch is approaching me'



Gloxinia swung his arms and the spear was reenergized

*puchi* The speartip pierced Heracles's skin. Little by little it started digging in until


The spear cut off his arm but Heracles was ready. As the spear passed him. He quickly spun around and used his other arm to pull out a dagger and stab lightly into the fist that punched at him. Just enough to make a shallow mark on the fist before he continued and stabbed the Dagger into Tiamat's Stomach. 

Heracles enjoyed her surprised expression "HAAHAHAHAHA! TAKE THAT BITCH I WON!" he yelled out in glee before he froze TIamat grabbed his wrist with both hands and started to shift and turn into black mud. 

'It's a monster!' Heracles quickly caught on and tried to pull out his hand but he couldn't. This monster was different from the rest. It had an insane amount of magic. "NOOO. TENTH LABOR. ELEVENTH LABOR" Heracles screamed out as he pulled with all of his might. But the monster stuck to him like glue and followed wherever he pulled it. The Tiamat doll in itself wasn't strong. But its composition made it very adhesive. 

It traped Heracle's arm rendering it useless. if he fought he would only have to rely on his legs. And again his current opponents. it was a death sentence. 

'NOW!' Tiamat spread her wings, and she quickly started to grow into her dragon form.

Now that Heracles had lost his secret weapon, she didn't need to worry about making herself a bigger target.

Tiamat focused inwards. 'Take all of my chaotic energy on the right, then turn all of the damage I took from Heracles into Karma on the left. And COMBINE BOTH'

The Giant Blue Dragon opened its maw. Chaotic red and golden yellow energies started to twist in her mouth. Reminding the world once again, why she carried the title of Chaos Karma Dragon King.


Heracles watched as the attack approached him "TWELFTH LABO-" 

He tried to activate the Last Labor, but the breath attack hit Heracles head-on. Heracles being very weak and disoriented from Asia's blow to his head couldn't dodge. Only stared as a chaotic gold twister hit him.

"DAMN YOU INSECTS! I WILL RETURN AND KILL EVERY SINGLE ON OF YOU! THIS I SWEAR ON MY NAME!!!" Heracles yelled out as his flesh started to rip apart and burn.

A few seconds later, nothing was left at all from the God of Heroes and Endurance.

Tiamat shrunk to her human form and released a long sigh "Finally. Good work Asia, you too Gloxinia, that dagger really is a pain to deal with if you are a dragon. A single drop can cause catastrophic damage to us.

"No problem, at least is all over" Asia released her Sacred Gear and returned to normal. She slumped a little as she spent quite a while in that state along with using all of her power in that last attack.

"Why did it have to be an endurance freak anybody else I could have beaten on my own." Asia complained out loud

"Ahhh, that freak of nature was too tough. He was like a cockroach" Gloxinia floated down, he was exhausted.

"Don't drop your guards just yet. You two can go to HQ and rest. I will help out our Army and clear a bit of the grunts before returning." Tiamat spread her wings and flew down to where the two armies were fighting. 

But seeing as two of their 'commanders/leaders' fell in combat, small groups started to leave one after another. Lowering the morale of the remaining troops even further

Alcoholic_Panda Alcoholic_Panda

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