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68.8% DxD: ReKiba / Chapter 82: Alcoholic Charter

Chapter 82: Alcoholic Charter

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are a lot of fics and ideas there. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

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Word Count 1950


Riser Pov


Maybe, just maybe coming uninvited was a bad idea.

Riser and his entire peerage were surrounded by Yokai guards. Who were even more hostile when they saw Ni and Li. Two Nekomata girls who were turned into devils.

"Can you try not to be so hostile? I'm here to visit my friend Isaiah" I try to calm them down. Fighting the Yokai will only make things worse for me

"Yeah, someone like you is friends with the Isaiah-sama"

"Who do you think you are fooling here devil?"

"We know Isaiah-sama beat you in a Rating Game. Are you here for revenge?"


I have literally been into every bar within a 50km radius of Kuoh Town with Isaiah. And people still don't know we are friends?

What the fuck are those useless spies doing? Two Devils plus 3 or 4 girls from my peerage bar hopping across Japan. And nobody knows?

I'm a freaking Phenex. People are always after us!

How could they not know???

"Well this is awkward" Xuelan scratched her head

""How do you think we feel"" Ni and Li said in a low tone. The Yokai were staring at the cat girls.

Making them have conflicted feelings, they were being judged

"This is all your fault Nii-sama! How could you not call ahead!" Ravel fumed as she stomped her food on the ground

" Well sorry for wanting to surprise my friend" Riser says sarcastically

(A/N Yeah i think it was sarcastic, I looked for the word but I couldn't find it, I really should write those words down)

"Oh he will definitely be surprised when he hears from his guards" Mira smiled as she winked at her 'King' "He might ban alcohol for you in Kyoto"

Riser thought about it for a bit and shivered *Brrrrrrr*

"NO! Isaiah wouldn't break the Bro Code, especially the Alcoholic Charter"

"What in Maou's name is the Alcoholic Charter?" Ravel deadpanned at him

Riser dramatically grasps his heart and gasps " To think my own sister would be this uncultured. Well listen closely my little sister. The Alcoholic Charter is the single greatest thing that the Ancient Bros have made. It dictates that 'No bro shall ever deny another Bro his drink' "

(What am I doing xD)

"Damn right!" They hear a loud voice behind them and turn to see Isaia

~ Isaiah arrives 3rd Pov

"Riser, what the hell do you think you're doing?" Isaiah starts walking near the 'gates'

The Yokai start moving out of the way "Isaiah-sama" "Isaiah-sama"...

Riser's face brightened up when he saw him "ISAIAH! Umm... Surprise?" then turned into confusion as he didn't know what to say


Ravel facepalmed and Isaiah deadpanned at him

"Let them enter"

The Yokai were curious but kept their mouths shut. They released the 'barricade' and allowed Riser and his group entry

"How have you been doing" Riser and Isaiah clasp hands, bump shoulders and do a pat on the back. The Bro Hug


"It good to see you again Isaiah" Ravel curtsied with her dress

The other girls also said their greetings

"It's good to see all of you as well. But let's address the elephant in the room. What are you doing here and how did you leave?" Isaiah looked at the group

Riser puffed out his chest " We ran away from Home" He had this extremely smug look on his face

Isaiah just turned to Ravel who sighed "He is not kidding, we really did run away from home"

Isaiah raised an eyebrow at that"... Okay... Can I ask why?"

Riser just shrugged his shoulders "Well, my parents were trying to put me in another arranged marriage. I know this because they were pushing me to go to the Young Devil Gathering and look for a new fiance.

Meaning find one or we will find her for you. I just had enough. Not to mention all the political bullshit that has been happening with the Devil Factions. I'm not blind. Shit is going to hit the fan and I would rather be as far away as possible from the battles. Can't enjoy life if you're dead"

"Same with me. It was only a matter of time before I was married off" Ravel said sadly

Isaiah raised an eyebrow "So you two, Purebloods from the Phenex Family decided to betray your race in exchange for freedom?"

Riser and Ravel look at each other

"Yeah pretty much"

"Yes, Isaiah-san"

Isaiah just grinned "Oh I can already smell the political chaos that is about to start. The devils are going to lose their heads. Well, I officially welcome Riser and Ravel Phenex and the peerage members into my Faction. NEXUS.

We can hammer out the details later. First we PARTY!"

"Fuck Yeah!" Riser just throws his arm around Isaiah's shoulders.

"Finally a worthy cause! Our party will be legendary!" Riser laughed at the top of his lungs

Isaiah just looked at Ravel and the peerage. "Did he just quote 'Kung Fu Panda'?"

Ravel was hiding her face behind her palms and the rest looked sheepish.

"Umm. Veldora and Gasper might have suggested some shows so Riser-sama can entertain himself with" Mira scratched her head.

Xulean who was next to her snorted "Right, and who was with our 'King' through each movie and anime that he watched, and was yelling at the TV during Jojo's" she smiled at Mira who just blushed and coughed in her hand, avoiding eye contact

Isaiah just chuckled and shook his head 'Damn, Gasper and Veldora do good work. I think they are literally the Apostles of the Otaku God. From Devils to Elves and Fairies, everyone they meet is becoming 'cultured' '

~ Riser's group reunited with the Team

15 minutes later, all of the introductions were finished and the party started. We invited a few more of the upper echelon of the Yokai. Well, the ones who didn't have a problem with parties.

People were mingling, talking and drinking. Nobody said anything bad about Riser and his peerage. But considering they were my friends nobody could either.

But the Yokai relaxed around him. Seeing as Riser was a party animal and they tested with their Senjutsu that he was being genuine and had no malicious intent.

"Kunou! Just because I can't see you doesn't mean I can't sense you, put down the sake cup!" Yasaka yelled out across the room.

"damn it" Kunou was hiding behind Veldora and his cape. She hoped to have a taste of this 'sake' that the adults liked

"Rahahaha. Better luck next time squirt" Veldora patted her on the head making the little girl pout.

"Sigh.. forgive my outburst, you were saying Ravel-san" Yasaka turned to the blond girl.

"Its of no issue Yasaka-sama. Since you are in charge of logistics I am hoping to try out for a position there. I am essentially the one that is managing my brother's peerage and I have had training to manage my family's businesses." Ravel said with a smile

"Hoo, well we will test you and see how you do. If you are as good as you say you are. We will give you a good position"

Ravel thanked Yaska and both of them clinked their glasses

"Nee Ni~"

"Yes LI~"

"Isnt he adorable~"

"He is isn't he~"

The two cat girls ganged up on Gasper

"Don't call me adorable" he said in a low tone almost a growl

""SO CUTE~!"" The jumped the poor guy and started to hug the life out of him

Gasper looked at Dino with pleading eyes, begging for help as he was the closest to him.

Dino noticed the stare and looked back only to see Gasper trapped in between two scantly dressed cat girls, begging for help

Dino smirked and raised glass, his middle finger pointing at Gasper.

Gasper's eyes widened "TRAITOR!!"

Dino grinned "Ahhh revenge is sweet"


"So what exactly do you expect to accomplish here?" Isaiah asked Riser

Both of them were to the side drinking like old friends

"Nothing really. I just know I didn't want to stay in the underworld anymore. You made me quite jealous. Traveling across the worlds while i was stuck playing the pureblood devil. I honestly don't have any other plans other than just relaxing around and traveling under your Faction's name. In exchange for protection and using your name, me and Ravel will make phoenix tears every once in a while." Riser said casually, like it wasn't even that big of a deal

Phoenix tears are a Huge deal. It's one of the reasons why the Devil faction is so politically strong despite all the bulshit they have done.

Every faction wants a lifesaving item. And Serafall uses them to negotiate. The Phenex family gets huge amounts of money for them.

"Are you sure?" Isaiah asks calmly, he also didn't value Phoenix tears that highly. He has healing swords. They might not heal you when you are half dead, but fatal wounds can be healed.

Also creating Pheonix tears is difficult. It takes a lot of time and stamina to make one. Riser's second brother is quite adept at making them, he makes most of the tears. But Riser and Ravel also make a two tears each month.

Every member of the family makes tears as they are always in demand.

"Yeah, this might put me against my family. But they should have considered this when they used me as a pawn. I'm quite lucky that my best friend is a leader of a pretty strong faction. If I went to any other faction I would be used as a Tear Factory" Riser laughs loudly

"True they would probably pimp women to you and ask Ravel to marry someone, to make more Phenixes. Well, you don't need to worry about that here. I would have let you join me without you offering anything. You helped me out a lot when I was with Rias.

I might not have realised it then but I definitely needed a friend to let loose a bit. I won't ask anything of you.

But I still suggest you go with the Phenix tears. It will calm down any disputes that might arise from the masses and will make you look good in their eyes. Of course I personally invited you, they wouldn't be able to touch you anyway" Isaiah smirks at Riser as they both clink their bottles.

" I said what I meant, we will provide you with Pheonix tears. after all, we need some sort of foothold. I might not want it now. But later down the line, I would like to settle down, have a few kids. Me having a good position will be good for them. But thats in the future, for now we Drink!

Luna! Bring the karaoke machine! " Riser yelled out

More and more people called out as well wanting to join in.

As expected Ingivild slayed it. Yasaka was great as well. After all she has been alive for a long time and singing is an important part of her culture

Surprisingly Riser and Ravel were right behind them. But they were related to a Phoenix a mythical bird that is said to heal people with its voice.

"LETS GO!" Veldora yelled out


"Sora!! Koboreochita, futatsu no hoshi ga-aaaa~"

And the Otaku Dragon started to sing Jojo's and got a surprising amount of cheers from the crowd. Veldora and Gasper have worked really hard to make the people in their faction 'cultured'. And it was paying off.


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