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21.42% DxD Real Dragon / Chapter 6: Prison and Thunder

Chapter 6: Prison and Thunder

Tiamat woke up in a foreign place, but being in Issei's embrace surprised her more. 

But instead of panicking, she let out a happy sigh and hugged him tighter.

"Enjoying yourself?" A voice from above her head made her twitch. 

"Tch, its not nice to pretend you're still asleep." She retorted.

"Sorry, you looked cute while sleeping." Issei kissed her forehead and got up from the bed. 

Putting on some clothes, he gave Tiamat a pep-talk. 

"Alright so here's the short story. For now, this is my home, and yours too I guess. There are two other occupants, my mother and a fallen angel who I claimed for myself. I am a dragon but my mother is a human." He looked to her to make sure she was listening.

"So I'm meeting my mother-in-law by walking down from her son's room. And moreover, she's human." She made a little joke. 'Is his father dead? I'll ask later' she thought in her mind. "But I guess she would be human. You wouldn't have a sacred gear if you weren't born human, or half-human."

"I was born full human. I'll explain that later. I want you to make a familiar contract with me." Issei asked her.

"Why? I can't imagine you needing my help." She stated.

"Still, I want you to do it." After Issei's insistence, they made a contract. Now Issei could summon Tiamat whenever he wanted, and moreover, he'll always be aware of Tiamat's condition. "There's one more thing you need to know." 

"What's that?"

"With Ddraig's help, I've made it so my sperm can't lead to kids." Issei could swear he heard a mountain being blown up somewhere.

"You're joking...wait you're serious? Issei, please tell me you can reverse that!" Tiamat was almost on the verge of tears.

"O-Of course I can! Sorry, I should've started with that." He hugged his mate and calmed her down. 

"Good. Now do it. Reverse it." She looked him in the eye and demanded.

"Well, I have casual sex quite often with a lot of girls. Just give me some time." Issei pleaded and eventually Tiamat agreed, which took a burden off his head. If there was one thing he didn't want to lose, it was the bliss of cumming inside a woman, and he wasn't ready for children yet.

"I'm guessing you probably want to know about the harem." Issei remarked. He never particularly wanted one, and to be frank he hated that word, but with his genetics and Ddraig, it was inevitable.

"Of course I do. I'm guessing I'm not the first wife?" She questioned.

"No, you aren't. But don't worry, she wouldn't lose to you."

"Oh we'll about that. I'd like to meet her as soon as possible." Issei only gave a sigh in response.

"I texted her about you so she knows what's going on. But she's busy nowadays, I assume it could take a couple weeks before we can meet." Issei said with a sad smile, which made Tiamat get up and give him a couple kisses. "Anyway, that makes you the second wife. I haven't yet made the fallen angel 'mine'."

"Hmm...I think I can accept that. By the way, what are you going to do about Ddraig's debt?" By this time, both of them had their clothes on. 

"Well, I'm thinking of going on a journey to search for your treasures, but that won't be for a while. So, how about I gift you with something that's worthy of being called a treasure, and in return you forgive him?" Issei pleaded.

"I'll think about it." 

"I see, I guess that's fair. Hey, Ddraig! Wake up!" Issei yelled.

[I'm up, I'm up...Geez you don't need to- Um, Issei, is that Tiamat?]

"Yeah, that's Tiamat."

"Yeah, I'm Tiamat."

[ I in danger?]

"Not really." Issei replied, which finally calmed the old dragon down.

[Just one question partner, what is that on her chest? Because it looks awfully similar to something on White's body.]

"Well, its a mate's mark."

"You should celebrate, Ddraig-chan. Your host not only convinced me to join his Dragon faction, but he also made me his mate." Tiamat explained further.

[Uh-huh...except I didn't know he was creating a Dragon faction.] 

I think its safe to say that Ddraig's brain had short-circuited and he was incapable of registering the shocks anymore.

"Issei, just so you know, you don't have to work to pay off this fool's debt. I'll love you regardless of what's inside you." It was said that female dragons only love once in their lifetime. And Tiamat wasn't planning on breaking tradition.

"No, I want to do it. I can't have my best friend owe someone for so long." Issei replied with a smile.

"Um...Issei, did you just say, best friend?" Tiamat asked.

"Yeah I did. Is something wrong?" He was confused by the question.

"No, nothing is wrong...nothing at all." Tiamat looked away.

[...partner, I...]

Ddraig's voice sounded a bit tearful.

"Okay, what is wrong with you two? I'm genuinely confused." Issei exclaimed, but after receiving no answer, he gave up and descended the stairs with Tiamat.

Hearing two sets of footsteps, his mother told him, "Issei dear, you need to slow down." to which he just laughed at.

"Okaa-san, this is Tiamat. She's one of those Dragon Kings I told you about, the strongest one actually." With Issei's introduction, Tiamat stepped forward and bowed.

"Hello, Okaa-san. I am Tiamat, the Chaos Karma Dragon. I hope you will accept me as your son's 2nd wife." 


After a lot of explaining, and Miki being overjoyed at having two daughter-in-laws, the Hyoudou household had finally calmed down.

Its safe to say that meeting Tiamat, and her being Issei's mate knocked the angel out of Raynare. She was currently resting in the guest room, having passed out earlier.

"Issei, we're going to need a bigger house." Miki told her son.

"Ah, don't worry, Okaa-san. I'm going to try and get this whole city as the base for the Dragon faction" He dropped another bombshell, but fortunately his mother was used to it by now.

"Anyway, I need to head to school. Okaa-san, could you take Tiamat to buy some clothes?"

"Of course! I was already planning to go shopping with Raynare-chan, so it all works out. Have a fun day!" She cheerily replied.

"Wait, school? Issei, how old are you?" Tiamat raised an important query.

"Hmm ~ Don't worry, Tiamat-chan. Issei is old enough to do naughty things. He's only going to school because I told him he needs to complete his education..." 

Leaving behind the bickering duo, who got along quite well, Issei took off. 

A few minutes later, he reached the academy

He already expected for hit stunt on Sona to not work with the Gremory, but this was truly fascinating. Looks like the young heiress was going all out.

Standing in front of the gate was Akeno Himejima, Rias Gremory's queen, the priestess of thunder.

Last year Issei had almost broken his streak of staying away from the supernatural in Kuoh until he was ready because he wanted a taste of Akeno's body. As a Dragon, he can't ignore the beauty and lure of this inhuman being.

But things were different now, he had already started moving. So, if the redhead was going to offer him a meal so willingly, he had no reason to not partake. 

"Good Morning, Issei-san. Can I have a word with you?" She asked him. 

[Partner, I think I'm still recovering, so I'll sit this one out. Good luck, wake me up if Lucifer comes.]

'You got it, Ddraig.' 

"Of course, Akeno." He purposely didn't include a honorific to show her that he had no intentions of being polite. 

With a slight flinch, she starting leading him to the highest floor of classrooms, where several unused rooms laid ready for a meeting quite like this.

But on their way, they were interrupted by one of Issei's few friends at the Academy. 

"ISSEI!" Genshirou Saji yelled as he stomped his way to his target. 

Akeno, surprised, tried to intervene but Issei stopped her with a hand gesture.

"Genshirou, what's wrong?" Issei asked in a normal tone. 

"Don't fuck with me! You ask what's wrong!?! What did you do to Kaichou!?!" Saji had grabbed Issei's collar in an attempt to intimidate him. He was surprised for an instant when Issei didn't even flinch at his actions. 

'What? Did Sona not tell him who I am?' Issei deduced.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Genshirou. I was-" 

Genshirou interrupted him with a loud voice that was enough to attract a horde of students to the otherwise empty corridor. "Ever since yesterday, Kaichou has been stressed. I tried asking her what's wrong but she didn't tell me. So, I asked around. And it turns out that you went to the student council room when Kaichou was alone! And when you came out, Kaichou took an early leave! She has never done that! Ever!" 

'Sona, you better hope that he doesn't go too far. Otherwise, you'll have to pay the price.' Issei declared as he responded to Saji's claims with a devilish calmness. "Genshirou, what are you implying? We have been friends for a year now, you should know that I-"

"That you what!?! I already know you don't force anyone to do anything, but if we are friends then you should know that Sona belongs to me! How dare you touch her!?!" By this point, Saji had lost his reason and was hell bent on releasing his frustrations on Issei. But, one of his lines didn't sit well with Issei.

"Belongs to you? You're bold to be declaring that." Issei smirked. 

Saji took his smirk as provocation and made a huge mistake. He pulled his arms back, cocked his fist and punched Issei's cheek as hard as he could, not caring that his devil strength will seem unnatural to the spectators.

"Saji, wait!" Akeno yelled, but she was too late.

Saji's fist laid motionless on Issei's face. But the latter hadn't moved a single inch even with all the force his friend had put in his attack.

"What the-" Saji went flying back and barely avoided the students to land on the opposite wall.

"Blame Sona, not me." Issei muttered as he walked towards Saji's trembling body. Taking on a blow from a low-class devil a day after a bout with one of the Dragon Kings was certainly refreshing, but he won't forgive anyone for laying a hand on him without permission.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! What the fuck was that!?!" Saji cursed as he wiped his nose and saw the blood on his hands. 'How is a human this strong!?!' He had no way of knowing he was up against the Dragon of Domination unless someone told him. And the only one who could do that in the current situation, Akeno, was staring at Issei's back.

Issei had walked with a slow pace, but Saji didn't realize that he was being approached. As a result, the dragon kneeled and grabbed the devil's head effortlessly, pushing it into the ground.

Issei made sure he had a good grip on the boy's hair, as he slammed the ground with his head repeatedly. Somewhere along the line, Saji had passed out. Issei had secretly fortified the floor with magic so they don't fall down to the floor below. 

"I-Is Issei-kun going to kill him?" 

"S-Someone should stop them..."

"Should we call the police?"

The crowd that was watching the gruesome one-sided fight had started to come to their senses, but Issei didn't consider this amount of punishment sufficient.

[Issei! What's going on!?!]

'Ddraig? Why did you wake up? Nothing is going on. I'm just teaching an ant to honor the food chain.'

Ddraig had a quick look through Issei's memories to get a grasp of the situation.

[I see, but there is something you should know. I sense the presence of Vritra in this boy.]

'Vritra!?!' Issei's hand stopped smashing his foe's head when he heard that. 'You mean Genshirou has one of the dragon-type sacred gears that hold Vritra?'

[Yeah, that's exactly what I mean.]

'But then I should have also sensed it. There's no way the presence of a Dragon King would escape my senses.' Issei argued.

[That's because he's on the weaker end. Only a small part of Vritra's aura resides in the gear he holds, and I speculate the boy hasn't even unlocked it yet. If it were the sacred gear that held Vritra's main consciousness, then anyone would be able to tell in an instant.]

'I see.'

Issei released his grip and got up.

"Someone take him to the infirmary." He said and walked to female devil, gesturing her to continue their journey.

The slight presence of lust in Akeno's aura didn't escape the dragon's senses as he smiled viciously.

[Partner? Are you just going to let the boy get away?]

'No, that's not it. He's a member of the Sitri peerage. So, I'll deal with it later, when I go to punish Sona.' He told his inner dragon, who nodded and went back to sleep. 'I need to either mend things with Genshirou to take him in the faction, or extract the gear from his body...'

His mind wandered freely until they reached the locked classroom that Akeno had brought the key for.

Walking in, he noticed that she had prepared some kind of seductive incense before leading him here. Even though it wouldn't have an affect on him, he was still impressed by the effort. 

Akeno locked the door behind him, but before she could approach her target, she was hit by a wave of pressure similar to the one that assaulted Sona Sitri.

Wasting no time to fall to her knees, she hugged her chest as tightly as possible and started panting. 'W-What is this!?! Is this a Dragon's aura? Its...overwhelming!' When Issei turned around to look her in the eye, the minuscule amount of resistance she had abandoned her. 'He's...a being above us. I knew Rias was mistaken...we can' one can tame him. I-' Her nose inhaled the fragrance of the superior species. Her instincts picked up on the situation. Her legs shivered as she came from just the pressure of Issei's concentrated aura.

Issei called back his aura after that, feeling satisfied.

"*pant*...*pant*...I-I...came? N-No way...hng..." Akeno questioned her reality.

"Yes, you did. Don't despair, you aren't the first." Issei clarified her situation as he pulled a chair in front of her and sat on it, enabling him to look down on her like her master. 

"Now then, fallen angel, tell me what you want."

Akeno wanted to respond with a glare on him calling her a fallen angel, but with her still panting, it didn't have the intended effect.

Issei waited for her to catch her breath. Unfortunately for a certain redhead, Akeno had plenty of time to think on her action plan while pulling herself together. And the wisest path she concluded was this...

Kneeling in a dogeza pose, she spoke with obedience - "Oh great and mighty Dragon, I hope you will have mercy. I was sent here by my Master to seduce and tame you. But I have realized that that was short-sighted and foolish. I apologize for our arrogance." 

Yes, the wisest path she thought she could take was giving up and hoping for the best. Even with both peerages combined, they wouldn't be able to defeat this monstrosity. And she knew it.

[Neat trick, but it won't work if one of the Satan show up.]

'I know. And besides, my aura only has that affect when the victim in question is already leaning towards that path. I tested it out properly. Anyway, its time to test some of my theories.'

" are smart to not be willing to fight me. Now, let's have a test of obedience. First, tell me how you became a devil." 





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