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Author: 12royalty34

© WebNovel

✨it all started with math✨


I am aleya and im currently shutting my alarm and making my sleepy way to my bathroom.

I turned on the water to wash my face and i instantly felt awake.

Today was my first day as a senior and i was kinda excited ....after a really bad virus broke out in the town of arkadia everything stopped including school so to say i was happy to go back to school was an understatement.

Just a little about me while i get ready :

My name is aleya brooke cole

Nickname :abc and leya

(If ur slow on the whole nickname thing just read the first letters of my name😅)

Anyways im 17 turning 18 in june

I was born on the 18th of june 2004

Things that interest me?

Uhh books , music , art and literature

Boring stuff i know but they are genuinely fun

I had a shower and put on my black long sleeve crop top as well as a black jeans and ankle boots and grabbed my bag ready for the day

The plan?

To blend into the background and make only an impression on those who love me.

My parents drop me off after some cereal and a cup of coffee

"Have a great day honey" my mom rosé shouts

"Mommmm im not deaf but thank u"

I pull the 50 dollar note from my seat and head out.

Today felt good.

It was autumn here in arkadia

The orange-green leaves swayed in a romantic dance with the wind and the wind gracefully swooshed pass with a cool feel.

It was a beautiful day indeed

Arkadia was a secluded town with a population of of around 8000

That was until the virus came i shivered remebering all the deaths i had seen in the past year

Suddenly a hand landed on my shoulder in attempt to protect myself i turned ready to punch the person who touched me when i recognised the person was axel

"Omg axe u scared me" i grabbed him in a bone crushing hug

"I missed u too love"

Axel is gay , i still love him though

"Omg first day i cant believe im about to say this but im excited"

I started laughing

Axel had been dieing to see Adrien

And i heard all about it over recordings at midnight everynight for the past year

"Come on lets go meet the gang"

I said pullling him with me and sat at our table in the cafeteria

The gang was just 5 of us:

Me whom u already met


Real name : Stella grey

Age:17 (born February 1st)

Status: in a relationship with Greyson Olson for around a month now

Personality: judgemental and a bit of a bossy pants but a loving person and a down right fashionista, popular as hell


Real name: axel James

Age:17 (born april 29th)

Status: in relationship with adrien

Personality:very easy to talk to ,is adorable to the core but really picky about food and little things like pens the type of books he has and if his hair is sticking out of its place which it never is because of the super strong wax he layers his hair with to brush his hair back.

4) Adri

Real name : Adrien star

Age:17(born may 4th)

Is Arizona's twin

Status:in relationship with axel for 5 years

Personality:sweetest person ever

Is the mom of the group and is a bit cleaning obsessed but is my secret keeper and i love him to death.


Real name : arizona star

Age:17(born in may 4th)

Adriens twin

Personality: cheerleader , very gossip updated , if things dont go her way she makes it her way ,a natural lier when it comes to things like parties and going out... she's my bestest friend ever

Status:single like me

Because when we were 10 we took this dumb oath that we'd have boyfriends together at that time it was ideal but after high school it became a bit of a pain.everytime she'd wanted to go out with a guy but wanted to keep the promise so she would drag me along and forcibly make me blind date ...some of them were bad , some worse and others were u okay

By some of them i mean only 1

His name was Derek he was sweet and charming but then the virus came

He died before the end of the day

"Hey u okay love"ari asked and i snapped out of my depressed state

"Yea " i said with a fake smile.

Ari and i had been friends even before i moved here (which was 6 years ago) because our parents worked in the same field and we saw each other often so when i heard that we were moving here i was sad but excited . This also means that she knows when im in my feelings and all depressey

"We can talk about it later but for now update mee"

"Btw abc my fashion sense is rubbing off on you i love this outfit"

"Lol thanks stel"

"Gather around guys coz i got the tea" ari said

"So turns out there are 3000 new people coming here to stay , no idea why so many but rumors are they just moved in last week Monday and they one of families son 'the blackwoods' form what i heard he is hot"

"Fr , interesting" said stel

"Maybe leya over here can get some this year "

"Thanks for looking out for me guys but u all know im not ready , not after derek"

It was the awkward silence that ate at my soul

They knew how much he meant to me during our 1 month of a relationship until the virus..

"Anyway stel are you excited to meet the mysterious boy who caught ur heart through a phone"

"Leya you do know i video called him while we were stuck at home but still i kinda am...i cant wait to do coupley things just thinking about it makes me blush"

"Ohhhhh" cheered the group ...its the first time we have seen Stella so in love its wierd but we are happy for her

Suddenly the bell rang and we were given our classes

So far nobody from our group was in my class but luckily last minute Arizona walked in

I thanked the gods that i wasnt alone.

"Omg ari im so glad ur here"i said and signalled her to come sit next to me

We were always in the same class so i would have been devistated if they put her in some other seat was against the wall and I was zoning out looking out the window

When Mr Redford entered the class

"Welcome class metric class of 2021"

"We have a couple new students at out school as you might have noticed and as for our class today we have 3 new students" and thats when he walked in , he was damn hot

What shocked me was it was as if he heard that thought as a smart ass smirk made its way onto his lips and his eyes landed right on mine

The world kinda stopped and all that shit but i was broken i couldnt fix myself and fall for some asshole who i should add is gorgeous...snap out of it aleya , urg

"Class this is alex blackwood , Charles renold and Greyson Olsen"

He is Alex blackwood!!?

"Introduce yourselves boys"

By now all the girls we're swooning it was frustrating but i kept my anger in check

"Hey im alex blackwood , 17 , into stuff"

"Hi the names charles , 17 , im your knight in shining armor" haha so cliché , he didnt look to bad though.beach blond hair , blue eyes with a hint of green not bad at all

"Hey guys im greyson and unfortunately im taken so dont think of it "woah straight foward i like him already

Greyson looked laid back with a plain black tshirt and  blue jeans it complimented his pitch black hair and baby blue eyes

After their little show they walked in a line and sat in the back of the class giving each other this look as if they were having a conversation and thats when i got a good look at alex, his eyes which were now watching me were a deep grey his hair a dark black with these dark blue highlights he was totally giving me badboy / emo vibes i tore my eyes away in time to call myself present and put my head back in my book doodling his pretty eyes.

The buzzer rang again and the first class was maths

Ari and i walked together to class and sat at our usual table

"Isnt alex cute ...totally giving me badboy vibes , just your type"

"Firstly he is somewhat attractive and secondly i dont like or have the badboy fetish coz those are the ones who hurt girls. My type is a little mysterious with just Enough charm and mesmerizing eyes" i reply sighing without realising

"You like him dont ya ?"

"No! ari im still hung up on Derek"

"Okay if you say so "

Mr lakes walked in and took a look at the class

"Arizona star would u be so kind as to move one table behind aleya"

"Of course sir , coming right up" we knew better than to fight teachers because they covered for us in certain situations

I zoned out again , this wasnt my ideal first day and my thoughts kept pulling at dereks memories.

"Thank you for your cooperation arizona , now class im sure you heard about the new students anyways boys sit next to aleya , arizona and jazzmin , girls please put your hands up"

Without realising what was happening i raised my hand next thing i knew i smelt this really intoxicating perfume and when i looked to my left i had the shock of life because alex blackwood was seated next to me.

"Hi my names alex , and we are going to be seeing a lot of each other"

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