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one piece world(edited)

I'm max.

I don't know why! but I think today is a difference day.

Everything remind me about god, It's strange! I don't have a belive in god, I lost my faith in god very long time ago.

I know my body very well, I got some inner damage and it gets worse and worse lately.

I don't want die yet, So if there is really a god in this world, Please give me a secend chance, Even I can't do anything Important.

I close my eyes and lost in my dream as long as I felt sleep.

What is that it's so warm, I've never felt that much good, it's like my body never been sick this whole time.

What a pure soul!, he is dead but he has his feeling. It's been more than 300 million years, that I saw soul like that.

god mind:As a god I got tired, I watch mortal world from there, It's nothing interesting in god realm. It's good if I talk to him, humans are always interesting.

Human wake up.

Max open his eyes slowly and see white room. Who are you!? Am I being kidnapped!?

No there is something familiar.This could be a legendary white room in novels?

why am here I'm going to hell or heaven?

Can I reincarnate?

Did really god wants to give me a secend chance?

No that couldn't be true, I dont have a belive in god. why should god chose me?

You are more interesting than am I though!

I want to kneel but I can't move my body a bit!.

You don't need to kneel befor me, I just got tired and wants to talk to you?

You got tired? that is the reason am I here? eat my d**k. Did you know I go through the hell in my life and you didn't move a finger, but now you want to talk to me beacuse you got tired? Are you an evil god or are you a fake god?

Why are you silent bastard, answer me did I pick up your favorite girl or I make problem for your mom?answer me?

Wow!! you are awsome, no one talk to me like that in my life?

Wait wait, you shouldn't send me to hell now?


I insult you?

You know as a god I can't interfere in mortal world. It's a Agreement between gods to prevent the destruction of mortal worlds.You make me laugh today. I want to give you a chance for secend life or you want to go to the heaven?

I want to reincarnate.

You are fast at making Decision, I give you three wish and you don't need to worry about your memory or world you want to go, I tell you anime world is really exist.don't ask more about that I don't want to explain,It's a long story.

I always imagine that moment in my life I know what I want?

first I want to have a system with a shop that I can buy everything in worlds and help me for travel between worlds with other person.I like it's be more like big sister. secend I want to have Immediate mastery. third I want to have something like primary chaos with the ability to use different types of energy.

There is no problem, but for your secend wish I give you a ability to learn tenfold, beacuse last person with that ability make a big problem in mortal world.

Which world did you want to go?

Send me to one piece world 6 month before luffy, Ace and Sabo become brother.

god: Have good life. I will see you in your journey, make sure to have interesting life.

Big black hole appear in front of me and swallow my soul.

[Binding to host...1%...5%...22%...50%...78%...96%...99%]


[binding completed!]

[hello host please chose your gender, age and appearance?]

I want to be handsome man like my last life, make my appearance very cool with silver hair and make sure my d**k is bigger than normal people and for my age I want to be same as Ace but one day older.

I open my eye's slowy and feel a bit numb.

No one is around me!

Max:"system show me what you can do?"

[Host, I have five part.




Lucky spin

travel between worlds.

Status= like a video games.

Shop = buy thing you can find in anime world.

Quest = quest and hidden quest.

Lucky spin=reward of hidden quest.

It has three levels:(gold,silver,bronze)

travel between worlds=travel between worlds, you can bring other person with you too if you use group token, you can buy token from shop.]

Max:Don't you mind if I give you a name?

[No problem]

I will call you Ai from now on.

I gave you a name, It's not a hidden quest?



Max:Did I get starter pack?


[10000 sp and silver lucky spin.]

Max:How can I use that lucky spin?

[just think and zoom on lucky spin.]


[Silver Lucky spin is activated.]

[ You win...object gigantification quirk(A rank 25%)]

What is(A rank 25%)for?

[(A)is a rank of your skill and 25% is the amount of power you can use ]

Show my status.





HP =150/150

MP =20/20

stamina =100/100

■Strength =15

■Agility =15

■Vitality =20

■Intelligence =50

■sense =10

■Luck =120

■Charisma =1

○point= 10000sp


☆Object gigantification quirk(A rank 25%)


my status is too good for start, I think I'm 5 time stronger than adult human in my last world.

[Daily quest:train hard fot a month

"(incomplete)▪sit up 0/100"

"(incomplete)▪push up 0/100"

"(incomplete)▪squats 0/100"

"(incomplete)▪running 0/10km"

Reward: 100sp

Fail:your status become half for one day.]

Saitama's training method! It's really a standard practice method? I don't want to be bald.

Lets finish training first, I should know the effect.

[Daily quest:train hard

"(complete)▪sit up 100/100"

"(complete)▪push up 100/100"

"(complete)▪squats 100/100"

"(complete)▪running 10/10km"

(receive)reward 100sp]

Max:Show my status.





HP =150/150

MP =20/20

stamina =100/100

■Strength =16

■Agility =16

■Vitality =20

■Intelligence =50

■sense =10

■Luck =120

■Charisma =1

○point= 10000sp


☆Object gigantification quirk(A rank 25%)


That's not bad,I think if I use some weight, it could have more effect.

Before find luffy I should find a place for training and sleeping for a while. Weather is not bad here, I can buy tent and other stuff for living here.

I used 8000 SP in this three month for buying 2kg high level powder and make my body stronger.It's really painfull. I killed some beast to gain SP but they are to weak and don't give me much SP, So I spent that SP for tools that I need. I work hard with my quirk and I learned some material arts by my own.

At this state my power is same as pirate with 50 million bounty price. If I use my quirk I can kill a one with 100 million price .For finding luffy, I go to the Foosha village, It's only a village but I spent a lots of time for finding luffy, I hide my self from him and chase him.

I see Ace,sabo and Luffy trying to catch fish. I wait for a good moment to show myself.

It's been 2 days I hide myself from them, today is a day Ace steal amount of money, when he wants to hide his money, I appear out of nowhere and say"hi".

He scared so much beacuse I find his money and he try to catch me,I catch him and say "let's be friend I always wants to have a little brother."

Ace:Who the hell wants to be your little brother, there is no way I become your brother.

I hang him from tree with a rope and say"If you become my little brother I set you free."

Ace:I'm never become your brother if it means I go through the hell.Just wait for my friends, they come to save me.

Max:I think, I just find more brother if they are like you.

After 2 hour Sabo and Luffy look for Ace find me with Ace they want to fight me but I hang Sabo and Luffy from a tree too, the difference between power was so great. I say"I will wait until you three become my brother".

Ace :"You just want my money."

Max:Are you Idiot? If I want to steal your money I did that long time ago and you can't stop me.

I don't have any family and I want to just make a small family, when I look at you I know you are a man who can become my little brother, I sit here and watch you if it cost ten days.

after 2 hour, I buy a special meat from system with 1000sp, that meat have strong smell and make people extremely hungry.

Max:I say"Luffy, if you become my brother I give you that delicious meat".

Luffy look at Ace and say what should I do?Luffy:We can't hang in there forever.

Ace:You just want eat that meat Luffy And you don't fool Luffy with that meat.

Sabo:"what will we do?"

Ace: Garp back from the see yesterday, If luffy don't back home soon, Garp come here to find Luffy, at that moment we catch him and Garp teach him a lesson.

Max:I can hear your sound!.

Ace:Shut up.

After 9 hour garp appear and see Luffy,Sabo and Ace were slept and hang from tree.

and a young man sit in front of them.

Garp say:"What are you doing to my grandson!"

Max:I want to become they're older brother but after some talk they say:"they want be a pirate and never be a friend with marine".I got angry and teach them a lesson.

Garp:hoho... so you want to join marine?

Max:well for now I make my decision to become a pirate hunter and when I got famous I use my name to have my own squad in marine.You know It's really difficult to work for marine from start, they're so annoying.

Garp:You are very clever boy,If you want to have your squad in marine, I can help you when you become strong enough to survive in new world.

Max:No I make it true with my own power.Anyway what should we do with this three idiot?


"Fist of love."

Max:Why the hell did you punch me too?

Luffy:Grandpa that bastard hang us there and turture us.

Garp:Don't talk that bad with your brother.

Set them free when you think that idiot change they're mind to become marine.

Luffy:"I'm going to be the king of pirate."

Max:I think I can't change they're mind in one day but I will change them.

Garp:You can do it boy.

"Thank you grandpa."

Garp:When did I become your grandpa?

Max:You know Ace, Luffy and Sabo are my brothers and when Luffy become my brother you become my grandpa too.

Luffy:I'm not your brother?

Garp:fist of love.

Max:Why the hell did you hit me again?

Garp:From today that boy is your older brother.

"I didn't asked your name yet, what's your name?"

I'm Max.

Garp:Ok, I'm back, let them go when you want that.

Luffy:Why don't you become pirate?

Max:Beacuse I'm not an idiot like you.

Sabo:Become marine is too hard, they have lots of rule but when you become pirate you're all free.

Max:No thank you, I'm not a kid to become pirate beacuse of that and I don't have a plan to let you become a pirate.

Garp behind tree:Haha that boy can change they're mind.

After one over talking about pirate, Max say:"I become pirate too."

Sabo:why did you change your mind suddenly?

Max:I'm not change my mind, but Garb was hidden himself behind those tree.

Ace:This is the first time I've seen anyone run away from grandpa successfully.

Max:I'm not run away, I just fool him.

I save some meat for my brothers ,lets eat together.

"Your not our brother."

Max:Don't worry If your not accept that, I'm still your brother.

Ace and Sabo: "Shut up"

It's been a three month that I spend time with three idiot.Ace and sabo wants to beat me but I won easily.

I said to them "if you want to become strong pirate you should start training" I gave them saitama's training method, I said "fight can make you stronger but It's too dangerous. we can train with each other.

Today is a day Ace stole a sake from Dadan.

Ace:mabe we'll set out independently some day.

Luffy:You steal that sake from Dadan.

Ace:Did you guys know?! we can become brother if we exchanged that cup of sake!

Luffy:brothers? Really.

When we become pirate we might not be in same ship but our Brotherhood always be with us. Wherever you are whatever you do well always be bonded together! so from now on we are brother.

I don't know why but I'm crying and promise myself never let them die.

I said"I really had good days with you I will leave you today but I promise you If one of you were in danger I come and save you.

They're crying too

Ace: when did you back?

Max:I dont know but I will back and see you, even if you can't recognize me.

I prepare some vivre card for this moment and I tell them shed a drop of blood on that.They don't ask anything and before leaving them, I said lets write MASL in our pirate flag when we become a one.I leave them behind.

Max:Ai show my status





HP =200/250

MP =25/25

stamina =195/200

■Strength =250

■Agility =200

■Vitality =40

■Intelligence =60

■sense =20

■Luck =120

■Charisma =20

○point= 19000sp


☆Object gigantification quirk(A rank 60%)

☆Sword discipline (C rank 35%)

☆Observation Haki(S rank 15%)


Max:When can I see future with Haki?

[When you reach at 50% you can see future for 1 secend, 70% for 2 secend, 80% for 3 secend, 90%for 5 secend 95% for 7 secend' 100% for 10 secend.]

Max:did you know how can I make it 100% Ai?

Ai:[I can max your observation Haki with 190000SP. it can be cheaper when you got better at Observation Haki]

I think, I should start hunting pirate.

Max:do you have something can change my appearance?

Ai:[There is bunch of item in system but I recommend you to buy C_M mask.]


Author note:C_Mmask=Crazy mask not Cum mask😂


There is something different between mask?

[Some of them have special effect! C_M mask can scare enemies weaker than you and change your appearance]

Max: buy that.

[Are you sure for buying C_M mask for 500 SP? ( Yes / No )].


That mask reminds me of joker!

I'm cooming grand line.

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