/ Teen / DREAM For You

DREAM For You Original


Teen 8 Chapters 22.9K Views
Author: Florence_Lavine

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Would she ever be able to forget? Would she be able to move past it and fly- or would she fall?
She was too exhausted to try, too weary to smile and too tired to love. Could she wait through the years of guilt and torment or would her ship simply dangle, stuck in one place, or was it both the same? It was; she was simply…waiting.

Behind bars for half a decade- his life was over, crushed to pieces beneath the glimmering, sparkles of her heels; the one he had worked his back off to buy for her. Click. He always heard it, in his sleep, as he ate and as he watched his fellow inmates teach him how to kill. Click.

He had been watching her for years and knew where she hung out, where she cried and where she stole from. They had been hiding her, like a bunch of bees collectively gathered infront of their queen but that was all over when Christopher was gone and he doubted he would ever return the same.
She was out in the open now and he was going to get her, even if he had to step over the body of his best friend.

They were calculating each others’ thoughts, their goals and what they would each accomplish for each other. They were dreaming about each other, not nightmares but dreams- glazed over. Untrue. But they weren’t entirely wrong, and that was what made it all the more terrible.

Parental Guidance Suggested
  1. Kadhija_Imthiyaz
    Kadhija_Imthiyaz Contributed 17
  2. Fazila_Faizar
    Fazila_Faizar Contributed 11
  3. Deborah_Pruijmboom
    Deborah_Pruijmboom Contributed 11

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It was really interesting and realistic ... Just so EPIC !!!! .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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Was a little confusing because it jumped around so much in the beginning but now I am curious who this Christopher person is and why he is in prison.

Reveal Spoiler
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This is so good. The character’s names are so unique. This is definitely going to be my favorite!!!!!!!!!!!! ................................................

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This book is nothing like I have ever read in my whole life. Everything is very realistic and is very well scripted. Loved it from the start to the very end. Can’t wait for for more. 👊🏻................................................................ ...........

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First and foremost wow, this is one of the greatest books I've read on webnovel, great use of words an amazing picture created from the starting point. The clever use of dialogues and phrases make this novel come to life. Definitely worth a vote

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INTRESTING!!! 😁☺️ ............................................................................................................................................

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LV 13 Badge

very good story ..This story has very good potential . I highly recommend it . Readers will be hooked reading it . keep it Up .need more updates ! 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌

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……….. the story was portrayed well along with the characters . It was nice . Good luck and keep it up to it 🥰😊😊……………………….😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

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HWIGHTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT SO MUCH! Keep up the good work! And the characters very interesting and the story building is ☆☆☆☆☆ proud of you!

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