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80% Dragon Soul: Ryu Senko / Chapter 12: Akatsuki Strikes!

Chapter 12: Akatsuki Strikes!

Hana awoke to her favorite feeling in the world. Naruto was running his hands through her hair. He hummed lightly causing his chest to rumble while she listened. She smiled softly and blushed remembering their activites from last night. She could feel the sticky mess between her legs and was actually happy about it. Her feral side was quiet in Naruto's prescence for once. She closed her eyes and silently listened to Naruto hum a tune.

Naruto smirked seeing Hana move slightly. It was obvious she wanted nothing more than to lay there with him, she would have gotten up otherwise. He felt her snuggle closer and hummed slightly loader so she could hear the tune better. Naruto admired the mate mark he gave her. He loved seeing it ripple across her skin as his chest rose. it really looked like the wolf was running right under the dragon. He smiled softly remembering their actions the night before. He was glad his Kaa-san had made him propose to Hana before taking her home. It made the night even more memorable. He'd have to buy her something when they left this plane again. Which reminded him...

"Hana-koi, You don't have to move or get up just tap me if your awake. I need to tell you something." Naruto said softly. Hana snuggled into his chest a little more and tapped his side with her fingers signifying her as awake. "Good." Naruto said. "Listen, Aniki made a deal with the Shinigami. I know he didn't go into detail about what went on with the gods but he agreed, in exchange for a few people who have been cheating death, to have immortality for Us."

Hana's head snapped up and stared at Naruto. "Naruto, are you saying that I'm...?" She left the answer hanging not really sure what to believe.

Naruto smirked, "Yes Hana-chan. Your Immortal." He said.

Hana looked down for a second before asking, "What was the deal?" She didn't want to be part of some perverse deal. She doubted it but she had to know.

Naruto frowned slightly but answered,, "Madara Uchiha, Hidan, Orochimaru, and Kakazu's souls are the price for this but we were going to be killing them anyways. They cheated death so Shinigami-chan agreed to grant immortality to me and aniki, along with any mates we so choose. We didn't say anything before because we didn't want that broadcast. Someone could try to get close to us just for the immortality."

Hana nodded, The deal was sound and there wasn't anything she could object to. "So... does that mean we can't die? Like at all?" she asked curiously.

Naruto shook his head, "We won't die of old age. We can still be killed in battle, but thats gonna be damn hard by the time I'm done with you." He answered.

Hana smiled, "So I get to stay with you forever, forever." She said. Naruto nodded, slightly nervous how she was going to take it. Hana looked down for a minute thinking of the pros and cons. For almost ten minutes, all was silent. Hana looked at Naruto and smiled softly, "Promise me you won't leave?"

Naruto gently kissed her on the lips and smiled, "Of course not. You can't get rid of me that easily." He said.

Hana chuckled, "Then, I can deal with it." She said smiling. She got off of Naruto, climbed out of the bed, and headed towards the bathroom stark naked. "I'm gonna take a shower." She said glancing over her shoulder. She smirked as she saw Naruto following her ass. She swayed her hips as she walked, "Its cold though and I'm not sure the water will be hot enough." she said smirked slightly. She walked into the bathroom leaving a hot and bothered Naruto.

Naruto chuckled and quickly climbed up the bed's stairs. "Don't worry Tenshi-chan. I'm sure it'll be hot enough for you." He said quickly beelining for the bathroom. He stopped quickly and made two Kage Bunshin. They quickly headed back to the bed. Hana chuckled from inside the bathroom as she ran some hot water and turned on the shower.

Hana stepped into the shower and smirked seeing Naruto stepping into the bathroom. 'Glad he caught on. I'm still slightly sore from last night, but I want him again!' she thought. 'Of course you do! He is your mate and he must pleasure you accordingly!' 'What the hell! Who are you?' Hana asked. 'I am your feral side. Since Naruto mated with you last night, I am part dragon now as well. Hence, I, and you, are more powerful. Enough of that though, Take your mate once more!' 'Ya Ya, Jeese You'd like nothing more than to stay in bed and fuck all day huh?' She thought. No response. 'Dammit! I will enjoy my time with him, but I refuse to do it every chance we get!' She could practically hear the grumbling coming from her feral side. She ignored it and decided she'd follow its advice. Besides, he was already here and she could smell him wanting her when she woke up.

Begin Short Lemon! If you don't like... don't read! If you are not of legal age, please skip to the next bolded lines!

Hana stepped back as Naruto opened the sliding door leading to the shower area. Naruto smiled seeing her up against the wall, and stepped up pressing his body against hers. Hana smirked and prssed back, feeling his hardness against her thigh. "Last Night was great Taiyo-kun. I wonder if it was a one-time thing though?" She asked sexily.

Naruto growled softly at the jab, he had tried hard to please her and he wouldn't be insulted like that! "I assure you it wasn't!" He said going slightly feral at the end. Hana shivered but inwardly she was smirking. She loved it when he asserted himself like that.

Naruto kissed her and slid his tongue into her mouth. He knew she was already wet, despite the water running down their bodies. His hands gently trailed up her sides sending goosebumps across her body. When he reached her breasts, he backed away enough to gently cup them and start fondling them. Hana moaned in appreciation and threaded her fingers into his hair. She let her head rest back on the wall as Naruto started sucking on her left tit. Her hands gently kneading his hair and egging him on. His left hand was gently massaging her right breast while his left was running two fingers along her nether lips.

Hana liked the attention he was giving her, but wanted the main course now, not later. She grabbed his head and forced her tongue into his mouth. She pulled back and looked at him, "Quit teasing, I'm annoyed and your not helping!" She said lustfully. Naruto smirked and grabbed her right leg lifting it up. She quickly grabbed his penis and jerked him a few times, getting grunts, before placing him at her entrance. He swiftly entered her and stayed there a moment.

She drapped her arms around his shoulders and started making out with him. He gently pulled out and thrust back in. He purposefully kept his pace slow and steady. Hana was rather enjoying the pace. While going fast was fun, she could feel her orgasm being drawn out as he made sure to hit all the right spots. She didn't know if he did it unknowingly, but DAMN did it feel good.

Naruto simply loved the feeling of being squeezed by her pussy. His cock felt like it was in a warm,wet, tight massage. They were still making out and Naruto pushed her back against the wall. He was nearing his end and He wanted to make sure Hana got her orgasm as well. Hana moaned loudly as Naruto pulled almost all the way out before plunging back in. He quickly took one of her nipples into his mouth before he repeated his process.

Hana, in response, picked up her legs and wrapped them around Naruto's waist, allowing for deeper penetration. She rested most of her weight on him, but kept some on the wall behind her. Hana could feel her climax coming and gripped her legs tighter, signaling her pleasure. Naruto smirked around her tit because he was close as well. He let go and proceeded to ram himself into her rather hastily. Hana smirked, she liked being rough when their climaxs approached.

Naruto grunted aloud, "Ha-na- chan- I'm CUMM-ING!" He said just as his cock twitched and he buried himself deep inside her. Hana settled for moaning, loudly, while biting into his mate mark. He felt her juices running between his legs and smiled although they were both panting. He barely held her up. His own legs feeling like jelly after their wonderful "shower."

End Lemon! Thank You!

Hana smirked and pushed Naruto back. "That was good Taiyo-kun. But, We need to really take a shower." She said. Naruto nodded in agreement and She smiled before they both proceeded to wash one another. It took them a good half hour (they took their time alright?) before they emerged, squeeky clean and feeling rejuvenated. Hana looked at the bed to see it was gone.

Naruto chuckled seeing the surprised look on her face. "After last night, I thought it could use a wash. Besides, I need some sheets for it." Naruto stopped and thought for a minute before paling, "Uhhhh Hana-chan?" He said.

"Yes Naruto-kun?" Hana asked while she brushed her hair.

"Did you perhaps use a contraceptive?" He asked still paling.

Hana smirked, although he couldn't see it. She turned to him and tapped her chin with her finger. "Hmmmm no why hun?" She asked innocently.

Naruto hung his head. "Hana-chan. After all we did you have to ask?" He said slightly depressed. It wasn't that he wouldn't want kids. He just didn't think he could care for one right now.

Hana chuckled, "Of course silly. Inuzuka women are only fertile during heats Naruto. We are safe until my next cycle. Lucky for you those only come once every three months and they only last a week." She said. (Basically they only have periods once every three months)

Naruto mentally sighed in relief. "Sorry about the freakout Hana-chan. I'd be happy if you got pregnant, but... I don't want to have one right now. Maybe after we are done with all of this." He said.

Hana nodded, "I understand. Anyways, I promised the girls I'd meet up for lunch today and since its." She looked at the clock, "11: 45. I think I'll head out. See you tonight Taiyo-kun! We need to go to Mom's for dinner though, I wanna tell her about your proposal." She said smiling.

Naruto smiled right back and said, "See you then! I have to go see Obaa-chan. We are gonna need help fighting Itachi and Kisame." Hana nodded and they both set off.

With Sora and Anko: Undisclosed location

Sora and Anko had already killed Deidara and Sasori. Now they were searching for Zetsu and information on where the organization was based. The fights were long but the two mates came out on top.

Anko sighed as they jumped through the trees to their destination. "That Sasori fella was annoying!" She whined. "ALL of his weapons were poisoned! Even I'm not that eccentric!"

Sora frowned, "Your telling me! That sexually confused dude, what's his name? Deidara. Man I had to go Sage Mode just to get close enough to kill him! Not only that, He goes and blows himself up afterwards. I'm damn lucky my armor is built to withstand Balor's explosions otherwise I'd be toast right now." He replied.

"At least I am immune to poisons, well human poisons anyways. I'm happy we found out I have the poison dragon chakra. Its so fun to inject enemies with it!" Anko said turning a little fangirlish at the end. You see, among dragons there are certain chakra types, just like human chakra types. However, Dragon chakra types can also include poison, speed, strength, healing, fire, black lightning, etc. If a dragon has a certain type, then they can control almost anything of their chakra type, or use it to increase their own abilties, as depending on the chakra types. Rather simple no? Anko, having been around snakes and I&T department, is a poison chakra type. Since she had been using them for so long, she can manipulate just about any human poison and about 50% of demon poisons. She could also send her chakra straight into an opponents body, much like the Gentle Fist, however, her chakra could either burn away, paralyze, go dormant, etc. Plus she didn't have to be so direct with it. As long as she hit SOMEWHERE, she could move her chakra to wherever she needed it in the body. However, it was very chakra taxing so she mostly used it on enemies she wanted to beat in less than a minute, or prisoners.

Sora smiled at her, "Ya man that had to be helpful huh Hebi-hime?" He said.

Anko flashed him a sadistic smile, "Oh ya! Lotsa fun! It was actually a training exercise. His poison was damn effective. Took me almost half a minute to cleanse myself after I finally ripped his damn heart out." She said still smiling.

Sora chuckled, "Glad you had so much fun." Suddenly a lightbulb went on in his head and he grinned a lecherous smile, "Oh Anko-chan!" He said sing-songly. Anko viewed him warily for a moment before he spoke, "Imagine what you could do with your chakra if you could change it from a poison to something more... pleasureable." He said.

Anko thought for a minute before her own smile spread. 'Pleasureable? I know some poisons that stimulate the sense but that would make us end faster and I don't want that. Some poisons, if mixed the right way can also be used to make aphro... (ding!)' "Honey, when we get back, your not leaving the bedroom for a few days." She replied.

Sora chuckled, "I'll be more than happy to accomodate you in any way Hebi-hime." The two mates quickened their pace and started laughing at their new idea.

With Hana: Noon

Hana walked into the Dango stand/bar absolutely glowing. Kurenai, Yugao, and Shizune looked up and all smirked. Hana sat down and ordered her food. She looked at her friends all staring expectingly.

"Well?" Kurenai said.

"Well what?" Hana asked, still on her high from this morning.

Shizune chuckled and said, "You walked in here like a girl on crack. You gonna tell us how he was or just sit there with a dazed look on your face?"

Hana blushed bright red. "Wh-What makes you think I'm just going to tell you?" She said nervously.

Yugao shook her head while chuckling. "We all know that look hun. He HAD to be good. You can't keep information like that from us now can you?" She asked rhetorically.

Kurenai was impatient as Hana still seemed to be debating it. "Look either tell us how he did or I'll go tell Tsume your in heat and Naruto been looking for you!" She said desperately.

Hana looked shocked but hung her head. "Fine Fine. He was... He was awesome!" She said with a squeal. "Ahhh the date was wonderful. Nothing too special but it was nice. Afterwards he took me to his Favorite place in the village. Then he..." Her voice trailed off as the girls were hooked.

Kurenai grabbed her hands and said, "Then he what!" She said loudly. Luckily they were in the back and it was a slow day. The girls looked around quickly before looking back at Hana. Shizune's eyes wandered down and gasped loud enough for the others to hear before adding their own. Hana chuckled nervously and thought, 'Well they saw the ring.'

"Then we made out for awhile before he proposed to me." She continued while holding up the ring. The girls quickly exclaimed their congratulations and excitement at such a beautiful ring. "After that he took me home, He had his whole bed redone into a dog style bed. Which is INSANELY comfortable, I might add. Anyway we proceeded to... Then we split ways this morning." She said.

Shizune looked a little nervous before asking,"Can we see your mark? I mean the ring is so pretty."

Hana chuckled and pulled down her collar so they could view it. They all gasped once again and smiled seeing such a beautiful mark. "Wow Hana. Thats pretty. I'm glad for you. So when you gonna tell your mom?" Kurenai asked.

Hana thought for a second before shrugging. "Probably Tonight. Don't go spreading this around please?" She said. The girls nodded and went back to talking about... whatever the hell it is girls talk about.

Hokage Tower: Noon

Naruto walked upto the desk and said, "Naruto Namikaze, here to see the Hokage please." The secretary looked up and smiled. "Of course. One moment please." The secretary talked into an intercom on the desk before giving Naruto the sign to head upstairs and inside.

Naruto smiled back and headed upstairs. As he reached the Hokage's doors, he smirked viciously. He raised a foot and kicked them in yelling, "OI OBAA-CHAN! I got something to talk to you about!"

He was promptly treated to evasion training with Tsunade's fist being the thing to evade. "Brat don't go blowing my doors in like that!" she growled before sitting back down.

Naruto chuckled, "Alright, alright. Will you put up some barriers? This is sensitive information." He asked seriously.

Tsunade nodded and put chakra into a seal on the desk. "Whats so important?" she asked.

"First off, is Jiraiya in town?" recieving a nod from the blonde Hokage, Naruto continued, "He needs to be here. As much as I hate to admit it, He's strong and Konoha will need him for this plan." Naruto said.

Tsunade nodded, "Is this about Akatsuki?" Naruto nodded before Tsunade dropped the barriers and called for ANBU. A squad showed up and looked at Tsunade. "Go find Jiraiya and tell him if he isn't here in the next twenty minutes, I'll ban Icha Icha from Konoha's bookstores." The men in the squad gulped and they all disappeared.

No less than five minutes later, Jiraiya stepped through the window and frowned at seeing Naruto there but kept his mouth shut. "Whats so important that you have to interupt my research?' He asked.

Naruto spoke up, "Akatsuki."

Jiraiya's face turned serious and he looked at Naruto. "How do you know about them?"

Naruto scoffed at Jiraiya, "Their after JINCHUURIKI! I am a former Jinchuuriki and they will be after me so they can find the Kyuubi. Why SHOULDN'T I know about them?" He asked.

Jiraiya frowned, "Your just a Chunin. While you are obviously strong, You can't expect to take on an S rank criminal." He said.

Naruto matched Jiraiya's frown, "Not alone, no. Thats why YOUR here. I may not like you. However, I will admit your strong and when Akatsuki shows up next week, I want you to be here. Otherwise, this is gonna be a shitfest for the village." Naruto said.

Tsunade looked at Naruto slightly surprised. "How do you know they will be here next week?" She asked.

Naruto sighed. "Don't ask anymore questions and I'll answer everything afterwards agreed?" He recieved two nods and the barrier being reactivated before he spoke again. "Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Hoshigaki will be coming to Konoha sometime within the next week. I don't know the certain time but that is a good timeframe from when they were last spotted. Dragons like to be summoned to the physical plane because flying in the home plane gets too crowded. We have been routinely summoning Dragons and letting them scout the countryside. Since they can fly high in the atmosphere, VERY few can notice them. Itachi being one. I need some help because I'm sure between me and Hana-chan we can take Kisame. Its Itachi I'm worried about. I don't have anything to fight him with." He said.

The room was silent for a second before Jiraiya spoke up. "I can deal with Itachi. The Toad sage mode makes me impervious to all Genjutsu so I'm the best to fight him. Are you sure you and your girl can handle Kisame?" Jiraiya asked.

Naruto nodded, "I just need her for backup and assistance. You may want to have a few of the Jounin standing by to make sure we get out alive though."

Tsunade nodded. "The signal will be a Red Hawk in the sky. Your area will be surrounded with ANBU so they cannot escape. Gai, Kakashi, Asuma, and Kurenai will be there for assitance, however they will only interfere at your behest, Jiraiya, Naruto." She said.

"Hai!" They responded.

Tsunade smiled, "Good now this is how its going to work..."

Inuzuka Compound: That Night

Hana had sent a message to Tsume to have a small feast ready for the night. Tsume had an idea of what this was for and was actually rather happy. Kiba was oblivious and Akamaru was wagging his tail because Shiroi would be attending their little feast. Hana and Naruto were approaching the Compound and Naruto was nervous. He was about to tell one of the clan heads that he was marrying her daughter.

Hana sighed at Naruto. "Honestly, you'd think that after all the teasing Kaa-san put us through, you wouldn't be scared to tell her." She said.

Naruto chuckled nervously, "Maybe. But, I still hope she takes it well." He replied.

Hana stopped him outside the gates and quickly initiated a tongue war while their animal partners watched. "Better now?" Hana asked after pulling back. Naruto nodded and Hana smirked, "Good, because we are here." She said. Naruto looked at the doors like they would jump out and bite him. He gulped nervously before stepping with Hana.

Tsume looked up from the steaks she was cooking when the door opened. "Ahhhh, Hana-chan, Naruto-kun good to see you. I mean Hana must you be so scarce?" She asked teasingly.

Hana looked slightly sad, "Sorry Kaa-san. Its just easier to sleep with Naruto because we train every morning." She said.

Tsume smirked devilishly and Hana and Naruto knew she had said the wrong thing. "So sleeping WITH Naruto-kun huh? I guess I'll get my grandpups sooner than I thought!" She said smiling brightly. Hana and Naruto blushed a bright red but Hana nodded in affirmation. Tsume's mouth was open for a minute before she laughed and looked at Naruto. "Never thought that would backfire. She better not be pregnant or..." Tsume let the threat hang actually getting serious at the end.

Naruto quickly waved his hands and shook his head while Hana answered, "No Kaa-san. We came here to tell you something else important though."

Tsume looked between the two before nodding, "It can wait until dinner. Naruto please go get Kiba, first door on your left upstairs." Naruto nodded and headed off while Tsume turned to Hana. Tsume smirked, "How was he?" she asked.

Hana blushed again. "Good. VERY Good. I enjoyed it as much as he did." She answered slightly abashed that she was telling her mother this.

Tsume chuckled, "Thats good to hear. I know you enjoyed that new bed of his." Hana looked surprised. "O don't be so shocked. Who do you think he asked for help when he wanted it designed?" Hana nodded because who else WOULD you ask to design a bed for an Inuzuka?

Kiba and Naruto came down the stairs chatting amicably. Akamaru and Shiroi followed them and quickly laid down near the low set table curling up with one another. The Haimaru triplets silently laid down behind Hana's spot and Kuromaru sat next to Tsume's spot. The meal was quickly served and small talk made. Hana had kept her ring in her pocket so Tsume wouldn't notice. Naruto looked at Hana as Kiba was finishing the last of his meal and she nodded.

Naruto cleared his throat to get their attention. "I have something I wish to say." He said still slightly nervous. Hana reached into her pocket and put the ring on under the table. "Tsume-san, Kiba, Last night I asked Hana to marry me and, to my great luck, she agreed." He said.

Tsume was smiling brightly while Kiba looked a little gobsmacked. Hana pulled out her hand and put it in front of Tsume. "Hope you don't mind Kaa-san but I wanted to show this to you." Hana said smirking slightly.

Tsume squeeled and grabbed her hand. "O this is BEAUTIFUL. Dammit, I knew I shoulda gone after him!" She said pouting slightly. The collective voices of her children caused her to chuckled however, when they yelled, "MOM!"

Naruto chuckled, "I know this is kinda sudden, but well..." He looked at Kiba kinda nervous, he knew Tsume wouldn't care but he didn't want to be mauled by Kiba. Righteous brotherly fury is close to Righteous female fury after all.

Hana shook her head at her fiance's actions. He could be scared of the dumbest things sometimes. "We already marked one another so, by dragon laws, we are married. The ring and the wedding will be for formality. Plus I wanna see the look on all those girls faces when I make out with Taiyo-kun here on the alter." Hana said smirking.

Kiba looked from Naruto to Hana and back to naruto before opening his mouth, causing Naruto to stare in apprehension, before sighing and saying, "Fine. You beat me. I can't even use the alpha arguement. But, Naruto, You hurt my sister...I'll Kill You, dragon or not." He said going feral.

Naruto glared at Kiba. "I won't hurt her so keep your threats." He responded.

Tsume shook her head. "Alright sochi's thats enough." Naruto whipped his head to her so fast you'd think he had whiplash. "Yes Naruto, I'm gonna call you sochi and your going to call me Kaa-san understand?" She said smiling with an Oni mask appearing behind her. Naurto quickly nodded. "Good. Now lets finish dinner and let the two lovebirds go fuck like rabbits."

Naruto and Hana blushed and yelled, "MOM!" The families laughter rung out of the courtyard.

Timeskip: 1 week: Training Ground 50

The Training grounds were just a simple wide open clearing in between the trees. It was mostly used for stealth or evasion training, although the clearing provided ample room for a fight. Hana and Naruto were only mock sparring. They knew Itachi and Kisame were somewhere close so it was a light workout and they had their gear with them. Their partners were laying on the grass and watching them spar while being alert of their surroundings. Not far away Itachi and Kisame had just exited a teahouse. They had heard rumors of Naruto's power but Kisame had immediately dismissed it. ANBU had noticed them entering and had refrained from following them and opting instead to report to the Hokage.

Naruto and Hana were flying through their mock spar. Twisting and evading each others strikes instead of blocking, the rules of this spar. The both jumped apart and looked to the trees. "We know your there. Come out!" Naruto said slightly anxious. A deep chuckling sounded throughout the clearing.

Kisame and Itachi stepped out of the trees. "Good job sensing us boy." Kisame said. "I've been hearing some rumors about you but personally, I think their bullshit." He said.

Naruto narrowed his eyes. "Perhaps, Perhaps not. Do you know how to use that oversized meat grinder you call a sword?" He asked condescendingly.

Kisame growled until Itachi spoke. "Naruto-kun. Please come with us and no one needs to be hurt." He said in monotone.

Hana growled, "Naruto-kun isn't going anywhere traitor. We will fight to keep him here!" She said firmly.

Itachi closed his eyes before speaking once more. "In that case, We will have to kill you and take him. Kisame, leave him alive..." He was about to say more before another voice rang throughout the clearing from behind them.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Jiraiya said. The two S ranked criminals turned to face the toad sage, who had two small toads on his shoulders. Big Mistake.

"Tsuin Byakurai!" (Twin White Lightning Bolt) Naruto yelled as he thrust his two hands forward. Itachi, being more aware than Kisame, evaded it. Kisame... he evaded as well but recieved a burn mark on his left side for being too slow.

Jiraiya smirked, "Good Job brat. Leave Itachi to me. Kisame's all yours." He said and jumped towards Itachi, pulling him to another clearing.

With Hana and Naruto

Kisame glared at Naruto and said, "Brat. I'm gonna make you wish you hadn't done that." He pulled Samehada from his back. "This is Samehada, He's going to enjoy eating your chakra."

Naruto chuckled and said, "Sonzai kara bokashi, Senko!" (Blur from Existance, Flash) He twirled the Katana a few times before settling into his swordmaster stance. "Lets dance shall we?" He said smiling.

Kisame chuckled and let out a strange sound. Suddenly a rather large amount of ice structures popped up around the clearing. They all simultaneously shattered to reveal ice devils. These things were slightly taller than the average human with a lanky appearance. They were mostly humanoid ice sculptures with spikes of ice coming from every joint and sometimes just random pieces of the body. They had beady red eyes that stared at the two half dragons hungrily. "I hope you like them. They just LOVE to cut people's limbs off." Kisame said with an insane glint in his eyes.

Hana growled and looked at the Haimaru triplets and Shiroi who quickly lept off to deal with them. "You still have us to deal with and your not getting away that easily you shark freak." She said.

Kisame was about to retort when Naruto sent another Byakurai his way. "Enough talking! LET'S FIGHT!" He said as he charged the recovering Swordsman. He quickly brought his blade down and was promptly blocked by Samehada. Hana activated her Shikyaku no jutsu and lept into the fight, expertly backing up Naruto's strikes.

Now neither of the ninja's were going full speed but Kisame was more about strength. At their current speed and teamwork they were able to keep him mostly on the defensive with a few attacks coming from him. The electricty running through his system was playing a major role although the two Konoha nin's weren't fully aware of this.

With Itachi and Jiraiya

Jiraiya had dodged another fireball and was trying to figure out a way to hit the Uchiha prodigy. Luckily, Ma and Pa made Genjutsu useless against the toad sage so Itachi's normal tricks would be next to useless againest him. Still, every Jutsu or punch thrown at Itachi was blocked or redirected somehow.

"Ma gimme some Oil, Pa some wind please." Jiraiya said. The two elder toads oddly quiet when facing the young Uchiha. The quickly complied and Jiraiya expleed a dragon of fire that combined with the oil and wind to become a raging inferno with the call of "Gamayu Karyu Endan!" (Toad Dragon Flame) Itachi's eyes widened slightly and he quickly Kawarimi'd out of the way.

Jiraiya was keeping him on his toes as expected. The only reason he hadn't run was because Pain had threatened them with death if they didn't claim the Kyuubi. Itachi had hoped that they would be able to quickly subdue the Jinchuuriki and leave before any number of truly difficuly opponents could show up. That had not been the case.

Itachi ran through handseals and called out "Karyu Endan no Jutsu!" (Fire Dragon technique) He exhaled and sent the dragon towards the Toad Sage.

Pa quickly called out, "Teppodama no Jutsu!" (Water Bullet technique) which collided with the dragon to create a very thick steam. Ma knew that not seeing the opponent was scary and exhaled saying, "Daitoppa no Jutsu!" (Great Breakthrough technique) which blew away the steam to find an empty clearing.

The three heads swivaled around looking for their opponent. "This one is a slippery weasel Jiraiya-boy." Pa said.

Jiraiya nodded, "Ya but we have to kill him. He's too dangerous to be left alone anymore." The two sages nodded and they proceeded to gather sage chakra for a rather unique attack.

With Shiroi and the Haimaru Triplets

The ice devils were mostly low level demons. The four ninken had quickly paired up just like in the invasion a few weeks ago. Overall they were tearing through the devils like a bull through wet tissue paper. Of course it helped that all the ninken had a fire affinity and these devils happened to melt if the fire was too much for them.

A brief lull in the combat allowed them to pause and look at their masters. They were fighting well, but Kisame was getting over his paralyzed state. They looked at each other and redoubled their efforts. Their masters needed them and they would be there soon.

With Hana and Naruto

Naruto had already released his resistance seal to level 2. Kisame was just fast enough to dodge or, in most cases, block Naruto's lightning fast strikes. The slight paralysis the lightning had initially caused was dissipating and he could fight at full strength. Honestly, He was pissed. This brat wasn't supposed to be anywhere near this strong. He was the dobe of his class and he had barely hurt Zabuza.

Hana was annoyed. She had hoped to help Naruto but she had to back up and compliment his style with Kunai, which she didn't carry very many of, because he was too fast for her to fight effectively with. Naruto, on the other hand, was happy that Kisame was being pushed back. All he needed was a slight setup before he could finish it off.

He forced Kisame back and quickly made three Kage Bunshins. One went back to Hana to explain his plan, and give her some Kunai, while the other two attacked in tandem with the real Naruto, who dropped his resistance seal all together. Kisame was quickly driven around the training field before he got pissed off enough to resort to his Ninjutsu.

He jumped back and swung, destroying the Kage Bunshins. "You brats are good I'll give you that. But, I've had enough. I'll kill your little bitch then I'll cut your legs off to make it easier to get you back to base." He said.

Naruto growled at that but Hana smirked. "Taiyo-kun. Don't get so mad. I AM part bitch, besides I thought you liked that about me?" She said sexily making both guys turn to her.

Naruto chuckled, "O I do. I just don't like him calling you that. Your MY Bitch." He said possesively. (Bitch as in female dogs. Please don't think I'm sexist!)

Kisame wanted to sweatdrop. "Whatever. I'm just going to kill you! Bakusui Shōha no... Urgh!" He never got to finish becaused four cyclones ripped into his back.

The ninken landed beside their masters who smirked. "That was the setup!" Naruto said smirking. Four exploding tags went off behind Kisame propelling him forwards and causing massive damage to his back. He growled and brought Samehada forward to attack Naruto. He never got the chance.

"Futon: Tsuuga!"(Wind style: Piercing Drill) A voice called out from behind him. He realized his mistake a second to late to react as the Hana beside her ninken disappeared in a puff of smoke. His eyes widened as Hana ripped straight through his back and turned him into a mess of organs and blood sent flying all around, cut up from her wind chakra.

She landed, surprisingly rather free of organ matter, and smiled brightly at Naruto. Naruto chuckled and looked to the Jounin who had landed in the clearing, "You guys aren't going to help Jiraiya-san?" He asked.

Kakashi shook his head, "If Itachi beats him, we are close enough to catch and kill him so Tsunade said to cover you two first."

Naruto frowned at the lack of faith in his abilites, he hadn't even pulled out Bankai or Sage Mode, although they were more suited for large area battles. Hana sighed off to the side, "Taiyo-kun, lets go finish off Itachi, I need a shower and then a good night's sleep with my new favorite plushy!" she said slightly childish at the end.

The group chuckled but Naruto nodded, "Fine but I think its over, I can feel the energy being emitted from here and I don't think even Itachi can survive that." Everyone nodded and jumped off.

With Itachi and Jaraiya: 10 Minutes ago

Jiraiya had been holding off Itachi for almost twenty minutes while the two sage toads had gathered the necessary energy for this technique. He had adapted the Rasengan to work with his water chakra and for Pa to infuse another with wind chakra. He had no intention of letting this traitor leave here alive. Unfortunatly, the concentration needed would be insane.

Itachi was hiding and wondering why Jiraiya was simple standing there, seemingly doing nothing. He did NOT want to find out what a Sannin could do. He rushed from his hidden spot and suddenly had to dodge a wave of fire coming at him. He looked to his right to see a Kage Bunshin of Jiraiya. He frowned and let his Sharingan spin wildly as he attacked. Normally, the clone would not have lasted very long, but the sage chakra was enhancing its abilities to close to the original's strength.

Itachi had enough and eventually just said, "Amaterasu!"(Illuminating Heaven) and spewed black flames from his eyes that destroyed the clone. Unfortunatly, it wasn't fast enough. Itachi didn't know that yet though. He turned to Jiraiya and said, "Jiraiya-san. I am disappointed. I had hoped we could finish this without violence, however, that seems impossible so I will have to end this now." He looked right into Jiraiya's eyes, "Tsukuyomi!" (Moon Reader) he said. Itachi waited a second for the Genjutsu to take effect. Fatal Mistake.

Jiraiya rushed forward and brought the two elemental, though incomplete, Rasengans forward and rammed them into Itachi's chest. Itachi had only a moment to be surprised before the elemental chakras combined and Jiraiya jumped away. The swirling balls were quickly absorbed and imploded for a second before exploding into a towering sculputure of Ice. In the center was a dead Itachi, with lifeless, cold eyes. It suddenly crumbled, along with Itachi's body, and formed into a light dust that blew into the wind.

Jiraiya was breathing hard and let his Sage mode drop just as Naruto's group dropped into the clearing. Naruto whistled. "Nice one Ero-sennin. Water and wind rasengans? Level 5 huh?" He said actually curious. Jiraiya simply settled for a nod of his head. Itachi's fight had taken it out of him. "Come on. Baa-chan is going to want to hear the story from us." Everyone nodded and Shunshined to the Hokage's office where Tsunade was sitting... not so patiently.

Hokage Tower: 11: 45 AM

Tsunade tensed and then relaxed in her chair as she felt a multitude of Shunshins enter the room. With his usual flair, Naruto arrived with Hana a split second after everyone else. He stepped away from her and stood at attention before Tsuande. "Chunin Naruto Namikaze and Chunin Hana Inuzuka reporting back with a confirmed kill of one Kisame Hoshigaki." Naruto said in a military tone.

Jiraiya stood up straight. "Jiraiya of the Sannin, reporting back with a confirmed kill of Itachi Uchiha." He stated seriously.

Tsunade was a little surprised that their plan worked but overall she was happy. Two major threats to Konoha had been destroyed along with three more should Sora and Anko succeed. She smiled but then hardened her face. "Report. Naruto, you and Hana first." She said. Naruto nodded. He quickly explained about their sneak attack and Kisame severly underestimating them. Fortunatly, Kisame was one of the hard hitters for Akatsuki. With him out of the picture, They would be hard pressed to gain another member like that. Same for Itachi's calibur of shinobi. Tsunade turned to Jiraiya who launched into his own version of killing Itachi and was impressed that the two Chunin had taken down Kisame with such simple attacks. Simple they may be, but no one could argue their effectiveness.

Tsunade closed her eyes and obsorbed the information just given her before snapping them back open to congratulate the group. "Very good work everyone! Hana and Naruto will be recieving S ranked mission pay along with the Bounty for Kisame. Same for you Jiraiya." They all nodded, the two younger shinobi actually excited at that much money. "The Jounin's will recieve A ranked pay for keeping the fight local. Thank you for your work and you are dismissed!"

Everyone nodded and bowed to the Hokage before leaving in their own ways. Mostly Shunshin. Hana and Naruto went to get some lunch and then promptly went home to fall asleep in their new bed with their ninken surrounding them.

Timeskip: 1 week

Hana was curious. For the past week, Naruto's performance in bed had been stellar to say the least. Their first night was great and all, but lately it seemed like he got better EVERY DAY. While she COULD attribute it to their sexual activities, she doubted it because she hadn't learned too much more. He always seemed to hit sensetive spots or do something sensual that turned her on even more. She wasn't complaining but she was starting to wonder if someone was helping him on the side. That thought did not sit well with her and she resolved herself to find out just what made Naruto become such a VERY good lover!

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