*Cough* *Cough*
The silence was utterly deafening as the imperials hopelessly lounged around in an absolutely magnificent and spacious room. Their surroundings were between a haven-like sanctuary and an elaborate temple that looked worthy of hosting deities, but considering the situation, they couldn't properly enjoy it.
Despite the wonderous environment and ambiance, the imperial soldiers were anything but comfortable in this glorified prison. There was no furniture to rest on, just the uncomfortable marble-like ground or the base of the numerous pillars lining the walls. The atmosphere was also depressing so no one could relax fully.
All the wounded recovered a while ago with the help of their healers and potions so everyone was thankfully healthy and alive, but the same could not be said for their mental state and morale. Practically all the apprentices were on the verge of breaking down from their uncomfortable juvenile emotions. Their overly tense seniors and teachers didn't help with their nerves.
No one knew what fate had in store for them so they could feel nothing but negative emotions. Not a soul was optimistic about their chances.
Some have already tried to escape but their attempts were proven futile again and again.
They tried destroying the doors or walls but the structure would instantly rebuild itself as through some strange magic that no one could detect was taking effect. They later tried doing the same thing but with more firepower, except the structure now suddenly became impervious to their attacks as though it were aware that they might try the same thing twice.
Magic and spells were also completely useless. Whether they used magical devices and items to contact the outside or figure out their position, none of it worked. It didn't seem as though anything was disrupting the results, which was even weirder. They were so isolated that it almost seemed as though they were in a different dimension?!
While everyone was wallowing in despair, the massive doors began to slide open and their attention all turned to the ones who entered.
A sizable line of magically powered golems pushing carts full of food and beverages strolled in. They were your average mass-produced models with no unique or discernable features to give them any of the imperials solid information on their origins. No visible insignia, no visible serial codes, and no chance of interacting with them since they always stayed silent.
When they originally arrived in this place through the mysterious hole in space, these same golems also brought in some sustenance for them only a few minutes after their arrival. At first, they were too bewildered by their situation to properly utilize that golden opportunity, but this time around, things were different.
After passing along a quick nod between those who were close to the door and golems. The door was wide open and the only thing standing in their way were the seemingly harmless golems!
*Thuuumm* *Swoosh*
Dozens of invisible B~grade auras were released as weapons were brandished and numerous veterans jumped into action! For some reason, their weapons and gear weren't confiscated so they could display their full power in this escape attempt!
Those who weren't included in their secret little plan yelped or flinched in surprise but didn't make any moves. If they needed their help, all they needed to do was ask and they would fight to the end alongside each other in a heartbeat, but they didn't. They were a little thankful since no one knew what would happen to those who attempted escape in such a way. If they didn't need help, they would rather stay out of it and hope they didn't get pulled down with them.
Back in the farthest corner of the huge room was Captain Usman as he sat there crisscrossed with a serious air around him. He narrowed his eyes but did not stop his foolish subordinates. They already made him aware of their plan long beforehand and they even tried to rope him in, but he already knew that it was futile so he refused.
The others haven't seemed to fully realize it yet, even though they all witnessed it, but the man that took them away also easily beat two S~grade powerhouses, from the church no less, as if it were nothing. It didn't even take him a few seconds and he did it all silently without anyone noticing. Also, judging by the dialogue before the demonic eighteenth Bishop was taken down, there were over a hundred Templar forces from the church hiding in the shadows, yet he took them down too. Only transcendent were capable of such ridiculous feats.
They weren't dealing with someone normal here, so he'd rather wait to see what would happen. After all, it seemed as though this person needed them for something by the way they were still being alive even now.
Furthermore, they weren't being treated badly at all. They were given good food and a clean atmosphere, free of the usual unsanitary dungeon vibe. This made home think that the other party might have nice or decent intentions.
This was also why he didn't stop his subordinates from potentially angering the master of this place. There was always the possibility that he would make an example out of them, but he got the notion that he wouldn't do such a thing. He could only hope that the man wanted a friendly relationship with them.
Plus, he couldn't stop them in the state he was in.
Usman gripped his already healed wrist and winced in heavy dismay. There was a sad look in his eyes as he glanced at his amputated hand, trying his best to ignore the depressing sight for now. As an archer, ranger, and proud soldier of the Empire, he knew his career was over with this injury. At the time, he was aware of the consequences brought by cutting off his hand but he readily did it.
Because he was missing his hand, he would be considered useless in the eyes of the royal army. He solely used two-handed ranged weapons like bows so he heavily relied on both his hands.
There were methods to regrow lost limbs, but they were ridiculously expensive. He tended to live moderately, mainly focusing on his military career so he had massive life savings. But even then, he still wouldn't be close to being able to pay the fee for getting his hand back, which only high nobles would be able to pay with little effort.
In situations like these, usually, the Empire would pay for his recovery since he was a loyal A~grade, but he doubted that he would get approval from the upper echelons.
Due to his quick rise in the ranks of the royal army, many despised him and would wish for him to disappear before their possessions were threatened. Moreover, he was beloved by the low-ranked soldiers so they were further jealous of that. He had too many enemies for him to be able to get unanimous support from the higher-ups.
His hands were his lifeline, so he probably had to consider an early retirement soon...
Usman shook his head as he watched his subordinate's plan unfold.
The first couple of warriors that were about to intercept the golems were about to unleash a hail of attacks when they stiffened in disbelief.
The golems politely moved out of the way in a reserved manner once they noticed the intentions of the other party, making sure the food wasn't harmed as they wheeled it to the side.
A particular golem that seemed like the leader by the special purple and silver markings on its left shoulder gestured towards the door as though it were saying "be my guest". Its demeanor and mannerism screamed intelligence and awareness as it allowed the others to leave without resistance.
They were all stunned speechless by this and immediately became suspicious. Was there something that would stop them from escaping out there? Were they trying to lower their guard?
After a while of awkward silence, nothing happened and the offenders looked between each other. Could they really just leave?
A few brave soldiers saw this opportunity and swiftly headed for the exit. As soon as they set foot in the hallway, they checked both ways ready for a battle or some type of alarm to go off, but to their surprise, nothing happened.
Was everything really that simple? Were they really free to go? Then why were they kidnapped in the first place? Was the master of this place feeling lonely or something? They tried destroying the door before, but could they have just opened it and left? Why are they still debating their choices while standing there like idiots when they could be leaving right now?
No longer questioning everything as much as before, they cautiously moved out in a tight formation. Although they haven't met resistance yet, they might down the line.
Seeing that the group met no difficulties despite leaving, more and more followed their example until a little over thirty percent of the veterans and seventy percent of the apprentices were already gone. By that time, the golems finished setting up the food and beverages and casually left.
The golem leader was about to also leave when a hand appeared on its shoulder and got its attention.
Harris glared at the golem and dared to ask with blatant hostility, "Are they in danger? You won't use them as some sick example for those who try to resist?!"
The golem didn't have any physical or verbal way to respond so it chose to use some of its authority to materialize a fancy sign next to its head with its response engraved on it. If there were any players present, they would've instantly recognized the familiar font, format, and border style as the standard system notification.
<So long as they don't try and purposely desecrate the Spatial Palace or go snooping in any places they shouldn't, like opening doors at random, they should be fine. As for whether they can leave or not... I cannot promise that you'll be able to unless you meet the necessary requirements. But if you do, you may leave at any time. You may also wait patiently for my master to meet with you.>
"Eh, what are the requirements?"
"Tch, this some game to you all?! Then tell me why we're here and what your master wants with us!" Harris snarled in disdain as a very faint killing intent was directed at the golem. The previously tense atmosphere was getting to him and his patience ran thin.
"WHY YOU LITTLE—" In that split second, his fist was going to strike the head while a preprepared illusionary dagger silently sliced towards where the golem's solar plexus should be. The core should also be located there so that meant it was its biggest weak spot.
"Enough Harris..." Usman's voice warned his subordinate from across the room in a casual voice that all seemed to hear clearly. He was still gripping his wrist and looking down at it, not even bothering to look in their direction.
"... Yes, Captain." Harris quickly backed off and went back to where he was previously seated and begrudgingly sat down.
Completely unfazed by what just happened and seeing that it was no longer needed, the golem leader left and closed the door behind it.
Now that it was gone, Harris regained his composure as though it were all an act and quickly moved to Usman's side. On his way, he couldn't help but notice the current state of his beloved captain.
Usman looked truly dispirited as his usual prideful and strong aura was replaced with something more gloomy.
Harris couldn't fathom what his captain was currently going through so he felt great sympathy for him. He knew that the chances for him to get his hand back were depressingly low considering his complicated reputation.
Noticing that he was just standing there, Usman began, "You were planning something, right? So why did you hesitate? It definitely wasn't because I stopped you."
They both talked for a bit until they were on the same page.
Hariss was actually putting up an act the whole time, trying to get as much information from the golem before he attempted to attack it. If he took its remains to one of the remaining mages in the room, he could have them do something similar to an autopsy to find any more information about who they were dealing with. He was fully ready to accept the consequences for offending the golem's owner, but if he used the excuse that he did it in a blind rage, then the others wouldn't get punished alongside him.
As a skilled assassin, he always needed to keep a level head, especially when it came to missions like espionage. He was in control of himself the whole time.
He did manage to get a few tidbits of info from their brief exchange. They were currently in a place called the Spatial Palace and they could freely leave this place without facing danger. However, there were specific requirements for them to be able to leave this place, which was most likely ridiculous or strenuous. Some rooms were off-limits but he didn't plan to go sticking his nose in places he shouldn't. He didn't think the golem was lying, but he couldn't say for absolute sure. All he could do was believe his words.
Usman raised an eyebrow as he asked the same question again, "But that doesn't explain why you stopped midway through your attack?"
"*sigh* That golem might look like your standard model, but the soul or spirit inside is most definitely not. I could tell it easily saw through my illusions and it reacted faster than I could. It might've seemed like it didn't move at all but I knew better. The chances of me actually landing a sure-kill attack were too low to risk it."
Since it was brought up, they both thought of the mysterious existence powering the golem(s). That spirit had full awareness, absolute control, extreme intelligence, and an undeniable sense of wisdom or sapience, which was a scary notion.
Spirits with lower grades had less cognition, yet they felt like they were the ones being read like a book under that golem's presence. It was observing their actions the whole time.
Furthermore, there was a high chance that the leader was controlling the other golems. If that were true, then it was also capable of exerting the same efficiency as a hive-mind(1), which wasn't just scary, but downright terrifying. There was very few sapient hive or swarm-minded(2) civilization in the world, but they were always a major cause for concern in any country just because of their power and potential.
They each shuddered at the thought.
It didn't take long for all those who wished to leave to be gone. Around sixty percent of the veterans and more than ninety percent of the apprentices were now long gone. Only twenty-seven veterans and a handful of apprentices were left, most of which who were following their captain's lead.
The ones who were left did not let the food brought in go to waste as they snacked on it while conversing or discussing the situation. Compared to before, they were much more relaxed.
Usman wondered what fate had befallen the others and sincerely hoped they were alright. He could only cross the fingers on his non-amputated hand and hope that they weren't doing anything foolish.
The seemingly endless halls were filled with the echoes of their footsteps as a large group of imperials swiftly moved down the corridors armed to the teeth. They were the third group that left right after the first few who planned to fight their way out so there should've been quite a few ahead of them. They didn't see any signs of battle or blood, but they didn't dare lower their guard.
Leading the makeshift group were the leaders of the warrior and mage units. They typically quarreled with each other due to the massive difference in their class and personalities, but this time, they were silent as they pushed their senses to the extreme while keeping a steady pace.
They wandered for what felt like hours. This place was insanely massive?! Who would even need all this space!?!
They didn't have the same abilities as adventures so their navigational skills were subpar at best. The only ones who they could rely on were the soldiers with the ranger, assassin, or mage classes while they navigated this mess. Rangers and assassins had great tracking abilities so they were mapping the area out while using their extraordinary senses. Mages were typically all-rounders so they could help in most areas if they used the proper spells.
As they began to lose hope and think about retracing their steps, one of the better rangers noticed something and directed them in that direction.
Now rejuvenated, they put more energy in their step and eventually arrived at their destination.
"Up ahead! There are people behind that door... and I think open space!!"
Open space meant the outside, and the outside meant freedom!
As soon as they came to the door, they noticed that it was strange. It didn't seem like they could push or pull it. Could it be a sliding door? Lumeria typically never used sliding doors so they weren't used to it. Maybe occasionally in the western dynasties and countries, but they weren't totally sure.
The warrior leader approached the door, shield raised, intending to figure out how it opened when it began opening on its own.
Although they were surprised, they proceeded through. They were greeted by the sight of a second door, which was weird, but they also went through it after the first door closed behind them.
That's when they saw all the previous groups standing there completely frozen in place. Their backs were turned away from them as they stared off into the horizon.
"It's nighttime, huh? Thought as much, but where is the moon? Is it a dark moon tonight?" The mage leader gawked at the starry sky with amazement. She's never seen such a breathtaking view of the stars. It almost felt as though it wasn't the same night sky as the one she was used to, making it feel unreal.
"What are they doing just standing there?" The warrior leader focused more on the strange behavior of the people in front of him instead of the enchanting scenery.
He decided to try asking them so he approached, but upon doing so, he noticed what they were looking at and froze in shock just like them. His muscles became stiff and he nearly dropped his weapons, which he trained for years not to do.
Soon, everyone joined them and they all had similar reactions of utter disbelief. Their previous thoughts of escaping and returning home were greatly overshadowed by the huge swarm of questions invading their minds.
Why were they in outer space!?!
1: Hive-minded) The collective mental activity expressed in the complex, coordinated behavior of a colony of social insects (such as bees or ants) regarded as comparable to a single mind controlling the behavior of an individual organism
2: Swarm-minded) A cluster of organisms/entities that are held together by the organisms/entities themselves. It's similar to a hive mind but without either a leader or future sustainability.
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