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54.87% Dragon Ball: Back in Black / Chapter 45: The Destruction of Planet Vegeta

Chapter 45: The Destruction of Planet Vegeta

"Leave 'em." I replied after a while of debating with myself.

There's no reason for me to save them. Not now at least. The damned planet and its inhabitants are nothing but a damned inconvenience.

That planet is full of planet conquering warriors who slaughtered billions and sold hundreds of thousands of planets to the highest bidder. It's partially their fault for why our universe's mortal level is so abysmally low, leading to Universe Seven's near-erasure in the Tournament of Power.

It was a shame too. The Saiyan Race is such an interesting one. An entire race of people who have the potential power to rival the gods.

If I was older, maybe had some more time, I probably could've done something about it, but I don't have the time nor luxury to change the entire foundation and culture of a planet full of barbarians. Especially since I never wanted that responsibility in the first place.

"There's no reason as to why we should go out of our way to save them." I added.

"Damn..." Dore muttered.

"That's... just cold..." Salza added.

"Then I suppose that's that." Cooler replied, leaning back in his chair. "Salza, if there are any Saiyan teams that haven't arrived on Planet Vegeta, get ahold of them and tell them to convene on Cooler Planet 141. And also arrange for them to be picked up and distributed around the Cooler Force. Dismissed."

We all left the control room and Salza immediately left to do as Cooler commanded. I nod my head at the other two before turning away and heading towards the Training Room.

Once there, I locked the door with my Command ID. Apart from Cooler, no one will be able to enter this room until I deactivate the lock.

Letting out a sigh, I used Kai Kai to teleport to Planet Earth.


Outside a small house in the middle of the wilderness, an old man goes on a leisurely walk around nature. The old man wears a martial arts uniform consisting of a sleeveless orange jacket over a long-sleeved black shirt, with a green hat on his head.

He lets out a deep breath, savoring the scene of the nearby waterfall.

"Are you just going to stand there?" The old man asks, feeling the gaze of a familiar set of eyes.

Zyleth walks out from the tree line and stands beside the old man, his eyes also resting on the waterfall.

"Gohan." Zyleth says, greeting the old man.

"Zyleth." Gohan nods, a small smile forming on his lips. "It has been some time since I saw you last. I would offer you some tea, but I don't have any on me at the moment."

"It's fine." Zyleth shook his head, appreciating said offer.

The two sat there for a moment, a comfortable silence falling between them.

"What brings you here?" Gohan finally asks.

"It's time." Zyleth said simply.

Gohan's eyes widened for a brief moment before nodding solemnly. He knew exactly what Zyleth was referring to.

"I see..." Gohan muttered. "I'm so sorry..."

"Don't be." Zyleth replied before suddenly disappearing.

Gohan let out a brief sigh before turning around and walking back towards his home.

About a year ago, a peculiar young boy with a tail had came to him. He was nice enough. Very polite for a boy his age. The boy came and went, never overstaying his welcome and always disappearing suddenly with no explanation.

After a few meetings, the boy revealed some very interesting things. About how he was a member of an alien race called Saiyans and his people were soon going to be wiped out. If it wasn't for the fact that the child had turned into an ape the size of a mountain, he never would've believed any of it.

The boy asked the old man to take care of his family. To teach them all about Earth and the people who made it their home.

The old man was hesitant, of course he was, who wouldn't be? But the sincere look in the boy's eyes as he made the request warmed his old heart.

Soon after, the boy made multiple cottages near the man's house in preparation for their arrival. They were quite cozy and spacious.

"I should make them some tea." Gohan said to himself.


On Planet Vegeta, Bardock and Gine jumped from rock to rock, a Space Pod sitting atop Bardock's shoulder. They went under the cover of darkness, careful as to not cast suspicion on themselves.

From within the confines of the pod, a young three-year old Kakarot can be heard crying.

"Is there another option?!" Gine asked, unsure if this was the right course of action. "Let's think about this!"

"No, it's the only choice." Bardock replied. "If I turn out to be wrong, I'll go and rescue him."

Upon reaching a satisfactory spot, far away from prying eyes, the two Saiyans jumped down to the ground and walked towards a more flat area.

"But... in that case, why don't all three of us run off somewhere together?" Gine asked.

"We can't." He answered instantly. "They'd use their damn Scouters and be able to track us down in no time."


Gine looked to the ground, apprehension and confusion sinking deep within her. She didn't want to send her son away.

"Why are you going through so much trouble? It's not like a Saiyan man to worry about his children, so what's gotten into you?" She asked.

"I don't know..." He replied softly. "Maybe it's because I'm constantly fighting, destroying, that I'd like to actually save something for once. Especially someone who was judged to be a lower class warrior. Like my Kakarot..."

Bardock set the pod down onto the ground, looking at his son through the red glass.

"I programmed this to head to a distant planet called Earth. The people on that world have low power levels and aren't technologically advanced. I think he'll be able to do well there, Gine..." He told her, watching as Kakarot placed his hands on the glass in an attempt to reach out for them. "Good thing is it's not an extremely valuable world, so I'm hoping it won't even show up on the Cooler Force's radar."

"If your father is wrong about this then we'll come and get you immediately." Gine said as she placed her hand on the glass, trying to reassure both her and her son.

Bardock leaned down next to Gine, giving his son a proud smile. "Listen, son, you do what it takes to survive, got it?"

Kakarot looked confused, raising an eyebrow at his father.

"We'll see you very soon!" Gine said, tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

Bardock placed his hands on the glass, prompting young Kakarot to place his small hand over his.


The pod then started to lift from the ground, Kakarot looking at his parents with a distressed look upon his face. Unable to hold herself back, Gine took a few steps forward and yelled out to her departing son.

"Don't forget us, Kakarot!"

The pod rose higher and higher, ready to take off in the direction of Earth when it suddenly stopped in the middle of the sky.

"Seems I got here just in time..."

Zyleth suddenly appeared on top of the pod, his fingers gripping into the metal so hard that it ripped holes in the outer shell.

"Zyleth...?" Gine muttered under her breath.

The sight of their eldest son gave Bardock and Gine quite the shock, wondering how and why he was here.

"What are you doing here?" Bardock asked, looking at his son with vast amounts of confusion.

Zyleth ignored their questions and floated back down to the ground, ripping the pod open and taking out his crying little brother.

"ZyZy..." Kakarot said through tears as he wrapped his arms around his elder brother's neck.

"Shhh... It's okay..." He whispered softly, his hand rubbing against his brother's hair. "You grew up since the last time I saw you, huh?"

Kakarot nodded and the sounds of his crying soon started to fade.

"Zyleth... What are you doing here?" Bardock asked as he walked up to his son.

"To save your sorry asses." Zyleth said as he walked right past his father and mother, heading into the direction of the Saiyan Capital.

"Save us? Does that mean Cooler isn't going to blow up the planet?" Bardock asked, looking at Zyleth with widened eyes.

"Cooler is halfway across the Universe right now." Zyleth told his father.

"What?" Bardock muttered in shock.

Bardock and Gine looked towards each other in disbelief before running after Zyleth.

"But the signal ordering all Saiyans to return to Planet Vegeta was from the Cooler Force." Bardock said.

"It was a fake. Frieza used a fake Cooler Force ID to transmit the signal." Zyleth replied.

"How do you know?" Bardock asked.

"Cooler told me." Zyleth answered.

"And you believed him?" Bardock asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't have time to get into the pros and cons between two tyrant brothers, just believe me when I say that Cooler had nothing to do with this." Zyleth told his father, looking into his eyes with a serious gaze.

"Wait, even if that's true, aren't you supposed to be serving on Cooler's ship? How are you here if Cooler is halfway across the universe?" Gine asked.

"The way I got here is the same way I'm going to get you off this doomed planet."


We finally arrive at our house and I use my Scouter to contact Paragus.

[Zyleth? It's been a--]

"Long time, yes I know. Listen, I need you to get over to my parent's house as quickly as possible." I tell the Saiyan Colonel.

[What? I'm sorry, but I'm kind of in the middle--]

"If you're not here in the next ten minutes, I'm leaving you to die with the rest of this goddamn planet." I told him before dropping the communication.

"Wasn't that a little... harsh?" Gine asked.

"I don't have any frame of reference as to when Frieza is going to blow this planet to kingdom come, so time is literally of the essence." I replied before looking towards my father. "Contact all the members of your team and tell them to come here."

"But you still haven't told us--"

"Do you want to argue or do you want to live?" I asked, cutting him off.

He looked at me for a moment before taking out his Scouter and making calls.

I then make another call myself, connecting to the Queen. She answers after a moment, sounding very tired.

[You better have a good reason as to--]

"Frieza is going to blow up the planet. Meet me at my parent's house" I tell her before disconnecting.

"Who was that you just called?" Gine asked.

"The Queen." I answered.

Gine raised an eyebrow and looked at her son with bewilderment.

"Why would you call her?" She asked.

"Because she's nice enough for a Saiyan woman and Vegeta needs a win." I tell her.

Seriously, the dude needs at least one functioning parent. At least with her still alive, Vegeta might honestly be a better than he was originally. I doubt it, but it doesn't hurt to try.

Feeling a presence coming towards us, I look over and see Paragus has arrived.

"Oh good, he's here." I said before handing Kakarot to my mother.

"Now, what was this about you saying that--"

"Yeah, save that thought. It'll be easier just to explain everything while everyone else is here." I told him.

As I say that, Borgos and Shugesh finally arrive, the latter looking as if he was about to fall asleep at any moment.

"Man, what's this about Bardock? You woke me out of my late evening nap..." Shugesh mumbles.

Late evening nap? It's fucking midnight.

Tora later arrives as well as Fasha, the two look around at the small gathering of Saiyans and their faces shift to one of curiosity and confusion.

"What's going on?" Fasha asks.

"Hold up a second, we're still waiting on one person." I told her.

Almost as if on cue, the Queen finally arrives, causing my eyes to widen when I see what's in her hands.

"What's Tarble doing here?!" I asked.

"I brought him, obviously." She replied.

Not what I meant! Isn't he supposed to be on a distant planet by now?!

My eyebrow twitches at the timeline differences this will probably cause, but I quickly move on since we're running out of time.

"Okay, whatever. It's fine." I told her before looking around. "Where's your husband?"

"Don't worry about him." She said with so much spite that it causes me to raise an eyebrow.

I'm... not even going to touch that...

"Now, will you explain why you called us all here?" Paragus asked.

"You didn't tell them?" Sela asks.

"Not yet." I replied.

"Tell us what?" Tora asked.

"Frieza is about to blow up the planet." I tell them, ripping off that bandaid as fast as possible.

Besides for Sela and my parents, everyone around me looks at me as if I've gone crazy.

"That's... That can't be true, right?" Paragus asked.

"Nice joke, little man. Come on, tell us why you really called us out here." Shugesh says with a hearty laugh.

I just continue to look on with a serious expression, signaling to everyone that I wasn't joking. Seeing this, Shugesh's laugh slowly dies down and it was quickly replaced with horror.

"But why?!" Paragus exclaimed.

"Does it really matter at this point?" I asked. "The planet is dead. We have to leave."

"Can't you just... fight Frieza like last time?" Tora asks. "That red and black... thing you turned into, can't you do that again?"

I shook my head, "That was just pure luck. Besides, even if I did, I'd probably be the one destroying the planet. That's why I said that we need to leave.

Of course I could just beat him in my base form, but then everyone going to Earth wouldn't happen.

"And how do you plan us doing this? If we try to leave on a ship, they would shoot us down as soon as we left the atmosphere." Sela pointed out.

I look at her with a smirk before thinking of Earth and teleporting us there.

"What the-?!" Bardock yelled out as we were now suddenly standing in the middle of a large forest.

"This is how." I said towards the former Queen.

Everyone looks around at the scenery, wondering where I had just brought them.

"Where are we?" Fasha asks.

"Earth." I told her.

Bardock and Gine suddenly snapped their heads toward me.

"Earth? How did you..?" Bardock muttered.

"How did I what?" I asked, feigning innocence.

Before he could ask anymore questions, there was a rustling of leaves that gathered everyone's attention. I look over and see that Gohan had poked his head out from the bushes.


Paragus immediately fired a ki blast towards him, causing me to blitz in front of Gohan and deflect the blast into the air.

I glare at Paragus, releasing half of my full power towards him, causing him to fall onto the floor paralyzed. I walk up and kneel down, making him look me in the eyes.

"If one hair on the old man is out of place, I swear that I'll send you flying into a star." I told him.

He lets out an audible gulp and says, "M-My apologies..."

I release him and allow him to stand up before motioning towards Gohan. "Everyone, this is Gohan. He'll be your guide whilst you're living on Earth."

"Hello, would any of you like some tea?" He asked with a polite smile.

Everyone just stares at him with weird faces before Shugesh finally asks, "What's tea?"

For the next few hours, I help get my family and friends settled into their new houses. They weren't all that lavish, but neither were the accommodations on Planet Vegeta, so they will be just fine.

Although the Queen might take some time to get used to the smaller space.


"But if you destroy Planet Vegeta, Cooler will take this as an act of war." Frieza's 'advisor' informs him.

"Then let him. My brother sealed his fate when he stole away my chance at righting the humiliation I suffered at the hands of that monkey child." Frieza replies through gritted teeth before turning around to exit the ship. "If he wants to ally himself with these monkeys, then he'll suffer the consequences of doing so."

The right side of Frieza's body had been replaced with mechanical parts after the encounter with Zyleth. Every time he caught a glimpse of his metal appendage, all the anger came flooding back as if it had just happened.

Rising from the confines of his ship, Frieza raised his index finger and quickly formed a large Supernova.

"HYAAAAAAAAH!" Frieza yelled out with a deranged smile as he pointed down, sending the Supernova down towards Planet Vegeta.

The Supernova ripped through the planet's atmosphere, the clouds near its vicinity evaporating from the extreme heat. On the surface, crowds of Saiyans could be seen looking up towards the sky, unable to look away from their impending doom.

The Supernova crashes into the planet, tearing through the crust and pushing through to the planet's core. Cracks appear on the surface, the planet breaking apart until it explodes into a ball of fire.

Frieza looks on, laughing maniacally as he watches the number on his Scouter reduce to zero.

"I for one feel so much better now." Frieza says.

"Well that's good. Wouldn't want you feeling stressed." A sarcastic voice sounded out from behind Frieza.

Hearing the familiar voice, Frieza slowly turned around and saw the object of his ire. The lowly Saiyan child that had humiliated him so.

"You..." Frieza seethed.

"Me." Zyleth said simply before extending his arm and swiping his hand downward.

Frieza suddenly felt himself pinned against his ship, unable to stand or even move his body.

"So, how've you been?" Zyleth asked as he sat beside the pinned Emperor, removing the Scouter that was on his ear. "Ooh, nice Scouter. Is it new?"

"You wretched beast! Release me this instant!" Frieza yelled.

"What, so you can go into your final form and kill me? Oh no, I'm not that stupid. I wouldn't stand a chance against you if you managed that." Zyleth replied before crushing the Scouter in his hands.

That was an obvious lie, but he couldn't have Frieza going off to train. That would be disastrous to his health at this point in time.

"So how's the family? Your father doing alright?"

Frieza just glared at the child, his eyes turning bloodshot as he struggled to get up so that he could rip Zyleth limb from limb.

"That's good." Zyleth said, looking towards his destroyed homeworld.

Seeing the direction of which Zyleth turned his gaze, Frieza smirked and said, "Oh? Feeling a little homesick?"

Zyleth turned his gaze back towards Frieza, his eyes empty as he stood up and plunged a ki blade right through Frieza's back.

"AAAAAH!" Frieza yelled out.

"Got anymore jokes?" Zyleth asked, kneeling down and plunging the blade deeper, twisting it ever so slightly. "Whatever, it doesn't matter. I'm just here to give you a message."

Zyleth leaned down and whispered into Frieza's ear. "You're going to die."

He then disappeared as if he was never there, leaving the so called "emperor" to stew in even further humiliation and torment.

"Damn you..." Frieza said through gritted teeth before yelling towards the heavens. "DAMN YOU!!!"

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