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35.29% Draco Malfoy, The Champion of the Magical World / Chapter 6: The Girl Who Lived

Chapter 6: The Girl Who Lived

As Draco left the room, leaving the five girls alone in the room, Ginny looked at the others "Are we going to talk about what we all just agred too?"

"A show of hands. Who here wants to be Draco's girlfriend?" Astoria asked the other girls, her tone one filled with resolve as she raised her hand.

After a few moments of hesitation, Daphne, Ginny, Luna, and finally Hermione all raised their hands as well.

"Then I don't see a problem." Astoria insisted "We all love the same guy, and he loves all of us too, and we're all best friends and basically sisters, or literally sisters in Daphne's case, so lets just accept it."

"It's a bit unusual." Hermione noted.

"We're still kids, we don't have to think about adult stuff like marriage an stuff." Astoria insisted "Lets enjoy like and enjoy our time with him. And even if he wants to be with all of us, I'll accept him as he is."

"What if he brings other girls into our group?" Daphne asked her sister.

"Well, as long as we get along well with whoever he adds, it shouldn't be a problem." Astoria insisted boldly.

Hermione nodded along with the others, going along with it, though also struggling the most with the whole situation.

Meanwhile, as their talk continued:


In another place, a tall (about 6 feet), golden-furred monkey with a staff rested across his lap was on a mountaintop, meditating with his eyes closed, before he suddenly broke out in a hearty laugh "Giving him that ability was worth it! Hillarius!"

The one speaking was none other then Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, and a deity that enjoys having a good laugh. He had spent much of his time recently watching what Draco would do, and was quite amused.

When he slyly gave Draco the ability to rewrite reality one time, he didn't know what Draco would use it for. The moment though, that he had thought about making Hary Potter a cute girl, the Monkey King found it too pricelessly perfect to pass on waited for Draco to activated the skill, only for him to not do so "You're going to tease me with such a hillarius idea and then change your mind?" the Monkey King asked no one in particular as he was observing Draco stell while his eyes were closed.


'All jokes aside, the only way I can use this skill is to save Astoria.' Draco thought as he started heading back to the girls 'Here goes nothing. I want Olympia's tears, to have the power to completely wipe out curses, including bloodline curses, forever, with a single tear, from the person cursed down to their descendents"


Reality Revision Skill used


The Monkey King sighed when Draco activated the skill "Aaah, that's boring compared to the other idea. Noble maybe, but booooooring." he complained "Well, since you made such an interesting suggestion....Maybe I'll bend the rules a little bit." he laughed again.


Reality Revision Skill used


Draco was just starting to enter the room with the girls when he saw a second notification of the skill being used. It definitely hadn't been 20 years! It hadn't even been 20 seconds!

When he re-entered the room with his five girlfriends, Draco had already recovered from his momentary shock and started planning what he'd do next. After checking his History books, he found Harry Potter's name replaced with Holly Potter, but he definitely hadn't activated the skilll at that time! Draco did not think that he could just wait around to meet Holly in Diagon Alley. Fortunately for Draco, he knew where Harry...err...Holly lived...thanks to the books, and he now had the ability to apperate, so running into her should be possible.

As he entered, Draco went straight to Ginny and kissed her on the cheek."Wha-what was that for?" Ginny asked with embarrassment.

"Your birthday is coming up next." Draco reminded her simply "So I figured I'd help you start getting accustomed to having your cheek kissed, like a responsible boyfriend."

"J-just don't push it at the party. My brothers would beat you up." Ginny pointed out to Draco, then looked at the other girls.

Draco saw them all seemingly coming to some kind of agreement, and wondered what they had talked about while he'd been out of the room, since he'd clearly missed something. It couldn't be helped, though. He just had to assume that whatever it was, it was tied to the activation of his Divine Luck Skill.

While he certainly wanted all these girls to eventually become his harem, he wasn't actually sure how to make it happen, so he needed an ally among the girls to encourage the others. He wondered if his Divine Luck skill had helped him to obtain such an ally. His intuition said that the answer was yes, but he wasn't sure who it was.


Draco visited the girls until it was time for him to go home. He hugged each of them and gave each of them a kiss on the cheek before using the Manor's connection to the floo network to return home to the Malfoy Manor, after which he had his second party, which was boring as hell, but he endurred it by using his system to read a book from his library that no one else could see,

Draco was elated when he was finally able to go to bed, and started planning and waiting for the right moment for him to approach Holly Potter.

Draco couldn't go looking for Holly Potter while he was visiting his girls, so he had to wait until his parents were both out of the manor and then he put on an invisibility cloak and apperated to the muggle park where he'd first met Hermione, then he found an out of sight place to remove his invisibility cloak and stash it in his inventory, before asking directions to Little Whinging, and eventually to 4 Privot Drive.

Draco made it in decent time, but chose not to approach the house just yet, instead finding a quiet place to apperate home.

His parents returned from the Ministry an hour later, but he did not want to take chances that they might come home early. It wouldn't do for them to learn he could apperate just yet.

The next time that his parents went out for the day was Sunday, July 31st, 1988, Holly's eighth birthday, coinsidentally.

Draco thought that was perfect and made a trip first to Diagon Alley by floo, where he purchased a magic trunk for Holly and filled it with all the items required for a year 1 students at Hogwarts, apart from a wand and a pet, then he donned his invisibility cloak and apperated near to Privot Drive.

After making sure that no one could see him where he was hiding, Draco put his invisibility cloak into his inventory and pulled the trunk along after him three blocks to 4 Privot Drive and knocked on the door.

The person that answered the door was a cute girl with long red hair and hazel eyes, not at all like how the books discribed Harry Potter. Harry Potter was said to look ike his father, but having his mothers green eyes, while this girl looked like Lily Potter, but had her fathers Hazel eyes. Well, with this much of a reversal, ti made adding her to his harem actually feasable. She was cute as hell, and when she was older, she'd be beautiful.

Even so, he kept himself composed "Hello Holly. My name is Draco, it's a pleasure to meet you." Draco smiled and extended a hand out to her to shake it.

Holly clearly looked confused, causing Draco to chuckle "My godfather was a childhood friend of your mothers. It's your birthday, right? Harry birthday."

Holly's eyes looked like they were threatening to shed tears, clearly she was not used to such treatment. Also, this was someone connected to her lost parents, so how could she not feel a bit emotional?

"If it's a Salesmen, tell'em we don't want anything!" Vernon Dursley snapped from another room.

"Want to come outside?" Draco suggested to Holly, only noticing her scar under her bangs when she turned to glance towards her uncle, as it was surprisingly well hidden by her red bangs.

"I can't. Sorry." Holly apoligized to Draco.

"If people knew how you were treated where I come from, there would be hell to pay. Considering your parents were peerless heroes that lost their lives, but ended a catastrophic situation that would have eventually led to billions of deaths. Yes, Billions with a B, not a M" Draco told Holly. "You, Holly Lily Potter, are reverred as a folk hero, as The Girl Who Lived. The title isn't that good, huh? If I were you I'd prefer to have my heroic parents alive over some silly title, but it is still a title uttered with reverence."

"I...I don't understand." Holly said with confusion.

"You're a witch, Holly. And a damn good one, I'll bet, Miss Chosen One." Draco chuckled "That's another of your titles, you know. Anyway, want me to take you away from this place?" Draco offered to her.

"I said to send them away already!" Vernon called out again as Dudley came to investigate what was going on.

"Holly is talking to a boy!" Duddly tattled.

Draco rolled his eyes as Duddly's words "Oh look, it's a talking pig. I've never seen that before."Draco declared to Duddly, leaving Holly with a horrified expression

"Daddy!" Duddly raced off to tattle to his father and Draco waited as Vernon came marching in like a bull elephant.

"How dare you!" Vernon bellowed at Draco.

"And how dare you lie about James and Lily Potter, and treat the daughter of two of the worlds greatest heroes so terribly!" Draco countered back at Vernon "Did you think we wouldn't find out eventually? Did you think that there wouldn't be a reckoning?"

Draco's words made Vernon Dursley understand the situation and he looked terrified. "Look at your uncle's face and you'll know that I am telling the truth." Draco suggested to Holly.

Seeing Vernon's expression appeared to have convinced Holly, who finally took hold of Draco's hand "What do I need to do?"

"Your parents, while they were heroes, still had enemies, so there was a threat to your life existing back then. It's less now, since those most likely to seek revenge are dead or locked in Az Kaban, but still not non-existant." Draco explained to Holly "I suspect that they left you here with a familial-type protective charm. As long as you can call a place that you share with blood relatives a home, the charm will protect you until you turn 17 years of age. You'd probably have to spend a few weeks here every summer, at least, to not lose the charms protection, but beyond that there is no reason for you to stay on a place like this."

Draco glared at Vernon "When she returns, you will treat her properly. This is your one and only warning. If I find out that you've abused her again, I'll see to it that you are financially ruined."

After threatening Vernon, Draco pulled Holly with one hand and the trunk with his other hand and made his way three blocks before entering his hiding place and depositing the trunk into his inventory. Draco let go of Holly's hand and facing her "I'm going to apperate us to a place that you can stay. Take a deep breath and hold it in. It can be an unpleasant experience otherwise."

Draco then wrapped his arms around Holly's waist, who had her eyes grow large. "Since it is your first time apperating this in a precaution against a situation where you freak out and get yourself splinched. Please, do as I instructed."

Though still flustered, Holly obeyed, inhaling deeping and holding it, and once she did, Draco apperated with her.

The place Draco apperated too was in Diagon Alley. It was an unused business that was technically owned by the Black family, but the only living hier was Sirius Black, who was in Az Kaban. After Sirius, the next in line to the Black fortune was Draco himself, so he'd secretly sorted through the Black's properties and found one that was in relatively good shape that was not being used.

"I have managerial power to this place since the only other living hier with higher authority over it then me is in Az Kaban." Draco told Holly as he let go of her "I'll help you dust and clean up the place" he offered to her and smiled.

Holly felt a bit unsteady, but managed to remain on her feet. She was no stranger to working, so she had no issue with joining Draco. After about an hour, the first flooor was tidy, and after 90 minutes more they finished the second floor apartment and Draco retrieved the trunk he'd filled that morning for her from his inventory and put it next to her bed "This trunk is my gift to you. Apart from a wand, it should have everything you'll need for your first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry once you turn 11." Draco walked wth her out of the bedroom to the study, over to the large fireplace on the seond floor, and he set out a bottle of Floo powder "This is floo powder. I'll teach you how to use it later. I still need to reconnect this place to the floo network I'll do that tomorrow" he offered.

Draco then headed through the tiny kitchen to the food storage area and started retrieving things from his inventory to restock the barren shelves, after which he went to the cold storage room and put in frozen or cold things, like meat and milk.

Once it was all unpacked he looked at Holly "I'll talk to my friend Daphne about having one of her families House Elves come help you out, and I'll bring you to meet all my friends when I go see them the day after tomorrow" he offered. "I'd offer my own house elves, but my parents don't know I'm meddling and helping you, so I'd like to keep it like that for now."

Draco stuck around and chatted with Holly over lunch that they'd prepared together, and told her what he knew about her paremts, and a bit about the magical world, but after lunch he had to go home before his parents returned


The next day Draco went to the Ministry to set up the floo connection, then he swung by the Greengrass house and borrowed a house elf, and brought it to meet Holly.

Holly enthusiastically greeted Draco, after having a day to go through the books Draco left with her, she had many more questions. Draco was amused and tried his best to anyswer all of them.

After that, he told her that tomorrow morning he'd come to get her and bring her to the Greengrass house, then he kissed Holly on the cheek before he had to head home.


The next morning, Daphne and Astoria were waiting by the fireplace when Draco flooed in. They'd heard that Draco was bringing over a new friend today to meet them all, but they hadn't asked, nor been told, who this new friend was, so they were wondering whether it was another girl, or if Draco would surprise them and actually make a real male friend.

Draco greeted Daphne with a hug and then a kiss to the cheek, and repeated that for Astoria as Holly flooed in. Draco had went over to Holly's place and flooed from there, showing her how to do it.

"Daphne...Astoria...this is my new friend, Holly Potter." Draco introduced them to Holly "Holly, these two adorable sisters are Daphne and Astoria Greengrass."Draco softly pinched Daphne and Astoria each on one of their cheeks.

A moment later, when Hermione entered from another room, Draco quickly hugged her and greeted her with a kiss to the cheek "Holly, this is Hermione Granger, so adorable." Draco gave Hermione's nose a plaful pinch "Ginny and Luna aren't here yet, but they'll conclude the last two I want you to meet today, Holly."

"All your friends are girls?" Holly seemde confused.

"I had a male friend named Theodore, but he kinda betrayed us, so now yeah, it kinda worked out that way." Draco admitted to Holly "Of course, I also hang out with Ginny's brothers, Charlie, Billl, Percy, Fred, George, and Ron, but that's mostly for quidditch and flying practice. I'll bring you to meet them on Ginny's birthday. Oh, and there's also Olympia, my familiar. She's a Pheonix. For today, I just wanted you to meet all my girlfriends and see if you can become close with them too."

Holly looked to be a bit confused by what Draco had said, but he'd said it with a straight face, so she figured that she was overthinking things

"Olympia." Draco said as a tattoo started coming down Draco's arm until the Pheonix was visible on the back of Draco's right hand, and she started emerging until a majestic Pheonix flew out and fully formed before "Holly, this is my partner, Olympia. Olympia, I brought Holly here to recruit her into my circle of girlfriends, assuming everyone likes her. I don't think it'll be a problem, though."

'Welcome to the Harem' Olympia greeted Holly while using telepathy to her, Draco, and the Greengrass sisters.

"Please don't joke like that. We're not old enough to talk of adult stuff like that word." Draco said, a bit embarassed by Olympia's blunt words. Olympia wasn't exactly wrong, but it just wouldn't work out if he tried to rush straight to that just now.

Besides that, Draco wasn't attracted to them as they were now, but based on their future selves. He was laying the groundwork for a harem, yes, but he was waiting for them to be much more physically developed.

Holly, Daphne and Astoria blushed a bit in response to Olympia's greeting, but said nothing.

"Luna and Ginny appear to be running late, will you go check on them?" Draco asked Olympia.

Olumpia bobbed her head, lifted off the ground, formed a ball of fire.. When the fireball vanished, the Pheonix was gone as well.

"I know Olympia was joking, but if you do form a harem in the future, I don't mind being part of it." Astoria sad to Draco "You're smart, kind, powerful, and good-looking. I doubt that any single girl would ever be able to keep you for herself. There would always be those wanting to steal you away. I may as well accept it, right?"

Draco was surprised a bit by Astoria's words, but figured he'd just identified his ally amongst the girls "I hadn't thought that far ahead."

A moment later, Olynpia retured with Luna, and dropped her in front of and above Draco, who could only catch Luna in a hug as she stumbled forward after Olympia dropped her. Olympia left to get Ginny next while Draco kissed Luna on the cheek "I asked Olympia to check on you and Ginny. It seems that she took a bit more initiative."

Luna took a few moments to recover from her surprise before her eyes grew large "Oh no! Ginny was taking a shower!"

A moment later, Olympia returned with Ginny, who appeared to have wrapped a towel around herself prior to getting abducted by Olympia "DRACO!" Ginny was beat red with embarassment.

"I....only said to check on you both..." Draco protested.

"He's telling the truth." Daphne sighed and grabbed Ginny to escort her into another room where she could borrow some clothes.

"I stayed over with Ginny last night" Luna said once she was released from Draco's hug "We were going to come over once she got out of the shower."

"What's done is done." Draco chuckled in amusement "We all just got pranked a bit by Olympia." Draco's only regret, though, was that Olympia hadn't waited about 10 years too pull off that prank, but he kept that to himself.

Splendora_Gaming Splendora_Gaming

The next Chapter will be Saturday, and it's title will be Gringotts.

Instead of posting a chapter on Saturday and sunday I am going to spread them out and aim for Wednesday and Saturday. This chapter is done a bit early but only by about 12 hours. I may sometimes post chapters early but I'll try to never be late.

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