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Don_Paw's idea Don_Paw's idea original

Don_Paw's idea

Author: Don_Paw

© WebNovel

Urban Legend

What is the Urban legend?

It is a genre of folklore comprising stories circulated as true, especially as having happened to a friend or family member, often with horrifying or humorous elements. These legends can be entertainment, but often concern mysterious peril or troubling events, such as disappearances and strange objects. They may also be moralistic confirmation of prejudices or ways to make sense of societal anxieties.

The Urban legend being spread through the world are as numerous as the stars. They can also be described as a type of desire. For example, a paranormal story, These urban legends involve some sort of creature or object that is paranormal. These stories usually revolve around someone seeing or encountering something of a supernatural caliber.

Urban legends are often spread on social media. A myth can also be linked to viral content on the internet. People tend to share articles that make them feel strongly about whatever the topic of the legend is. People prefer to pass along versions that produced the highest level of disgust. Urban legends can also be referred to as myths or rumors due to their unreliability and lack of credibility.

The teller of an urban legend may claim it happened to a friend (or to a friend of a friend), which serves to personalize, authenticate and enhance the power of the narrative and distances the teller. Many urban legends depict horrific crimes, contaminated foods, or other situations that would potentially affect many people. Anyone believing such stories might feel compelled to warn loved ones. On occasion, news organizations, school officials, and even police departments have issued warnings concerning the latest threat.

Some peoples do believe that they're real, while some peoples don't. But, even some of the peoples that don't believe that the urban legends are real, yet they still think, 'It will be interesting if they're real.'

I am one of the people that used to believe that urban legends aren't real. I am a man of science, although I also am a fan of various fictional works myself.

Why am I say used to? Do you know the "Curse of the red room"?

Let's rewind for a few moments, shall we?

Here's the story,


There was a man who was addicted to the Internet. A week ago, he heard about an urban legend about the red room from one of his friends at work. Today, the man looked up to the Internet to see if he could find anything more about it.

"I never thought that a widespread disease could happen in this modern society. I thought human technology in the health department already growing rapidly. But, apparently, it's not enough."

That man was half-American and half-Japanese, he did not believe anything superstitious like an urban legend and the like, but still, he sometimes feels intrigued by it.

As he surfed the internet, all of sudden, a small window with a red background popped up. Written in the black was the massage,

[Do you like-?]

The man closed the popped up window but it popped up again. He tried numerous times to close it but it just keeps reappearing. He felt pissed off and went to restart the computer. But, before he did he noticed that the message on it was changed. Now, it read as,

[Do you like the red room?]

"What does it mean?" He frowned and his hand reached to the mouse to close it again. But, as his hands reached, he heard a voice...

A childlike voice that whispered on his ears, "Do you like the red room?"

Just then, the screen turned black, and then a list of names appears in red. Among the list of names, he saw the name of his friends... the friends that told him about the red room. Seconds passed and he became aware of somethings.

'Weren't they died a few days ago?'

All of sudden, his vision went black and he lost consciousness...

Days later, there was news about a certain man that died when he was on quarantine. The news said based on the record from the CCTV that the man committed suicide, painting the whole of his room red with his own blood.

Interesting story, wasn't it?

Yes, that man was me.

No, I did not commit suicide.

How can I be so sure about that?


Well, as I regained my consciousness, I saw a person. He... was me, my body. I don't know how, but I just know it. I saw my body cut its own vein, and with its dripping blood he literally slowly painted the whole room using its own blood.

I cut then painted the room... inch by inch...

Then I cut and painted again...

I cut again...


And again...

Do you know what's funny?

I wonder why its blood did not run out, but the 'me' managed to paint the room total crimson. I watched him from the third perspective, I know that's me but it's not me.

I- I can't go that extreme...

I can't possibly cut my own veins over and over...

Can I?

Anyway, I'm dead...

And I wonder what's next, heaven? hell? reincarnation?


That's my story, and that was the experience that makes me believe that urban legends are real.

And here I am in front of my PC monitor, with my 'body' laid down behind me. I stared on the screen, where another small window popped up. In it was written,

[Have you ever felt that this world is fair?]

[YES] / [NO]

What do you think? I was dead because of a weird popped up message. Is it fair?

I choose no as my answer. If you're wondering why did I even bother to choose, it's because I can't do anything else, my whole being felt as if I was rooted in place and I can only choose in silence.

Another one popped up,

[What do you think of this world? Is it interesting?]

[YES] / [NO]

Well, no. Some aspect of it was indeed amazing and there are so many things that I've yet to experience. But, overall no, it's not interesting. Though sometimes s*x felt amazing, it was only a fleeting moment.

[Do you want another chance in life?]

[YES] / [NO]

Yes, I want another shot in life! I'm not satisfied with this kind of ending. I mean, I know that every living being will eventually die. But, I don't want this as the end of me. I WANT TO LIVE!

[What kind of life that you want to experience?]

This time, it was a pop up without any option to choose. Am I supposed to answer it directly? Okay...

"I... I want an exciting life, a life full of wonders. A life in which I can be anything, everything! I want to really live my life! And a life full of freedom."

[Are you willing to work hard for it?]

[YES] / [NO]

Yes, I am more than willing to whip myself really hard for it to happen. I don't think shortcuts were always a good thing.

[Put your hand on the screen and say your chosen name]

I followed the instruction, I raised my right hand and put it on the screen surface. I sighed and closed my eyes, and carefully mumbled under my breath.

"My name is..."

"...#&*#^ % )($))."

Just then, lights came out from the screen and overwhelm me. I was sucked inside the screen and again, I lost my consciousness.





[Collision data...]


[Executing emergency protocol...]

[Fusing process...]

[Process complete]

[Ejecting from the world...]

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