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4.76% Domino high 2: battle city adventures / Chapter 1: episode 1
Domino high 2: battle city adventures Domino high 2: battle city adventures original

Domino high 2: battle city adventures

Author: Tom_Fairy

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: episode 1

(The opening shows The pharaoh coming out of an egyptian slab)

(A sword is shown spinning and then Kanisha is shown with Kamia behind her)

(A ring is shown glowing, then Clara is shown with Yami Clara beside her)

(The screen shows Kanisha, The Pharaoh, and Clara in the middle of city seeing a bunch of screens on buildings showing Kaiba with an evil look in his eye)

(Joey is shown taking a card out of his deck, while Serenity behind him with bandages covering her eyes)

(The millennium necklace is shown and then Ishizu is revealed)

(The rare hunters are shown)

(The Egyptian gods are revealed)

(Kanisha and Joey facing each other in a duel)

(Kanisha is shown with Kali the guardian of fire)

(The pharaoh is shown with Dark Magician)

(Yami Clara is shown with Dark Magician Girl)

(Kaiba is shown with Blue-eyes Dragon)

(The screen shows Marik on a throne with a cloak on with the millennium rod)

(Kanisha is shown with crystal wings)

(Friends are shown supporting)

(The opening ends with Clara, Kanisha, and The pharaoh side by side)

(The episode opens with Mr. Muto was sweeping)

(Clara, Kanisha, and Tea walk up to Mr. Muto)

Tea: Good morning

Kanisha: Hey

Clara: How are you doing?

Mr. Muto: This is a rare sight. Yugi! Clara, Kanisha, and Tea are here

Yugi: I'll be right down

(The screen switches to Yugi puts a chain necklace for the millennium puzzle)

Yugi (looking at the mirror): This chain should could keep the puzzle safe

(Yami Yugi appears)

Yami Yugi: And we're going to need it now, more than ever.

Yugi (confused): What do you mean like that?

Yama Yugi: The millennium puzzle connects us and has more in store for us

Yugi (puts on a bookbag): Well, we're in this together

Yami Yugi: I wish I knew more, but our future is still unclear

Yugi (walks out the door): Well, I'll help you figure it out.

Tea: About time

Kanisha: Hey, Yugi

Clara: What took you so long?

Yugi: Sorry, the spirit seems uncertain about the future and has been worrying of what comes next

Kanisha: Well, he has nothing to worry about we will all help

Clara: Yeah, anyone let's go

(Kamia and Yami appears, then they smile at each other)

Kamia: She's right, you aren't alone.

Yami: I appreciate it, it's just you and Clara's spirit seem to know so much about me, when I barely recognize myself.

Kamia: I guess, I could give you a hint.

Yami (confused): A hint?

Kamia: At the museum (shows an Egyptian tablet) there is that, there holds a key.

Yami Yugi: How did you know?

Kamia; Kanisha showed me an article about it, you know your past comes from Egypt, then this will help you

Yami Yugi: Thank you

Yami Clara: You sure are helpful

Kamia: Well, look who should up (whispers) ms. queen

Yami Clara (whispers): Don't you dare tell him about that yet

Kamia (whispers): I don't need to because we are going to the museum with him.

Yami Clara (whispers): Why both of us?

Kamia (whispers): Because we are an important to his past

Yami Clara (whispers): Very true, fine

Kamia (whispers): I know you would see things my way (winks)

(The screen switches to Yugi, Clara, Tea, and Kanisha walking, when they see a man in a cloak with a stand)

A man: Want your fortune told?

(Yugi stops)

Kanisha: Yugi, what are you doing?

Yugi: Kanisha I know this is a bit of a stretch, but this fortune teller could help me.

Kanisha: A little fortune telling could work out.

The fortune teller: To hear your fortune, I must have a special item close (pointing to the puzzle) to you

Yugi: No, this item is too valuable

The fortune teller: No item, no fortune.

(Yugi slowly takes off his millennium puzzle)

Kanisha: Whoa, Yugi that's a bad idea,

Clara: Yeah

Yugi: Don't worry, it's one quick fortune.

Tea: You can say that again, he's left.

Yugi: And the millennium puzzle

(Kanisha grows her wings holds Yugi's hands with her hands and flies off after the fortune teller)

(Clara, and Tea try to follow Kanisha and Yugi)

Tea: We lost them.

Clara: Let's split up.

Tea: Good idea.

(The screen switches to Tea passing Bakura)

Bakura: Tea, what's going on?

Tea: Yugi's puzzle was stolen

Bakura: Oh no, that's terrible, where did you last see the thief

Tea: The alley! But, we split up

Bakura: Well, don't let me stop you

(Tea runs off)

(Bakura's ring appeared)

Bakura (looking at the ring): Show me the way

(The ring points to the direction of the alley)

(The screen switches to Yugi and Kanisha heading to a warehouse)

(Yugi lets go of Kanisha's hands and lands on the ground)

(Kanisha and Yugi look at each other and they enter the warehouse)

(Kanisha and Yugi sees the millennium puzzle on a hook in a high place)

Kanisha: Thief! Hand the millennium puzzle back to Yugi

The fortune teller: In order to get it back, (pointing to Yugi) you must beat me in a duel.

Kanisha: Or I could get it.

(Kanisha tries to grab the puzzle, but she gets shocked and ended up on the ground)

The fortune teller: You may have wings, but those aren't useful to you.

Yugi: It's okay, Kanisha, I'll duel him

Kanisha: Are you sure, without your puzzle (whispers) you can't switch

Yugi (whispers): I know, but I have no choice

Kanisha: Then remember I'll be here supporting

Yami Yugi: And me as well, I might not be able to switch with you, but our bond is still strong. Remember to believe in your deck.

Yugi: I will.

(The camera reveals the duel arena and the fortune teller)

(Yugi walks and gets on the duel arena)

(The episode ends with the fortune teller and Yugi looking at each other intensely)

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