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36.36% DNA2 Fanfiction - THE NEW DESTINY / Chapter 8: First Kiss

Chapter 8: First Kiss

In the secluded alleyway, Junta started moving downward, kissing her chin, then down her neck to her collar bone, slowly nibbling and sucking at it as he moved inward from her shoulder. Meanwhile Tomoko pushed her hips forward, letting her knees move apart as his lips moved down her belly.

She wanted desperately to tangle her fingers in his hair, and push his head downward, until he wasn't teasing her any more, but she didn't, since no sooner than the thought crossed her mind than he looked up, his chin resting on her mound and caught her eyes.

"Now push your skirt up for me, Saeki-chan..." As he said that, with the fingers of one hand, he spread her lips and slowly rubbed one finger against her clit. "Please... Taste me... Momonari…"

Tomoko moaned, pushed her skirt up exposing her wetness to him, leaning back against the wall, shuddering when his tongue dipped into her lips, swirling around, then pressing inward, the tip of his tongue tickling her in a way that sent bolts of excitement from her cunt to her toes before they ricocheted back to settle between her legs… pushing her almost to the edge of climax, but not letting her slip over as she so desperately wanted to do.

So close to orgasm that she could almost TASTE it, Tomoko shuddered, pushing her hips forward again, spreading her legs as far as she could and remaining balanced with her back pressing against the rough wall. With a feeling much like a squeezing in her chest, she nodded. "Momonari-kun… please."

She felt a rush of warmth move down her skin from cheeks to navel, and lifted her hips, pressing herself against the point of his chin...

His head dipped, and she watched as he inhaled deeply of her scent, his nose on her mound, then as his tongue stroked downward on her wet lips, she moaned out loud, relishing the feeling of his tongue on her, and as his tongue came back, the tip sliding into her a little before rubbing on her clit, she gasped at the sensation, too intense even to moan, the gentle friction of his tongue pressing thoughts away from her mind.

Again and again his tongue pushed her toward madness, her muscles clenching and quivering, until she began to see light glinting in his eyes and hair as he pressed a finger and his tongue into her, his other hand holding her ass.

Junta could feel her excitement as he knelt between her legs, his tongue alternating to an unknown score between stroking her pussy lips, circling and nudging the hard bud of her clit, and diving into her with his tongue, then he would twist it inside her, probing to the sides in her musky wet heat, making her moan and pant, the heated pressure inside her building up until it seemed destined for an explosive release, then he would ease back, he was enjoying teasing Tomoko so much, somehow as a punishment to the cruel things she did to him and other guys, and also he knew that she would enjoy the release more if he waited.

Junta's tactics drove Tomoko almost insane, and she grabbed him by the hair. "Oh GOD! Either let me come, or fuck me now, Momonari-kun! PLEASE!"

As she screamed his name, their intimate moment was abruptly shattered by a brash interruption. "Ohh! Wow! High schoolers these days… Mind we join the fun?"

The voice, laced with a mocking tone, belonged to two young men emerging from the shadows, their figures partially concealed by the dim lights. One sported sunglasses and long dyed blond hair, while the other wore a beanie hat. Dressed in the latest Tokyo street fashion, they exuded a sense of misplaced confidence. Junta, mistaking them for mere drunken troublemakers, sharply told them to get lost.

However, his attempt to dismiss them was met with an unexpected paralysis. A voice echoed in his head, chilling in its clarity, "I've heard that you have some kind of superpowers and you defeated the Tanaka brothers with ease… well, not as advertised."

Junta realized with a sinking heart that he was under some telepathic control, rendering him powerless.

In a flash, the situation turned violent. The men, armed with baseball bats, unleashed a brutal assault on the paralyzed Junta. The blows landed with sickening thuds. Junta fell to the ground, motionless under the relentless attack.

Around the corner, Takanashi Yuzuru, seemingly disconnected from the violence, was casually dining on soup noodles in a convenience store. His telepathic abilities were at play, orchestrating the assault through his university friends, Tamura and Hideaki. "Hey Tamura, Hideaki, keep it subtle. I don't like trouble," he instructed telepathically, his interest in the scene quickly waning as he left.

With Junta incapacitated, Tamura and Hideaki turned their attention to Tomoko, surrounding her with leering faces. "Hahaha… you must be wanting men so much, huh? Dressing like this…" they taunted, their words laced with malice. As the rain intensified, Tomoko's screams for help were swallowed by the thunderous sky.

But the assailants had underestimated Junta's resilience and power. Rising from the ground with a surge of strength, he grasped both men by their necks, teleporting them high into the stormy night "ZAP!"

The wind howled "WOOOOSH!" around them, adding to the drama. The assailants' expressions a mix of shock and absolute terror as they realized they were suspended hundreds of feet in the air. Below them, illuminated by a crack of lightning, "KRAKABOOM!", was a massive, stinky pond at a dairy farm. The pond wasn't just any pond - it was a gigantic, swirling sea of cow feces!

"You messed with the wrong guy! Now go mess with shits instead!" Junta declared. In a moment of fury, he let go of his hands on Tamura and Hideaki.

"AAAAAAAH!" screamed Tamura and Hideaki, their voices trailing off as they descended in a free-fall pose, arms flailing and legs kicking.

"SPLAT! SPLASH!" They hit the feces pond, sending a tsunami of cow dung flying everywhere!


The rainy night in Tokyo was a quiet, shimmering scene. Neon lights reflected in wet streets, painting the city in soft, glowing colors. Shadows and lights flickered across the buildings and roads, adding a touch of mystery to this exhilarating high school drama.

Junta, with Tomoko in his arms, teleported in an instant, finding themselves back at the covered entrance of her apartment lobby. The abrupt shift from the chaotic alley to the familiar, quiet front of her building left them both momentarily disoriented.

As they stood under the shelter of the entrance, away from the gentle patter of rain, their thoughts were introspective, reflecting on the tumultuous events of the night.

Junta, still reeling from the shock of being controlled and rendered powerless, couldn't help but feel a tinge of unease. The mystery of who was behind this unsettling ability nagged at him, adding an unexpected twist to his otherwise adventurous life.

Tomoko, meanwhile, was grappling with her own frustrations. The encounter with the two thugs had derailed what was supposed to be a romantic and exciting night. A suspicion gnawed at her – could Ryuuji be behind this? She remembered seeing him at the Sea Zone and, though she hadn't mentioned it to Junta, the thought irked her. Determined and a bit riled up, she decided it was time to confront Ryuuji and bring an end to their strained relationship.

Despite the abrupt end to their date, Tomoko was hesitant to say goodbye, the evening's excitement still lingering in the air between them.

Sensing her reluctance, Junta offered a comforting smile, his presence a reassuring calm in the storm of her emotions. "Everything will be alright," he said, his voice a gentle reassurance.

Tomoko, bolstered by his support, nodded firmly. "I'm going to talk to Ryuuji tomorrow. It's time to end this for good." Her voice, though steady, carried a hint of the resolve and courage it took to make such a decision.

In response, Junta leaned in and gave her a quick, affectionate kiss on the cheek, a gesture of encouragement and solidarity. With a playful wink, he added, "You've got this, Saeki. Goodnight!"

Then, in a blink, he disappeared into the rainy night, leaving Tomoko standing alone under the entrance canopy. She gasped softly at his sudden departure, a sigh escaping her lips.

She stood there for a moment longer, lost in the whirlwind of feelings that Junta's kiss and sudden disappearance had stirred within her. The night rain continued its gentle rhythm around her, a serene backdrop to the blossoming emotions in her heart.

With a final, lingering look at the empty night, Tomoko turned and walked into her apartment, her mind aflutter with thoughts of Junta and the promise of a new beginning.


As dawn's first light broke over the city, painting the sky in hues of soft gold and pink, the DNA operator, weary from a night of relentless pursuit, returned to her temporary base. The hidden lair, a fusion of advanced technology and remnants of a bygone era, hummed with the life of myriad screens and devices, their glow casting an ethereal light in the dim room.

Exhausted but determined, she slumped into the command chair, a sleek construct of neo-carbon and holographic interfaces. Her fingers danced over the holo-panel, initiating a secure quantum link to the future. The screen in front of her shimmered as the transmission stabilized, connecting her to her supervisor in the distant future.

Her supervisor's image materialized and wasted no time, "The correct DCM bullet, the one you've been waiting for, should now be in the transfer chamber."

Her supervisor's expression hardened. "Remember, this is your final opportunity. If you fail to neutralize the target with this DCM bullet, the Council has decreed it's the Termination Protocol for you. The stakes are too high for any more errors."

The DNA operator nodded, a sense of gravity settling over her. The Termination Protocol, a dreaded sentence reserved for operatives who failed their mission critically, meant a one-way journey to a time void - a death sentence in every sense.


As the school day trudged on under the usual rhythm of classes and chattering students, Junta found himself in an uneasy calm. The chaotic events of the past few days still whirled in his mind, a maelstrom of confusion and uncharted feelings. His transformation into the Mega-playboy was fading, leaving him in his normal, more timid form, yet the instability of his DNA changes lingered like a shadow.

In his locker, tucked between textbooks, was a crumpled note. The handwriting was hasty and uneven, a stark contrast to the neat and cute script of Tomoko. It was from the DNA operator, asking him to meet on the rooftop. Memories of their last encounter, his intention to buy her a necklace, and the ensuing chaos at Sea Zone all flooded back. Despite the confusion, a surge of excitement coursed through him - he longed to see her again, to ask the myriad questions burning in his mind.

Meanwhile, Tomoko watched Junta ascend the stairs to the roof. Behind her, Ryuuji's voice, tinged with anger and disbelief, broke the corridor's buzz. "Stop there! I don't agree with the break up!" he exclaimed.

"It's not up to you! It's OVER!" Tomoko's voice was firm, a declaration of her newfound resolve.

"Is it that guy… that Momonari guy? I swear I will break his neck!" Ryuuji's words were laced with jealousy.

"Ohh… right, weren't you at Sea Zone last week. You know he is very strong, right?" Tomoko's retort held a mix of sarcasm and defiance.

Ignoring Ryuuji's protests, Tomoko quickened her pace, following Junta to the roof, with Ryuuji trailing behind in a fit of rage.

On the rooftop, Junta found himself alone, the sky above stretching endlessly, a symbol of the uncertainty clouding his thoughts. Across on another building, the DNA operator stood, her gun aimed at Junta. Loaded with the correct bullet, it was supposed to erase his Mega-playboy traits. But, as she gazed at him through the scope, her finger on the trigger hesitated. A storm of emotions and duty clashed within her.

Back in the stairwell, Ryuuji's desperation grew. "Why do you hate me so much? I can change..." he pleaded, but Tomoko cut him off, "It's too late. We're game over! Just leave me alone!"

Ryuuji, lost in thought as he pursued Tomoko, reflected bitterly on his past conquests. He had dated numerous beautiful girls, the crème de la crème of the city, from dazzling idols and crowned beauty queens to high-profile models.

His handsome looks, coupled with his wealth and social clout, made it easy for him to win over any girl he desired.

Yet, in his heart, he knew none of these girls came close to Tomoko's allure. She stood apart, a rare gem that outshone them all.

He was genuinely serious about Tomoko, a fact that made her reluctance to get close to him all the more frustrating. Despite his many attempts, even holding her hand remained an elusive victory.

This had driven him, last summer, to a desperate strategy – to invoke jealousy. Ryuuji had deliberately paraded other girls before her, hoping to spark a reaction, to hasten her affections towards him. It seemed like a foolproof plan.

But, in a twist of fate he hadn't foreseen, this very scheme pushed Tomoko further away, right into the arms of another guy. This realization gnawed at him, a mix of regret and disbelief clouding his thoughts.

"We've been dating for a few months… yet I never lay a finger on you. You see how serious I am about you?" Ryuuji's voice was a blend of earnestness and sorrow.

"I don't care anymore. It's no longer my business," Tomoko replied, her voice devoid of the warmth it once held for him.

In a last-ditch effort, Ryuuji gambled, "Okay, if you must go… just one kiss. One kiss for memories, and I'll go away forever."

Tomoko paused, turning back with a cryptic smile. Ryuuji, confident in his charm, thought this was his chance. But as he leaned in, Tomoko rebuffed him sharply, "Who would give you jerk the first kiss?"

Enraged, Ryuuji tried to force a kiss, but Tomoko pushed him away, crying out, "Momo- Momonari!" She broke free and ran towards the rooftop, with Ryuuji in hot pursuit.

Tomoko, her heart racing and emotions swirling, burst through the metal door onto the rooftop. Her momentum nearly sent her tumbling, but she regained her balance to see Junta standing there, an anchor in the storm of her tumultuous feelings.

The DNA operator, observing from afar, hesitated, her finger on the trigger, as Tomoko ran towards Junta. "Momonari-kun…" she called out, her voice a mix of relief and longing.

Without a second's hesitation, Tomoko threw herself into Junta's open arms. He instinctively caught her, their bodies fitting together in a moment of unexpected intimacy. Ryuuji, emerging onto the rooftop, boiled with rage at the sight. "Let go of my girlfriend!" he demanded, his voice seething with fury.

But Tomoko, overwhelmed by the pent-up emotions, wrapped her arms around Junta's neck, rose on her toes, and with her eyes closed pressed her lips to his. Junta, caught off guard and still in his normal form, was momentarily frozen.

His mind was filled with images of the DNA operator, her exotic green eyes and light blue hair. Yet, as their lips met, the softness of Tomoko's lips rendered him speechless, his thoughts blanketed in a haze of confusion and surprise.

0.1 second later, a serene hush descended upon the world around them. It was as if the very air itself stood still, suspending them in a timeless embrace. The cacophony of the surrounding chaos faded into a distant murmur, leaving nothing but the gentle pressure of their lips against each other.

Another 0.1 second, the world around them began to dissolve into a white void, an ethereal expanse where nothing else existed but the two of them. Amidst the swirling madness, within this bubble of tranquility, everything else ceased to matter.

Then, Junta's transformation into the Mega-playboy was once again triggered by their theatrical first kiss. The DNA operator, witnessing the transformation and realizing the gravity of the moment, was overcome with emotion, tears filling her eyes.

In a fit of blind rage, Ryuuji charged at Junta, his threats echoing across the rooftop. But before he could reach them, a gunshot rang out. The bullet, intended for Junta, struck Ryuuji instead, and he collapsed to the ground. The DNA operator was aghast. She had fired the right bullet but into the wrong person. Once again, her mission had gone awry – first, shooting the right guy with the wrong bullet, and now, the reverse. Panic set in, and she turned to flee.

Junta, now in his Mega-playboy form with heightened senses, immediately spotted the DNA operator making her escape. He watched as she sprinted to her flying bike and zoomed away at maximum speed.

Tomoko screamed in horror, looking at Ryuuji lying motionless on the ground, his shirt stained with blood. Junta reassured her, "He'll be okay, just wait for a few minutes." It must be another DCM bullet, he thought.

Tomoko's eyes shifted between Junta and Ryuuji, uncertainty and fear evident in her gaze. "But… but…" she stammered, but when she looked back at Junta, he had vanished, leaving behind only a trace of sparkling light.


High above, the DNA operator sped away on her flying bike, her mind racing with the implications of her actions and the consequences that were sure to follow.

After a few minutes of soaring through the skies on her futuristic flying bike, the DNA operator descended back into the eerie stillness of the underground amusement park. Her arrival was swift and silent, a testament to the advanced technology at her disposal. But as she dismounted, a shock ran through her – Junta was there, standing amidst the shadows and rusting rides, waiting for her.

The sight was implausible, almost defying the laws of physics she knew. Teleportation was a concept still tethered to the realm of theoretical science in her time, yet here he was, an impossibility made real.

Her mind, already frayed from the string of failures and the looming threat of the death penalty, couldn't withstand this latest anomaly. Overwhelmed, the DNA operator broke down, her tears echoing in the hollow vastness of the abandoned park. Junta, witnessing her despair, inexplicably reverted to his normal form, his Mega-playboy persona slipping away as if in response to her emotional turmoil.

In her moment of vulnerability, she noticed a small drone hovering nearby – one she had used previously. But this time, its camera was trained on her, capturing her every move. A sinking realization hit her: she was being monitored. With a surge of urgency, she dashed back to her temporary base, her mind racing with the implications of this surveillance.

As she entered her high-tech sanctuary, the screens flickered to life, revealing her supervisor already waiting for her. The cold, emotionless face on the screen confirmed her fears. The future government, dissatisfied with her continuous failures, had resorted to hacking her devices, ensuring every moment, every misstep, was under their watchful eye.


On the rooftop, where moments earlier tension and uncertainty had reigned, an unexpected twist unfolded. Ryuuji, who had lain motionless and seemingly lifeless, abruptly sprang back to life, startling Tomoko who nearly jumped out of her skin. She stared at him, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and confusion.

"You should get to the hospital," Tomoko urged, concern etching her voice as she assessed Ryuuji, expecting to see signs of injury.

Ryuuji, however, brushed off her concern with a wave of his hand. "No, I feel fine," he insisted, his voice steady. To their collective astonishment, the wound on his chest had vanished without a trace, as if it had never existed.

"I just need a rest in the medical room," Ryuuji added, his tone carrying a hint of weariness. Tomoko, still processing the surreal turn of events, hesitantly helped him to the school's medical room, her mind swirling with questions.

Once there, Ryuuji lay on the bed, his appearance frail and weak. He looked at Tomoko with pleading eyes. "Please, stay with me for a bit," he implored. Tomoko, caught between concern and doubt, hesitated, her instincts warning her of something amiss.

"I need some water," Ryuuji said, his voice barely above a whisper. Tomoko, wanting to be helpful, went out to fetch two bottles of water from the nearby dispenser.

As she sat down beside Ryuuji, offering him a bottle, he began to apologize. His words were filled with admissions of guilt and regret. "I won't force you to take me back," he said, his voice laced with sincerity. "I just want to remain friends."

While Tomoko pondered over his words, lost in her thoughts, Ryuuji discreetly slipped a pill into her water bottle, unseen by her. Within minutes of taking a sip, Tomoko's vision blurred, her body felt unusually heavy, and she slumped over, succumbing to an enforced slumber.

Ryuuji's face twisted into a malicious smile as he watched Tomoko lose consciousness. He had been planning this moment since the Sea Zone event. Tomoko had been avoiding him, refusing to engage in any conversation. Fearing that her perfect body might soon be taken by Momonari, he had obtained the pill as a desperate measure. In his twisted mindset, he was determined to ensure that no one else could claim her virginity before he did!

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