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13.63% DNA2 Fanfiction - THE NEW DESTINY / Chapter 3: Confession

Chapter 3: Confession

The evening air was heavy with the tension of recent confessions as Junta stepped out of Tomoko's apartment building, his mind a whirlpool of emotions. At that precise moment, Ryuuji's figure loomed in the lobby, his hand hesitating over the intercom. When his voice finally broke the silence, it carried a tone of earnest apology, a plea for reconciliation.

"Tomoko, let me up. I want to make things right between us," he implored, his voice filtered through the digital crackle of the intercom.

Yet Tomoko's response was as resolute as the click of a door locking. Her voice, unwavering and clear, severed the last thread of their connection through the intercom, "Ryuuji, I'm in love with someone else now. We're done."

In the dim light of a nearby alley, the DNA operator's eyes caught a glint of something familiar—a discarded shirt in a garbage bin. Junta's shirt, stained with his blood, a remnant of their startling encounter. Retrieving it with clinical precision, she extracted a blood sample, her movements methodical. Back in her makeshift lab, the hum of machinery accompanied her work as she fed the sample into an advanced AI for analysis.

That night, sleep was a stranger to many. Junta lay awake, his thoughts adrift between the warmth of Tomoko's embrace and the chilling touch of the DNA operator's bullet. His body felt different, alien, as if his very cells were rewriting his destiny.

Tomoko, too, found herself in the quiet company of insomnia, her mind replaying Junta's unexpected assertiveness, his gentle refusal, and the uncharted depths of her own burgeoning feelings.

Ryuuji, fuelled by a cocktail of anger and bewilderment, paced the confines of his room. His thoughts were a tangled mess, centering on one burning question: who had captured Tomoko's heart?


In the depths of her techy den, the DNA operator was all caught up in her high-tech world, her eyes glued to screens flashing with all kinds of fancy numbers and graphs. It was like she was playing some super advanced video game, except this game was all about Junta turning into this Mega-playboy dude. And guess what? The game kept saying he's gonna transform, and not just a little bit – a whopping 120%!

As the first light of dawn started peeping into the city, everyone started waking up, all tangled in their own little dramas and stuff. Junta, poor guy, he was dragging his feet to school like a zombie. He was super tired, like he'd been up all night fighting ghosts in his dreams or something. Kakimaro, being the nosy buddy he is, tagged along and was like, "Dude, you look like you've been wrestling with ghosts all night. What's the deal?" But Junta, he was too zonked out to say much.

At the school gate, it was like one of those slow-mo scenes in movies. Tomoko was there, looking all dreamy and lost in love, gripping her school bag like she was holding onto her heart. Her eyes were all shiny and full of that gooey first-love stuff.

Hiding in the shadows, the DNA operator lady was spying on Tomoko with her super-duper camera, catching every bit of her love-struck face. The operator was feeling all bummed out, thinking, "Oh man, this Mega-playboy thing is really happening."

Then there's Junta and Kakimaro, walking up in the morning light. Tomoko's cheeks were all rosy, like she'd painted them with sunrise, and she hit Junta with a sweet "Good morning, Momonari-kun…" Her voice was so sweet, so lovely, it could melt even titanium hearts. But Junta, the sleepyhead, just walked right past her, leaving her hanging like a half-finished song.

In that instant, Kakimaro, utterly smitten by Tomoko, beheld the scene with eyes wide as saucers. It was as if every iota of his being was magnetically drawn to her radiant presence. His heart pounded like a frantic drum solo, and his mouth hung open, forming a comical 'O' of astonishment. The sight of Tomoko, with her sunrise-painted cheeks and honey-dripped greeting, sent shockwaves through his system, leaving him spellbound and utterly captivated.

Kakimaro's face flushed a deep crimson, rivaling the most vivid of roses, as he stood utterly transfixed. It was as if Cupid himself had shot a golden arrow straight through his heart, leaving him dazed and hopelessly enchanted by the school's belle. In Kakimaro's eyes, Tomoko wasn't just a schoolgirl; she was a real Goddess illuminating the entrance of Fukoma High.

Kakimaro's jaw dropped. He couldn't believe it. The school's heartthrob, Tomoko, was trying to chat up Junta, and he just breezed by like she was invisible. And there in the bushes, Ryuuji was lurking, all flabbergasted, thinking, "That dude? Seriously?" He just couldn't wrap his head around Tomoko crushing on someone like Junta.

Meanwhile, Tomoko was having all kinds of peculiar thoughts: "Is he mad with me for the cruel things I did? I wonder if he hates me… oh it's hopeless… This is the first time my heart has ever beat like this. Somehow, I have to tell him how I feel. I'll tell him I split up with my boyfriend…"

"He may not forgive me, but… if I don't do something my heart will explode."

On a walkway framed by glass, Kakimaro elbowed Junta, his voice laced with disbelief. "Dude, Saeki-chan just tried to talk to you! Are you blind? Or just playing cool?"

But Junta's thoughts were swirling in a different world, tangled up in the enigma of the DNA operator. He was so deep in his own musings that Tomoko's efforts to get his attention barely made a ripple.

Yet, when Tomoko called out to him, "Momonari-kun!" her voice cut through his daydreams, clear and urgent.

Turning towards her, Junta found himself facing a girl who was the very image of heartfelt sincerity and bold courage. Tomoko stood there, her breathing deep and ragged from the effort of chasing him, a beautiful flush of effort painting her cheeks a vibrant red.

"I... I like you..." Her confession, soft and trembling, floated in the air, filled with profound meaning. It was a moment so raw and real, a turning point where their hearts seemed to stand at a crossroads.

Her eyes were like a siren's song, drawing admirers into the depths of her complex, tender heart. Within those orbs, one could glimpse her inner world – a tapestry of love, vulnerability, and unspoken stories woven from the dreams and desires of those who dared to look too closely.

Bathed in the gentle morning light that filtered through the leaves and glass, the scene before them was like a portrait of youthful beauty.

Each of Tomoko's breaths, deep and quick from her sprint, seemed to animate her, her chest rising and falling in a rhythm that held a mesmerizing charm. Her shirt appeared to be in a gentle struggle, containing her buxom busts with each breath she took.

The rising sun cast a heavenly light on Tomoko, illuminating her flushed cheeks and the sparkle in her eyes. She was the embodiment of youthful allure, a picture of charm that touched the very soul.

Both Kakimaro and Ryuuji, caught in their own moments of realization, felt an irresistible draw towards her, a sudden and profound captivation.

And Junta, despite his own fatigue and the whirlwind of thoughts about the DNA operator, felt an undeniable pull. Inside him, the dormant charm of the Mega-playboy stirred, awakening a powerful and inescapable allure…


In a scene that could've been out of a funny sci-fi movie, the DNA operator made her big entrance. She came down like a superhero from a comic book, landing so hard the glass on the walkway broke into a bunch of shiny pieces.

She was ready to go with her gun, looking serious. But when she looked at Junta, everything got a bit silly. Junta's charm, like something from another planet, totally threw her off her game. Usually, she's super focused, but now she was all starry-eyed over the guy she was supposed to be stopping.

Junta, with a hint of genuine concern in his voice, broke the tension. "I was so worried about you… glad to see you're okay." His words were like a soothing balm, calming yet unexpected.

The DNA operator, trying to stay all professional, just blurted out, "Marry me?"

She likely experienced a moment of realization, marked by an internal "Oops." She had crafted a specialized DCM bullet, distinguishable by its unique red line, designed to transform a specific individual into her ideal husband. Her strategy was to target a handsome movie star from her era, the future, with this tailored bullet. The bullet was engineered to modify his DNA, ensuring he would become the perfect match for her. However, it seems she may have inadvertently administered this unique bullet to Junta...

At this moment, Tomoko felt shocked, frightened by the presence of the gun, but soon filled with jealousy and rivalry. She couldn't help but call out his name: "Momonari-kun!" Tomoko threw herself at Junta, almost shielding him from the gun. Both fell on the ground, and the impact knocked Junta out of his charming state and back to normal.

This sudden move made the DNA operator shake off her lovesick mode. She remembered she was in the middle of her mission, but now, looking at Junta, she hesitated about eliminating him. Frustrated and conflicted, she quickly ran away instead.


Back at Karin's base, an urgent message from the future government added a new twist to her mission. They were sending the correct bullet, one that would neutralize Junta's Mega-playboy charm. But there was a catch – it would take a week to arrive. Karin's task was now clear: prevent Junta from claiming his first victim and creating his first child within this critical week.

Quickly adapting to this latest development, Karin hatched a new plan. She realized the possibility that she might've accidentally hit Junta with a lovey-dovey DCM bullet, initially intended to craft her ideal future husband. This mistake could be her advantage; it seemed to have made Junta unusually susceptible to falling for her.

Determined to exploit this situation, Karin decided to assume the role of Junta's dream girl, but only for a week.

This new mission she whimsically named "Capturing the Mega-playboy's Heart for 7 Days!" Her objective was clear: to be the sole focus of Junta's affections, ensuring that for one crucial week, he couldn't fall for any other girl – especially not Tomoko.

The next day, she sneaked into Junta's room through the window like some sort of ninja. Junta, still trying to make heads or tails of everything, was thrilled to bits to see her. He unleashed a torrent of questions, but she coolly brushed them off, saying everything was under control and she'd be zipping back to the future in a week. Noticing Junta's puppy-dog eyes, she agreed to one last rendezvous before her time-traveling exit.

Alone with his thoughts, Junta got this sweet idea to buy her a goodbye gift. He shared his plan with Ami, who nudged him to splurge on the fanciest necklace he could find. Meanwhile, our crafty DNA operator, with a voice-changing gadget, pretended to be Junta on a call to Tomoko, setting up a date and dangling the promise of a special gift.

When she hung up, a sick, evil little smile spread across her face – comically sinister in its satisfaction.


In the heart of the city, Grand Gorgeous 21 stood as a vibrant mecca for fashion-forward teens and young adults. Its sprawling floors were a kaleidoscope of the latest trends, with music pulsing through the air, creating an energetic rhythm that seemed to move with the shoppers. Laughter and chatter filled the space, blending with the occasional chime of a cash register.

Inside, Junta navigated through the maze of aisles, each turn revealing another dazzling display of fashion and accessories. Mannequins posed in avant-garde outfits, while screens showcased glamorous models strutting down virtual runways.

The air was scented with a mix of perfumes and fresh fabrics, creating an intoxicating ambiance that was both overwhelming and exhilarating.

The jewelry section was a haven of elegance within the bustling store. Soft, ambient lighting illuminated the glass cabinets that housed an array of stunning jewelry. The centerpiece was the exquisite necklace Junta had his eyes on, a gorgeous pearl necklace with a pink ruby pendant, tagged at 415,000 yen, barely within his price range.

Just as he asked the staff for a closer peek, Tomoko appeared out of nowhere, her style effortlessly blending with the store's chic atmosphere. Her bandana added a touch of bohemian flair to her outfit, while her layered tops and flowery skirt whispered of a carefree, youthful charm. Her presence seemed to captivate a group of audience, adding to the already vibrant energy of Grand Gorgeous 21.

Spotting Junta with the necklace, Tomoko, under the impression that it was meant for her, excitedly tried it on. When she gently clasped the pearl necklace around her neck, the effect was immediate and striking.

The soft luminescence of the pearls complemented her radiant complexion, while the pink ruby pendant added a mesmerizing focal point, drawing eyes to her with an almost magnetic pull. The surrounding mirrors caught and scattered her image, creating a kaleidoscope of beauty that seemed to stop the bustling shoppers in their tracks.

Junta stood next to Tomoko, caught in this whirlwind of high-school sweetheart charm, feeling like he was in the middle of a rom-com. Around him, the trendy hustle and bustle of the store seemed to fade into a background soundtrack, as if the universe itself was tuning into 'The Tomoko Show'.

The dormant Mega-playboy inside Junta, who had been snoozing like a lazy cat, suddenly sprang to life, all thanks to the dazzling Tomoko and the way she was turning heads left, right, and center.

Meanwhile, in the midst of the glitzy chaos of Grand Gorgeous 21, the DNA operator was lurking like a character out of a spy comedy, her eyes on Junta and Tomoko. She had cooked up a plan, knowing all too well that our Mega-playboy Junta wasn't exactly the action hero type.

In the original course of events, Junta was destined to become the Mega-playboy at 21, initially just a charming womanizer lacking any combat skills. It wasn't until around the age of 30 that he would develop remarkable fighting abilities. Having run several simulations, the DNA operator was confident in her assessment that Junta, at this point in time, possessed no such battle prowess. 

She spotted a big, muscular guy who looked like he'd walked straight out of a wrestling ring, complete with a glamorous woman on his arm. With a mischievous twinkle, she sidled up to them and craftily pointed at Junta, spinning a tale about how he'd been bad-mouthing the tough guy.

The muscle-bound dude, with his ego bruised and ready to flex his biceps, made a beeline for Junta. In a scene worthy of a slapstick show, he delivered a comic-book-style punch, sending Junta and Tomoko toppling down in a clumsy heap. Realizing that Junta was just another dumb kid with a big mouth and not worthy of a real fight, the thug didn't even bother to continue. He just walked away with a dismissive snort.

As Junta and Tomoko scrambled to their feet, Junta's cool Mega-playboy persona slipped away, leaving him in his usual state of flustered confusion. Tomoko, ever the optimist in the world of high school drama, flashed a grin and quipped, "Maybe he's just green with envy over us, huh?" Then, switching gears, she enthusiastically suggested they dive into the adventure of shopping.

Junta, now firmly back in his awkward, everyday mode, was taken aback by the whirlwind of events and Tomoko's sudden shift to friendly mode. She playfully teased him, reminding him of their 'au naturel' encounter and half-jokingly wondering if the necklace was his way of buying her silence.

Caught between a rock and a hard place, Junta could only nod and follow her lead, as they continued their escapade through the department store…

Over in her own slice of the department store drama, the DNA operator, now confident in Junta's lack of fighting skills, was plotting her next move. She informed Tomoko's boyfriend Ryuuji with a plan that could've been lifted from a high school drama script: get him to show up, flex some muscle, and outshine Junta in front of Tomoko. She figured that by knocking Junta off his newfound pedestal, Tomoko might just waltz back into Ryuuji's waiting arms.

An hour later, Junta, looking like a pack mule with shopping bags, found himself camped outside a fitting room. Tomoko, armed with a hot pink dress that screamed 'look at me', vanished behind the swishy satin silk curtains of the changing area, leaving Junta alone to navigate his thoughts in the turbulent sea of high school romance.

There he was, Junta, standing guard by a fortress of shopping bags, lost in a sea of thought. He mulled over the Mega-playboy side of him, this strange, charismatic character who seemed to have a life of his own.

The more he thought about it, the more it felt like a curse, a ticking time bomb leading to a future crowded with his too-charming offspring. And then there was Tomoko, the high school goddess, whose mere presence seemed to flip the Mega-playboy switch inside him.

But wait, there was someone else in this tangled love triangle – the DNA operator, with her tomboyish vibe and their sci-fi-esque meet-cute. She sparked something different in him, a connection that felt more real, less like a teenage fantasy.

It dawned on him then, amidst the rustling of shopping bags, that the necklace, now adorning Tomoko, was actually meant for the DNA operator.

With this realization, Junta felt a resolve bubbling up inside him. It was time to set things straight, to chase after what felt genuine. Clutching the shopping bags, he braced himself to ask Tomoko for the necklace back.

"Sa… Saeki… there's something I… I want to…" Junta stammered, his voice barely above a whisper.

Suddenly he heard Tomoko's voice: "Are you still there, Momonari-kun?"

Junta looked around and found that there was a gap leaving between the two curtains. Through the gap he could see Tomoko's butt cheeks, enclosed in a pair of very sexy and delicate black lace panties, with an intricate pattern of roses. It was quite obvious that Tomoko was exploiting his weakness again.

Looking at the dressing mirror, Tomoko with a playful glint in her eye, "Do you like them?" she asked, her voice tinged with a teasing charm. At her words, Junta felt a familiar, unsettling sensation.

The underwear was indeed a masterpiece of craftsmanship, featuring an intricate pattern of roses meticulously embroidered into the lace. Each rose was rendered with exceptional attention to detail, from the delicately curled petals to the soft, subtle leaves that seemed to dance amidst the blossoms.

The sheer gorgeousness of the scene, combined with Tomoko's captivating presence, was too much. He could feel a tumultuous churn in his stomach, his breakfast threatening a rebellious return.

Seeing right through Tomoko's playful jab at his weakness, Junta braced himself. It was time to lay it all out, real talk: "Sa… Saeki, here's the truth…"

Before he could complete his sentence, the fitting room curtains fluttered, and Tomoko, in a swift, unexpected motion, pulled him inside. The curtains fell back into place, enclosing them in a private, intimate space, away from the prying eyes of the world outside.

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