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81.81% DNA2 Fanfiction - THE NEW DESTINY / Chapter 18: Aftermath

Chapter 18: Aftermath

In the dimming light of the evening, the majestic Sugashita Mansion, once a symbol of grandeur and power, now stood in chaos. The front gates, usually guarded by men in black, were abandoned, as terrified people fled from the building. The scene was one of utter disarray, with luxury cars hastily driven away, their tires screeching against the gravel driveway.

Yuzura, Ami, and Kotomi arrived late, their expressions shifting from anticipation to shock as they witnessed the scene. They saw a multitude of beautiful girls, all in various states of panic, rushing out of the mansion. Among them, some of Ryuuji's bodyguards, known for their unshakeable demeanor, were now seen running for their lives.

The trio was momentarily frozen, unsure of how to react. The air was thick with tension, and the smell of smoke hinted at a disaster unfolding within the mansion's walls. Suddenly, a deafening noise erupted from the ground, drawing their attention to the source of the commotion.

From the depths of the earth, Junta and Tomoko emerged, shooting into the sky like a comet escaping its orbit. The sight was nothing short of spectacular - Junta's arms wrapped protectively around Tomoko, their bodies silhouetted against the fiery backdrop of the mansion. The pair soared through the air, their trajectory carrying them away from the inferno below.

As they watched in awe, the ground trembled once more. A monstrous form, the Ryuuji Kraken, crawled out of the gaping hole left behind by Junta and Tomoko's escape. Its appearance was grotesque, a nightmarish blend of flesh and fury. Ami and Kotomi clutched each other in fear, their eyes wide with horror at the sight of the beast.

Yuzura, meanwhile, remained composed, his telepathic abilities allowing him to grasp the situation rapidly. He gestured to Ami and Kotomi to keep their distance, his eyes fixed on the evolving monstrosity before them.

As Ryuuji's Kraken form continued to grow, shedding old tissues while rapidly generating new ones, Yuzura sensed an opportunity. Using his telekinesis, he carefully collected some of the discarded tissues of Ryuuji's monstrous form, ensuring not to get too close to the dangerous creature.

The atmosphere was charged with a mix of fear, awe, and a sense of impending change. Yuzura, holding the pieces of Ryuuji's tissues, knew that these remnants held potential - potential for understanding, for power, and perhaps for redemption.


In the wake of the tumultuous events at the Sugashita Mansion, the Sugashita family convened an urgent meeting, quickly orchestrating a cover-up. Within days, they efficiently silenced the ex-girlfriends with substantial payments and binding non-disclosure agreements. Remarkably, not a whisper of the incident found its way into the news, thanks to the family's media influence. Despite this tight lid on information, rumors continued to ripple through the city, fueled by fragmented accounts and wild speculations.

Amidst the swirling rumors about Ryuuji's grand show, three of his ex-girlfriends, students at Fukoma, found themselves irresistibly drawn to the school's new sensation, the Zeta-playboy Junta. His charm was like a magnet, attracting almost every girl in the school, including those who had just been swooning over Ryuuji.

The school corridors buzzed with lighthearted gossip and giggles, as groups of girls huddled together, whispering and stealing glances at Junta. His every move, every smile, became the talk of the day, turning him into an unwitting celebrity within the school grounds. The three ex-girlfriends, once part of Ryuuji's elite circle, now joined the throng of admirers, their previous allegiances forgotten in the wake of Junta's overwhelming charisma.

Meanwhile, Tomoko, ever the center of male attention, found herself in an unusual predicament. While still basking in the adoration of the school's boys, she inadvertently became the 'common enemy' of the Fukoma girls.

The absence of Ryuuji from school, following the much-hyped show, became the fuel for endless speculation and wild theories among the students. Rumors ranged from Ryuuji taking an impromptu world tour to more outlandish tales of alien abductions - each theory more amusing and implausible than the last.

Yuzura, aware of the sensitive nature of the Sugashita incident, discreetly advised Ami and Kotomi to keep silent about the event's true nature. His guidance turned them into silent observers of the school's drama, aware of the underlying truths yet bound to secrecy.


Back at Karin's high-tech base, hidden away from the prying eyes of the world, a sense of frustration and uncertainty filled the air. She sat before her array of screens, her fingers flying over the controls in a futile attempt to re-establish communication with the future government. The connection, usually so reliable and clear, had been severed for reasons unknown, leaving her in an unnerving silence.

As she pondered over the sudden loss of contact, her thoughts inevitably drifted to Junta – now the Zeta-playboy. His transformation had introduced an unpredictable variable into her mission. Despite her scientific expertise and knowledge from the future, Karin found herself at a loss in understanding the full nature of this new development and its potential impact on the future.

Realizing that any attempts to influence or change Junta were now beyond her capabilities, Karin turned her attention back to Tomoko.

Her reasons were twofold: the necessity of her mission and a growing, unspoken jealousy. Tomoko, the center of Junta's affections and the unwitting catalyst of so much that had transpired, was once again the key figure in Karin's plans. Karin couldn't help but reflect on the stark contrast in Junta's behavior towards her. When he was the shy, unassuming boy, his affections for her were unmistakable and strong, a connection she had come to value more than she had realized.

However, since his transformation into the Mega-playboy, and now as the Zeta-playboy, that connection seemed to have faded, replaced by a charm that was indiscriminately cast to all around him. Junta's earlier attention, which had seemed so genuine and exclusive, now felt like a distant memory.

Determined to regain some control over the situation, Karin decided to confront Tomoko directly. She needed a setting away from the chaos of Fukoma High, somewhere they could speak without interruptions or eavesdroppers. A hot spring – serene, private, and traditional – seemed like the perfect location. It would be a place where defenses could be lowered, and honest conversations could take place.


Lying in her bed, Tomoko gazed at the ceiling, her mind a whirlpool of thoughts and emotions. The recent events had been nothing short of a rollercoaster, and just when she thought things couldn't get more complicated, she found a note in her locker earlier that day. It was from the mysterious girl in the purple suit, with light blue hair and striking green eyes.

Tomoko turned the note over in her hands, reading it once again. The message was clear and concise, an invitation for a one-on-one meeting at a nearby hot spring. She remembered the first time she saw this mysterious girl at school, pointing a gun at Junta, an image that was both startling and unforgettable. Then there was the incident at Sea Zone, where she had tried to rescue her, and disappeared later on. And, of course, the final showdown at Ryuuji's Mansion…

Lying there, Tomoko's curiosity was piqued. This mysterious girl, had been a shadowy figure in the background of recent events, intersecting with her life in unexpected and dramatic ways. Now, she was reaching out directly. What could she possibly want to discuss? Was it about Junta? The incidents? Or something else entirely?

Despite her curiosity, Tomoko felt a tinge of caution. Her natural inquisitiveness was tempered by the knowledge that this mysterious girl was someone capable of dangerous actions. Yet, part of her longed for answers. Answers that Junta, for reasons unknown, had not provided. She wondered why Junta, with whom she shared a deep connection, had not been more forthcoming about the secrets that clearly surrounded him.

As she contemplated, Tomoko thought about how she had always hoped Junta would open up to her, share his world with her willingly, but that had not happened.

Finally, her decision was made. Driven by her insatiable curiosity, Tomoko resolved to meet the other girl. She would go to the hot spring, not just as a chance to satisfy her curiosity, but perhaps to understand the enigmatic web of events that had entangled her, Junta, and this mysterious girl in purple.


The hot spring was a serene oasis, embodying the tranquil beauty of traditional Japanese style. Nestled in a secluded area, it offered a peaceful retreat from the bustling world outside.

Karin, already immersed in the steaming waters of the hot spring, leaned back against the edge, her eyes closed in a moment of rare relaxation. The warm water enveloped her, soothing away the tension that had built up over the past few days. For Karin, this was more than just a meeting spot; it was an opportunity to experience a tranquility that her time no longer offered. In her future world, where overpopulation made such moments of solitude and peace a rarity, the quietness of the hot spring felt almost luxurious.

The soft sounds of nature around her—the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze, the distant chirp of evening birds—were a melody to her ears, a stark contrast to the mechanical and digital hums of her own time. Karin allowed herself a small smile, appreciating the beauty and simplicity of this era, a stark reminder of what was at stake in her mission.

The tranquil moment at the hot spring was gently disrupted by the appearance of Tomoko. Emerging from the changing room, she was wrapped in a towel, a picture of modest elegance against the backdrop of the serene setting. The setting sun cast a golden glow over the scene, its light reflecting off the water's surface, creating a picturesque and almost ethereal atmosphere.

As Tomoko approached the water's edge, the soft sounds of nature seemed to pause, as if in anticipation of the impending conversation. The air was filled with the tranquility of the evening, the rustling leaves, and the distant chirping of birds creating a peaceful symphony.

Karin, momentarily roused from her contemplative state by Tomoko's arrival, watched as Tomoko neared the water. With a graceful movement that seemed in harmony with the natural beauty surrounding them, Tomoko removed her towel. The golden light of the setting sun played upon the water, casting shimmering reflections that danced around Tomoko, enhancing the natural beauty of the scene.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still, the hot spring becoming a canvas where the beauty of nature and the simplicity of the moment were captured in a single, breathtaking picture.

Locking eyes for the first time as Tomoko approached the edge of the hot spring, both Karin and Tomoko acknowledged each other with a mutual nod and a small, knowing smile. It was a silent greeting, marked by a shared understanding of the significance of this meeting.

As Tomoko settled herself into the warm, soothing waters, sitting side by side with Karin in front of a large rock, there was a palpable sense of anticipation in the air. For a moment, both were silent, taking in the serenity of their surroundings and the weight of the conversation that lay ahead.

Karin, witnessing the beauty of Tomoko, felt a sudden twinge of envy. She couldn't help but compare Tomoko's graceful appearance with her own physique, honed and muscular from rigorous training and battle readiness. A fleeting thought crossed her mind – was it this kind of femininity that attracted alpha personalities like Ryuuji and the new Zeta-playboy Junta?

Breaking the silence, Tomoko began with a sincere expression of gratitude, thanking Karin for her assistance on two critical occasions – once at the Sea Zone and again at Ryuuji's mansion. Her voice was calm, but the appreciation in her tone was unmistakable.

Karin responded modestly, brushing off the thanks with a simple "It was nothing." But she knew this was the time for explanations, for providing Tomoko with some context to the bewildering events they had both been part of.

Carefully, she began to unravel a simplified version of the background story, offering Tomoko insights into the recent happenings. Karin was careful not to divulge any confidential details of her mission, but she provided enough information to shed light on some of the mysteries that had surely been plaguing Tomoko.

Throughout Karin's explanation, Tomoko listened intently, absorbing every word. Her expression was one of quiet concentration. The setting sun cast a soft, golden light over the scene, adding a sense of calm and timelessness to their conversation.

The air was thick with anticipation as Tomoko took her time to process the stories Karin had shared. The fantastical elements, which would have seemed like absurd science fiction to her just months ago, now resonated with a strange ring of truth, given all she had experienced recently. Yet, amidst the whirlwind of revelations, something else caught her attention – Karin's casual use of Junta's given name, suggesting a closeness that unsettled her.

The tension in the air peaked as Karin, leaning towards a more direct approach, said, "Well, now that you know... Junta, in his playboy form, would cause a big crisis in the future... and you're the main cause for it." She paused, a smug look crossing her face as she made a dismissive gesture. "And... you know... eventually, he will have 100 women... you are just the first one."

Tomoko's competitive spirit flared up at this. "Nope... Momonari is serious about me..." she asserted confidently.

Karin scoffed, "Come on! Don't be ridiculous. He's called the Mega-playboy for a reason!"

Tomoko, undeterred, retorted, "Well... like you said yourself... the history... or the future is changing and unpredictable."

Feeling the need to press her point, Karin pushed further. "You're the one making him the Mega-playboy in the first place, causing great troubles in our world. Don't you think you should be more responsible for that?"

Caught off guard, Tomoko scrambled for a rebuttal. "I... I don't believe your stories! How can I know for sure you're not making these up?"

In the serene atmosphere of the hot spring, as the golden hues of sunset painted the sky, the conversation between Karin and Tomoko continued, now turning into a more spirited debate.

Karin, adopting a matter-of-fact tone, began, "Look, it's simple. Junta in his Mega-playboy form is like a magnet. You might think you're special, but it's just his nature. He can't help attracting others."

Tomoko, her arms crossed, retorted with a hint of passion in her voice, "But you don't get it. There's something different between me and Momonari-kun. It's not just attraction. There's... more."

Karin raised an eyebrow, a touch of sarcasm in her voice, "More? Like what, synchronized swimming in a sea of love? Please, we're dealing with a potential crisis here, not a romantic drama!"

Feeling challenged, Tomoko shot back, "You're just jealous because he doesn't look at you the way he looks at me!"

Karin laughed, shaking her head, "Me? Jealous? I have bigger things to worry about than high school romance. Besides, I'm not the one who's part of his hundred-girl plan."

Tomoko's determination was evident as she responded, "That's because you don't understand him! He's changed. I know Momonari and I trust him. Sounds like you need to take a lesson in love. Maybe then you'd see things differently."

Karin, still smiling, replied, "A lesson in love? From a high school drama queen? I'll pass. I prefer my lessons based in reality."

The tension in the hot spring reached a boiling point as Tomoko, clearly overwhelmed and frustrated, abruptly stood up. "Well, anyway, thank you for your heads up, I don't want to talk about all these right now. Bye!" she declared, her voice tinged with a mix of irritation and disappointment.

Karin realized it was time to play her final card. "Just one last thing…" she called out, her voice steady but imbued with a sense of urgency.

At that moment, a small, bee-sized drone, barely noticeable against the backdrop of the serene hot spring, buzzed into view. It maneuvered skillfully, positioning itself in front of Tomoko. Intrigued despite her desire to leave, Tomoko paused, her eyes fixed on the tiny mechanical marvel.

With a flicker, the drone activated its holographic projector, and a three-dimensional image sprang to life in the air before Tomoko. The hologram displayed a video with startling clarity: it showed Karin telling Junta about her impending return to the future. Tomoko watched, a mix of curiosity and confusion etched on her face.

The holographic scene shifted, revealing Junta's subsequent visit to Ami's home across the street, seeking advice for a gift for a girl.

But the most striking part of the hologram was yet to come. It replayed the emotionally charged moment at Sea Zone, where Junta confessed to Tomoko about being in love with someone else, his request for her to return the necklace hanging heavily in the air between them. The hologram captured every nuance of that encounter, from the earnestness in Junta's voice to the conflicted emotions on Tomoko's face.

The raw honesty of Junta's confession, now replayed in this unexpected manner, forced Tomoko to reevaluate everything she thought she knew about their relationship.

"Just so you know, the necklace was supposed to be a gift for me. Not Ami. You misunderstood him," she said, her voice calm yet carrying a note of significance.

Karin paused for a moment before continuing, "The fact is, NOBODY understands him, including himself... Because he just changed all the time, as you've witnessed yourself." She looked directly at Tomoko, her words deliberate. "This moment maybe he said he loved you, and next time you met, he changed into another person."

Tomoko, her emotions churning, found herself speechless. Karin's words echoed the doubts that had been lurking in her mind, doubts she had been reluctant to confront.

Seeing Tomoko's reaction, Karin delivered what she felt was the final blow. "You know… at the end of the day, I need to return to the future, so poor Junta will be all lonely and sad… he does need 'some other girl' to take my place in his heart." Her tone softened slightly, "So don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to compete with you for Junta or anything, soon, he will be all yours... after I left him!"

This revelation hit Tomoko like a wave. The combination of the video evidence and Karin's words left her unable to muster any defense. The emotions she had been holding back, the confusion, doubt, and now a sense of betrayal, reached a boiling point.

Overwhelmed, Tomoko released a loud scream, an outburst of frustration and helplessness. She splashed the water of the hot spring, her actions resembling a typical teenage temper tantrum – raw, unfiltered, and filled with emotion. Then, without another word, she turned and ran away from the hot spring, leaving behind the serene setting that had become a stage for her emotional upheaval.

Karin watched silently as Tomoko disappeared, her expression a mixture of sympathy and resolve. She knew the conversation had been necessary, but the impact it had on Tomoko was more profound than she had anticipated.

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