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100% Divinia: The Holy Beginning / Chapter 8: A Trip to Arcadia 4-2

Chapter 8: A Trip to Arcadia 4-2

Moments pass and Holley enjoyed every second of the trip, letting his hands flay out of the carriage window to rub his hands against the soft patches of clouds underneath the wheels. Holley played quietly, but cheerfully, making Anna smile wide at his curiosity while she knitted something during the trip.

"I didn't know that the sky would get anymore more beautiful than before!" exclaimed Holley.

"Hehe, one of the many wonders of our world my dear. Especially the clouds. Here." She puts down her knitting kit and lets out her right hand out of the carriage, waving it above the clouds as a fraction of them flies towards her hand, gently laying upon it. The small clouds circled around Anna's hands while her fingers do a slow dance, making every inch of it form and move. Holley stood staring in amazement as the clouds form into a small pendant. As one final spark came shining on the piece, the pendant was now finished; a triangle pendant with a scepter of Cyril in the middle and two figures of animals on the side; the lace was made with pure hard cloud.

"Take this Holley," Anna hands him over the pendant.

"Wow! That was amazing! What is this for?" asks Holley while gazing the at pendant on his palm.

"It is yours Holley. Yours to give to the first friend you make in Arcadia — your first wolven friend!" said Anna happily, "That type of pendant is one that is very precious among the wolven; for it signifies a future for you and the one you give to; a future of gathering, or a friendship, or maybe even something more. Be wise on who you give it to, my dear!"

"I will, thank you so much, mother!" said Holley excitingly as he holds the pendant carefully in his hands, "I will put this in with the book!"

Holley quickly grabs one of the suitcases through the back-carriage window and slides it inside and down on his lap. He unlocks the case and opens it, setting his eye upon a few of his clothing — fancy clothes prepared to him by Jeram — he carefully moves some of the clothing aside, making enough room for the pendant.

"Wait. What book?" asks Anna curiously.

"Oh this?" He grabs the book and lifts it up for Anna to see, "Just a book I found downstairs, after some… incident hehe." He rubs the back of his neck.

"Oh… I see. What's the book called?"

"Hmm, The Blessia Academy 4 is its name. I don't really know what genre it is, but maybe I'll read it once we reach Arcadia."

Anna pauses for a moment, closing her eyes to sigh deeply. She pinches her dress before opening her eyes again to see Holley, "Dear… There is something I want to tell you"

"What is it mother?" His eyebrows raised.

"I... I have decided… That you're going t-"

"We have arrived!"

Anna was interrupted by a loud shout coming from the driver, Simon peeked his head inside through the front-carriage window, "We have arrived, Madam Vivienne!"

Holley quickly jumped off his seat and lets out his head out of the side window, gazing at the clouds as they slowly go down through it. Haze was seen at first, but after a moment of standing still, the carriage finally gets out from the array of clouds. For a minute, the sunshine blinded Holley from the seeing below, but as he moves his hand above his forehead, he finally sees; he was amazed. Great plains of the south met his eyes, seeing farms and their livestock roaming across the very land they grazed upon; at the far north, vast forests were seen; seeing people — unfamiliar to Holley — walking out of it with carriages filled with meat and stone; they were called hunters, as far as Holley read in a book. And at the very distance to where they headed, a big city laid on the foundation of the east, with the towns made by stone and different metals; people roam around the streets, going about their lives as they worked and converse with one another; and on above them, were fascinating creatures floating around the city roofs; it was a Wolvyrn: a creature Holley only saw in books until now, a magnificent creature that flies without any visible wings; their body made like a loose fabric carrying themselves by the wind, and their heads fitted with long snouts and sharp teeth, but they were herbivores.

As he was looking at the creatures, a glint appeared in Holley's eyes; making his eye twitch from the brightness. He looks around to see the source, but he did not see anything on the plains that might have caused it; but he looks up to the sky after. He sees the ones making the glint: Angels that were flying towards the city, with materials and suitcases; Holley looked in awe of their different wings; different structures and different sizes. One of the angel's notices Holley, waving at him before zooming away; Holley waves back but it was too late, the angel already was far away.

The carriage slowly flies through an entrance way atop the gate of the city, gently landing on a platform where many other carriages landed also. The unicorns stop and ruffles their hair and taps their hooves. Simon quickly jumps off the driver seat and pats the unicorns one by one, giving them treats he got from his suit pocket.

"Well, we will continue this later Holley. Let us go now, we don't want your Uncle and Aunt to wait!" Anna quickly puts her knitting kit in her halo and exits the carriage.

"Okay mother!" Holley hastily puts the book back in the suitcase and locks it again, carrying it while he steps outside the carriage.

Anna walks to the back of the carriage, untying their luggage, but she was stopped, "I'll take care of it, Madam Vivienne!" exclaimed Simon as he unpacks the suitcases from the carriage.

"Are you sure Simon? I can just carry them with my divinity"

"Its truly fine miss! I can carry it for you to your inn, besides it's a special occasion!" said Simon excitingly, "I don't want you to be busy with your luggage, especially when this is the first time your son is travelling!"

"Oh ok, thank you very much! Don't strained yourself too much okay?"

"I won't, Madam Vivienne!"

Meanwhile, Holley gazed at the city below, placing his hands on the railing at the side of the entrance way; there were so many people unfamiliar to him, bewildered but nervous. Suddenly, a hand caressed his shoulder; he turns his head to look.

"Are you okay dear?" asks Anna.

Holley silently looks back at the city, sighing deeply before answering, "I'm fine, mother… Just not used to this"

"Hehe, don't worry dear. You will get used to travelling to places like this soon; besides, I am always here if you me to hold your hand," said Anna calmly.

"Hehe, thank you mother!"

"Now, let us go; we have to get settled into our rooms in the inn we are staying"

The two of them walks together as they exit the arriving platform, going down the top of the gate and onto the main floor; where the lobby of the gate resided in. Holley and Anna continue their way, stopping at the receptionists table which was a large circle table surrounding a pillar of the gate. Although the receptionists table was surrounded by a tone of people checking in to the city, Anna manages to walk pass them to ring the bell of the table; one of the receptionists with a blue hat arrive shortly after to answer.

"Good day Madam! How may I help you today?" asks the receptionist cheerfully.

"I am here to sign for passage to the city," She reaches inside her halo and grabs a necklace — a necklace that had the vigil of Cyril, "Here is my Cynant"

"Thank you, Madam, I'll be right back!"

Holley looks over the table, seeing the receptionist turn around and disappear. His mind went blank from the sight, but he looks up at his mother and asks, "Where did she go?! What was that necklace you gave to her?!"

"Hehe, calm down dear," said Anna softly, "She just went to check us in. That necklace is called a Cynant: a necklace that is given to a divinian for information purposes, like my birthday, or my work"

"Oh, okay. Does everyone have one?"

"Well, only the ones that have a divinity; meaning that little children like you don't have them until you have one"

Suddenly, a gust of smoke appears, and coming out of it was the receptionist; placing Anna's Cynant on the table again, "Here you go Madam Vivienne! You may enter the city now, please proceed to the door behind you"

Raising his eyebrows, Holley shook his head and scratched his mind, "What door?". He turns arounds and jumps slightly back, for there was a door floating slightly above the ground. Fascinated by the sudden appearance, Holley examines the door while Anna continued to talk with the receptionist. Holley examines the door from front to back, becoming more fascinated after knowing that the other side was still the lobby they were in, but it was only the outside he saw.

"Thank you dear!" said Anna as she turns around while giving the receptionist her farewell, "Come Holley, lets enter the door."

Holley frowns at his mother, "But there is nothing there on the other side!" he explained.

"Hehe, you'll see soon enough that there is dear, once you go through," Anna said as she opens the door and enters.

In Holley's bewilderment, Anna didn't come out on the other side; she just vanished. He steps back with his had on his head. He carefully examines the other side of the door, and still, there was still nothing. Seeing that there is no other way, and that he didn't want to be left alone in his first ever travel, he opens the door; but there was only a bright light that emerged from it, blinding him from seeing what it is. With no other way, he lifts up his hand over his eyes, seeing only the very steps he would take; he slowly lifts up his leg to step into the door, and shortly after, he entered fully. The blinding light still lingered after he went through, but it slowly resided; and still, there was light, only that he can finally see it. A magnificent palace stood in front of his eyes, along the path of what seemed to be the town, with a lot of people walking through and buying things from the local stalls. A slowly takes in everything at once, taking his breath away; the world was more beautiful than he could ever know back at his home.

"Holley dear! Over here!" shouted Anna at the distance.

Holley quickly turns his head around, searching for Anna among the people that filled the street, but it was only for a moment. Her hand stood top of the people's head, making it easy for Holley to see. After seeing his mother, Holley walks towards her, but still slow, for he was still enamored. However, he bumped into someone along the way, making him fall down; but Anna didn't see. As he was about to get up, somebody suddenly holds his shoulders.

"Are… you okay, little one?" A soft voice of a man whispered.

Holley looks up to see who it is, but it was vague; the man was wearing a dark hood, making it difficult to see who it is. The man holds Holley's hand as he helps him get up, slowly getting up on his feet, then pats his clothes to dust off any dirt away.

"Thank you… Sir. I apologize for being clumsy!" Holley quickly bows to the man.

Although it was small and vague, Holley heard a little giggle from the man, "It is fine little one, is this your first time in Arcadia?" asks the man.

"Yes, it is; I was so distracted by the city that I didn't see what was in front of me," said Holley as he scratches his head.

"… It is beautiful… isn't it?" The man looks away from Holley, seeming to be gazing around him, like Holley a minute ago.

A moment passes before the man looks back at Holley, then to where Anna was, "That woman… she must be your mother, correct?" asks the man somewhat slowly, and… sad.

Holley looks as well at Anna, and then back to the man, "Yes. Me and my mother are travelling for a few days here, even though I don't have any experience in traveling to any place before! Hehe,"

"That seems to be a lot of information to give to a stranger, little one."

"It is? Sorry, I'm probably just nervous"

"Hmmm, you are one fascinating kid," said the man as he looks at Holley.

"Holley dear!" shouted Anna from the distance, "What's taking you so long?"

Holley staggers and turns around to look at her, "Coming, mother!" said Holley as he turns around to say goodbye to the stranger, "I must be going n-"

The stranger wasn't there anymore. Holley quickly looks around to search for him, but he completely disappeared; no gust of smoke or anything. He contemplates for a moment, but ultimately decided that the stranger was in a hurry, so he continued his way until he reaches his mother. But before he reaches for Anna's dress, his neck was suddenly covered over by an arm, tugging him backwards suddenly; almost tripping over from the shock.

"Holley!" A boy's voice shouted, the one who tugged Holley backwards.

"A-Ash! Y- your c-choking m-me!" said Holley as loud as he can.

"Oh! So sorry!" He quickly let's go, "I'm just excited to see you here! This is your first time going anywhere besides your home!"

Catching his breath while holding his neck, Holley glares at Asher as he laughs; he takes one step beside Asher, "This is for almost killing me!" He punches Asher's shoulder, making him stumble to the side and grab his arm.

"I said I was sorry!" said Asher apologetically as he flicks his eyelashes to Holley.

After their dispute, they continue together towards Anna, who was talking with somebody as they arrive, "Is the trip going good so far, Anna?" a familiar voice said.

"Oh, everything is going just fine Jared! I didn't expect that Holley would adjust so quickly, considering he has always been used to living in Gracewood for so long," said Anna as she turns her head to Holley, "Speaking of Holley, there he is!"

As Anna turns to the side, Holley sees the one she was talking to; the faint blue hair and the goofy look that said it all, "Holley!" Jared quickly hugs Holley tightly like Asher before, almost making Holley suffocate again, but Jared lets go before he could.

Still catching his breath, Holley turns to Jared to greet him, "It's nice to see you Uncle Jared!"

"Likewise, my boy!" he exclaimed while giving him a wide smile on his face, "Now, I'll be right back Anna, I have to help Alaysha unpack the children's luggage into their rooms."

Anna nods at him before Jared zooms away into a building nearby, which Holley thought it was the inn Anna talked about, "Is Granpa Regi coming too, mother?" asks Holley.

"Yeah, I thought Gramps would be here with us during the trip," said Asher.

"Well, he said in a letter that he would come, but I don't know where he i-"

"HELP!" a voice rippled through the district, staggering their ears as it passes by.

The three of them frantically looks around for who caused the scream, and as Anna back around to where she faced, she saw who it was; they were at the square of the district, beside a large fountain. Holley and Asher squint their eyes to see who it is, and they saw it: a woman was kneeling on the ground, but she was not alone; a man was grabbing her wrist, with his wings out for all the world to see. Shortly after, the two gets surrounded by tons of people that heard the scream, blocking their view of the dispute. Holley and Asher take one step forward towards the waking crowd, but Anna's hand stops them, "Stay here the both of you, I'll be right back"

"But mother…"

"Stay here Holley,"

Anna walks away from them, going towards the fountain of the square, leaving Holley and Asher behind back at the entrance door of the inn, "Come on, Holley! We also need to see this!"

"But… mother said"

"Come on! It's not like we're going to get close. There!" Asher points to a pile of stacked crates, "Those are high enough for us to see, let's go!"

"I don't know about thi-" Asher interrupts Holley by suddenly grabbing his arm and pulling him towards the crates.

The two of them starts to climb up the crates, giving each other a boost. Asher excitingly climbs each crate, while Holley was somewhat otherwise, grabbing and stepping on the crate reluctantly as Asher pulls his arm. Finally, they reach the top of the crates, getting a clear view of the dispute below. They silently watch over the incident as they squint their eyes.

"By the order of the Seraphim! You are hereby arrested for an act of heresy!" said the man as he keeps tugging the woman's wrist tightly.

"But I didn't do anything!" argued the woman furiously but with a hint of fear in her voice.

Anna tries to quickly pass through the crowd to reach the two in time before it escalates, hastily going through the crowd, but still asks politely to pass through. Meanwhile, the man continued to tug the woman, but now, it was harder than before.

"Don't resist woman!" He pulls the woman's wrist as hard as he can, making the woman move while she was kneeling, scraping her knee and making her grunt in pain.

"Please!" The woman begged, "I didn't do anything!" she cried before trying to pull away from the man's grasp.

A glint in the man's eye quickly shined, he lifts his hand as high as he can; hurriedly flying towards the woman's face as he grits his teeth to the crisp. Seeing the man's hand start to swing, Anna had no choice but to push through the crowd with force, trying her best to get through as fast as she can before the hand hits the woman's face. But it was too late. As Anna goes through the last line of the crowd, the hand goes by fast, about to land on the woman's face; Only thing Anna could do, is extend her arm to reach the hand although she knew it was too late, but after she thought it was. It stopped. His hand was held back by somebody grabbing his wrist. The man angrily tilts his head towards the owner of the hand, hissing annoyingly, "Who i-"

"Let her go!" Shouted the owner while he grips the man's wrist tightly with his eyes glaring with a fire that burned.

"How dare you touch me!" He lifts his other hand to strike at him.

But then, another voice came from behind him, "Stop this at once!"

Holley and Asher look closely to see who it was, and in their surprise and joy; the very man holding back the attacker's hand was another man with gray hair and eyes, wearing a brown overcoat. But the other man made them squeal in joy: it was none other than Reginald, who glared at the man, "Stand down, Throne…" said Reginald slowly but coarse.

The man stares at Reginald's eyes, seeing the fire within that was building up; the man lets go of the woman's wrist, yielding his hands; the man holding his did the same with him. Reginald calls Anna, but kept his eyes dead still on the man, "Anna, take the woman out of here, make sure she's fine."

Anna helps the woman get up, and walk; healing the scrapes on her legs as she escorts the woman out of the square. The man however, hissed at the very sight of the woman leaving; staring back at Reginald, "Reginald… Arch of Glory; You don't have any right to stop a throne's work!"

"And what work is that exactly?" said Reginald instantly.

"Accusing innocent people of things, they didn't do and call them a heresy, that's what!?" said the man wearing the coat.

The man takes one step forward aggressively as he stares angrily at Reginald, "I don't need to remind you that this is the work of the Seraphim! Keeping his people in check and in devotion of love to Cyril is my duty. And as a throne, I know a heretic when I sense one!"

"The only heresy here is you annoying people's ears with your loud tone!" said Reginald firmly.

"You little- "

"That is enough!" said a voice coming through the crowd. The faint blue hair made Holley and Asher recognize him instantly.

"You are in no position to go around in broad daylight accusing people, Boris!" shouted Jared.

"… Well if isn't Jared, I didn't expect you to be here of all the others," said Boris sarcastically.

"Expect me to stop you from harassing these people with blatant lies."

"Lies? Is that what you call it huh?! That woman has been spreading those very lies in these streets for years, and you're telling me I'm the one with the blatant lies!" He takes one step in front of Jared, gritting his teeth in anger in front him.

"…Leave the square… or would you like to deal with the deacon?" said Jared calmly.

Boris stares into Jared's eyes, still in anger and gritting heavily on his teeth, but after a moment, he withdraws. He bows his head a little low while glaring back at Reginald and the man, then back to Jared, who extended his arm to the side to escort him out. Boris was hesitant, but he walked away anyway, followed by Jared to make sure he leaves.

In the middle of the square, where the people who surrounded it fills the place with loud chatter and gossip; Reginald breathes a small sigh of relief as Boris exits the square, "I'm glad that didn't escalate," He turns his head to the man, "Thank you for intervening, Mr. Alexi"

"It is my pleasure, Mr. Evangelist. I'm getting tired of these thrones parading with their so-called duty to find heresy. There has been too many fallen already"

"I know… I'm getting tired of it too…"

A moment passes by and Jared walks back to the square, meeting with Reginald and the man again, "He won't be coming back anytime soon, the deacon will hear about his and will most likely force the Seraph to transfer Boris elsewhere"

"You really need to keep the other thrones in check Jared, or else they might make everyone a fallen" said Reginald.

"Cut me a break will you, Regi. I'm just only one throne and there's like ten others that are like Boris." Said Jared as he takes a breath.

"And the Seraph is also useless in the matter," said Mr. Alexi abruptly.

"Hey, come on now. Even the Seraph makes mistake-"

"I don't not need to hear your thoughts about the damn Seraph, especially if it's coming from one of his thrones!" Mr. Alexi leaves angrily and through the crowd of people.

After he left, silence filled the two. Then, Jared breaks it, "… I guess he despises us thrones…"

"You can't blame him Jared. A lot has happened in the world, and they are the cause of it."

"I know… I just wish I could do more to convince them that there is still good in the seraphim, and many of them are misunderstandings."

Reginald walks beside Jared, lifting his arm and resting it on Jared's shoulder, "It is not your fault that they're like that… Come, let us go to the inn"

Holley and Asher back away from the edge of the crates, carefully hiding for them not to see, "Wow… That was cool!" exclaimed Asher, "Wasn't it cool how Dad and Gramps stop the man?!"

Holley didn't reply, he was bowing his head in thought, not hearing Asher's words. Asher tilts his head to the side, poking Holley's head to get his attention, "Holley? Holley? Are you there or?"

Holley comes back from his thoughts and staggers back, "Oh! Sorry, I was thinking of something"

"Hmmm, well, we better go back before they realize we are missing, come!" Asher starts to climb down, leaving Holley on his own at the top.

As Asher's head disappear from view, Holley bows his head again in thought; talking to himself, "What do they mean by fallen? Are all the thrones other than Uncle Jared like that? I don't really want to know… but… I need to be more careful. I don't want to cause trouble for him and mother."

Holley gets off his mind and stands up, starting to climb down as well, "Asher! Wait up!"

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