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25% Divine Silver / Chapter 1: R.O.B

Chapter 1: R.O.B

"Hey you, you're finally awake"

I opened my eyes only to see that I'm not in my room and this place is not even something that was on Earth.

There's no gravity but I can stand and move my body like there's the ground beneath my feet. And There's nothing except the being in front of me.

I can breathe just fine but I don't think there's any air enter my lungs, or to be specific, I don't even have a body.

"What is this? Some kind of simulation or VR?" I asked but I know that this is too supernatural to be some kind of technology experimental.

"This is a pocket dimension that I create using your universe as a basis" The being said. His silhouette is covered by billions of stars like a universe.

"I'm something that you Earthlings called, a Random Omnipotent Being," that thing said with a hint of smug.

Random Omnipotent Being, I heard this thing before mostly from the novel. They're just a boring being that gives power to any random person and makes countless people's efforts go to vain.

"Yes, I'm that kind of beings. And to tell the truth, I find doing something like training ridiculous and it's more fun to just give them an instant powerup" It said and millions of stars spread and form a smile on its face.

"Really? Then what is the purpose of bringing me to this place?" I asked but I can probably guess what it wanted to say.

"I want your help. I'll reincarnate you into my soon-to-be-destroy world and I want you to save it"

"Why should I?"

"If you don't then I just select a new one but your end is not going to be great" a smug form on its face.

Looks like I don't even have a choice here. "Then can I ask about what world is it or something notable that I should know about that world"

"Hmm," The being think for a second before answering "It is a world where people see themselves as a game character. They can level up, change classes, kill the monster, and raid the dungeon"

I can kind of guess what world I'm going to be but those are fiction and from just this little description, I can't narrow it down to just one story.

"Then can I ask for something?" I asked, unsure of what to do next.

"Sure" That being smiled.

"What if I can't save the world because someone is stronger than me, or I'm just unlucky?"

"Then the world's destroyed" Billions of stars spread "You must think that I'll punish you if you can't save the world right? But fret not, I'm not bound by your pitiful common sense and morals. If the world's destroyed then it's destroyed. I don't care if you save it or not, I just want to see the struggle of your pitiful being until the end"

"So struggle harder and amuse me"

I hate it when it said something like that with a bright smile.

"If you don't have any question then I'll give you an instant powerup now," R.O.B said "Though most of you call it wish"

"Is there a limit to wishes?"

"There're several limits and rules, but to tell you the truth, It depends on my mood"

"Then I want to ask to be reborn as the strongest being there," I said "I don't care if it's not human or even humanoid. It can even be eldritch horror beings"

"Granted. However, you'll just reincarnate in a body with the greatest potential"

Huh…Although it's not like what I'm thinking but still better than nothing. "Next, I want Instant Mastery power"

"Granted. However, it can only speed your progress on things you've learned, unlike a real instant mastery"

"A power to evolve continuously"

"Granted. But your lifespans also decreases with each evolution"

"Immortal life"

"Granted. But with only an unlimited number of cell divisions and not unkillable"

"Slow life"

"Granted. But until the start of the plot"

"Genderbend power"

"Granted. But you can't genderbend me"




"I want to be the luckiest"

"Granted. But your luck is beneath plot armor" The being said before countless stars started to gather at one point "This should be enough, even if you don't have the power to destroy the universe but with enough time you should be able to do it"

I nodded with his sentence. Most of my power needs time to accumulate, I won't be overpowered at the start but I already asked for a Slow life which should be enough for me to be the strongest.

"I pray that you'll struggle harder and amuse me more in your new life"

I laughed at its words. "A being like you need to pray? To who?"

"To myself," It said. "Now, fuck off"

My vision was cut off and all my senses are gone. For a short second, I can feel like I'm deader than dead.


On Alphen planet.

On the mountain that stood tall thousands of kilometers from earth. Covered in snow and blizzard, there lay a silver-white egg about 10 meters in height and 5 meters wide in an oval shape.


There's a crack on the egg, and soon the crack covered all the surface of the egg and a white scaled hand shot out from the egg. Before long, a glamorous silver dragon appears from the egg.

"So, this is my new world?" It looked around at the surrounding cold but It can't even feel the change in its temperature.

[ Level : 1

Name : Ullete (Race : Silver Nuclear Dragon)

Class : Dragon King

Achievement : 0

Magic Point : 99 / 99, Energy Point : 99 / 99


Strength : 99, Agility : 99, Vitality : 99, Wisdom : 99

Magic : 99, Energy : 99, Recovery : 99, Heal : 99

Control : 99

Undistributed Points : 0


Faster Mastery(Lv.1)(Unique Skill), Infinite Evolution(Lv.Max)(Unique Skill), Eternal Youth(Lv.Max)(Unique Skill), Genderbender(Lv.Max)(Unique Skill), … , Atomic Breath(Lv.1)(Racial Skill), Silver Nuclear Scales(Lv.1)(Racial Skill), Silver Heart and Nuclear Organs(Lv.1)(Racial Skill)

Undistributed Points : 0 ]

"This is…better than I expected," I said.

From what I learn about this world, human at level 1 has stats added up to about 50~100 points but I have 891 points at the start.

Let's look at racial skills since I know all about unique skills.

[ Atomic Breath(Lv.1)(Racial Skill)

Does massive amount of damage and radiation damage over time.

Require : Silver Heart & Nuclear Organs

Magic Consumption : 90, Energy Consumption : 90. ]

[ Silver Nuclear Scales(Lv.1)(Racial Skill)

Reduce all incoming damage.

Physical Damage Reduction : -10%, Magic Damage Reduction : -10% ]

[ Silver Heart and Nuclear Organs(Lv.1)(Racial Skill)

Generate a massive amount of energy and magic.

Energy Generation : 10%/s, Magic Generation : 10%/s ]


The Atomic Breath does consume a lot of energy and magic point but with Silver Heart and Nuclear Organs, I can generate all of them in 9 seconds.

If that doesn't enough, I still have my unique skill left. I can't even see myself being defeat by anyone with this enormous amount of stats and skills.

But that still not enough to lower my vigilance. The thing that I need to do right now is to level up. The faster is better.

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