When he reached the battlefield, a stretch of space with dozens of blackholes creating some sort of boundary, the armies from both sides had already gathered.
The corrupt military officers didn't want to expose themselves to their superiors. So, they disguised the young master as a normal captain assigned to this sector and threw him to the battlefield like everyone else.
As a rank 5, the young master was already one of the strongest group leaders, only next to rank 6 commanders.
The rank 7s didn't take command anyone lower than them and only banded together. The same went with the other two ranks—rank 8s fought only with and against rank 8s as did rank 9s.
The grouping—a superior officier, a bunch of order taking soldiers—happened only in rank 6s and below.
"You all better remember today," Varian addressed his hundred-man troop with an arrogant expression. "History is going to be made."