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A stranger?

Upon entering the hallway Mike felt as though something was suffocating him. He could feel a pair of eyes glaring at him but there were no signs of life on the floor. The ambiance had drastically changed between the reception and the hallway he currently found himself in. Mike always was able to realize when a situation he was in suddenly got suspicious but today was the day he decided to ignore his instincts. This was the first mistake Mike had made tonight, second if you count entering the building in the first place. You might be wondering why he decided to ignore the obvious signs of danger, well. Mike was too trusting sometimes. Luckily, his sense of urgency wasn't acting up and he decided to speed up his pace as the slowly transitioned into the office space.

The first thing Mike noticed was that the office space was completely empty. He hadn't been at the office enough, or at all in this case, to make a judgment on what had happened but he was aware something was up. The office was desolate and bleak. A normal person would assume that no one worked here. It looked totally uninhabitable but due to the call Mike had earlier from agent Blake he was aware that there was staff presence on the floor, but where could they have gone? Perhaps they all already entered the meeting room was Mike's initial thought but upon further inspection, it had seemed that every room lacked social interaction, it didn't help that Mike actually had no idea where the meeting room was truly located either. The receptionist, Jess whatever her name was, didn't exactly tell Mike what he was looking for. Curiosity got the best of him as he started to explore the office space.

Shockingly it was incredibly clean, for an office. One desk stood out for Mike in particular. Papers were stacked seemingly in no particular order on the desk, it was incredibly messy. The desk alone could be proof of civilization in the office but Mike could still find no evidence to back up his claim. He decided to investigate the table making sure to not miss anything. Upon further inspection, he noticed a frame with a picture half concealed. An odd sense of deja vu washed over Mike when he saw the photo. It was almost like he had seen it before, but that was impossible, he never set foot in this building before today so why did he feel this was towards the picture? The picture clearly had 2 men labeled. One's name had been so washed off it was illegible and the other clearly was labeled Killian Tulssa. Mike had recognized the name to be his future employer. The receptionist warned Mike that Killian was impatient but Mike only ever judged people with his own eyes. For an employer to have such an outstanding presence in the workplace it was weird for him not to be around. As Mike was about to take a final glance at the picture the sound of someone's voice snapped him out of his plans.

"Well, Mike Mitchels. The first day and you are already involving yourself with my private matters? Last I checked the name on that desk doesn't belong to you." A deep voice spoke confidently.

Mike turned around swiftly.

The man before him looked almost like a ghost. Mike felt as though one gust of wind could make him shrivel up and die right on the spot. His clothing looked incredibly fancy. He wore a dark blue blazer with a red collared shirt below it. To match his look he wore a blue tie that had a semi-fade going from light to dark near the tips. Mike felt his eyes pierce through his soul. His eyes were dark red. This eye color had increased drastically over the years but not many actually encounter someone with red eyes. His hair was pure blonde, an incredibly light shade, it glistened as the lights in the office hit the top of his head. One difference between him and Mike was that his hands were huge. On the outside, the stranger didn't seem buff so his hands didn't exactly match his look. Mike could understand if people were frightened by his appearance at first glance but to Mike the stranger's eyebags stood out the most. Rather than labelling him as a suspicious character, Mike had decided to call him 'hard working' for the time being.

"I'm sorry, the office was empty and I was looking for a source of entertainment until someone arrived. I promise this sort of behaviour won't happen again." Mike explained stumbling over multiple words with a slight stutter.

"Haha, don't be so stiff. I'm not going to tell you off. Heck, I wouldn't call myself an influential figure at all. Don't worry. I just heard that you arrived from Jess and I wanted to ask if you knew where you were going." Mike couldn't sense malice in the stranger's voice.

"No, I have no idea where I'm meant to go. I got a call from someone saying that there was meant to be a meeting at 10:15 but I haven't been able to find anyone." Mike answered truthfully.

"Really" The stranger muttered with a slight hint of annoyance.

"yeah, is there something wrong?" Mike questioned.

The stranger paused evidently thinking to himself. After a while, he finally responded.

"It seems as though the staff, including the receptionist, thought it was a good idea to prank you on your first day." He could feel the stranger's anger slowly increasing. "we haven't had a morning meeting for a very long time." The stranger paused carefully structuring his next sentence. " It's not exactly great memories for the team."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear. I won't pry into anything." Mike responded.

"Don't worry, it's not too bad." the stranger joked. "And I'll make sure the staff won't try anything again."

"Oh, thank you!" Responded Mike to the statement the stranger had made.

To Mike, the stranger's words seemed like a serious warning or threat. He said before that he didn't have power in the office but Mike was slowly starting to question whether the stranger had been truthful. A weird level of awkwardness invaded the conversation.

The stranger broke the silence swiftly "Well, I'll be going now. see you around Mike." The stranger walked away gracefully before Mike could ask for his name. He could tell the man he had just spoken to was a high-class raider. Possibly A rank? No, that's not possible in this shabby town.

Suddenly the sound of angelic ringing bells broke through Mike's thoughts. The bells were loud and rang with passion, almost similar to a bell you'd usually hear during weddings. Some may say that the sound was deafening but to Mike, the sound was relaxing. It was weird. It's almost as if any uncertainty he had at that moment completely dispersed. The ringing went on for at most 30 seconds, Moths were starting to swarm the place the sound of the bells came from. It wasn't long until he could no longer see anything, beside him were multiple beautiful yellow moths known as comet moths. A very peculiar situation. Comet moths were usually located in Madagascar so the idea of them being in an office was puzzling. Mike saw the moths as magnificent creatures, truly diaphanous and calming. Being around the moths made him feel odd. He was starting to feel as though he had seen them before - but he was sure he hadn't. abruptly the moths increased their circling pace and engulfed the spot Mike stood in. A bright clear jet of light started to surround the moths. He did not panic as the moths didn't panic either. They remained calm and elegant, determined to complete their circling. Mike started to feel a bit hazy and fell onto the floor. Amidst the chaos, Mike could feel the moths softening his landing but due to his current state, he couldn't trust his own opinion. Finally, his eyes shut.

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