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82.35% Dimensional Nephilim / Chapter 14: Chapter 14

Chapter 14: Chapter 14

(This chapter has a short R-18 scene. There's a warning before and after it.)

Chapter 14: 

Amanda Waller stood on the tarmac in front of her fully assembled Task Force. She could hardly keep the grin off of her face. She had taken the power back! She finally had a team of super beings under her control! 'All of my plans are coming to fruition, and soon I will become the most powerful woman in the entire world!' She cheered internally. 

"Welcome to MY Task Force X..." She said to her team of assembled villains. It wasn't the cream of the crop, but it was a good start for her.

Deadshot, King Shark, El Diablo, Kiteman, Blackguard, and Javelin.

"...Under MY direction, you villains will be reformed into productive members of society! You will all be participating in missions that I assign you. Failure is not an option! You will complete these missions at all costs, or you will all die trying." Waller told them all seriously. The glare she gave them all reinforced that.

"And what exactly will we be doing on these missions?" Deadshot asked her while massaging his aching neck. Specifically, the spot where a bomb had been surgically inserted. A bomb that would kill him and any of the other Task Force members if they tried to rebel. Amanda internally smirked. She loved having that kind of power at her disposal.

"You'll be doing whatever I tell you to do." Waller told him sternly before glaring at all the other villains in front of her. "If you don't, then I will detonate the bombs in your necks and kill you all! Is that understood?"

"You're the boss lady!"

"Kiteman is at your service!"

"My Javelin is yours to command!"

"Num nums?"

"If this is to be my penance, then so be it…"

Deadshot scoffed, but didn't speak up again. Amanda knew with the bomb in his neck, there was nothing he could do except follow orders…for now. She fully expected him to rebel at some point, but she didn't expect that to be anytime soon.

Amanda nodded at all of them. "If you all perform well, then your sentences will be reduced. Some of you will be able to go free after only a few missions. Others…" She trailed off and smirked at Deadshot. "...Might as well get comfortable, because you'll be working for me for a while." Amanda didn't care about the other villains here, but she wasn't planning on ever letting Deadshot go. He was too useful an asset to her.

With that said, Amanda turned to the Colonel next to her. "There all yours, Colonel. This will be our first sanctioned mission, I expect results!" She needed to show the President results so he didn't immediately shut down her team before she had a chance to cement her powerbase. For that reason, it was very important that Task Force X's first mission be an overwhelming success. 'Thankfully, I chose a cakewalk mission to start with.' Amanda thought to herself. She didn't think a bunch of priests and nuns stood a chance against her Task Force. 

The Colonel nodded at her. "Alright, listen up! I'm Colonel Rick Flag. I'm in charge of you sorry pieces of shit. If I tell you to jump, then you better fucking jump! Whatever orders I give, you all will follow to the letter or you will die. If you disobey me on a mission, you will die. If you try to run away mid-op, you will die. Any Questions?" He asked them all with a no-nonsense attitude. 

Deadshot grimaced at Waller's words. He could see the greedy look in her eyes. She had no intention of ever letting him go free. On top of that, he wasn't even sure he could. How many missions would that take him? He had a rap sheet a mile long and then some. Everytime he got captured, they simply tacked another life sentence onto his imprisonment. He'd lost count after getting 33 of them…

"What's our first mission?" Deadshot asked the Colonel. 

"I'll tell you all on the plane. Everybody get aboard." The Colonel pointed to the military transport plane behind him on the runway. Task Force X started making their way inside.

Once they were strapped in and the plane was in the air, the Colonel started his briefing on what they were going to be doing. 

"Our plane is currently heading to Rome. This will be a basic rescue operation. A very important teenage girl is being held prisoner. The US government has decided to liberate her and place her in its protective custody." Colonel Flag told the team of villains.

"Oh cool! We're going to be heroes!" Blackguard cheered. "Heroes who get to kill a bunch of evil kidnappers! Is the girl we're rescuing hot?"

"She's only 16, Blackguard…" Colonel Flag sighed.

Blackguard smirked. "Never stopped me before!"

"Perhaps the fraulein will reward her dashing heroes with a kiss…? Or maybe more?" Javelin added while sharing a fistbump with Blackguard.

Deadshot listened to the two of them brag about the various girls they had been with. Blackguard and Javelin were both small-time villains, but that didn't stop them from being scum. If he had an opportunity to cut them loose during the mission, then he would be happy to take it. He had a 13 year old daughter himself. He killed people for a living, but there were just some lines that should never be crossed in his opinion.

"Hell yeah she will! We're going to be her dashing saviors! We deserve a reward!"

"Girl num nums?" King Shark asked. Nobody really knew what King Shark was or where he came from, but everyone knew he was a man-eating monster. 

"No! The girl is not num nums! If the girl dies, you all die! In fact, you're not allowed to eat anyone on this mission!" The Colonel berated King Shark. 

King Shark slumped down and groaned. He was sad that he wouldn't be allowed his num nums. 

"Just say the word and I can fly in and rescue the girl on my dashing Kite!" Kiteman exclaimed with a large grin. "Kiteman knows how to get the job done!" he added with a suave grin.

"Ok, it's been bugging me, and now I gotta know! Who the fuck is Kiteman!? I've never even heard of this guy!" Blackguard exclaimed while pointing at the green villain wearing spandex with a large kite strapped to his back.

Kiteman sputtered in indignation. "H–Huh!? Well, I've never heard of you either buddy! I'm a big time villain in Gotham I'll have you know! Kiteman is respected! Every time I show up, the other villains leave in fear of me!" Kiteman retorted. 

Deadshot sighed. Personally, he had no idea why Waller would have picked Kiteman for her elite task force. Kiteman was nothing more than a two bit thief with a kite. The worst thing Kiteman was known for was breaking into a few jewelry stores.

Kiteman, Blackguard and Javelin all started squabbling amongst themselves. Deadshot shook his head. He was lamenting his current situation. He was on a suicide mission with a "team of idiots." He would have preferred it had Waller just contracted him and sent him in solo. Rescue missions weren't typically his thing, but he figured he could pull off extracting a single teenage girl. 

"Where exactly is this girl being kept?" Deadshot asked the Colonel. "Do we have any exhilaration plans?"

"She's being kept in the heart of the Vatican. This operation is going to be a bit of a smash and grab. The Vatican has armed guards, but not a lot. Once we take them out, the priests and Nuns aren't going to put up much of a fight." The Colonel started to explain. "We can kill the guards, but it has been heavily advised that we don't do any permanent damage to anyone else there. It would cause a huge international incident." 

"Hah! I always expected I was going to hell, but now it's confirmed!" Blackguard and Javelin both laughed. 

"I am not comfortable attacking the Vatican…" El Diablo spoke up from the corner where he had been praying.

"You'll participate or you'll die." The Colonel reminded El Diablo.

"Que el señor tenga piedad de nosotros." El Diablo started praying in Spanish.

Deadshot wanted to scoff at the prayers, but then he remembered his last target. Marcus Light, otherwise known as Nephilim. Deadshot thought that Marcus was a metahuman at first, but upon pondering that fight further, Deadshot wasn't so sure. 

Wonder Woman and the Amazons proved that the Greek Gods are real. Everyone knew that fact at this point. 'Are Angels real too? And if so, what about…?' Deadshot felt a small shiver go down his spine. He wasn't so confident about the success of this mission anymore…

"We'll be reaching Rome in about 3 hours." Colonel Flag told them all. 

"Oh shit! It's that new hero Nephilim! Run for it!" A drug dealer yelled and took off running as soon as he spotted Marcus and Starlight.

"My hero name isn't Nephilim, it's Razor wing…" Marcus mumbled to himself in complaint. The drug dealer didn't hear him, he was already halfway down the street. He wasn't getting away of course.

Starlight held her hand up and aimed it at the man's back.


A beam of light struck the man in the back. He let out a yelp and collapsed to the ground.

"Yeah, that's the third criminal who's called you Nephilim, Marcus. I don't think the name Razorwing is going to work for you. A hero can rebrand their image, but not their name. That's a lot harder." Starlight explained to Marcus. She had been a "professional" hero for years, so he took her word for it.

Marcus let out a sigh. "I guess you're right. I did introduce myself as Nephilim on some guy's live stream as well. It was a spur of the moment name, but it apparently stuck."

Starlight and Marcus walked down the street to where the drug dealer had collapsed. Her light blast had knocked him unconscious. Marcus picked him up and carried him out of the street and over to the sidewalk. Starlight was already sending the police a message so they could come and pick the guy up.

"What kind of drugs was he selling?" Starlight asked while inspecting the bag. "Why are they green?"

"It's some kind of new drug that the joker has been putting out in the streets. People who take it experience euphoria for hours at a time. Of course, it's incredibly addicting and dangerous. There have been dozens of overdoses so far." Marcus explained to Starlight. He honestly had no idea why anyone would ever willingly buy drugs sold by the joker, but somehow they did.

People can be really dumb…

"The Joker is one of Gotham's most dangerous villains right?" Starlight asked Marcus for clarification.

"If you run into him…just run." Marcus told her seriously.

Starlight seemed taken aback by his warning. "I should run? Isn't he just a regular human?"

"You'll find that in this world, regular humans can be some of the most ruthless and dangerous beings you'll ever encounter." Marcus told her. If he ran into the Joker, he was aiming to kill from the start. He knew it was weird, but he'd honestly rather fight Darkseid over the Joker. At least with Darkseid, he would know what to expect in a fight...

Starlight took his words to heart as they continued patrolling the more dangerous streets of Gotham. It seemed like they found people committing crimes on every single street corner in these neighborhoods. It was only the middle of the day, and there was already so much crime going on that they had to start ignoring the lesser ones in favor of going after the worst offenders.

Marcus respected Batman's drive, but there was no chance he would ever be able to clean this city up by himself. Even after he cleansed the city on a spiritual level, it was still going to be riddled by crime without outside intervention. 

That was something to think about for the future…

After taking down a dozen or so common crooks, they decided to call it for the day.

Starlight huffed in annoyance. "What is wrong with this city!? I feel like we didn't do a damn thing!" She glared at a familiar man on a nearby corner. They ended up circling back to the corner where they busted the drug dealer earlier. The same guy was already back on the same corner selling drugs again.

"Ah shit! It's you two again! You're not catching me twice!" He turned and tried to run away for the second time today.


Starlight casually blasted him in the back a second time. She took a second backpack filled with drugs off of him, which Marcus promptly vaporized with his Light Energy

"We just busted this guy! How is he already back out and selling drugs!?" Starlight threw her arms into the air and complained.

"He must have the police on his payroll." Marcus said with a shrug. "I'm starting to understand why Batman beats criminals so violently when he catches them." If he puts them in the hospital for a few weeks, that keeps them off the streets.

They wrapped up their patrol and Marcus decided to fly them back to their new home. He smirked as he swept Starlight up in his arms bridal style. She was blushing profusely as they took off into the sky. She wrapped her arms around his neck as they flew over the city. Annie had a large smile on her face. Being carried like this by a handsome hero was her biggest fantasy as a little girl. 

A few minutes later Marcus set her down on the porch.

"Thanks for patrolling with me, Marcus. I don't know if we made much of a difference today, but at least it was real." Starlight said. She then caught Marcus off guard as she leaned forwards and kissed him on the cheek!

She quickly ran inside before he had a chance to properly react. Marcus rubbed his cheek as he watched her disappear around the hallway leading to her room. "Well, that happened…" They were going to have to talk about that together later obviously.


Marcus heard the air stir above him and he looked up. A second later, Kara landed on the front porch carrying two suitcases. "I saw that." She said teasingly while setting down both of her suitcases. Kara pointed at Marcus's cheek.

"Annie caught me a bit off guard there." He admitted to Kara. 

"Hmph! Just remember that Megan and I were with you first." Kara said to him. 

"Of course, Kara."

"All these hussies keep appearing one after another to try and steal my man…" Kara muttered in annoyance. Marcus overheard her and wondered who she was talking about?

Marcus decided to change the subject. He pointed to her two suitcases. "Is that everything you have?" He asked her. She was traveling pretty light for a girl. He expected her to show up with a whole moving van.

Kara shrugged. "It's all my Earth stuff at least. All of my Kryptonian stuff is on my ship hidden away in Kal El's fortress." She only had her Earth clothes and a few knick knacks in the two suitcases. 

Marcus offered to help Kara unpack, but she declined. 

"I wanted to wait for Megan to arrive and we are both going to set up our new rooms together." Kara told him and he nodded. Megan was in the process of moving out of her Uncle John's apartment. She would be arriving in an hour or two. Kara also hinted that she and Megan wanted to have a private 'girls' talk with Annie. "We don't want you eavesdropping, so that means you need to get out of the house for a few hours." Kara said jokingly while making a shooing motion.

"Aww, I just got back though…" Marcus let out a fake whine. "I guess I could take this time to get some training in. It has been a while since I've done that." He said. That last fight he was in could have gone much better in hindsight.

"Where are you going to train?" Kara asked curiously.

"There's a teleportation gate in the back of the mansion. I can use that to instantly travel back to the Vatican or to Heaven. Mom installed it." Marcus explained.

Kara sputtered at him. "T-There's a gate to literal Heaven in our house!?"

"Yep." He nonchalantly nodded at her and Kara looked at him in disbelief. He could understand why that would shock her, but at some point he just got used to things like that. Besides, mom had to spend most of her time in Heaven anyway, so of course she'd want an easy way for him to be able to visit her. He didn't have enough power to be able to teleport to heaven on his own just yet. That would require him to have a lot more wings.

Knowing that Kara was jealous of seeing Annie kiss him, Marcus leaned down and placed his lips against hers for a few seconds before leaning back. Kara's face was bright red as she looked back up at him. "W–What was that for?" She stuttered cutely.

He gestured to her two suitcases. "You're moving in. Consider that a welcome home kiss." He said smoothly.

(R-18 Warning)

Kara turned bright red and bit her lip in indecision. A second later, she grabbed Marcus's hand and dragged him inside the mansion.

"Woah! I thought you wanted me to leave for a few hours?" Marcus said in surprise. 

"Change of plans!" Kara declared as she led Marcus to her new bedroom. That surprise kiss had really turned her on and she was tired of all the other hussies trying to get to Marcus ahead of her!

Kara dragged Marcus into his bedroom and slammed the door behind her. With her super strength she shoved Marcus backwards until he landed on his bed. Marcus landed on the bed with a laugh. He righted himself, and sat down on the edge of the bed.

Kara strutted over towards Marcus, she was eyeing him hungrily. Her eyes started to dilate and her breathing picked up. She reached down and grabbed the bottom of her superhero costume top. She pulled it over her head and tossed it to the side of her bed. She wasn't wearing a bra underneath, the upper part of her hero costume was skin tight.

Marcus gulped at the sight as her pale breasts spilled free. Kara was a very perky C-Cup with bright pink nipples.

Kara left her skirt on for now. She dropped to her knees directly in-between Marcus's legs. "Take off your pants." She said while staring at the tent that was starting to form between his legs.

Marcus immediately did as he was asked. He pulled off his pants and boxers. 'Is she really about to–'

His semi erect cock sprung free directly in front of Kara's face. Her eyes widened in excitement as she stared at it. "It's so big~!" She said huskily. By Earth standards, it must have been close to 10 inches! Kara shuddered at the thought of what it would feel like inside of her!

Kara touched Marcus's cock with her soft hands. She gave it a few strokes and was amazed when his cock became even harder and more erect.

Still on her knees, she leaned her face forwards until her face was pressing up against his cock. She stuck her tongue out and licked the shaft.

Marcus let out a groan at the sensation. Her tongue felt amazing.

Kara took a second to smirk up at Marcus. Even on her knees, she felt powerful in this moment. Marcus would always remember that she was the first girl to do this for him!

She stuck out her tongue again and started to lick his cock all over. She started with the shaft, and worked her tongue all the way to the base. She then licked her way back up until she reached the crown.

"Fuck, Kara. That feels so good."

"I'm glad, but we're just getting started~."

Kara parted her lips and slowly took his cock into her mouth. He was so big that she couldn't take the whole thing, but she took more than half. She sealed her lips around his shaft before she started to suck.

Marcus's legs trembled on both sides of her head. Kara started to bob her head back and forth as she sucked his cock. He'd never felt anything more amazing!

Kara's breasts bounced on her chest as her head bobbed back and forth. Her tongue continued to bathe his crown as her lips worked his shaft. She could feel his cock start to become even harder in her mouth. A delicious taste started to fill her mouth. Kara wasn't expecting Marcus's precum to taste so good! That must have had something to do with his divine nature. She was suddenly excited to taste his full load!

She moaned around his cock as she started bobbing her head even faster.

Marcus's breath hitched and he grabbed the back of Kara's head with both hands. "Kara, I'm cumming!" He yelled while holding her head in place.

Kara's eyes widened when she felt his cock start to spurt his semen into her mouth. The second his warm cum hit her tongue, Kara shuddered. It was absolutely delicious. She didn't stop bobbing her head as she greedily lapped it all up! She was pleasantly surprised with how much he spurted into her mouth. He must have given her enough for two whole mouthfuls! Kara loved it.

"Fuck…" Marcus groaned when he came down from his high.

There was a "pop" noise as Kara took her lips off of his cock. "Did you enjoy that, Marcus? I know I did!"

"It was amazing, Kara." He replied. The best orgasm he'd ever had. He was also amazed that she drank it all down! That was so incredibly hot!

Kara giggled and stood up from her knees. Her hands reached down for her skirt next. "Good, because I'm not done with you yet~."

Kara was just starting to pull her skirt down when a ringing went off in the room and interrupted them. 

(R-18 End)

Ring Ring Ring!

Marcus and Kara both groaned in annoyance. Neither one of them wanted to stop halfway. "Let me just check my phone real quick to make sure it's not an emergency." Marcus said while reaching down and picking up his discarded pants. He stuck his hand in the pocket and pulled out his phone. "Isaiah is calling me?" Marcus swiped answer and put the phone next to his ear. "What's up little bro? You kind of caught me at a bad time–"

"Marcus! It's an emergency! A bunch of villains attacked the Vatican!" Isaiah's panicked voice yelled from the other end. 

Marcus's eyes widened in shock. He immediately started throwing his pants back on. "What happened!?" 

"I don't know! Father Strada and Lady Quarta aren't here! They're currently leading a bunch of our exorcists on a training mission across the city. The villains attacked out of nowhere and killed the guards out front! Irina and I managed to fight them all off, but we weren't their targets! I think they were after Asia!"

"Shit!" Marcus cursed.

"It's worse! A bunch of Devil's started attacking at the same time as the villains! The villains managed to all escape from me and Irina in the chaos! …Shit, there's even more of them! SWORD BIRTH!" Isaiah exclaimed. There was a bunch of noise in the background and Marcus realized that Isaiah was currently fighting and had dropped his phone.

Marcus grimaced and clutched the phone so hard that it shattered in his grip. He quickly turned to Kara. "I have to go!" 

"I'm coming with you!" Kara declared. Her costume was already back on and she once again looked immaculate. She had used super speed to quickly clean herself up in Marcus's bathroom.

"Cmon, the portal is this way!" Marcus said while running towards the door. He threw it open and ended up colliding with two people standing directly on the other side!

Megan and Annie were both looking up at Marcus sheepishly from the floor. They had been on the other side of the door eavesdropping on him and Kara…

Both of them were puzzled why Kara and Marcus had hastily stopped halfway through. 

"Oh… Hey there, you two." Megan said awkwardly like she didn't just get caught trying to peep on them.

"M–Marcus…this isn't what it looks like…" Annie trailed off as she picked herself up off the floor. She was blushing profusely.

"We don't have time for this!" Kara scolded both of them. "Marcus's family is under attack by villains!" 

Annie and Megan both looked shocked at Kara's declaration. They both quickly turned serious and nodded at Kara. Of course they would help!

Marcus was already halfway down the hallway as he rushed towards the portal. It was a stone arch that was inscribed with many Angelic runes that Marcus had yet to master. He poured Light Energy into the arch and it lit up with a golden glow. A bright golden portal sprang up in the center just as the three girls caught up with him.

Once the portal was fully formed, Marcus immediately hopped through. A golden lightspear was already formed in his hand.

The remainder of Task Force X had found an empty room to regroup in. Their first mission had immediately gone tits up.

"This didn't go as planned…" Deadshot grumbled to himself as he bandaged up a few stab wounds. That blond haired boy was summoning swords like he was some kind of anime character. Deadshot had taken a few hits before Colonel Flag ordered them all to retreat.

"What the fuck, man!? Since when do priests carry freaking lightsabers!? Since when are Lightsabers even a real thing!? And that twin tailed bitch murdered Javelin! I liked that German guy!" Blackguard complained while clutching his bleeding arm. The twin tailed girl had almost sliced it off with her shapeshifting katana!

"Ouchy…" King Shark said while touching his tender skin. "Guns hurt…" King Shark was bulletproof, but the church exorcists had been shooting him with super hot Light bullets. He was covered in small burns.

"The church is under attack by the forces of Hell. We should help them. No se puede permitir que el diablo gane!" El Diablo proclaimed. 

"Those forces of hell are the only reason we're still alive. They distracted those two brats and allowed us time to get away." Kiteman said while clutching his destroyed kite. It had been filled with bullet holes only a few seconds into the fighting. He was having trouble holding back his tears. He loved that kite…

Colonel Rick Flag took stock of the current situation. They were down a member, and the church had a lot more firepower than anyone ever thought possible. They also had two teenagers with superpowers on their side. He reached his hand up to his ear and pressed his communicator. "What should we do now, mam?" He asked Amanda Waller over the comms. "These priests and nuns are all packing futuristic weapons, and now literal demons are attacking the place! I was never a believer, but I'm pretty sure I am now..." 

"You continue the mission as planned! Avoid the…demons…and everyone else. Let them fight it out amongst themselves! Your mission is to go for the girl during all the chaos. This is the only opportunity you're going to get!" Amanda Waller ordered them all.

The Colonel let out a sigh as he checked his weapons. He personally wanted to call a retreat, but he wasn't the boss. "You heard the lady. The mission is still on. We have to secure Asia Argento before the demons overrun this place or the church fights them off."


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