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89.75% Different Royal Pony. / Chapter 148: True Wedding, and tea with friends...

Chapter 148: True Wedding, and tea with friends...


It is I! Here with another chapter! After a while of exhausting academic stuff and uhh...well... I admit it....I bought Hogwarts Legacy and spend most of my time looking for collectibles, dont blame me haha...ha... but I nevertheless succeeded in writing this chapter regardless of my *ekhem* distractions! So just like that, here it is! I of course deeply hope you like it and like always EEEENJOY!!!

if you'd like to support my work, I invite you here pat


It didn't even took them a weak to recover from the "unexpected" appearance of Chrysalis, and with just a tiny bit of preparations, everything was ready for the real ceremony.

Of course everypony were adamant on Cadence having a go at every single part of the grand preparations, just to make sure she actually liked every single part of it.

After all, it was Her big day, and Rarity would be scandalised if the Princess didn't agree to do at least this much, to which Cadence agreed wholeheartedly.

There was no big surprises that happened in the meantime. No monster attacks. No villainous resurgences. No rain obviously, thanks to a certain squadron of pegasi, which Rainbow Dash heavily fanmared over every time they flew above them.

Everything went perfectly.

And now, everypony stood at their assigned places, watching As Princess Celestia announced the lovely duo a husband and wife, to the elation of the entire assembly and the two Ponies in question.

Even Starfall had a tear in his eye watching the scene play out. He was unashamed to say that he considered Cadence and Shining Armour to be his family in all but blood, so seeing them so happy together was truly a delightful sight to behold, and the hungry gazes he was secretly receiving from a few of his marefriends did not diminish the pleasant atmosphere in the slightest...

And as the ceremony reached it's end, with Rainbow Dash performing her most beloved Sonic Rainboom, basking everypony in positively aligned magic, he couldn't help but think that this was a truly beautiful day, and he was really lucky to live in Equestria...


Everypony gathered at the castle gardens for the party, the calm, romantic music putting everyone in a warm and pleasant mood as Shining Armour and Cadence did a slow and emotion filled dance in the middle of the venue.

Starfall though could already see Pinkie Pie dashing towards Vinyl Scratch who brought with herself her huge, speaker-equipped, DJ setup...

He still found it funny how irregular technology was in Equestria, but he understood that it was mostly thanks to magic taking care of many aspects of life on a better level than technology could do without actually approaching the levels of science fiction...

His line of thoughts was interrupted though, as a familiar voice resounded in the clearing, with a familiar song that stirred his chest and made his expression brighten involuntarily.

Twilight was singing "Love is in Bloom" and he was a fool if he wasn't going to enjoy it...


"Oh please Darling! We know you can do it! I really want to hear your voice!" Rarity leaned on Starfall with puppy dog eyes, as Starfall tried to shrink away from the microphone floating in front of him.

"Exactly! Even Twilight sang for them Starfall! Don't make us beg you!" Rainbow Dash added from the side, as she circled around him in the air.

"I...But..." Starfall looked in between the two slightly panicked and finally sighed in defeat.

"Alright fine, Though I'm not so sure that I'm any good..." He said looking away with a blush.

"You're gonna be just fine!" A distant, far away voice suddenly redounded from somewhere in the back of the venue which sounded as if it belonged to one of the two Pie Twins...

"Yeah! Just sing something that nopony in Equestria can copyright and we'll be good like Muffins!" Said a different but very similar voice, which Starfall recognised as Pinkie Pie thanks to her not so subtle way of breaking the fourth wall. She was probably referring to that time he hummed the "Smile" song... He looked around but seeing as nopony would understand her point anyway he decided to just shrug it off and took the microphone into his hoof.

He wondered whether he should just start singing at random to the beat provided by Vinyl Scratch, but then an idea struck him ,and he quickly cast a few spells on the nearby instruments so that they played the right music he imagined...


And then he sang...

♪There's a calm surrender♪

♪To the rush of day♪

♪When the heat of a rolling wind♪

♪Can be turned away♪

♪An enchanted moment♪

♪And it sees me through♪

♪It's enough for this restless warrior♪

♪Just to be with you♪

♪And can you feel the love tonight?♪

♪It is where we are♪

♪It's enough for this wide-eyed wanderer♪

♪That we got this far♪

♪And can you feel the love tonight♪

♪How it's laid to rest?♪

♪It's enough to make kings and vagabonds♪

♪Believe the very best♪




There was an uproar when he finished. He didn't expect such an excited response but it seems like he underestimated the level that this love song he remembered from Lion King could produce at this beautiful wedding.

Even Shining Armour couldn't help but slap him on the back in excitement, while Cadence seemed to almost tear up and she wasn't the only one around.

But all in all he did his part so...

He couldn't finish that thought as he was quickly pulled into singing it again by the overexcited Twilight who wanted them to sing together for some reason.

Who was he to refuse the pretty girl, right?


The party lasted for hours, And he could see some of the ponies already feeling the effects of the long celebration, as they swayed from time to time not just from the occasional cider, but also simply from your regular exhaustion...

As for Spike and his three "secret" marefriends...They were already out of it, snuggled together on a bench by the cake table alongside a very satisfied and unconscious Pinkie. Meena was currently sitting beside her sister, looking after her in case she ended up sick from so much sugar, even if no one really thought such a thing to be likely with this particular pony...

It was time for the bride and groom to take the traditional ride in the carriage, so everyone gathered on the street to send them away, when Cadence remembered about throwing the bouquet of flowers behind her, so she did just that while leaning out of the window.

Starfall expected to see Rarity snatch it wildly with a momentary lack of decorum, just like she did in the show, so he was surprised when the bouquet landed right in the hooves of an unsuspecting Twilight. she looked at the flowers and then at him as her face turned red in embarrassment while all the girls gathered around her to catcall and tease her.

Starfall chose this moment to take a quick leave, prioritising his life after seeing the expressions of the small group.

He wasn't against marrying them all, but he hoped to wait a little more, since there was still so much danger around that he needed to take care of before he felt comfortable with settling down...

At least that's what he was telling himself. There was after all a lot of different factors to consider in his situation...



The sound resounded as Starfall knocked on the doors to the small but pretty looking house in the suburban part of Canterlot.

The doors soon opened as Minuette stepped out, only to perk up upon seeing him.

"Starfall! It's so good that you came! Come in, The others are in the living room." She said stepping to the side and letting him in.

"It's good to see you too Minuette. It's been a while." He said with a smile as he stepped inside the house.

And it had really been a while since they last saw eachother. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that it had been a few months, so he hoped to at least enjoy some tea with his oldest friends while they are still in Canterlot.

They soon walked into the small but cozy living room and Starfall took a look around.

The place was nice, warm and inviting, the walls having bookshelves filled with variety of books, trinkets and pictures of the three residents, in varying poses that suggested the kind of relationship they were in.

And then there were the two remaining ponies in question. Twinkleshine and Moondancer, sat beside eachother on a large sofa, talking in earnest with Twilight, and to Starfall's surprise, Little Strongheart.

Minuette didn't wait and simply joined the two girls, promptly laying her head lightly on the shoulder of Moondancer, to her apparent enjoyment.

"Starfall! You're here! Please, come in, come in! Little Strongheart was just telling us about her pregnancy! I didn't take you for a philanderer but at least you can take responsibility." She said in a teasing tone, clearly joking with Starfall who just smiled and shrugged his shoulders at her words.

"Things happened, but I don't regret it. If anything, I am happy, and full of anticipation."He said sitting beside Strongheart and gently stroking her slightly bloated belly. "That being said, How is it going for you girls? It has been a while since we had a chance to talk. I heard that you wanted to apply for a job in the library Moondancer. How did it go for you?" He asked as the mare in question perked up and smiled warmly, while Twinkleshine on the side reached out to correct her glasses in a slightly affectionate manner.

"Oh! I got in! The nice Librarian was actually eager to take me as an her apprentice! *giggle* Seems like she had been looking for somepony to take her place so she could retire. I'm really grateful for the opportunity!" She said honestly with her eyes full of excitement, and Starfall couldn't help but be happy for the girl. It was obvious that she enjoyed her new job, and the fact that it allowed her to continue her studies on the side only made it better for the mare, as Starfall knew that in many aspects Moondancer wasn't really different from Twilight when it came to studying.

Only then did it occurred to him that getting a job as a librarian made the two even more similar, and he couldn't help but chuckle as he saw the two girl falling into a conversation about different books.

He looked up and noticed Minuette and Twinkleshine giving him knowing looks from both sides of Moondancer and they all rolled their eyes in unison, amysed by their resident eggheads.

"By the way Starfall... it's been a while since we've heard from Lemon Hearts since her move to Ponyville. Do you know how she's doing?" Minuette asked and Starfall hmmed in thought.

"Oh well...We haven't talked much honestly, though as far as I can tell she's doing fine. Ponyville is a great place to leave, and I have seen her enjoying her time with some new friends." He said scratching the back of his head. He probably should have kept in contact with Lemon Hearts a bit more, though they weren't really that close to begin, so they ended up drifting apart. Maybe he could pay her a visit later. It would be nice to catch up with her after so long...

They spend over two hours at the small house, talking about many different topics, when Twilight finally couldn't take it any more and asked.

"I was curious...Girls... please be honest. Are you officially together?" She asked the three who looked at her with mixed expressions of amusement and embarrassment.

"That's...well..." Moondancer blushed and looked away while Twinkleshine couldn't help but smile brightly, While Minuette perked up in excitement.

"Yes! We are! It took a while of coaxing Moondancer to agree but I dare say we are a very happy threesome!" She said without any shame, causing the other two to look at her as if she was an alien...

"You mean the time you tricked Moony into teaching her how to "please a mare"? Do you realize how much damage control I had to do so that she wasn't scared away after your little stunt?" Twinkleshine asked Minuette in a mock acusatory tone while Moondancer kept her face hidden in her hooves out of embarrassment...

"Well I'm sorry if I acted a bit rashly, but I had to do something or she'll have never agreed. You remember how our little Moondancer was back then? All she thought about was following Twilight and big Brother Starfall like a good little puppy." Minuette grinned while everyone else felt a bit embarrassed while Little Strongheart giggled at their interaction.

"A-ah, well I'm glad for you girls. As long as you're happy then that all that matters." Starfall said trying to change the topic and the girls smiled at his words.

"Thank you Star, that means a lot to us." Said Twinkleshine as the other two nodded.

"Twilight smiled at this entire exchange and her eyes turned towards Little Strongheart who was now looking down as Starfall unconsciously caressed her belly.

"So...any plans of having babies?" Twilight suddenly asked, and had they been drinking anything at the moment, they would have already spewed it all out at her question.

"A-ah well...that's..." Moondancer stuttered.

"We...wouldn't really mind, I guess..." Added Twinkleshine looking to the side.

"Though there's the problem of actually making them here... we'd need the help of some nice Stallion we trust...and...well..." Minuette said...

The following silence that fell between the three girls and the light blushes as they send quick glances towards Starfall, made Twilight realise that maybe it wasn't the best question she could have asked, but it just flew out of her mouth as she was watching Little Strongheart.

But as she looked at the hopeful looks of the three mares and thought about it, she found herself realising that she didn't really mind if Starfall were to do that for them...She exchanged looks with Little Strongheart who understood her thoughts and nodded with a small smile, so Twilight decided to speak up.

"Listen... Girls... As long as Starfall is alright with it... I have nothing against him helping you out when you decide to take the big step. You three are our oldest friends and I would never deny you happiness... Though I'd like to have the right of first dibs." She added with a small grin, looking at Starfall hungrily as he listened to the entire conversation completely lost for words...

What's with all those mares and their fetish for impregnation...

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