over the last few days, Cain's soul nexus had become more and more complete, however, he had begun to notice some trouble brewing recently. the beasts in the forest had become more and more restless, to the point that even normal people could tell. other than that he had spent most of his time either researching, studying, or hunting. he had learned a few new things about the basilisk bloodline he absorbed. first, the first basilisk was originally born due to a birth defect in a wyrm, this defect caused it to lose its wings, legs, and horns along with severely diluting its draconic bloodline. because of this, it was shunned by most other dragons dragon.
the birth 'defect' also caused it to have a mastery over poison, to the point that just the air around it was highly toxic along with its well-known 'petrifying gaze'. after time the 'wyrm' developed its own bloodline completely separate from that of the dragons resulting in it becoming the 'original basilisk'. With Cain's current purity of basilisk blood, he didn't have any of the main traits of the basilisk such as mastery over poison or a petrifying gaze, it only caused a massive increase in cultivation speed.
other than eating other beasts with basilisk blood or just waiting for his bloodline to naturally grow there was nothing he could currently do to increase the purity of basilisk blood he had. other than that he was nearing the blood-refining stage of body forging. currently, he was out on another hunt with the rest of his class. in front of him was a small fox with tree-like antlers growing out of its head. he had already hinted at a few new creatures and was preparing to go back but the fox had interested him as he had seen it 'yip' at plants before they would move out of its way it lower its branches so it could eat the fruit.
Cain had been wondering what element to add to his blood when he reached the blood-refining realm and he had decided to use 'nature'. using 'nature' as the element for his blood would mean a massive increase in the vitality in his blood, allowing him to heal faster and send more energy around his body at once. As for where he would add the runes, he would put them on his heart and blood vessels as he couldn't put the runes on the blood itself.
the problem with hunting the fox was that 'nature' was inherently protecting it. due to the massive amounts of mana in the forest, the trees were 'alive' and could act on their own. he had seen several different beasts try to hunt the fox but every time one of the trees or bushes bould launch vines or branches and impale the would-be predator before hiding it from the fox, like a parent covering their child's eyes during a gory seen in a horror movie.
from this, he could tell that the forest was actively 'taking care' of the small fox and with the seal on his power he wouldn't be able to hunt the fox without being seriously injured by the forest in the process, and while he would be able to kill the fox it would leave him venerable to nearby predators. so he decided on a compromise, walking up to one of the trees he put his hand on its trunk before sending a 'message' using his soul. if put into words it would be something along the lines of 'seeing as neither of us would win from a fight, how about a deal? I will take care of the fox as its 'guardian', and as compensation, I will get a small amount of its blood. it will get a strong protector, you don't have to worry about it and I get the sample I want.'
to which he got the response 'If you hurt her, will will kill you.' it is important to remember that this wasn't said in any language but rather with sign language using a soul. this was possible by altering the 'waves' that a soul would give off passively and could only be done by someone or something that was able to actively sense, and interact with their soul. after this interaction, the trees opened a path to the fox. walking towards her, she didn't seem to have a sense of danger as she just walked over to him, sniffed his leg, and started to playfully jump around him. The forest had sheltered her heavily. picking her up and he looked into her eyes and was surprised to see the same verdant green and blood red as his. while his was an aesthetic choice he could tell that the fox's eye color had a deeper meaning behind them.
still looking into the fox's eyes Cain said, "Your name will be alice, I am your guardian, Cain. We will be leaving now." in his always monotone voice. putting alice on his shoulder and turning around his lain shot out behind him and pierced the head of a wolf that had been sneaking up on him before his tail 'bloomed' and ate it whole. As heartless as he may be he would follow his word and protect the fox, and that entailed keeping it away from any mental trauma from seeing things die, for now.
he had already eaten the corpses of his other hunts, leaving their core to show as proof of his hunt. on his way back he made sure to release his 'aura' to keep predators from scaring alice. once he reached the rest of the group he entered into the pouch on his waist before taking out the 'cores' from the pouch on his waist, these obviously weren't the real cores as he had already eaten those, these were just low-cost copies of the real thing that held the 'signature' that the original had so that to all outside observation, it was the real thing.
the rest of the hunting class was already used to not seeing cain bring back any bodies as they had already seen him 'eat' his prey soon after catching them. the only exception was the basilisk descendant as it was too big to eat when he caught it. taking the cores in his hand the supervisor started speaking. "due to the sudden increase in activity in the forest you will no longer be obligated to join in the hunts, however, those of you that do will be given 'points' based on what you are able to hunt as well as being able to compete on our latest addition. the leader board. the purpose of the points and leader board will be revealed later, for now, we will be counting the first batch of points. cain, 3 greater boars, 4 stone pythons, a lesser wood spirit, and 32 other miscellanies beasts of lesser quality. alex, 2 greater boars, 1 stone python and 5 dire wolves." from there he went on to name the rest of the class that had mostly unimportant prey. from this, it could be seen that even with cain using his seal he was significantly more dangerous than the rest of his class, that wasn't even counting the fox that cain was carrying on his shoulder as the rest of the class knew, if it was part of his hunt it would be dead, and having a beast companion wasn't to rare in this class anyway. "total points, cain with 128, alex with 56, and the rest of the class with less than 20 on average. so you're not worth mentioning. that's will be all. class dismissed."
as a wise man once said. thank god she didn't turn in to a loli
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