For the first time in a long time, the kids were out of the house, and Damon and Isla had the place all to themselves. Isla didn't realize until now that she could wish that her own children would disappear for at least one whole week. Now she was wondering if she was a bad mother for thinking this way, but Damon was also thinking the same thing, and now they both wondered if they were bad parents for being so happy that the kids were away on vacation.
"Hey, Dammie..." Isla calls, as they laid down to sleep. "hmm," he replies weakly as he'd had a very long and tiring day, so he just wanted to sleep. "I was thinking... Are you listening?" she asks to be sure. "You were thinking... Go on," he says, showing her that he was listening as he pulled her closer to his body, resting her back on his chest, and she played with his fingers.
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