/ Urban / DEVIL'S DEAL



Urban 26 Chapters 20.0K Views
Author: Olawunmi_Fayelu

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Having made an allegiance to her family name, Mary Minali, a young teenager of 18, was torn between making a decision that could rewrite her destiny and going after the handsome mogul that brought the ill fate to her doorstep. In her quest for justice, she was thrown into quagmire when the cold hands of death threatened to snatch away her most precious gem. Never in her wildest dream, would she have prepared herself for the escapades to come when Smith's formidable force swept her off her feet.

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  1. bloody_sinner
    bloody_sinner Contributed 1
  2. Olawunmi_Fayelu
    Olawunmi_Fayelu Contributed 1
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