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50% Detective Grim Reaper / Chapter 1: Soul Realm
Detective Grim Reaper Detective Grim Reaper original

Detective Grim Reaper

Author: Black_Lunatic

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Soul Realm

Has many soul was waiting to get judged by the Grim Reapern the Grim Reaper shouted


A 47 year old white male walk up to the judgement table talking to himself

"It not fair, why did this happen to, that bitch is a liar. I didn't rape her I didn't even touch her, I'm just her manager telling her in the conference room that she need to get her act together before we fire her. She started to undress herself then yell out RAPE RAPE HE TRYING TO RAPE ME!!! Next thing I know-

The Reaper interrupt the man and said in a sarcastic voice

yea, yea, I know the story already, she lied about you raping her, nobody believed in you, you got sent to prison, your whole family and wife left you, then got trail, their was no fare judgement, they only listen to her stories. you was guilty, charged for rape, got fired, nobody wanted to hire because rapist was in your profile, family and wife didn't want to speak to you. Then you saw the so called victim living a happy life while you were in a hell hole and decided to, well you know, off yourself.

The man rapidly reply

yes! yes! that what happen I don't deserve this punishment it wasn't my fault, I can't go to hell I'm a innocent men.

The Reaper smirk at the man

good? ha, old man even if your innocent, you still did disgusting things in your past, for example you murder a co-worker cause of fear off him overtaking you. and to my surprise they never caught onto you even though you did a terrible job on hiding the body. But then again Lady Luck did made a mistake and helped you out with the dead body so no surprise there.

Wait that was an acci-

yea, yea it was an accident it was a mistake, you never meant to do it but you still did it. Well here is the good news the lady that falsely accused you of rape turn out, she told the true story to her friend who is a reporter and was able to tell the new of your falsely rape charge.

ha! that bitch deserve it, I bet she is so mad that she will kill herself, and I be right here waiting for her to show up to slap that ho-

hold up let me stop you right their, first of all this is my place not your so don't think that you can do whatever you want in here. Second nothing happened to the girl, she living the jolly life with her rich husband.

what that's bull-

THIRD!!! Your will be going to hell and yes that's bullshit that nothing happen to the lady, but hey at least your name is clear for the rape but not the murder.


No but. Hell is Hell, and Heaven is far out your reach you murderer.

don't I get a decision?

uhhhhhhhh no. Enjoy your new life



As the the old men soul disappeared a young gentleman soul appeared looking scare and confused.

hmmmm let see here Kevin your a good kid, getting ready for college, living the dream have a lovely lady, but i can't find the reason off your death. so tell me Kevin how did you end up here?

Kevin was still looking around chatting, biting is finger nail

I....I..I don't know. It was a reunion party at the Love Don-

Kevin put is hands on his head and started to scream in pain as if his head were about to explode.

Ahhhhhhhhh my head, my head it hurts why it hurts so much

The Grim Reaper teleport fast to kevin and put his finger through his forehead to see his memories but only to see nothing but a blank state of mind.

hmmmm interesting, somebody clean his mind, but why.

The grim Reaper notice a weird symbol on the back of his neck and took a good look at it to know what it stand for.

(ꆤॄꆤ )

oh shit! we got trouble. HEY ASSistance take over I got to make a report to the king.

I told you my name is Carl and- oh forget you already left.

as the grim reaper is making his way through the hall he enter through the door of the lord door and shouted.


What the hell do you want Reaper?

awww don't feel sad because you got your ass whip by a bird, but anyway I need to go to earth.

The devil king look straight at the Reaper

you wanna go to earth? I mean you can also go to heaven and ask God that I sure he give it some thought.

no no no that won't work because it happening in hell not heaven, and beside we know how God is.

True! anyway why you want to go to earth?

The Reaper told him the story of the symbol on the back of kevin neck

BEHOMENTH! who in the the hell trying to summon behemoth? the devil king shout in respond.

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