Brian, full name Ada Brian, lived at 308 Floral Street, Door 6, female.
Yes, female. O'Connor had taken over a woman's body.
Whether it was O'Connor's choice or Richard's sick humor, Lu Li couldn't tell. Either way, the afflicted Brian was a pitiful woman.
"Although the victim is pitiful, I think the victim's husband is equally pitiful..." Anna murmured softly.
The carriage had already reached Floral Street, having just passed 300 Floral Street, where there was a ceramics shop.
308 Floral Street was a Long House, similar to the Long Houses on Sailor Street, but much more decrepit. The thin, worn wooden walls hardly kept out the rain; living here during rainy days and winters might be quite unbearable.
The carriage stopped, and Lu Li stepped down, entering the Long House's main entrance with Anna's accompaniment.
The hallway was quiet, the gas lamps on the walls casting dim light.
Knock, knock, knock—
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