Years had carved deep creases and valleys across the old man's face, a polished wooden cane extending from his empty trouser leg, resting on the floor.
The relentless downpour kept the weather outside at about 10 degrees, yet the old man wore only a patched hemp shirt. Fortunately, he hadn't been caught in the rain, and the hemp material barely kept dry.
This old man sat opposite the desk, curiously surveying the Detective Agency before looking at Lu Li, "Young man, what do you want to know?"
"I need a guide who knows every part of the Elm Forest like the back of their hand."
"I believe I am that person," the old man revealed a hint of pride. "I started working as a woodcutter in the Elm Forest at the age of 13 until 11 years ago. I can name every Tree King there."
People in this world tend to age prematurely, the poorer they are, the more so. Despite the hunch in his back and his white hair, the old man might only be fifty.
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