"How do I cut it?"
After confirming the effect of the Deep Sea Stone, Lu Li inquired.
"The same as normal stones, 10 centimeters can isolate spirits."
"And vengeful spirits?"
"One meter thick."
This meant if Lu Li wanted his refuge to be sufficiently safe, his shortage would increase from four pieces of Deep Sea Stone to four hundred — and the refuge was only 10 square meters.
Hopefully, Anna's family treasure was precious enough.
The merchant then handed Lu Li three newspapers, the smell of fresh ink indicating they had just been made.
A large stone and three newspapers cost Lu Li 7,290 shillings — the Detective Agency in the Long House was priced at only 2,300 shillings.
"Are the newspapers freshly made?"
He rubbed his fingertip on the text of the "Investigator Weekly," and the printed words blurred on the paper.
Perhaps only a few hours old.
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