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Dazed and Confused

Hurt? Not really...

I had already anticipated such an outcome the moment I laid eyes on her. With a beauty like hers and such a pleasing personality, I doubt that no man would ever have the thought in their mind to suddenly feel a tingling sensation around her. Yes, I did feel kinda disappointed, but who knows? Maybe he was just a friend, or at least that is what I wanted to hear.

Regardless, she still shines the brightest even though the sun is shining above her. These eyes of mine are somehow blurry, yet, whenever I gaze upon her beauty, everything seemer to be obvious. The guy beside her is tall, probably around two inches higher than me or above. Though I wanted to approach her, my body began to feel stiff.

Those smiles, her laugh, the way her eyes squint as she laughs, I can't read whether it was genuine or not. Maybe it was her being natural, and I was just giving things way too much context. However, would it be creepy if I suddenly asked her about her preference for men? Especially since it was only a few hours after we met each other.

Never mind everything, at least I had answered my question earlier. Though, this is all just baseless speculation based on circumstantial evidence, as I witnessed it with my own two eyes.

Don't I want to know the truth?

Of course, I would want to. But it is not my right to question her personal life. Who am I? To this lady, I am just another one of her classmates whom she met earlier and somehow had the same vibes shown. So how could I? If destiny had already woven the red strings connecting both of us. Time will tell the truth as I wait for whether things change as to how I want it to happen.

A fool, this might probably be what some might be thinking. However, I must respect her privacy and let the boat keep on sailing. Who knows? She might open up about herself more and tell me the truth herself.

I went back to our room, not sure whether I was unhappy I couldn't purchase a single meal, and even after going down from the fifth floor to the first floor or the fact that the one I was attracted already had someone. Feeling saddened about it is a natural response presented by our emotions.

"Why the long face, bro?" Chance already caught me red-handed. "Nah, I just couldn't purchase any food, and I am already starving," The three of them didn't seem to buy my excuse. "For years, we already had a fair share of each other's problems. Do you expect us not to know when our friend is lying about something?" Sometimes, their intuition is annoying. But this is one of their strengths which made our circle stronger than ever.

Amusing, isn't it? No one would have thought that because of our happy-go-lucky personalities, the four of us also share an interesting mindset. Men would always be men. Precisely, when the time comes, their bond will always be thicker amongst all the others.

"She might already have someone special," How I told them with a slight hint of emotions made them realize what I was speaking of immediately. "So that's the truth behind your sudden gloomy aura. However, don't you think you're already jumping to conclusions?" Calliber may be right. Yet, there can be nothing I could do to answer my suspicions.

Suddenly questioning her personal life would do me more harm than good. Yes, it would answer my suspicions. However, it would also mean sacrificing the trust that we built up during our short conversation.

This might be the first time I felt stuck about a woman...

Who is she? What does she have that made me feel this way?

How can this be?

How can someone like me experience this bittersweet scene?

"That guy might just be a friend, Leo. Don't lose hope," For the first time in eternity, Chance suddenly boosted my morals. "Who the hell are you? Are you really Chance?" Hey, what did you do to our friend?" Even the two were surprised to hear it directly from him.

Sir Alfon then arrived before we could even discuss what I saw earlier. "Alright, let us proceed with the getting to know part of our orientation."

Just a second later, she entered the door again with that beautiful smile of hers. I tried to look away for a second, but something in that lips of hers kept on pulling me back. As I said, this was the first time that I ever felt attracted to a lady this much. Since I had only known her for about an hour and a half.

Her soft footsteps as she approached me...

That smile which made her eyes disappear...

In just a glimpse, she made me forget what I saw earlier. Somehow, I finally understood the feeling I had earlier.


An obstacle... An ordeal...

"Leo! Did you enjoy your meal?" She giggled and asked.

How should I respond? How should I pretend? Should I ask her and clear things out already? Should I or should I not?

"It was way too crowded for me to buy food," Without a thought, I answered coldly and looked her straight in the eye. "Oh, figured much. Well, I bought an extra sandwich. Would you like to have it?" What is she doing? Is this just a simple act of kindness or is she being too forward with her approaches?

What about the guy she was with earlier? Who was that guy? Is she leading me on? Or am I just being way too assuming?

"I actually saw you earlier staring blankly at the field, I was about to call you, but you seemed to be lost in thought about something," What does this mean? Why is she showing me this kind of attention? Why does she care about what I was thinking?

She clouded my thoughts like no other. Questions after questions. What does she want from me? This is only the first day, and yet I feel myself sinking deeper into my feelings for her. "You're staring at me again... Do I have something on my face?" She asked. "Sorry, I might as well accept your offer," She opened the wrap first, before handing the sandwich to me.

"Leo, I don't know if this is true, but I think she might be into you," Calliber whispered to me as she handed the sandwich. "Bro, are you sure the person you met might be her boyfriend?" Augustine joined the conversation. "For real, for real, it might be a coincidence that she bought an extra sandwich but opened the wrap before giving it to you... I smell something fishy," Chance also joined the conversation.

"Boys at the back, what are the four of you whispering to each other? Care to share?" Sir Alfon seemed to have witnessed what she did also. The look on his face as he looked at the four of us says it all. "Nevermind, let's proceed," He'll definitely interrogate us about what happened later.

"Form a circle with the people around you, it must be at least 7 members for each circle. You'll be thinking of a way to introduce yourselves be it a roleplay or any options of your choice," Knowing Sir Alfon, it wasn't a surprise for us who were old students for his ways of introducing us to each other.

"I'll give you five minutes to discuss then we'll start," In our group, it was the four of us, her, another woman who seemed to be someone serious based on her looks. And another guy who kinda looked like a dead kid who doesn't go well with the crowd.

Obviously, the awkwardness between the seven of us began to arise. Yet, the woman who seemed to be someone serious is actually an extrovert. She took the lid and asked each one of us our names. Starting from Augustine.

"Augustine Ford, no one can afford," Imagine my embarrassment after hearing what Augustine said. "Calliber Stein, little Einstein," Should I leave already? Though they found it funny, I just can't comprehend what is going on inside their mind. "Chance Howard..." Finally, Chance did nothing to mortify me. "Deserves a second chance," I am now officially cutting ties with these three idiots.

"How about you?" Our leader asked. "Hades Leon Guillermo," I plainly answered. "You have such a strong-sounding name, it fits your image very well though," She responded, and when I turned to look at her. She was amazed after hearing my name. "How about you?" Augustine asked our acting leader. "Zachairy Levine, that's my name," It was the first time I heard such a name though.

"And how about you?" Without any intro, I asked her what her name was. She was about to tell me earlier only if Sir Alfon didn't interrupt us. "Serene Colvyr," What a beautiful name fitting a lady such as herself.

Serene Colvyr...

Such uniqueness...

As serene as the night sky and sea, as pure and white as a dove. That was the meaning of her name.


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