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81.08% Descent Of The Sword Hero / Chapter 29: Aftermath

Chapter 29: Aftermath

I looked around to find people looking at the fights while Farrie struggled under my feet.

"Well, well, Farrie, how have you been?" I asked as she tried to get a knife from her shoes.

I just bent down a little, grabbing her arm, and broke it.

"Ahhhhhhh!" She screamed as the fighting stopped, with the others looking at me.

" Seems like this got your attention," I spoke slightly, enhancing my voice with mana.

"Listen up! There are a few things that I don't tolerate idiots are one of those things," I spoke, releasing dragon fear as the people backed up a bit.

"And how do you define idiots? A person who does shit knowing that it will be bad, So Farrie what did I tell you all after killing the Chimera?"

"…kugh t....that it belonged to you.." she struggled as dragon fear seemed to hit her the hardest.

"So then what were you trying to do?"

".. That I was trying to get a canine in order to that I could buy stuff for my younger brother." She spoke while catching glimpses of Myne standing back.

Well well well trying to play the sympathy game with me?

"Farrie, but when we had met previously you said that you didn't have a family, why would you lie to me like that? Or is it that you are trying to find your way out of the situation, trying to use your dead family when you were caught committing such a serious crime." I spoke slowly injecting my mana into her body, and formed a small bubble, it will be over the next week as she slowly dies.

I just threw her away.

"Be careful next time you touch something because it might just kill you."

Not that she is going to be alive anyway, but there was an audience here I had to put up somewhat of a reasonable persona, one of the reasons I found being the leader so irritating.

As Farrie was helped by her party members, one of who was a healer.

Started healing her arm.

I turned to the others," you seem to not care about what I say, don't you?" I asked, increasing dragon fear.

I looked around to see a majority of people knocked out unconscious the heroes and their parties seem to be holding on, but a majority of soldiers seem to have been knocked out.

"Next time you try to pull some shit like this, I wouldn't care who you are, I will kill you." I spoke particularly to Myne, who was having trouble breathing.

I smiled as Motoyasu seemed to struggle as he glared at me.

"A legendary hero? Heh... you can barely stand in front of me." I teased as I could see veins pop up on his forehead.

I stopped the dragon fear for the others could relax.

"Remember this, moron, next time you try to fight me be sure that you have some level and not get wiped out by my companions even before you reach me." I smiled as I looked at the villagers.

"Does any of you know how to treat monster carcass?"


"Is this really necessary?" Naofumi asked as I was lifting up the debris using telekinesis.

"Well that depends on how deep you want to bury your enemies? I plan to bury them deep enough that nobody remembers them a year down the road." I replied as Noafumi sighed as he looked at Raftalia helping out an old lady.

The soldiers were also helping the people out mostly because I was helping out so they didn't leave since I might have beatean the shit out of them if they did.

"Why don't you get rid of those cuffs?" I suggested, as he nodded.

"I was planning to, it's just I have a bad feeling about things?" Naofumi frowned, I just smiled.

"Well, you will have to hold out until the queen gets back,"

"How are you even able to contact her?"

"I just beat people up,"

"For some reason, that is not that hard to picture," Naofumi replied as he threw a fallen tree in the corner.

I just smiled, we were just about finished when I sensed Mana explode somewhere in the forest it was particularly high, like that of a final attack.

"Oi! I am going for a stroll to wrap things up and leave, I will catch up with the others." I replied as Naofumi nodded.

I saw a Tyrella used by one of the officers of the army, should I use my authority a little,

'Come Here' I spoke, communicating to the green scaled Tyrella.

It immediately looked at me, as he stared at me for a second before running over.

"Oi hey! Where the hell ar...." one of the soldiers was about to grab the reigns of the Tyrella, but he stopped after he saw me.

The Tyrella came to a stop before me as I climbed into the saddle, and took off heading in the direction as the previous mana signature faded out, most likely dead as another burst out.

"Hurry!" I urged the Tyrella as it accelerated, as I could sense from the mana that there was a battle.

'Sword Marks?' the marks on the trees caught my eye the path looked freshly cut through, but it was a very sloppy job,

RAAR!!! a loud roar cut me off as I neared the place I had felt the mana.

'Stay back' I spoke as I jumped and ran off towards the direction, arriving at a small clearing that had formed due to the battle.

I looked as I could see the undead mob along with the insects that had escaped out from the battlefield in a battle with a Black Leopard that seemed to be heavily injured while there was a dead Black leopard with various dead wave monsters as well, there were at least ten still remaining and the leopard seemed to be on its last legs,

I also heard a sharp hiss as I spotted the small cub behind the Leopard,

[Flame ball] I didn't wait as I launched the spell straight at the group of undead as they got distracted with my appearance, as I just killed them without any effort.


I heard the leopard growl behind me as I turned back to see the leopard that stood staring at me, but then there was the cub that had rushed forward and was hissing full-fledged, all its hair standing straight as I smiled lightly.

"If I really wanted to kill you, you would be dead" I spoke they seemed to be somewhat intelligent, so they should get my meaning.

The leopard looked at me before stumbling, it was heavily injured, and it was too far gone for healing spells to be effective.

I squatted down, looking the big leopard directly in the yes, then glanced at the cub.

I was just about to say something when a shadow sprang out from underneath me trying to stab me as I caught the spike and looked at the Cub who had mana flowing all over it.

Oho, I was thinking of giving it to Fredta before but seeing this it might be more useful than I thought.

"I could take care of it, and make it one of the strongest beasts around" I spoke, not sure if the injured mother would understand.


it growled

"Your choice, if I don't take it under me some else will find it and take it, or it might die to others before any of that happens your choice."

RAAAAR!! I caught a full roar straight to the face as I sighed and activated slight dragon fear, but fully controlled.

"You only have two choices, 1st you die and leave your cub to its fate, good or bad. 2nd the cub comes with me with the guarantee that it will survive until adulthood" I spoke, slitting my palm with my blade as the blood dripped down.

"You have the word of a Norlov on it, your choice" I spoke as it became silent before emitting a low growl.

Another black shadow attacked me, this time it was the cub biting down on my bloody hand.

"Oi pipsqueak, you aren't strong enough right now." I spoke as I stared at the cub.


It struggled trying to rip my hand but wasn't able to do anything as the Leopard growled again as the Cub decided to release my hand and stare back at its parent.


it croaked out as there was another growl from the leopard as the cub looked down,

It growled a few more times before bending down and slightly licking the cub, before staring at me and growled as if a threat.

I smiled lightly, bending my arm down as the Cub approached me and I picked it up.

As the Leopard trudged back near its partner, staring at me, and I understood as I raised my sword high.

[Inferno] I chanted as a pale blue flame wrapped itself around my blade as I channeled my mana it irrupted into a pillar of fire going twenty meters high with two meters in diameter.


I forced all of that to compress at the tip of my sword before slowly touching the ground.



3rd POV

20 Minutes later

"What the hell was that explosion?" The Shadow that had been tracking Itsuki spoke into the communication device.

'We do not know as of yet, the sword hero come from in that direction so we are heading there....wait this wasn't here before...what the?'

"What? did you find something?"


"What?" the Shadow asked as their was no response from the other side.

Well there was nothing much the other shadow could say as it looked at the giant crater with the surroundings scorched with almost nothing remaining in sight as she could still feel the heat coming from the ground as the air distorted due to the heat.

"I think Sir Hero may have launched a large scale attack, but I don't think that there is any trace of what was destroyed by that attack ...." the Shadow replied absentmindedly

the Shadow looked at the thirty meters of pure destruction as the other one asked for more information.

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