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24.72% Depravity to it's finest / Chapter 67: The abrupt end of the date

Chapter 67: The abrupt end of the date

Kaede kissed Alex with all her strength, she didn't stop even when she was breathing heavily. 

She did her best, to forget everything that was happening with her life, she just wanted to give herself in for a moment of comfort that Alex's soothing solace and calming touch of his lips gave her. 

She cried as she kissed Alex, she didn't know why this was all happening in her life, she just wanted to live a life with her family. 

Nothing more... 

But everything went shit, she couldn't see any further. 

"Kaede... " She heard Alex. 

But she didn't reply, just dived even deeper in his mouth, her hands tightened around his back even more, while she pressed her body even more strongly towards Alex's safe embrace. 

"Kaede! What's wrong? "

But next second Alex stopped Kaede, he stoppped kissing her and held her tightly in his arms. 

"Tell me everything... " He said to Kaede, who felt like the dam of emotions broke out of her. 

"A-Alex... " Kaede sobbed like a child, as she told everything that was happening to Alex. 

"I'm here now, don't worry, I will make everything right for you, " Promised Alex while comforting Kaede. 

It was only after more than half hour, that Kaede was able to calm down in Alex's arms. 

Even after that she just remained in his embrace still like a kitten, feeling his strong hands circling her small body. 

She sniffed his scent, which felt more like a drug that cured her aching heart, while his loving words made her soul at ease. 

Kaede understood that she really had fallen for Alex somehow. 

May be her feelings for her brother weren't romantic feelings which she thought them to be. 

Because what she felt from Alex was something entirely different, her heart was beating in entirely different rhythm as she was with Alex. 

May be this is the real love, she thought. 

"Kaede, " She heard Alex's gentle voice, "are you fine now? "

"Y-Yes... Thank you Alex, " Said Kaede, while not leaving Alex's arms. 

"That's good, our date is not over yet, why don't we enjoy our day more? " Said Alex while caressing Kaede's smooth dark hair. 

"Umm, " Nodded Kaede as she got our of Alex's embrace but still holding his hand. 

She felt comfortable this way. 

After that both of them left the mall. 

There was still some time till evening, so Alex took Kaede to aquarium. 

Where they spent their afternoon, gazing at blue water while holding each other's hands. 

Kaede's affection for Alex which had already started budding blossomed all the way as she talked with him happily. 

After aquarium, both of them went to the gaming center where they had fun playing games. 

After that in the evening, Alex took Kaede to the amusement park. 

There both had fun time, as Alex and Kaede played couple games, where they had to kiss in front of everyone in the end. 

Kaede was shy and only gave a slight peck on Alex's lips and after that hid in his arms all the way till they made their way to the giant ferris wheel. 

Alex and Kaede held each other affectionately as they gazed at the view of whole city from the top of the ferris wheel. 

Looking at the setting sun, Kaede felt that this was the best day of her life and she felt reluctant to end this day. 

"Alex? Do you really love me? " Asked Kaede. 

"Yes I do... I love you Kaede, today's day was the best day of my life, I wish this moment in which I'm holding you will go on forever, " Said Alex affectionately. 

"Me too Alex, I love you too, please be with me forever, " Confessed Kaede, as they both left the amusement park. 

Outside the park, Kaede was surprised to see Hoshino and Akiko standing there. 

"Kaede I'm sorry, because of me you had to go through all of this... " Apologised Hoshino while taking love filled glances at Alex sometimes. 

Kaede as Alex's lover, was now very sensitive about him, she quickly found out about this, but thought that Hoshino already had her brother and what she was imagining wasn't possible. 

Also, Kaede felt glad seeing Hoshino, she felt that Hoshino was the reason she could understand her feelings for her brother clearly. 

"No... Rather thank you Hoshino, because of you now I understand my feelings and because of you I met Alex, " Kaede went to Hoshino and gave her a gentle hug of gratitude. 

"Actually, I also have something to confess Kaede... your brother is alright and his bills are already paid by me and I made arrangements so that your mother's job is back as well... Also I readmissioned you in the best University in Capital along with me and I also paid off all the loans your family had, " Said Alex. 

"What!? Thank you so much Alex... But I will never be able to pay you back and I don't want to be burden to you, " Said Kaede knowing her place. 

"Don't worry about that, you are now my women so your everything is mine, and that includes your problems, " Said Alex as he hugged Kaede once again. 

Kaede felt loved while being in Alex's arms. 

"Hehe, we will leave you lovebirds by yourself and Kaede, you don't worry about Kazuma, aunt Kahori is already there and I and Akiko will go there right away to tell aunt Kahori about her son-in-law, " Winked Hoshino before leaving Alex and Kaede alone. 

Kaede blushed thinking about how she will tell about Alex to her mother and brother, but decided to focus on it later on. 

"I'm hungry Alex, where are we going next? " Asked Kaede. 

"On date! " Alex said cheerfully as he opened the car door for Kaede. 

"You! You are teasing me again, I won't talk to you! " Pouted Kaede in fake anger. 

"Say I love you then I will tell you" Alex said. 

"No... I won't... " Kaede looked away in shyness, her pouting expression gone. 

"Please? "

"Umm... Okay... I... Love... " But just then many black cars surrounded Alex and Kaede. 

Kaede couldn't say anything, as next moment dozens of men and women fully armed in weapons came out and took Alex at their gun point. 

After that a man got out of one of the cars. 

Alex knew him... He was Kageyama Kai. 

He had a beautiful looking face, his hairs were tied in a pony tail, while he was wearing a traditional Hakama like dress. 

As a man he had a small build and his sword like sharp eyes looked seductive at the same time firm. 

He had this royal aura around him, that made him look like a formidable person, that he actually was. 

As the last member of main Kageyama branch family, he was holding the helm of the whole Clan by himself, in spite of uncountable devious schemes arranged by other Clan members. 

He was a very handsome man, in his young age he was counted as one of the top beauties of Sakura country even though he was a male. 

"If you want your life, then leave my daughter or die as a demon that you are! " He said in heavy voice. 

"Who are you!? I don't know you! " The one who asked this was Kaede who was shocked seeing this beautiful man calling her his daughter. 

Kageyama Kai's eyes softened as he said, "I'm your blood father, and also the head of the Kageyama Clan who's princess you are, this demon was getting close to you so that he can take over the Kageyama Clan! " He exposed Alex's plan. 

"What is he saying Alex? " Kaede turned to Alex, she didn't believe this man, who she had never seen, Kageyama Clan head was very mysterious and only people on top echleon knew him. 

Alex remained silent as he went through all scenarios that might be happening. 

"He's telling the truth... But that was just the smallest reason I came close to you, the main reason being that I wanted to fuck you, as I fucked your mother, " Said Alex causing Kaede to be stunned in shock. 

She turned to Alex, as she couldn't belive the her Alex was now talking with her in this way. 

She couldn't believe that her gentle mother was having sex with Alex behind her back. 

"Well, Kageyama Kai right? Were you contacted by the World's Will? That must be it... To make this Game interesting... Well it's really interesting... "

For any other player in similar situation this would have been a game over. 

But for Alex it was just a small issue. 

Kaede was shocked as she first time came to know that she belonged to the Royal Clan. 

But Alex's words hurt her, as she understood that everything that happened today was planned and Alex was only after her body. 

Her heart ached as she came to know that she was just a tool for Alex's pleasure, he had seduced and made her fall in love with him just so that he can play with her. 

She looked at Alex who was standing before her, his wide back was facing towards her as he gazed at the man who called himself her father. 

"Kageyama Kai... You will make a nice slave for my harem, " Said Alex quietly while licking his lips. 

He had checked this man's status and found that this Kageyama Kai was a women all along. 

And she had managed to decieve the world to the end. 

Kageyama family was based on the patriarchy, women had a very low standing there. 

Even Alex was just planning to become a son-in-law of Kageyama family by marrying Kaede. 

While at the same time, he could become the prince of Yamamoto Clan while controlling Hayshi Clan from darkness. 

He had decided to suppress Takahashi Clan to the brink of destruction, but now his plans had become even more easy. 

With Kai in front of him, Kaede's value had fallen to just a little bit more than zero, she was now nothing more than onahole for Alex, he gave up on acting quickly. 

Alex now also understood that the World's Will must have chosen even more pawns and this Kai was only one of them. 

So he decided to solve this issue as quickly as possible. 

Kai who was standing on opposite side of Alex, felt a chill going through her body, this was the her natural instinct as a female acting up while being eyed by a strong male. 

"Shoot him! " She gave up on her daughter and commanded her people to attack Alex, she always believed in her instincts, which were now screaming at her that this man was dangerous!

But it was futile, as a transparent force field was covered around Alex and Kaede which protected both of them. 

"What's this?! Kill him quickly! Use Tazaracts! " Ordered Kai, as few men brought a weapon similar to a machine gun. 

It spewed out waves after waves of electric jolts, which collided with the force field, which only vibrated a little and went back to normal. 

'W-What is that thing? This demon was supposed to be strong! But not this much! ' She yelled in her mind, all flustered. 

Kai then felt a cold sweat as she looked at Alex's predatory gaze and evil grin, she felt the bad premonition and chose to retreat right away. 

"Kill him anyway! " She ordered and left after taking her car. 

"It's useless Kai, you're destined to be mine! " Alex said loudly, which wasn't unheard by Kai. 

He knew that information Kai had wasn't complete, if she knew about his power and strength, then she would not have taken initiative to come here at all. 

On the other hand, Kaede who was standing behind Alex, felt her heart beating hard once again, as she saw Alex standing up to protect her. 

Her maiden heart had fallen for him and she now couldn't go back, she really loved Alex... 

Rather she felt that it was normal for Alex to come after her for her body, after all what else she had in herself? except this beauty that was more of a burden. 

But for the first time, she was grateful for this beautiful body and face she was blessed with, as this was the reason she could meet Alex. 

She looked at Alex's handosme visage, as he held all attacks by himself. 

Next moment, the blinding bright light entered her vision forcing her to close her eyes in desperation. 

When she opened her eyes, she saw Alex standing there with white feathers behind his back, which slowly blackened. 

Next moment he took her in his embrace and flew up in the sky.

He ignored these people who were surrounding him, as once he had Kai as his women, then all of Kageyama Clan will be on his palm. 

Alex followed the way Kai was leaving through, where he saw her rushing to get away from here as soon as possible. 

Alex smiled like a grim reaper as he dived down on Kai's car, the force of his descent made the car disbalanced and almost to crash on the roadside. 

But Kai was one of the best drivers in the country and salvaged the situation, but she was now in even more precarious situation. 

She could see that this demon Alex could somehow fly as well. 

Alex after making sure that Kaede was fine, started destroying the car, he used his skill to stop the car soon after, when Kai was forced to leave the confines of her safety. 

But she hadn't given up yet, as she used the gun she had to aim at Alex. 

Alex for sure would have died if he was caught off guard, but who was he? His experience boundless and vast. 

He used his skill right away and made Kai's futile attempts useless even more. 

Alex placed Kaede gently on the ground and went to subdue this female who was acting as a male. 

"Wait! We can discuss things! " Said Kai calmly in deep voice that could be mistaken as a man's, she still thought that her secret wasn't exposed. 

"Oh? We can? What can you give me? " Asked Alex in amusement. 

"Whatever you want! Money, position, women anything, you can even marry my daughter, you are here for some specific mission right? I will support you, " Said Kai, seeing that Alex was close to Kaede. 

"Huh? Kaede is your daughter? " Said Alex while grinning. 

"Yes! She is the princess of Kageyama Clan, the pure blood of our ancestors flows through her veins, you will have great prestige after marrying her, " Said Kai, she had to get out of here!

For all she had planned she was ready to nuke this place to kill Alex, once out of here. 

Alex was just too big of a threat, and as a saintess of the Godess she had the responsibility to kill this demon. 

"Hahaha, you think I don't know that you're a women? " Laughed Alex, "but those things can be discussed later first I need to fuck you in submission. "

Alex then pounced on Kai, who suddenly was engulfed in the white light. 

After the light was gone on the place of Kai was standing a divinely beautiful mature eastern women with long blonde hair done beautifully with a sexy body figure, two white feathere could be seen behind her back which accenuated her otherworldly charm and glamour. The women had nice breasts and supple backside, her long white robe like gown was floating freely with the air, had two deep slits upto the women's thighs stopping just slightly below her ass, showing off her long pure milky legs. Her expressions were still sharp and firm, basically this women looked like a impartial servant of the realm of Gods, a real angel! 

She was Kageyama Kai and she looked like a mature version of Kaede. 

Alex now was thinking that may be Kaede really was Kai's daughter somehow. 

"Purge in the hell for eternity demon! " Said the women, while a beautiful tierra materialized on her head along with a staff that was in her hand. 

Looking at the women, Alex knew that she was Kai and somehow she had achieved the strength of a real angel. 

Kai then used her staff and then both Alex and her were cut off from the real world sent to some other dimension. 

Alex knew this was the domain that magicians could create once their understanding of the law of the affinity was sufficient. 

Alex knew that Kai's affinity was 'Moonlight', her domain was similar, as it was covered by the white gentle moonlight, which was suppressing Alex's every move, his black feathers started falling off under the effect of moonlight. 

"You're not Kai! " Alex said as he felt slightly dizzy. 

"Haha, that poor lamb is my devout follower, you pathetic mortal, do you think just because you're from future you can take over this world? You were subjected to complete the quest you were given! But you are trying to defy the World's Will and that's why I will end your life, " Said the being present in Kai's body. 

"I am the fragment of Godess of Light Euphemia! Know my name as I'm your end, " Euphemia said to Alex, her voice small but it still reverberated in Alex's ears clearly. 

Euphemia then used her staff to start chanting her syllables. 

A giant moon fragment materialized above Euphemia, its size increased continuously, multiplying by the each moment. 

"Accept your death, as this moonlight will destroy your soul alongside your body, die demonic mortal! " Said Euphemia pointing her staff in Alex's direction. 

But what happened next stunned her completely, as the domain she had made was broken down, the moon fragment she had created was destroyed alongside causing her to face the backlash. 

A trail of blood flowed down by her lips, as Kai's soul took back the control over her own body. 

But Kai fell unconscious as her body became weak due to the backlash. 

Alex on the other hand smiled slightly as he had now come out of the domain. 

He knew concepts behind Domain and for a weak Domain like that of Kai's it wasn't hard for him to break it. 

He quickly took Kai in his embrace while not forgetting to pick up her daughter Kaede. 

He then stopped one of the cars on the road and took the women inside the car on gunpoint. 

"Take me to the grand resort or die! " Said Alex, his dense killing intent leaking out. 

The young women had no choice but to follow Alex's orders and take him to the resort. 

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