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26.56% Depravity to it's finest / Chapter 72: Future Plans

Chapter 72: Future Plans

Next morning, Alex woke up in a great mood, he had now completely conquered this bloodthirsty tigress in his arms. 

She was now a docile kitten for him, who will purr in submission every time he touched her, but for his enemies she will bare her fangs without hesitation. 

"Wake up sleepyhead, " Said Alex, patting Kai's satiny smooth hair. 

"Ah~ Is it morning already? " Kai purred, as she slowly woke up while rubbing her sleepy eyes. 

Seeing Alex beside her, a radiant smile came to her lips, she felt happy that everything that happened wasn't a dream. 

"Is there something on my face? Or my wife has already fallen head over heels for me? " Teased Alex, as he hugged Kai tightly. 

"Don't tease me, you already know... " Said Kai shyly, she herself was surprised seeing how much she had changed in last two days. 

For her previous self, acting this feminine was almost like a dream, but now she knew, love can change anything. 

"I won't tease you, only if... " Said Alex as he made Kai look at him straight. 

"Only if?... " Asked Kai, tilting her head to the side, she looked too damn cute that way. 

"Only if you call me hubby, " Said Alex while smiling, his gaze filled with anticipation and love. 

"Noo, it's embarassing, " Kai shook her head, had she ever thought that she will have to call someone hubby? 

"Then I won't talk to you, " Alex acted sad and stood up to leave. 

"Wait! I will say... " Kai knew Alex was just teasing her, but she blushed and decided to do what Alex told her to. 

"Hubby..." She said in a small mosquito like voice. 

"What? I didn't hear you, " Said Alex. 

"H-Hubby, "

"I still can't hear you. "

"Hubby! "

"Umm, still no, say it once more. "

"Hubby! Hubby! Hubby!.... I'm not talking! You're mean, " Pouted Kai in fake anger, as she dived down into the bed, by covering herself in blanket. 

"Hehe, my wife is so cute, as a reward I will cook something special for my cute wife, " Said Alex, leaving the room. 

Kai was embarassed and only came out of the blanket, when Alex was gone, she wanted Alex to spoil her! 

Soon, she heard the voice of door opening, she swiftly went back inside her blanket, acting like a child that was wronged. 

But then she sniffed a rich and fragrant smell, which made her stomach growl. 

She had fought too much last night and after cumming so many times she was totally drained and now she was feeling hungry. 

"I made something special for you Kai, come take a look, " Said Alex affectionately. 

Kai even though wanted to act spoiled, the smell was too much and for her beauty it was necessary to eat, she was forced to come out. 

Alex was seating beside her with a breakfast ready, for her. 

Kai had never cooked before, as a man she thought that it was useless, but now Alex did this for her. 

After that Alex even fed her personally, deepening her feeling of love even more. 

Alex's cooking was top-notch, Kai was totally addicted to his cooking, just like she was to his love. 

She decided that she will also learn to cook for Alex, and then make him fall for her even more. 

After breakfast Alex and Kai once again cuddled against each other, feeling each other's love and warmth. 

Alex hadn't brainwashed Kai, everytime at the time of climax he will not finish inside Kai's pussy, to make sure that his mother-in-law won't get angry on him, after all he also had to find her and then fuck her. 

"Alex, what is your goal exactly? " After some time of sweet talk, Kai asked this to Alex. 

"I want to conquer this world, " Said Alex truthfully. 

"I thought so... You're a really ambitious man, I used to think I'm already very ambitious, but compared to you I'm nothing... I will help you in every possible way, " Promised Kai. 

"Thank you Kai, I love you, " Thanked Alex. 

"I'm your wife, aren't I? What's mine is yours, " Said Kai with her love filled gaze. 

For the first time she had felt this forbidden fruit of love, for her these feelings were too intense. 

She had now started considering Alex as her own self. His thoughts, his desires, his wishes and his habits everything were hers now. 

After that Alex and Kai had one more round of a romantic sex, after which Kai told Alex that she had to go back to the Clan. 

Alex agreed as well, as after that Alex helped Kai to change into her male attire. 

Now Kai started looking like a beautiful man, who could rival even top female beauties in their areas of proficiency. 

To hide her cute looks, Kai used a spectacle which made her look heroic, courgaeous and stubborn man. 

"Alex... Do I look bad? " Asked Kai nervously, she didn't want Alex to hate her because she was cross-dressing. 

"How can I hate my beautiful wife? Even in these clothes you look beautiful, like a heroic fairy! Don't you know? In our history many heroic females took mantles of men to bring glory to their era, " Praised Alex. 

Kai was overwhelmed with feelings, as she heard Alex's thoughts, she knew that Alex was the best choice for her. 

She dived into Alex's embrace and gave him a deep kiss. 

"Make sure to remember me, okay? Otherwise when we meet again, I will bite you to death! " Said Kai while leaning on Alex's chest. 

Her heroic figure looked completely opposite to her submissive actions, as this made the scene even more passionate. 

Alex now wanted to fuck Kai, while she was dressed as male... 

Of course not because Alex was into males, he will only fuck women, he hated even to touch other men after all. 

He wanted to fuck Kai this way because, the contrast in her outfit and gender made her look even more sexy and ravishing. 

"As you say my Queen, " Laughed Alex to which Kai also smiled in happiness. 

After that Alex and Kai were both teleported before Junko's resort. 

From there Kai contacted her people and told them to pick her up. 

Soon a royally designed car, came to pick Kai up. 

Before entering the car, Kai said goodbye to Alex, while not forgetting to say I love you to him. 

Once Kai was gone, Alex checked his phone and found out that he had lots of calls from Kaede and Hoshino. 

Alex quickly dialled Kaede's number. 

[ Alex, where are you? ] Kaede's urgent voice came from the call. 

"What's wrong? " Asked Alex. 

[Alex, Kazuma was taken away from hospital, Hayashi Clan kidnapped him]

"What?... " Alex was surprised for a moment and then understood that someone in the Hayashi Clan knew about him. 

"Where are you? Is Hoshino with you? " Asked Alex, he didn't think that situation had changed much. 

[ I'm at hospital, Hoshino is here.. ] replied Kaede. 

"Okay, " Alex cut off the call and then took one of the Junko's car and went to the hospital. 

There he directly went to the room where Kazuma was previously admitted. 

As soon as he entered inside the room, Kaede jumped into his arms, with tears in her eyes. 

She was very much worried for her brother and seeing Alex now, she felt safe and knew that everything will be alright. 

On the other hand, Hoshino and Kahori were shocked seeing that Kaede was already one of them now. 

"Don't worry Kaede, we will find Kazuma. You need to stay strong... " Alex patted Kaede's head while nodding at Kahori. 

Kahori as well was worried for her son, as his mother it was natural. 

Of course Alex had enough control over her, to make her kill her own son as well, but he knew after doing that Kahori would most likely go crazy or will remain as an emotionless doll, who will only obey him mindlessly. 

"Alex, please help us somehow, " Kaede sobbed in Alex's embrace. 

Alex soothed Kaede down, as she settled on Alex's lap. 

Alex then turned to Hoshino, " What do you have to say? "

"I don't know why, but my sister has went ahead of the plan and has kidnapped Kazuma, she is not contacting me and Akiko, it's as if we were thrown out of the Clan by her, " Said Hoshino slowly, she wasn't worried for Kazuma at all. 

But she was now afraid, that she won't be useful to Alex anymore. 

Kaede on the other hand was shocked hearing what Hoshino said. 

"What do you mean?! " She asked incredulously. 

"Hoshino here is the little sister of Hayashi Clan leader, she actually got close to Kazuma to seduce him, so that in future Hayashi Clan could control Kageyama Clan, " Explained Alex to Kaede. 

Kaede was stunned, seeing that Hoshino has betrayed Kazuma as well. 

She looked at her mother who wasn't surprised, "Mom! You knew about this? "

"Sigh, yes... I knew about this, Hoshino as well is Alex's women like you and me, " Affirmed Kahori. 

Kaede was shocked, seeing that every women around her brother was now stolen by Alex and that included herself as well. 

She remembered how just a couple of days ago, she, her mother, Hoshino and Sumire were talking so affectionately with her brother, but now every one of those had betrayed him. 

What shocked her even more was that, she wasn't excluded from this betrayal. 

She wasn't an idiot, to not understand that Alex was actually targeting her brother. 

She quickly got away from Alex and looked at him with look of betrayal, " Alex! Tell me the truth! Were you targeting my brother? "

Alex looked at Kaede with sorrowful look, " Hear me out Kaede, let me exp... "

"Yes! Or No! Tell Me! " Kaede was now literally sobbing, even though she now understood that her feelings for her brother aren't romantic, she still loved him dearly. 

Kahori was just about to say something, as Alex raised his hand to signal her to shut up. 

Alex wanted to make Kaede betray her brother as well without brainwashing her. 

"Kaede please... " Alex said with a guilty expression. 

"Alex! Yes! Or No! " Yelled Kaede. 

"Y-Yes... " Said Alex while not looking into Kaede's eyes, his guilt was clear. 

"N-No... H-How can you do that... Couldn't you just deny that!?...What did he ever do to you? " Kaede broke down, Alex had betrayed her trust, her love. 

She had previously ignored how Alex had kidnapped her second mother Kai while forcing her mother Kahori to submit to him. 

She knew all of this and only thing that kept her going was Alex's love. 

At one time she had even doubted if Alex really loved her, but she was proven wrong, she had seen how Alex protected her during that life and death crisis. 

He stood before her, when someone who was blood related to her had given up on her. 

But now this matter was different, Kaede acknowledged that she was in love with Alex, she couldn't go back, she had fallen for him completely. 

But she had been with her twin brother since birth, could she forsake him? No... 

She slowly crawled to Alex, as she held his leg, begging, "Alex I love you, please for our love, don't hurt my brother, you can do anything you want with me, I beg you, please let him go. "

"Kaede... " Seeing her daughter this way, even Kahori was feeling hurt. 

She looked at Alex with pleading expression as well, she didn't want her son to get hurt. 

She as well kneeled beside Kaede to beg for Alex's mercy. 

"Sigh, I wasn't going to mortally hurt him, as you think I was about to... "

"I just want you all to be mine, I don't care what happens to Kazuma, once I conquer this world, he can quietly continue to live in one corner, but right now he is getting in my way, so I promise you to that I will spare his life, but not without some punishments of course, " Alex said as he made both Kaede and Kahori stand up.

Of course this was mostly a lie, Alex had decided to make Kazuma's life a living hell, but does these women need to know that? 

No, he will slowly make Kaede and Kahori completely addicted to him, he will make them forget completely that they ever had a son Or brother like Kazuma. 

For Alex, brainwashing these women wasn't necessary to make them fall for him completely, it hadn't even been three days and now Kaede was already head over heels for Alex. 

She even disregarded her mother's affair with Alex, to love him at the same time. 

This wasn't because Kaede was an idiot, it was because Alex was just that good at understanding women, he had conquered Kaede with his vast experience. 

Each word spoken by Alex had meaning and impact behind it, making Kaede fall more and more in this swamp of love, that she could never get out off now. 

Alex laughed evilly inside while Kaede was very happy hearing Alex's promise, she just wanted her brother to live a safe life... 

Also it was her brother's fault for being greedy, someone like Hoshino wasn't in his league at all, only someone like Alex was worthy of Hoshino who was as beautiful as herself. 

Alex leaving him as he is, can be the best outcome out of everything, Kaede thought. 

"Thank you Alex, I love you so much, " Kaede said with tears, she went into Alex's embrace directly. 

Kahori as well gave Alex a smile and gratitude, while giving him a thank you kiss. 

Kaede who saw her mother kissing Alex felt jealous, she knew that her mother already had sex with Alex and was one step closer to Alex than her. 

Alex who saw this jealous beauty, laughed inwardly, he stopped kissing Kahori and said to Kaede, " Won't you give me a kiss as well my Kaede? "

All Kaede needed was this, as she took the chance and brought her soft lips on Alex's lips. 

After that Alex showered both of these mother and daughter with love, kissing them alternately and lovingly, on the same bed where Kazuma was admitted till morning. 

After done with them Alex also kissed Hoshino who was feeling left out. 

Everyone felt satisfied, but now Alex needed to plan on how to conquer Hoshino's elder sister or also the Leader of Hayashi Clan. 

Alex had come to know that Hayashi Clan Matriarch was a beautiful women, in her early twenties, her name was Hayashi Honoka. 

She had just inherited her position from her and Hoshino's mother Hayashi Honami, who was similarly a beautiful women in her fourties. 

Hayashi Clan was mostly made up of women, as the foundation of Hayashi Clan was based on the thought that women were superior to men. 

Almost every business of Hayashi Clan was controlled by women, while most men stayed at home. 

But Hayashi Clan had a shallow foundation and short history, it was found after the apocalypse that shook the world almost a century ago. 

It was the weakest among all four Clans, that's why cunning Honoka was finding a way to take control over Kageyama Clan, to make her Clan stronger. 

Alex didn't know who was the one that was contacted by The World's Will, so he had to be careful. 

First he needed to take info about everyone, as he could force his way through by brute force, because he had the support of Kageyama Clan and Yamamoto Clan. 

But still Alex had many things to do, first he needed to help Hikari, his mother stabilize her rule over Yamamoto Clan completely. 

He then needed to meet with Freya Isenberg and to make her his women, while finding out who were his enemies. 

Thirdly, he also needed to destroy all of opposition that was in Kageyama Clan. 

If somehow Kai's gender was exposed, then it will be hard for her to continue her iron rule. 

Specially now, when Hayashi Clan had Kazuma, who was direct male descendant of the main family branch. 

Next he needed to make a plan to conquer Hayashi Clan completely, Hayashi Hoshino was the best pawn for this, he needed to act on this fast, but it was a long term work. 

The main reason he chose Hoshino was because her sister had just taken control over the Clan and her hold wasn't that much strong, with Akiko's help and external help from Kageyama Clan and Yamamoto Clan she could create a strong front. 

After that came his main aim : Takahashi Arisu. 

He had to make her fall for him as well, which wasn't that hard right now, but for best effect he needed to take down Takahashi Clan, this as well was a long term work.


Finally Came the world domination! 

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