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39.65% Deity of Destruction / Chapter 23: Gladsheimr.

Chapter 23: Gladsheimr.

This Gladsheim is fake, no need to take it seriously guys.

Throw some stones too~



Reinhard left the elven sanctuary, his mood soured by the encounter. The actions of Sylvia and her people had been a reminder of the triviality and disrespect that often accompanied those who believed themselves powerful. He needed something to clear his mind, something to channel his frustration and restore his sense of purpose.

As he roamed the land, his thoughts turned to his Briah, the manifestation of his will and power. During his training with Veldora in the void of space, he had accumulated a staggering 100 million souls, erasing countless planets and their inhabitants in the process. The scale of his destruction was immense, and it had only served to amplify his already formidable strength.

Reinhard's lips curved into a cold smile. The thought of his Briah growing even more potent intrigued him. He was well aware of the fear and awe his presence inspired, and the idea of wielding an even greater power was tantalizing. His Briah, already a force of unparalleled devastation, had the potential to reshape entire worlds.

As he walked, his mind began to focus on the possibilities. The energy he had expended earlier in the creation of his skills would eventually be replenished, and with it, his Briah would become even more formidable. The prospect of such overwhelming power was a balm to his frayed nerves, a reminder of his place at the pinnacle of existence.

His thoughts were interrupted by a flicker of movement in the distance. Reinhard's sharp gaze locked onto the source, and he recognized the familiar figure of Veldora, the Storm Dragon. The dragon's massive form was unmistakable, a beacon of raw power and destruction.

Reinhard altered his course, heading towards Veldora. The dragon's presence was a welcome distraction, a chance to test his limits and perhaps find some measure of satisfaction. As he approached, Veldora turned, sensing Reinhard's arrival.

"Reinhard!" Veldora's voice boomed, a mix of excitement and curiosity. "What brings you here?"

"I needed a distraction," Reinhard replied, his tone cool and measured. "The elves were... tiresome."

Veldora chuckled, a deep, rumbling sound. "Ah, the little creatures can be annoying, can't they? What do you have in mind?"

Reinhard's smile was a mere twitch of his lips. "I was thinking about my powers. It's been a while since I've truly tested its limits."

Veldora's eyes gleamed with interest. "A test, you say? That sounds intriguing. What do you propose?"

Reinhard's gaze hardened, a fierce determination lighting his eyes. "We find a suitable target. Something that will challenge us both. I want to see just how far my power can go."

The dragon's grin widened, showing rows of sharp teeth. "I like the sound of that. There are plenty of worlds out there, ripe for the taking. Shall we?"

Reinhard nodded, his excitement tempered by his usual cold demeanor. "Lead the way."

With that, the two titans of destruction set off, their combined power radiating through the void. The promise of a new challenge, a new test of their abilities, was exactly what Reinhard needed to cleanse his mind and reaffirm his position. His Briah, fueled by the souls he had collected and the power he had amassed, would grow even stronger.

As they traveled, Reinhard's thoughts turned inward, contemplating the nature of his power and the endless potential that lay before him. The universe was vast, and there were always new challenges to conquer, new limits to shatter. In the grand scheme of things, the petty actions of the elves were insignificant. What mattered was the pursuit of true strength, the relentless drive to dominate and surpass all others.

Reinhard's cold smile returned. The future was his to shape, and with Veldora by his side, there were no limits to what he could achieve. The promise of absolute power was a goal worth striving for, and nothing would stand in his way.

Reinhard and Veldora left the Cardinal World, their combined presence creating ripples through the fabric of the galaxy. As they roamed the vast expanse, Reinhard's mind was set on finding a suitable planet to unleash his Briah, an act that would not only test his limits but also reinforce his dominance.

After what seemed like an eternity of silent travel, Reinhard's keen eyes spotted a planet teeming with life, its surface dotted with cities and civilizations unaware of the impending cataclysm. His decision was instantaneous. This would be the stage for his Briah.

"Here," Reinhard announced, his voice carrying an unyielding finality. Veldora nodded, sensing the gravity of the moment.

Reinhard floated above the planet, his presence a harbinger of doom. He closed his eyes and began the Germanic chant for his Briah, the ancient words resonating with a power that transcended time and space.

"Meine Briah ist der Weg der ewigen Verdammnis,

Der Tod für alle, die vor mir stehen.

Die Seelen der Millionen schreien in meinem Namen,

Ich bin das Licht und die Dunkelheit,

Die Ewigkeit gehört mir."

As he chanted, a palpable shift occurred in the galaxy. Light from countless stars and suns was drawn towards him, converging into a singularity of darkness and brilliance. The sheer force of his Briah's summoning caused a vast swath of the galaxy to dim, almost as if a cosmic eclipse had taken hold. Stars flickered and died, their energy consumed by the growing power within Reinhard.

The planet below began to tremble, its inhabitants looking skyward in terror and awe. Reinhard's aura expanded, enveloping the celestial bodies around him. His chant grew louder, the words echoing through the void, each syllable imbued with the weight of a hundred million souls.

"Es gibt kein Entkommen,

Kein Zuflucht vor meiner Macht.

Ich bin der Anfang und das Ende,

Der Schrecken und die Erlösung.

In meinem Namen werdet ihr alle fallen."

A vortex of energy spiraled around Reinhard, forming a massive sphere of dark light that blotted out the stars. The sheer scale of his Briah was unprecedented, growing larger and more potent with each passing moment. It reached out, a colossal entity that dwarfed the moon, its presence a testament to the staggering number of souls Reinhard had absorbed.

The alternate dimension began to take shape, a realm of eternal night and despair. Within this domain, Reinhard's power was absolute. The planet below was caught in the gravitational pull of this new moon-sized world, its fate sealed by the overwhelming force that now dominated the galaxy.

Veldora watched in awe, his eyes wide with a mix of admiration and respect. Reinhard's Briah had reached a level of magnificence that was almost incomprehensible, a display of power that redefined the very essence of destruction.

The summoning climaxed in a blinding flash of light and darkness, the galaxy itself seeming to shudder under the strain. When the light faded, an immense alternate dimension hung in the void, nearly the size of a moon. It was a realm of Reinhard's making, a testament to his unrivaled might and the boundless potential of his Briah.

Reinhard opened his eyes, his gaze cold and triumphant. He had done it. The galaxy bore witness to his unparalleled strength, a reminder that he stood above all others. The planet below, now a mere footnote in the wake of his creation, was a testament to the power he wielded.

"Meine Briah," he murmured, his voice a blend of satisfaction and authority. "It is complete."

Veldora nodded, his own power a mere shadow compared to the grandeur of what Reinhard had summoned. "Impressive as always, Reinhard."

Reinhard's smile was thin, devoid of warmth but filled with a cold satisfaction. "This is but a mere imitation of the real thing."

Reinhard stood at the center of his newly formed fake Gladsheimr, a monumental alternate dimension that towered over the galaxy like a dark, ethereal moon. The grandeur of it was beyond anything most beings could comprehend, yet Reinhard knew it was still but a fraction of his true potential.

"This Gladsheimr," Reinhard began, his voice echoing through the void, "is merely a shadow of my real power. It doesn't contain the hells right now because a significant portion of my power remains sealed within the three swastikas my father created."

Veldora nodded, his massive form casting a long shadow. "Still, what you've created here is nothing short of extraordinary."

Reinhard's cold gaze drifted to the planet below. The mere presence of Gladsheimer had sent the world into turmoil, its surface cracking and heaving as it struggled to withstand the immense gravitational and magical forces. Cities crumbled, oceans boiled, and the sky was a chaotic swirl of energy.

With a satisfied, heartless smile, Reinhard conjured a throne from the ether and took his seat. The throne was a dark, imposing structure, fitting for the ruler of such a domain. He watched the planet below, his eyes reflecting a mix of amusement and detachment.

"This is only the beginning," he said softly, almost to himself. "When the seals are broken, when my full power is unleashed, Gladsheimr will be complete. The hells will return, and this shadow will become a reality that none can withstand."

He conjured a goblet of wine, the liquid inside shimmering with a dark, otherworldly hue. He took a leisurely sip, the taste of it a mere afterthought compared to the pleasure of witnessing the planet's slow destruction.

Veldora remained silent, sensing that Reinhard was lost in his own thoughts. The dragon knew better than to interrupt these moments. Reinhard's ambitions were vast, and the power he wielded was beyond comprehension. This display was but a prelude to the greater cataclysms that awaited the universe.

Reinhard's smile widened slightly as he observed the chaos below. The sight of a world teetering on the brink of annihilation was a potent reminder of his dominance, a tangible proof of his unparalleled might. The lives lost, the civilizations crumbled, all were mere footnotes in his grand design.

He leaned back in his throne, feeling a rare moment of contentment. Despite the seals on his power, despite the limitations imposed by his father's swastikas, he had demonstrated once again that he was a force to be reckoned with. The future held boundless possibilities, and Reinhard intended to seize every one of them.

For now, he would revel in this moment, savoring the wine and the view of a planet undone by his mere presence. The galaxy was his to command, and the universe would continue to bend to his will.

Reinhard still seated on the throne, his gaze fixed on the chaos unfolding below. The planet, teetering on the brink of annihilation, was a testament to his power. But he had a new plan for his Gladsheimr. This golden domain of his would become a new moon in the Cardinal World.

He closed his eyes and reached out with his mind, sending a telepathic message to his father, Veldanava.

"Father, I am moving Gladsheimr to the Cardinal World. Prepare to handle the planet's balance."

Veldanava's response was swift. "Understood, Reinhard. I will make the necessary adjustments."

With his father's confirmation, Reinhard focused his immense power on relocating Gladsheimr. The vast, golden realm began to shift, tearing through the fabric of space as it moved towards the Cardinal World. The transition was seamless, a testament to Reinhard's control over his domain.

As Gladsheimr settled into orbit around the Cardinal World, its presence was immediately felt by the powerful beings who inhabited the planet.

Dagruel, the true ancestor giant, looked up from his fortress. His eyes widened at the sight of the new moon, its golden light casting an eerie glow over the land. "Reinhard... what have you created this time?" he muttered, a mix of awe and trepidation in his voice.

Guy Crimson, the Demon Lord, stood atop his palace, his gaze fixed on the celestial anomaly. "So, Reinhard has decided to make his move. This will be interesting," he said with a smirk, feeling a familiar challenge in the air.

Velzard, the Ice Dragon, observed the new moon along with Guy. Her expression was one of curiosity and respect. "Reiny's power continues to grow. I must stay vigilant."

Velgrynd, the Scorch Dragon, felt a surge of energy as she gazed at Gladsheimr. "He never ceases to amaze. What are you planning, Reiny?" she wondered, her thoughts drifting to their past encounters.

The Primordial Angels, each attuned to the shifts in cosmic balance, sensed the arrival of Gladsheimr. Their leader, Feldway, spoke to the others. "Lord Reinhard has brought forth something extraordinary. We must observe and understand its implications."

Twilight Valentine, the enigmatic vampire, felt a shiver of excitement. "Reinhard... always the one to make a statement," he said, his eyes gleaming with interest not knowing that this would be his last day to live.

Sylvia, still recovering from her encounter with Reinhard, looked up at the new moon with a mixture of fear and reverence. "He is beyond our comprehension," she whispered, grateful to have survived his wrath.

Other powerful beings across the world felt the shift as well. Each reacted in their own way, but all recognized the significance of Reinhard's creation. Gladsheimr was not just a moon; it was a declaration of his dominance, a new chapter in the saga of his unparalleled power.

Reinhard, sitting in his throne, watched as Gladsheimr settled into its new position. He could sense the reactions of those below, their awe and trepidation feeding his satisfaction. He raised his goblet of wine, toasting to his latest achievement.

"Let them watch," he said to himself. "Let them see the power of Reinhard Nava."

With that, he took a long, deliberate sip, savoring the moment.

As Gladsheimr settled into its new orbit around the Cardinal World, a ripple of energy surged through the planet. The skies darkened momentarily, and an ethereal voice echoed through the minds of every being on the planet. It was the voice of Veldanava, using the authority of the World itself to make an announcement.

«Hear me, inhabitants of my world. A new dimension has been created, a realm of immense power and unparalleled majesty. This domain, known as Gladsheimr, now orbits our world, a beacon of golden light and ultimate strength. It is a creation of Reinhard Nava, a testament to his unyielding will and mastery. Arrangements are being made to maintain the balance and order of our world in light of this profound addition. Let all recognize and respect the power that has been manifested. Gladsheimr stands as a force higher even than the heavens themselves, an indomitable realm that reshapes the fabric of our reality."

Reinhard, still seated on his throne within Gladsheimr, felt a deep satisfaction. The acknowledgment by the world was more than just a formality; it was a validation of his supremacy. His domain was now officially recognized as a force beyond the conventional understanding of power.

Reinhard stood, his aura emanating a sense of supreme confidence. He looked out over the vast expanse of his domain, the golden light of Gladsheimr illuminating the universe.

"This is but the beginning," he said to himself, his voice echoing through the halls of his grand creation. "The world acknowledges my power, and soon, all realms will do the same."

With a final glance at the planet below, Reinhard turned his attention back to his throne, a sense of accomplishment washing over him. The journey was far from over, but this milestone was a significant one. Gladsheimr was now a force to be reckoned with, a beacon of his unmatched power and ambition.





Twilight Valentine stood in their secluded chamber, an aura of elation surrounding them. They had just completed the creation of Luminous Valentine many months ago, a being they considered their magnum opus. With unmatched potential and the promise of greatness, Luminous was the embodiment of their hopes for the future.

"She is our masterpiece," Twilight murmured to themselves, their eyes gleaming with pride as they reviewed their research notes. "Her potential surpasses all others. She will lead us into a new era."

The chamber was filled with ancient tomes and alchemical apparatus, the tools of Twilight's trade. They worked meticulously, ensuring that every aspect of Luminas' creation was perfect. The anticipation of what Luminous could achieve filled them with a sense of fulfillment they had never known.

Suddenly, the door to the chamber creaked open. Twilight turned, expecting to see one of their subordinates, but instead, standing there in all her radiant glory, was Luminous Valentine. Her presence filled the room, an aura of immense power radiating from her.

"Ah, Luminous," Twilight began, a smile spreading across their face. "I was just thinking about your potential and the future you will create."

Luminous' expression was unreadable as she stepped further into the room. "Twilight Valentine," she said, her voice calm but carrying an undertone of something far more dangerous. "You have created me with such high expectations."

Twilight's smile faltered slightly at her tone. "Of course. You are the pinnacle of my work, the culmination of all my research and effort. You are our future."

Luminous' eyes glowed with an unsettling light. "And what if I told you that the future you envision is not the one I seek?"

Before Twilight could react, Luminous raised her hand, and a brilliant light began to emanate from her palm. Twilight's eyes widened in realization and horror.

"Luminous, what are you—"

The words were cut off as Luminous unleashed her greatest Sanctuary Disintegration spell. The room was filled with a blinding light, and Twilight Valentine felt their very essence being torn apart by the sheer force of Luminous' power. The ancient tomes and alchemical tools disintegrated into dust, consumed by the overwhelming energy.

Twilight's form began to dissolve, their screams echoing through the chamber. They had not anticipated this betrayal, this sudden turn of events. Luminous, their masterpiece, was killing them with the very power they had imbued in her.

As the light faded, nothing remained of Twilight Valentine but a pile of ashes. Luminous, stood over the remnants, her expression still calm and unreadable.

"You created me to be the greatest," she said softly, almost to herself. "And now, I will fulfill that destiny on my terms."

With that, she turned and left the chamber, leaving behind the legacy of Twilight Valentine in ruins. The Divine Ancestor was no more, and Luminous Valentine, the being of unparalleled potential, stepped into the future she would shape with her own hands.



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