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The Rumble Of Mechanical Triumph

Another short story. Also I made this as I suppose I would be planning to see these machines in teyvat. (Side story too lol)


In a dark underground facility there lies the greatest minds of Humanity and The Defenders Organization.

But also the great mad scientists of both sides. Where they are only allowed to go so far due to humanities stand off against the abyss. It's ever given presence that has hunted humanity for over 30 centuries.


In the underground part of the facility lies a man. A man whose... Moral compass isn't wide.

Going underground we see wires on the ceiling even on the floor where even you can trip on the amount of wires. Whatever the wires were there for were powering 'something'.


We see multiple people working on or preparing for something. As we also see a man standing tall on some Incubators where children are trapped inside looking up to the man.

"The machine is capable of keeping you alive. It is the perfect machine for my creation." The man says as the 2 children look at him with fear and worry.

"You see... It's Death or loss of one's humanity." He says with calm look on the children.

"Attempts were made to put a person into my creation.. I found them resisting which hurts my little creation as they aren't able to pair themselves into one with my creation. Grown humans always resist.. But the mind of a child that isn't developed in any other way proves to work. I went thru many trial and error to perfect it." He says as the 2 becomes even more worried.

He goes over a valve which he starts turning releasing sleeping gas in the chamber of the children putting them sleep.

He then orders his men to carry the children somewhere.


Somewhere in a room. The same man is seen doing a kind of surgery with trays and tools beside him, when I mean surgery it's about amputating each limb of the body and leaving only the torso and head.

The process was in short painful. As they woke up during the process, but he didn't care. He will go through such things to achieve what his been wanting to do. Which is complete his 'Creation'.

"My work isn't done yet. Settle down boy." The man says as the kid flails around in panic and pain.

His work was interrupted by the boys flailing in which he ordered his man to hold the kid down.

"Hey doc. Why didn't you just like... Strap him down?" One of his own questions.

"Does it look like I have a strap on my right now?" He answers.

"Well.. No?"

"Then there's your answer." He says

Continuing his surgery as his men hold down the child.


2 grueling hours later the child either passed out from the pain or the cries continued to echo around the underground part of the facility. During this time he ordered one of lackeys to Jump start his 'Creation'.

Following the order, he leaves the surgical room.

The surgery was finished. Carrying the 2 children and leaving his surgical room. He's been waiting for this moment his whole life. He walks down the ever deep facility. One thing to note is that the facility is deep underground and has a single entrance. It's a very eerie and quiet place, the hallways Isn't always perfectly lit up so It's quite common to find unlit areas.

Now, his arrived at the location. Inserting a key of sorts. It immediately starts to open with the sound of gears turning. 'This is it! I've been waiting for this moment!' The Man Thought not hiding the wide smile on his face.

The door now fully opened he walks in carrying the 2 limbless Incapacitated children. Now we see the so called 'creation' of his. Standing over 93 Meters tall with a Width of 23 Meters. And weighing over 786 tons using the Mix of Bronze and Steel.


"I AM BACK! TODAY I MAKE HISTORY!" He shouts raising his fist. He hands the 2 children over to his workers.

As he walks on the cat walk he admires his work. This was his masterpiece and this was history. Though in the future It's debated whether to applause his contribution on helping humanity massively or to villainize him for his unethical work.

Now standing Infront of the giant mechanical creation. He gives the signal to power it up. Doing so the machine starts to come to life slowly. "Putting reactor into max!" One of the workers shout. The machine Is now active. Giving the signal to the bring children in, his heart now beats ever so faster. But he must not lose focus, this is the most essential part. That is putting the child in the machine. If his theory was correct then so as the machine is active the child will live indefinitely or If not active, it puts the 'Pilot' into a comatose like state.

"Our work has now begun. This is the most essential part, Will need to make sure to keep the child alive during the process. We do so then our work is done. Prepare all essential's on keeping our pilots alive." The man says. His lackeys follow the orders likely how they've done it in the past before though usually ended in failed attempts.

Grabbing the 2 children he carries them inside the giant. Nicknamed "Big Berry" on it's shoulder. Why was it named like that? Well there was a man who kept eating blue berry pie while sitting on the giant machine. The man always left the area with blue berry jam all over the machines hull. So it was just nicknamed "Big Berry".

Now inside, It was filled with pipes and wiring all over the place. But the noticeable one is the door leading to a chamber which The man shines a fire over. revealing all kinds of tubing and all kinds of wiring. Fittingly the same size of the childs body which is now wearing a kind of suit of rubber like material with holes on it. Now waiting for lackeys to bring in all of the necessary machinery for the giant to work. He looks into the chamber and checking for any broken devices or gears that isn't in place.

He then hears a knock behind him and looks over his shoulder and sees his lackeys with the necessary devices with them. "Well then.. Gentlemen were about to make history."

Inserting the childs body within the chamber. They start to inserting tube into what's left of the child. Each tubes leads into vital organ and where the limbs use to be. An electrical wire leading into the spine. In which He manually connect the spine into the electrical wire.

They then start connecting essential devices in which is needed to keep the body indefinitely. Because only death do there connection with the machine ends.

With that there finished. The child is alive now they just need to wait for him to wake up.


Jerry awoke, and for a moment believed that he was truly dead. He hung in darkness, and could feel nothing at all.

Then he heard a voice, filtering to him as through a vox.

'Vitals online. Synaptic choristry aligning. Energy levels good, all limbs intact. Full sensorium coming online… now.'

Jerry tried to blink as light flooded his vision, yet even his eyelids seemed numbed. The pain swiftly subsided as he adjusted to the sudden restoration of his sight, and he realized that he was somewhere... that's not home.

People whom he didn't recognize crowded around him. To his surprise he was looking down on them.

Suddenly, data-feeds began scrolling down his peripheral vision. He could see power levels, reactor-stability readings, vox and auspex data. Realization began to dawn as he tried to look down at himself, only to feel a jarring sense of dislocation.

'I… cannot feel my body,' he said, and his voice was a vox-generated rumble.

He then heard a man shouting on top of his lungs. "HIS ALIVE! HIS ALIVE HAHAHA!" His maniacal laughter echoed inside his false ears.

His suddenly hit with memories. He was kidnapped along with his friend. Who he would last see being beside him inside a Incubation chamber.

'Where... am I?' he said, with his voice vox-generated rumbles. He starts to look at everyone. His fear was ingulfing him he doesn't know where he is. But the claustrophobic machine he is in.

"I will you give instructions." He says, he coughs. "You are now part of a special division, called 'Colossus' In which your piloting a giant machine!" The man said with incredible sense of pride while the kid inside the machine was able to tilt the It's head using the false nerves as if to signal he was confused or thinking.

The giant mechanical machine was very enticing sounding. And yet the kid was excited and yet concerned for where his friend is. 'Didn't you... take me and my friend somewhere?' The vox-generated words rumbled through the ears of the listeners. The man who's responsible for this smiled for a moment. "Your friend?" The man in sense knew how to answer this. "Hehehe... Your friend is beside you." The man answered the question that clouded the child's head.

The giant machine then turned it's head slowly and also seeing another one that's like him. Though bulkier and has more armor.

"You and Your friend is inside my beloved creation!" The man said. The head starts to turn to him again. 'What.. is... our purpose?' The giant once again released a vox-generated words. "Your purpose you see.. Is to fight giant monster!" To note one thing. The man now treats the children inside his machine as his own. The moment they became part of it, he already considered them his own.

"My beloved creation try to your arm." He instruct. The kid inside tries to move his hand though a little slow and the machine was made to flexible. "I see... Your not quite used to it yet. Take your time. Your going to be put into action as a test in 3 days." The man leaves the area smiling.

His left alone looking at him false limbs giving it his best to move it.

(Timeskip 3 days...)

Somewhere in the ocean. This part of the ocean is simply known as the 'The split' It splits the abyss territory away from human territory. Though It's just as dangerous. Sea monsters roam It, near the coast is guarded by the navy. but also a great wall standing tall between 20 meters tall with the walls thickness being over 1 meters It's made to take punishment.

The navy has reported sightings of more Sea Monsters roaming the area near territorial waters. Which led to fishermen being told to vacate the area with haste. Theories were made during the time. 1st theory was that the food chain was changing. 2nd theory was that a stronger and bigger sea monster appeared making some flee into coastal waters. 3rd theory which had a lot of good reasons to be true. Was that the food was running out. Reason is because the navy protected the coastal parts of the waters some fishes and bigger herbivores were migrating to coastal waters because of the protection provided by the navy. This didn't mind any scientists at first though some thought this strange. This provided the fortress more food, which led to bustling city forming.

The fishermen were known to be rich around this part due to the always bountiful catch they always receive everyday. A festival also popped up due to this. And now every year a fisherman will always try to catch a biggest fish they can catch.

Due to over fishing the population went down a bit. So the navy and local fishermen were instructed to release the seeds of plants that the fishes eat. The plants varied between having high protein to having high carbohydrates. This would prove to be a good move as more and more fishes continued to migrate into coastal waters. And because of this the sea monsters were turning the coastal waters into it's hunting grounds.

Today was a very foggy day. The navy was told to stay close. Sea monsters sunk over 11 ships over the pass month. They reinforced the navy with more ships and ordered to stay close to coastal waters so friendlies can provide artillery support.

:Image of each ships looks:

In this fateful day 2 ships were on a patrol. Named, HMS Tyberos and HMS Cradle Nothing serious just patrolling waters. But that's a fucking lie, as a pack of 13 sea monsters lurked below. waiting to attack the ship.

One man is seen looking down on calm waves over the railing of the ship. His just there smoking weed, and how does he have weed? Because his doctor provided him with some. While smoking some weed his been spotting movement within the water. Making sure he wasn't hallucinating he got a nearby crew member if his seeing the same thing. "Hey can you see movement over there" He leans over the railing points on the direction from where he saw movement. The crewman squints his eyes whether he'll see the same thing. "Where?" he asks "OVER THERE! Can you not see it?" He says raising his voice a little frustrated. Looking more carefully he finally sees what he means. "Oh shit.. SEA MONSTERS!" He presses a button alerting the rest of crew on board of the threat. A man whose wearing a cap is seen walking, presumably the captain. "PREPARE DEPTH CHARGES!" He ordered. "Have you Identified what kind of sea monster it is?" He looks at the man. "Sir I'm not sure. But It might be Mud Sharks sir." Saying this makes the captain go pale

(Info: [Name: Mud Sharks.] [Class: Chondrichthyes.] Skip if want to.

Length: 1-3 (Young) 4-7 (Adult) [-] Height: 0.9-1.2 (Young) 1.5-2 (Adult)

8-13 (Elder) Meters Long [-] 2.6-3.1 (Elder) Meters Tall

Biggest Recorded: 19 Meters Long And 5.3 Meters Tall (Reason For Size: Was suffering from a form of gigantism)

Speed: 36-61Km

Hunting Strategy(Most of the time): It lurks in the dark like most predators waiting to strike at the right moment it let's it's guard down. Though some are known to stalk it's prey for days and study It's habits and patterns.


An extremely dangerous lone predator. It can easily rip open the hull of a ship. If you meet him while swimming, you have no chance to survive.

Though most are known to travel alone. In some cases some travel in packs. Extremely aggressive towards that isn't it's species. A single Mud Shark can take a ship alone. But an entire pack is death sentence for sea voyagers.

Mud Sharks are known to be quite cunning and likes to play with it's food. But are also known to learn from it's mistake.

It's a reason why Mud Sharks are made sure to be massacred to the last one. Any surviving member would simply learn. In a case if this isn't done. In times IF some how some member of it's own species survived then If It's able to join with another pack of it's species then It will simply do what it did to survive a similar encounter, then other Mud Sharks will start copying the surviving member and simply pass it down.)

"DROP EVERYTHING WE GOT ON THOSE THINGS!" The captain shouts is heard across the ship. The sharks simply go far away from said depth charge. One thing to note; that the depth charge is strapped with chum to bait Sea Monsters In killing themselves. Though this didn't work. Mud Sharks know this is a trap and avoided it with caution.

Unable to do anything. They grab there rifles and start shooting at the agile fuckers. This made the sharks start doing speratic and random patterns of movement. "WE CAN'T HIT THEM LIKE THIS" One of the crew onboard shouted In anger. It's noticeable some of there shots did land doing damage to the sharks. As It made them bleed and leaving a trail of blood on the water.

But then. *CLANG* They heard it. The shark has just damaged the hulls ship, other similar sounds are heard. It's the sharks turn to counter-attack. With each banging they feel the ship sink faster and faster. The other ship is receiving the same treatment. Both ships are fighting a last stand as they know reinforcements will be arrive must later. But before they thought of there lives flash before there eyes they heard something.

Erupted a very large horn. It was close, they heard this. The crew then look over the direction where they heard the horn. Looking up they a massive walking 'thing' It's looking over the ship towering over it.

(IMAGE and Link for Warhorn)

As if It sense there plea for help. It immediately stretch out It's hand and started squishing the Mud Sharks In It's palm. the crew of the HMS Tyberos and HMS Cradle looked in awe of the giant. "It... It's.. Helping us!" One of the crewmen cheered. It was a sight to behold.

After killing the 7th Mud Shark. The Mud Sharks started to flee and disperse In random directions. With seeing this the crew cheered for there survival.

The titan immediately went over to both ships. Over shadowing both ships, this really caused the crew to look at the sheer size of the machine. "Are you okay?" It's vox-generated words rumbled as It left some cold shudders down the spine of listeners. "We... we are fine.." The Captain answered.

Getting a form of satisfaction from his work. The titan stood up and starts walking and leaving the area.

In distance they can still see it. The rescue ships arrive and the crew of both HMS Tyberos and HMS Cradle telling them about the entire thing. Many didn't believe it. The captains of said ships took it into account.

Later in history, this would be recorded as the first sighting of the First Colossus.


Inspired by

Warhammer 40k, Made In Abyss, and SCP-2406.

For some idea on whats the technological advancements in this world. Advancements of guns were indeed made and is being researched heavily by all organizations and other kingdoms that has the budget to do so. Each guns is like our guns on earth, though defenders armor proves to be too well made for guns to pierce there armor and shield. Which is why knights are still a thing. Though some of the basic foot soldiers are armed with swords and pistols. Defenders are armed with bigger pistols to fit there fingers size. Technology is also in WW1 era. Such as biplanes and blimps are still in use. But mix in magic somethings maybe different.

Also summer class is a BI-

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