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Chapter 5: Were just gonna leave this here.. (Small Rewrite)


Warlosnse (Defender's Home World)

(Year 1673) 8/3/073


Current World

(Year Unknown) ?/?/???


Waking up the next day. They start their day with eating breakfast.

"Hey I'm gonna go start the fire and get cooking. You can go and explore the place for now, And here's a transmitter. I'll call you through it when I'm done cooking."

"Oki! I'll just wander around I wont go too far!" He says, as he immediately runs off.


Changing Perspective to Erina Andras


"Is it here? I saw a base of those humanoid creatures while walking by here. Here it is!"

Erina is seen sneaking around the Humanoid's Base. And seeing all there was. Was a gruesome sight. Skeletons were hung up. Some were still alive the skins on there back open. There exposed Pulled spine and skin outward to form wings. She wasn't going to let this go. Such a sight mustn't be seen by new comers. Though she isn't righteous, He still had morals.

She had started her incantation. It is said her King-Rank wasn't earned for her research and studies. But because of a new fire she called "Blue Flame". It's story goes, That he was traveling to a volcano when she was young. She wanted to learn if it's possible to predict a volcano's eruption. But during her research and investigation. She found flaming hot blue flames. She was mesmerize by it's beautiful color. Because of this she spent his entire teenage years learning to recreate It's beautiful color. And going back and fourth to the same volcano studying how it's formed. Through countless research and trial error. She was able to recreate it. And that was the only thing he considered his own highest accomplishment.

A beautiful blue flame formed within her hand It's hot enough to make melt rocks into magma but wont hurt those that she doesn't consider a foe.

But instead of launching the blue flame to the Humanoids. She ran towards it getting close and shoving the flame into it's face incinerating it's head immediately.

"AHHHHHGHG-" It's scream was silenced immediately.

"There will be no remains of this place.. Those who suffered here may rest." As she raises his hands and engulfs the entire place in flames

within 5 minutes all the Humanoid's that inhabited the place was gone. One's that was able to use magic couldn't last a little longer than the others. All 254 Humanoid's within the base disappeared like they never existed.

Erina Is done here but before leaving she find's a cave. Going in makes her disgusted even more. Rape victims were hung. They were forced to bare children. She found it earlier that there were no females within the species as he thought 'Females are usually protected. They should be deeper within the place' But no. Since they have no females the only way to keep their species alive was through female humans. He could only see them begging for a mercy kill. Though unable to understand there language he didn't want to take risks that they were asking to be saved than mercy kill.

Using the transmitter he called Jeremy "Hey Jeremy you know that little town of the humanoid's? I exterminated them, I need you to come here."

"Wait what? Is it urgent? Hearing your voice it probably is. I'll be there, I'll just put out this fire to not burn the food." He says as he covers the pot and puts out the fire

"Alright. I'll wait for you in this place."


4 Minutes Later...


Great Archer Jeremy arrived by the gate of the place. He could see ash and smoke. 'Those are probably what's left of those creatures' He thought.

Erina is seen pulling a cart with wind magic and within them are 'victims'.

"Don't tell me... Are these creature's similar to goblins?"

Erina Andras just nods.

"We don't understand them, We can hand them over to that city there. And leave them to be picked up."

"Remember that this is a scouting mission. But If I don't help these people I'll be but guilty." He says

They leave the place. And go to the forest.

"I marked and made a small path through this forest. We should just follow it and arrive by the other side."

Going through forest. Though it intrigued Erina's interest of the new fruits he can see. She continued on her way. Not to be distracted as to not scare the people due to his excitement. Arriving at the other side of the forest.

"That's the place. We can leave them by the bridge or We can go the gate and leave it there.

"I'm a King-Rank. We should leave it by the gate, And Incase they attack I can block the attacks."

*sigh* "Alright will go with that. But we should refrain attacking them as much as possible, Go with Less Lethal magic."

Continuing down the path. They see a Few Wreckage. And continue walking.

"Man, I don't know what kind of city doesn't at least have stationed guards by the forest. That city isn't that far from the forest entrance"

Walking just a little bit they arrive at the bridge. They see a person cooking but pay no mind to it.

"This is the bridge It's quite wide. This city must be a commercial one. We just need to cross it and leave ok?"

"I know, I know. Let's get it over with."

Crossing the bridge they see 2 guards by the entrance. And upon seeing them. They don't let down there guard and seem to be ready to attack.

"Yeah I don't think were welcome. Just leave the cart here-" Before he could finish talking. An arrow flies towards him but he dodges.


"Got it."

The guards by the gate charge towards. Erina readies less lethal magic, which is earth magic. Jeremy just readies his fists.

Using his arm guard. He blocks the guard's sword. And goes for an uppercut. Hitting hard as he can. he breaks the jaw of the guard.

Erina just buried the other guard in dirt.

"You just buried him in dirt. I guess it's less lethal, just hope he doesn't die of oxygen depravation."

"Now that these two are dealt with. What about those ones?"

"Wait what??" He looks over and finds that reinforcement has arrive for them. Even the little red ribbon is here. And that blonde..

"Hey you see that blonde chick? You think that's the one that went to the camp when I was gone?"

"Maybe. Seeing that she's wearing.. A boots hybrid with heels?"

"We should get away here. This is not good. Remember the dragon, considering you saw the report. if there attacked by that dragon and there soldiers are weakened then It won't end well for them. But since they also know where we are camped they might launch a night attack at us while were asleep."

Readying themselves this time. It wont be less lethal

"Try not to kill them but don't injure them too much."

"Oki. Let's see what they got."

The blonde chick goes for the offensive and attacks first.

The lady raises her sword and goes for a downward strike. Jeremy side steps and put all his strength into his hand, hits the sword and breaking it

He senses someone behind and looks over to see a knight charging at him. He kicks the knight at the stomach and launches him towards the other knights, the other knights look back at one of there guys that got sent flying now sweating in fear. Seeing there distracted; He sprints towards them. Sending a downward karate chop at the head of one of the helmetless knights .

He takes the opportunity to strike another knight. Who tries to block the attack though works. He quickly grabs the guy by the wrist he twists it at unnatural angle and dislocates it.

Another helmetless knight... 'Alright wtf. Are these guys soldiers or Militias. No helmets?' He thought.

The guy swung at his hand trying to cut his hand off. But once again using his arm guard, he parries the attack and stabbing 2 of his fingers into his eyes.

He then looks around to see If there were any left. He then looks over to see one of them charging at him ready to Impale him with his sword.

Luckily he was saved by Erina who casually uses wind magic and throws the guy off the bridge.

"Well that was anti-climatic." He looks over the bridge.

"Hey uhh look." Erina said, As she point to the crying girl.


Jean's Perspective


The shock that the Aquila Favonia was shattered into pieces by an unknown man.

She doesn't know what to do. It was her only sword given to her before she became the acting grand master.

This will be remembered by her. She will never forget the masked man who shattered her sword


Back to Jeremy's perspective


All he sees is the chick kneeling down to her broken sword.

"Hey do you think she cherished that sword? Maybe like her only family heirloom or maybe a sword she got as the only remembrance of a dead family member?"

"Maybe.. Not like we'd care she attacked first."

Seeing there leader cry. The other knights start running towards them.

Jeremy takes out his bow and start firing arrows at them. He aimed either for the shoulder, arm, legs. But the thigh. Those tend to bleed a lot.

Erina starts using his wind magic and throws most of the knights off the bridge.

The battle ended quickly. They are glad they were able to de-escalate the situation before anyone dies.

The duo both leave quickly leaving bleeding knights and a crying blonde chick.


They re-enter the forest. this time Erina start picking the tree's of their fruits to bring back for study..

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