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Write a reviewЯ хочу продолжения это самый лучший что я когда-либо читал продолжай в том же духе автор Юююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююю Юююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююю
best combination of isekai, marvel, dc,and monsterverse/ kaijuverse bundled together ive ever seen
needs more, top quality world background in my perspective just try and stabilize your update schedule, idc if its only 1 a week but stabilize it at least a bit please, that's the only major thing.
It's a very interesting novel and has an outstanding quality, from the grammar, to the characters, to the world building, everything is perfect. Because it's entertaining, I give it five stars. By the way, don't forget to stop by my profile to get an amazing novel too.
أسطوري أ أ أ أ أأ أ أأ أأ أ أأ أأ أ أ أ أ أ أ أأ أ أ أ أ أأ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ A Aآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآ
The author has no idea what capitalizing letter are throughout the entirety of the 30 or so chapters I read.....................................
Good monster hero kind of story its the STATS on every chapter that goes on and on and on and on then the POV switching throws you off the writing and spelling need a bit more work all in all a good novel fanfic or what ever
....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... .......
it is a good story the author did a very good job I will look forward to the next update
Reveal SpoilerNot the best at updating consistently but the wait is well worth it the story and characters are amazing
I loved the entire thing, it was the longest fanfic I could find about kaiju and it turned out to be a masterpiece. I hope the author can keep updating and continuing this diamond in the rough.
This novel could've been better, if the gramma was fixed, the MC is actually a kaiju/human hybrid that grows over time, and the system 'guides' the MC Not some gacha that can basically give him everything and also stick to one superhero universe. I mean is it really that hard. I know a lot of people like the idea of both DC and marvel mixed, but to be honest, it's not plausible. It's like taking One piece, and trying to mash in together with Pirates of the Caribbean. It's like having Stars wars and Star trek in the same place. I feel like not so far in the future they will combine DC with the same universe as with where Invincible exists. It just doesn't make any sense.
The grammar is really bad. But it isn't the worst I've seen. The main problem I have with this novel is that its named Kaiju system but the mc isn't a Kaiju at all. He was zilla for like the first 2 chapters then he was a human. I really wanted a Kaiju novel not some off brand Beast Boy.
Update more frequently but apart from that I think it would be interesting to see Kaiju girls for a harem and have fem ghidorah act like a Yandere because the mc becomes more powerful than Godzilla so she would want to mate heavily but the mc would try and provent her killing his harem because she would try to remove the competition
I lost brain cells reading this. The main character is so childish. B R U H . B R U H . B R U H H H H H H H H H H H H B R U H . B R U H . B R U H H H H H H H H H H H H B R U H . B R U H . B R U H H H H H H H H H H H H
História muito boa............................................................... .....................................................................
i really like this fic actually, even though it is a crossover with Marvel x DC and most of them don't do that well you know... But i think this massive crossover is cool. Good Job author.
Surprisingly really good. I was actually prepared to drop the novel because the first few chapters were meh but unknowingly got invested and binged the whole thing in one night. The story is good but I do think the MC can do way better with the power he has but I think the author just has to many to write about. For example he’s basically immortal as a pheonix and as a Zerg hybrid he has biokenisis and can control people and act as a hive mind. There’s also the Black Light virus which I don’t know what it does but I remember it being overpowered. As for the reading experience it’s really not that bad. There’s misspelled words every now and then but it’s not unbearable nor does it make it difficult to understand. I give it a 8/10 because honestly the MC could do much better with his given powers but other than that but overall the story is good it’s a surprising quality for WebNovel. Shame it’s been a year since last updated but do give it a try.
Я хочу продолжения это самый лучший что я когда-либо читал продолжай в том же духе автор Юююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююю Юююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююю
best combination of isekai, marvel, dc,and monsterverse/ kaijuverse bundled together ive ever seen
needs more, top quality world background in my perspective just try and stabilize your update schedule, idc if its only 1 a week but stabilize it at least a bit please, that's the only major thing.
It's a very interesting novel and has an outstanding quality, from the grammar, to the characters, to the world building, everything is perfect. Because it's entertaining, I give it five stars. By the way, don't forget to stop by my profile to get an amazing novel too.
أسطوري أ أ أ أ أأ أ أأ أأ أ أأ أأ أ أ أ أ أ أ أأ أ أ أ أ أأ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ أ A Aآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآ
The author has no idea what capitalizing letter are throughout the entirety of the 30 or so chapters I read.....................................
Good monster hero kind of story its the STATS on every chapter that goes on and on and on and on then the POV switching throws you off the writing and spelling need a bit more work all in all a good novel fanfic or what ever
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it is a good story the author did a very good job I will look forward to the next update
Reveal SpoilerNot the best at updating consistently but the wait is well worth it the story and characters are amazing
I loved the entire thing, it was the longest fanfic I could find about kaiju and it turned out to be a masterpiece. I hope the author can keep updating and continuing this diamond in the rough.
This novel could've been better, if the gramma was fixed, the MC is actually a kaiju/human hybrid that grows over time, and the system 'guides' the MC Not some gacha that can basically give him everything and also stick to one superhero universe. I mean is it really that hard. I know a lot of people like the idea of both DC and marvel mixed, but to be honest, it's not plausible. It's like taking One piece, and trying to mash in together with Pirates of the Caribbean. It's like having Stars wars and Star trek in the same place. I feel like not so far in the future they will combine DC with the same universe as with where Invincible exists. It just doesn't make any sense.
The grammar is really bad. But it isn't the worst I've seen. The main problem I have with this novel is that its named Kaiju system but the mc isn't a Kaiju at all. He was zilla for like the first 2 chapters then he was a human. I really wanted a Kaiju novel not some off brand Beast Boy.
Update more frequently but apart from that I think it would be interesting to see Kaiju girls for a harem and have fem ghidorah act like a Yandere because the mc becomes more powerful than Godzilla so she would want to mate heavily but the mc would try and provent her killing his harem because she would try to remove the competition
I lost brain cells reading this. The main character is so childish. B R U H . B R U H . B R U H H H H H H H H H H H H B R U H . B R U H . B R U H H H H H H H H H H H H B R U H . B R U H . B R U H H H H H H H H H H H H
História muito boa............................................................... .....................................................................
i really like this fic actually, even though it is a crossover with Marvel x DC and most of them don't do that well you know... But i think this massive crossover is cool. Good Job author.
Surprisingly really good. I was actually prepared to drop the novel because the first few chapters were meh but unknowingly got invested and binged the whole thing in one night. The story is good but I do think the MC can do way better with the power he has but I think the author just has to many to write about. For example he’s basically immortal as a pheonix and as a Zerg hybrid he has biokenisis and can control people and act as a hive mind. There’s also the Black Light virus which I don’t know what it does but I remember it being overpowered. As for the reading experience it’s really not that bad. There’s misspelled words every now and then but it’s not unbearable nor does it make it difficult to understand. I give it a 8/10 because honestly the MC could do much better with his given powers but other than that but overall the story is good it’s a surprising quality for WebNovel. Shame it’s been a year since last updated but do give it a try.