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Dc Reinhardt Dc Reinhardt original

Dc Reinhardt

Author: yooooooooooo

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Ascendance (1)

When reading this story, take note. That the first like 40ish chapters are hit or miss. At that point, I didn't know how I wanted to write the story.


"Once again the justice league has stopped something alien and horrific from causing mass destruction; as yet another force sought to eradicate" *click* "they are first and las…" *click* "defense against the worst" *click * "we go live to the scene now."

"Same old shit, the world in danger somebody saves it, when are they going to bring up my fight today? Hey Arnold, am I in the wrong industry? Cause it seems like nobody cares about MMA anymore" lying in a tube of ice was a 6 foot 8 German and Persian mixed man.

"Stop crying and get ready for your fight, you've hit the big time kid and now it's time to show the world why they call you all-father. Now, remember you can't win this or else you'll piss off the Columbians along with Black mask. "

Hearing this Geralt turns his head and says "if they bow before their all-father maybe I'll humor until then I won't be throwing anything! And pass me today's game plan! We're going be famous old-man famous I tell you."

Shaking his head the old man retrieved a Wayne tech video pad and proceeded to over the game plan with him.


Justice league watchtower

"Guys, guys look what I got!" running into the observation lounge, Cyborg was carrying a bunch of tickets he stops and slams them on the table before, yelling to the group "Come on, come with yah boy." As Cyborg said this, the group came closer to view the tickets.

Diana asked "you want us to watch two men hit each other? Are they any good?" in response to this Simon baz (a green lantern) says "are you kidding me I'm in, how'd you get tickets to the All-father vs. Mayhem fight?"

"It was given to me after the invasion, my pops was like; you guys need to take a break it victor, you're overworking yourself." Diana (Wonder man), aqua man (Arthor Curry), Barry Allen (flash) stop after hearing this and they all think 'we work too much! The man never stops his research!'

Jessica Cruz (a green lantern) asks batman "Batman are you coming with us?" appearing beside batman, flash says "come on man, after all when the last time you came out? You know people might start asking questions about you *he whispered*Bruce."

"I'm not coming." Walking towards the league teleporter Bruce returns to the Batcave and calls Alfred "Alfred, can you pick out a suit for me, I'm going out tonight."At the same time, Diana and flash thought 'he so coming.'

Hours later

The group meets up and Barry stops to gawk at Diana and Jessica. Spotting this Diana punches him in the arm as she makes her way inside the arena. Simon stops when he spots Bruce Wayne, "holy Sh*t look at him, how did he get those two around his waist?"

Stepping out of a custom limbo, Bruce has four models around his arms. "Oh my god it's Bruce Wayne, he looks so handsome!" women stopped to check him out, while men wished to be him "my god look at those, models their gorgeous" walking past the cameras and paparazzi, Bruce pulls up beside Diana and kisses her hand before introducing himself "Bruce Wayne, a pleasure to see you again miss Diana." Turning towards Victor Stone, Bruce says "good to see you again Victor, I see your father still in his lab."

Bruce, Victor, and Diana proceed to walk ahead, Simon and Jessica stop after seeing this and think 'they know Bruce Wayne!' running up to Barry the two of them asked about it as they continue to head inside.

Before they enter they hear "my god it's Lex Luther!" Bruce and the rest turn back to see Luther walking towards the arena and right beside him was a man with shoulder-length silver hair and a black eye patch over his right eye. Both men wore black suits and went up to greet Diana and Bruce when they heard more clamor, everyone turns back to see a woman with red hair black lipstick with curves that could rival any beauty.

'Fuck its Circe!' the men thought; walking forwards Circe greets lex and Slade (Deathstroke real name) before walking towards Bruce "come your with me tonight, as for you ladies you will be joining the slob behind me. Right behind her was Oswald Cobblepot, or what most know him as the penguin. The women silently curse, but they go join him and kiss up to him anyways.

As Circe drags Bruce, she lets him go to hug "oh it's been so long, Diana." Diana stops and the two begin to talk. Luther comes up and joins Diana "oh how do you know Circe miss Diana??" looking dead in his eyes, Diana grabs Barry and just walks in, Barry just shrugs as she drags him in. Slade laughs along with Simon and the rest and the group as they finally take their front row seats.

At the time this was going on.

Geralt Reinhardt was inside his change room getting ready for the big fight while talking with his coach "old man, why do you keep bringing up this whole throw the fight thing I could care less about the Columbians or the black mask and what the hell is that game-plan old man! Did they pay you to fuck me out the fight?"

"No, no, no son. I would never do anything like that! I'm just worried is all, after all, these are some dangerous people." Looking dead in the old man's eyes Geralt said "It might not look like it, but I'm grateful for everything you've done for me, sorry for doubting you old man."

"Today we are here to watch living two legends fight for the UFC Cruiserweight champions! On our left our champion standing 6 foot 3 weighings in at 215 pounds Matt the hammer Williams! " On the left side of the octagon was a pal weight man spotting died green hair, who looked to be around 25 years old. On the left side of his face was a full-body Chinese dragon tattoo that went all the way down to his ankle.

"Standing on your right, our challenger, standing 6 foot 8 weighings in at 224 pounds Geralt the All-father Reinhardt!!" on the right side of the octagon was a light-skinned male with deep brown eyes, a clean-cut beard, and long brown hair that was partially braided

#a/n: its books picture#

Walking towards the center the referee explains the rules then says "if both fighters are ready, come to the center and hit gloves" both fighters go forward, bump gloves and begin to fight. Both men fought to their abilities, and Geralt found he was on the losing end of every trade backing up he thought 'why am I fighting like this? It makes no sense to try to endure his blows. After all, this isn't boxing hell just…'

*Boom* "The all-father is down! The all-father is down! Hammers is mounting him with 11 seconds left in the round and he dropping the hammer!" Reinhardt covered his face as he had to endure the 11-second beating. But by the end of it him, along with most of the justice league and lex along with Slade thought 'why he/I'm fighting like a fool.'

Entering his side of the arena he tells the old man "I'm abandoning your game plan old man, frankly, it sucks and if I keep using it, he going to knock me out this or next round." Hearing this, the league members thought 'wow he's blunt!' Slade commented, "he not wrong though, I just wonder why he would follow that game-plan if he knew it was shit?" In response to this Bruce said, "that old-man must have trained or raised him, cause I see no reason for him to risk himself otherwise."

"Ok son, I'm sorry; here close your eyes I'm going to cover your face in petroleum now." As the old man started to cover Reinhardt's face he dug his petroleum covered fingers inside his eyes then said "oh I'm so sorry son, I was careless." Reinhardt was seething mad; time and time again he had given the old man chances to side with him, but time and time again he chose the Columbians. "That is..." before he could finish time stopped and his mind and body were dragged in front of an old man with who had one eye and a golden eye-patch covered In ruins.

yooooooooooo yooooooooooo

I'm still fairly new at writing, so if my style confuses you, please tell me and I will make the adjustments.

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