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"Ha. Seriously, I wondered if I have rotten luck or not." I thought in my head since Thea and I are being held as a hostage in an abandoned warehouse with a man who is watching us over.

He is what you called a fake Wolverine since this guy has this guy who is watching us has knuckle dusters with long, claw-like blades to fight, using them both offensively and defensively. The claws appear to resemble tekko-Kagi, a common weapon among Japanese ninjas.

This guy is Bronze Tiger if I remembered. But jeez this guy kidnaps us since he wanted 100 million from Thea's family.

Jeez, this guy seriously is desperate for money and Thea's mother, Moira Queen accepted to give the money to him in 2 hours.

But wait, let's go for a flashback on how I and Thea got kidnapped.


It's now been a year since I lived in Starling City and I managed to get an apartment room near the school.

I also managed to get trained by the Wildcat even though he seems to be adamant to train me but I told him that I managed to get a draw from fighting Batman.

That made him approved of me getting trained by him. Damn this old hero really push me hard as he kept beating the shit out of me.

No powers included so I am on my own. I even had to wear many sandbags on my body when I lift the weight, do push-ups and sits up even fighting with him.

"Hey Thea, is it okay for us to go to the arcade without your family knew about it?" I asked her.

"No, but I had you so they will not mind." She replied making me smiled wryly.

"This girl already treat me like a bodyguard." I thought in my head as I already kept many people not to come closer to her with my scary glares. That is what many people said when they see my glares.

And to my surprise, her family approved of her if she goes out with me .

I still remember how Diggle asked me to spar with him when I said I just got back from my boxing class. Not that I will tell them or anyone I am training under Wildcat.

Diggle had the upper hand as I am holding back but I noticed that he has more experience in fighting that forces me accidentally let out my real skills that made him stunned after being hit by me.

So yeah, Diggle will teach me some movements when he had free time.

Probably the reason why The Queens already treated me like Thea's bodyguard.

Anyway, I managed to get in the same grade as Thea as Oliver Queen discover my intellect and use his connection to make me study in the same class as Thea. That damn Robin Hood spoiled my plan to not go through the high school days.

But it is nice to me as everyone avoided me when I beat 5 seniors when they tried to bully me.

So yeah, being a high school student is not a bad minus of having many homework that is easy for me to do them.

Anyway, I discovered the Particle Accelerator is about to be launch at the end of the month so that means the Flash will be born.

I kept my guard up in case Eobard Thawne, the Reverse-Flash will ambush me since that guy is impersonating Harrison Wells.

I am aware of him because of 2 reasons. First, because he is from the future so the probability of him knowing my real identity is high.

Second, because I am a conduit of Still and Strength Force. I am afraid he will come to me and will attack me.

Just aware, not afraid since I am sure I can just kill that future speedster.

Also made to note to watch out for Barry since I did not want him to create a new timeline. If he does, we'll let's just say, Barry Allen will not exist anymore since I will kill him.

Seriously I did not want my whole life changes when I woke up in the morning.

Yup, I will use Overhaul's quirk to kill him or give him a warning by made his legs disassembled.

The Flash is known for having their fast legs so if the Flash did not have legs, so that means no Flash.

It's not like he moved anywhere using his hands or crawling. If he does, he is the fastest crawling man alive.

Then I felt someone poke my nose and sees Thea is the one who does it.

"Let's play the shooting zombie game." She died to me and I sigh hearing this.

"Fine but after this, we will go home," I told her and she nodded her head.

It's been a long time since I played arcade game so it's a good experience for me.

Plus I enjoyed playing it with this troublesome some girl.

But my eyes see a man who is not far from us is watching us.

"That man gives a bad vibe." I thought in my head while acting to enjoy the game with Thea.

We spend 2 hours in the arcade and walk out as Thea is feeling hungry.

But then the man made a move toward us with I quickly pull Thea behind me when the man is in front of us.

"Hello, kids. Can I ask you something?" He asks us politely.

"What is it?" I ask in a cold tone while shadowing Thea who is calling her brother, Oliver.

"Do you kids know Oliver Queen?" He asked us.

"You mean that billionaire that returned from an isolated island," I asked him.

"Yup." He replied.

"You see I am a real good friend of him and he told me to pick you 2 up."He told us when Thea suddenly said yo him.

" Liar because Ollie told me that you are a liar," Thea said while showing her phone which is showing Oliver's name in the phone.

"Bad move Thea." I thought in my head before grabbing Thea's hand and ran away from that man who shouted for us to stop.

"Hey!Stop!" He shouted but we kept running.

"Thea!Give me the phone," I told her and she gave me the phone.

I see the man is chasing us and we quickly entered a library.

We headed to the second floor and hid in the cleaner room.

"Mr Oliver?" I said quietly.

"Brendan? Is that you? Where are you guys?" " Oliver asked in a panic tone.

"Yes, it is me. At the library 2 blocks away from the arcade that we always visited. The second floor and in the cleaner room." I replied.

"Okay. Just hold on and make sure Thea is safe." He told but then suddenly the door opened.

I see the man had a stun gun and moved towards the stun gun to me. I hold the stun gun but not fast enough to react to his other hand who is choking me.

I released a bit of heat making him yelled in pain and grab Thea's hand to run away but 2 men suddenly grab me by my collar and tasered me with Thea suffered the same.

"Shit. Had to pretend that I fainted." I thought in my head and closes my eyes."


"And this leads to this situation right now," I said while thinking when the Big Brother will come to rescue us.

The 2 men came back and I see them also wear the same weapon like Bronze Tiger.

Ah, crap. This will be tougher as I knew both of them must be learning under Bronze Tiger who is actually a decent fighter.

"Hmm. So clever boy, tell me how did you injure my right hand?" Bronze Tiger asked me but I kept quiet.

"Acting tough huh?" He said before pointed his claws towards Thea forehead and Thea whimper in fear.

"Say it before your girl got stabbed at her forehead." He threatened me.

"You will not like me when I am pissed. I see a single drop of her blood come out and you will be dead along with your servants." I said to him in an angry tone which made them laugh.

"Hahaha. Guys. Look at this little guy. Threatening me to made look strong in front of her girlfriend." Bronze Tiger said making his lackeys laugh.

I grit my teeth seeing him is pointing his claws a little deeper into Thea's forehead as I see a drop of blood fell to the floor.

My eyes lit in the blue fire as the rope that tied my hand is burned in a blue fire and then turns into crisp as Bronze Tiger take a step backwards seeing my appearance now.

His lackeys are also the same as Bronze Tiger.

"I. Told. You. Not. To. Hurt. Her!!" I shouted and shot a fire shot towards him and they avoided and I roared in pain.

How could they? How could they hurt her??!

I created many fireballs and blast towards them as they kept avoiding them. In the meantime, I burned Thea's rope without hurting her. I can see she flinched seeing my appearance and I ignored it.

"Shit. This kid got pyrokinesis." Bronze Tiger said before to take his stance to fight me.

"Die," I said and shot many fireballs that shot fast toward them.

Bronze Tiger managed to avoid it along with a lackey on his left but the other lackey did not as his leg gets caught in my fire.

"Arghh. It hurts! It hurt!" He screamed but I ignored it as I quickly put my hand on the ground and made the blue fire surrounded us 3.

"Boss. We are trapped." The lackey said."Then we have to kill him quickly to escape." Bronze Tiger dash to me and moved his claws to stab my heart but I moved my left hand to catch his claws which got melted.

Bronze Tiger quickly disarm his right claws and moved backwards.

I see his lackey take out his handgun and shot to me but I hold my hand forward to melt burned that bullet to dust.

My left hand shot a flame thrower to the lackey who instantly got burned by my attack and I moved my flame thrower to Bronze Tiger who now is trying his best to avoid my attack.

Bronze Tiger then throws many knives towards Thea and I activated Still Time for as second and that is all I need go moved in front of her and destroyed those knives with my bullet.

Then I see Bronze Tiger managed to jump out from my flame by using both of his lackey bodies who are barely alive to pass through the blue flame.

Both lackeys are dead because of Bronze Tiger. I am about to throw my fireball towards him but then an arrow hit Bronze Tiger on his knee making him fell to the floor.

Then a figure landed down and sees The Hood has arrived.

He stared at me for a second before proceeding to beat the shit out of Bronze Tiger.

I shut down my quirk and walk to Thea.

I see her forehead is bleeding making me bit my lip seeing this.

She is losing her blood.

"Time to use Eri's quirk. " I thought in my head and activate it.

Thea's forehead returns back to normal and no blood can be seen on her forehead.

"Didn't think you can heal me too," Thea said to me while smiling.

"One of my powers," I said and helped her to stand up.

Then I see The Hood approaches us and Thea hide behind me.

The Hood seemed to stare at me for a long time.

"Good job protecting her lad." He said to me and disappeared quickly.

Then we see many polices came with Diggle are with them.

Moira Queen quickly rushes to Thea and hug her while crying happily seeing her is alive.

"Ah, crap. How can I explain the burned corpse? Wait for a minute. I came to explain Overhaul is here." I thought in my head. while feeling regret that I can not contain my anger when Thea got hurt.

"I can use The Strength Force or Still Force to handle them but I let my rage to overcome me too burned them." I thought in my head while feeling frustrated that I raised let my feelings controlled me.

Then I felt someone tap my shoulder and I see Oliver is the one who taps my shoulder.

"You alright Brendan?" He asks me.

"Yeah. I am fine." I replied.

"Good," Oliver replied.


We just got back home from the police station as Brendan reported that the Hood and Overhaul are the ones who rescued them.

Overhaul, that new vigilante from Gotham. I only know bits of him. And I only knew that he defeated many things and crime family.

I had a thought that Brendan is Overhaul as the report stated that Overhaul has the ability to manipulate blue flame-like Brendan does.

That means Brendan is Overhaul seeing both of them have the same ability.

My first thought is that I need him to be far from Thea as Overhaul is known for harming criminals. Bringing them in and sent them to the hospital with broken bones.

But it will make Brendan suspicious of me and Thea will be sad.

"Let's confront Brendan tonight with Diggle. Time to know who he truly is." Oliver thought in his head while planning to tell Diggle about his plan.


"I am fine Mom," I said to my mother who now is hugging me.

We are in the living room after sending back Brendan to his apartment.

"So what Brendan said is true? Overhaul and The Hood rescued you both?" Mother asked me.

"Yeah," I replied while feeling had to lie to my mother.

I will not tell her that the bad men are burned alive due to Brendan who suddenly has his left side of body lit up in blue fire which scared me.

But that did not me scare of him as I knew he got angry due to that bad men injured me.

I watched him how viciously beat those bad men went he guy who injured me tried to run away but then The Hood shot his knee.

I see Brendan approach me with his left side is not lit up in a blue fire.

He gently placed his hand on my forehead. The next thing I knew a foreign feeling can be felt in my body as my body felt like being reborn again. I felt so energetic and my forehead is back to normal again.

Hmm. But still, Brendan said that Overhaul and The Hood rescued us. I know about Overhaul since he is a vigilante like The Hood.

But I know he only operates in Gotham.

Wait. So that is why Overhaul is not seen or spotted at Gotham City anymore as he has gone inactive or more accurately he had moved out from Gotham.

Which means Overhaul could possibly be Brendan.

I should ask about this to Brendan tomorrow. Hmm. But still being a vigilante sounds cool. But calling him a vigilante is wrong. I should call him a hero for rescuing me.


"Achoo!" I let out a sneeze in my bedroom. Wonder who is talking behind my back?

I turned on the television and sees the news are all reporting about me and Thea's kidnapping incident.

Some of them even tell that Overhaul and The Hood are the ones who rescued us.

"Great. Now the Bats will know I am at the Starling City." I muttered before someone knocked on my door.

Wonder who it is? I approached the door and opened it.

Before I knew it I got hugged and I instantly knew who is my visitor.

"Are you alright Brendan? They did not do anything to you right?" Laurel Lance asked me and I just nodded my head.

"Nope. They did not do anything to me." I replied to her.

"Dad is worried about you, you know him when he heard you got kidnapped." She told me and I invited her to my living room.

I see she also bring a bag.

"So you want a drink?' I asked her." Nope. I bring 2 sets of Big Belly Burger for us to eat." She said and showed me my favourite foods.

"You are the best Big Sis," I told her and her smiles.

Yeah. She kinda became my big sister figure as her apartment is not far from my apartment.

She and her father, Quentin Lance frequently visited me as they are worried that I lived alone in an apartment.

Especially her father who will sometimes bring me out tour the city with him.

It seems this Quentin is not bad like in the series as he focuses on handling his case plus he seems to be overprotective of me as I kept being in danger with him handling most of my cases.

So yeah, he is like a father figure for me. I still remember how he viciously beat the man who tried to harm me when I stop his attention to kidnap Thea with me.

I now munching the foods that Laurel brought for me as she seems to go into my bedroom.

She gets out of my bedroom."Okay. Brendan. Tonight, I will be sleeping here to protect you since you kept being in danger." She told me and I just nodded my head.

"Fine," I replied.

Geez. It's not like I attracted troubles, it's just troubles kept coming to me.

Now I think about it, I am like Detective Conan which in my case attracting many troubles to happen to me as Detective Conan meanwhile attracted for murder cases to happen around him.

Then my door got knocked once again."Brendan, open the door, will you? I am making our apple juice right now." Laurel said to me.

"Okay Big Sis," I said to her.

I opened the door and is greeted by Oliver and Diggle in front of my door.

Somehow I got the feeling tonight will be a troublesome day for me.

Damn my E-Rank luck.

killller4555 killller4555

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