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33.33% DC/Marvel: Space Marine / Chapter 1: Becoming an Entertainer for Death and Being Sent to a Familiar yet Foreign World
DC/Marvel: Space Marine DC/Marvel: Space Marine original

DC/Marvel: Space Marine

Author: King_Of_The_Dead

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Becoming an Entertainer for Death and Being Sent to a Familiar yet Foreign World

"Sooo, what you're telling me is...what? That I can pick from a list of predetermined places for where I'm reincarnated along with some powers? And the powers are also from a list you've put together?" I muttered with a slightly lost expression on my face as I looked at the gaunt, but beautiful woman, in front of me.

Just a few minutes ago I appeared here in front of this woman who introduced herself as...'Mistress Death' or something equally edgy and said that I was to be her source of entertainment from now on. She said something about the last one dying, but I tried my best to ignore that as I quickly realized I had no way out of this.

What could I do against a seemingly omnipotent being who could just pop me into this weird graveyard dimension from my bedroom with a snap of her fingers? Answer: Absolutely nothing, that's what I could do.

Smiling mysteriously at me, the woman nodded, "Yes, that's right, my dear. You can pick from 5 places and 100 powers. You can only pick 5 of the powers, so choose wisely," she had a teasing smile which somehow managed to look gloomy, though I figured that was because of her overall gloomy aura and slightly gaunt face. Her chalk-white skin didn't help her creepy image out either.

Closing my eyes, I brought a hand up to my face, dragging it over my expression, trying to massage the migraine rapidly forming in my head. Pinching my nose for a second while I collected myself, I opened my eyes before looking at the pale woman.

"Okay, I understand. Please tell me my options," I sighed as I finished, feeling annoyed that I had to go along with someone else's wishes like some kind of puppet.

...But what could I do? Realistically?

Oblivious to my thoughts, or at least I hope she was, the woman clicked her fingers before two clipboards and a pencil appeared in front of me. Each clipboard had a piece of paper on it and I could guess what was on the paper just by looking at it; two multiple choice sheets.

Not touching the clipboards, I picked up the pencil before looking at my options on where I could go.

Places you could pick:

-Marvel Universe [ ]

-DC Universe [ ]

-Hybrid Universe: Marvel + DC (Can be more Marvel-like than DC or vice versa) [ ]

-Touhou Project Universe [ ]

-Dragonball Universe [ ]

Hmm. Well, those are some interesting places. Though I don't wanna go to the last two. Why? Well, one of them is pretty over the top, and the other has a severe lack of waifu-material. So, Touhou Project and Dragonball Universe, respectively. But honestly, before I made my decision, I had to look at the powers I could pick. Don't want to pick a Universe only to find I could have picked powers that would perfectly suit another Universe.

Powers you could pick:

-Telekinesis (X-Gene) [ ]

-Telepathy (X-Gene) [ ]

-Barrier Generation (Magic) [ ]

-Ito Ito no Mi (Devil Fruit) [ ]

-Krieg Physiology [ ]

-Random X-Gene [ ]



The list went on and on and I slowly and methodically peered through the sheets, making up combos in my head of what I felt were the most potent powers. Though I mainly focused on combining powers that would compliment one another. But I did have one question for the woman across from me.

"When it says 'Krieg Physiology' does that mean the average person from Krieg, or does it mean the best of what the Krieg had to offer? And does the same apply for any Physiology on this list?" I asked, knowing this would make or break my decision for what I picked.

Death, as I started to think of the woman, tilted her head, putting a finger on her chin like she was deeply thinking about her answer.

"Hmm, yes, let's say that you'll be the best of what the Krieg's Genetics can offer. Though it would still be up to you to fully excavate that potential," she mused, seemingly happy with my questioning, even when in such a situation like my own.

But I didn't care what she was feeling. Her answer had given me my choices.

Taking the pencil, I ticked the Hybrid Universe option before going through the sheets on the other clipboard and ticking off my options.

When I was finally done, Death clicked her fingers before a screen appeared in front of me, listing off what I'd chosen.

[Universe Chosen: DC/Marvel Hybrid]

[Powers Chosen: Space Marine (Space Wolves Chapter), Catachan Physiology, Krieg Physiology, Genius-level IQ, and Healing Factor (Effectiveness Randomized)]

[Appearance Available for Customization, do you wish to do so? Y/N]

Out of curiosity, I clicked the 'Y' and another screen popped up in front of me showing me an absolute brute of a man.

8 and a half feet, maybe even more, of pure muscle and Imperial badassery, the appearance of who I was going to be was just...immense. Broad, full to the brim with muscles and tan, light brown skin - the image being shown to me only rang with though in my head with one word:


Though I did want to make some changes, so I guess it wasn't completely perfect. Nigh-perfect would better describe it.

First off, I made my character quite a bit shorter.

...What? I don't want to be some giant who can't even get in a car, you know? Maybe if I was going to the 40K Universe (Emperor forbid that ever happens) I'd be fine with being an 8-foot tall giant, but going to the place I'm going to? It'd only serve as a sign that said 'Hey look at me, I'm a Mutant/Metahuman!' and I'd rather not have that burden.

I'd rather show my powers on my own volition, thank you very much.

Secondly, I went through everything about my body and made it proportionate to my new height. Which was around 6 foot 6 inches tall. Still massive, at least when compared to the average Human, but a big decrease from 8 foot 6 inches tall.

What I was left with was, in my opinion, the perfect human specimen. Physically at least.

Not overly broad but broad enough to be wider than most men, and not too bulky-looking that I would look like a walking talking steroid consuming machine but still look absolutely shredded with lean, compact muscle covering my entire body.

I topped it off with grey hair and yellow eyes, just like an Astartes from the Space Wolves Chapter would one day gain*.

(A/N - For those who don't know, the Gene-seed--the thing that turns a normal human into a Space Marine--for the Space Wolves changes their appearance. It makes their hair grey and their eyes yellow, while also making their skin darker and of a more leather-like texture than normal human skin.)

Anyway, you may be wondering why I picked what I picked, and I've got one answer for you:

The 40K Universe is a hell hole. There's nothing else to it. So, things from that Universe should be pretty OP, right? I mean, Space Marines are super-soldiers who are nigh-unkillable. Add to that the Healing Factor I'm gonna have and...well, I doubt I'll be easy to kill. Even if the Healing Factor I get is weak, it'll still add to a Space Marine's already incredibly ability to heal wounds.

And Humans from Catachan and Krieg are also some of the toughest madmen around as well. With the formers being Darwinism in action, having been forced to evolve on a Death World (where, unsurprisingly, death is a constant thing that weeds out the weak and feeble), and the latter being a group of Humans who show literally no fear in death and have, for hundreds of years, known nothing but war. Even if they are trained to be like this, with their Physiology has given me the potential to be the best of what they can offer.

And let's just say, a Krieg-Catachan Hybrid, who just so happens to also be a Space Marine, is not someone I would want to mess with.

Genius-level IQ should also be self-explanatory. I'm about to enter a world with countless Super Soldier serums and technology that I've never seen before; Would it hurt to be able to understand how to use them or even recreate them? Plus, I have an idea of making a Super Soldier serum compatible with me...

...A Super Space Marine...Mwahahahahaha I'll be unbeatable--Ahem! Sorry, got a bit carried away there...

Anyway, moving on! What I needed was the potential to become more powerful because none of the things on the list could have put me on the same level as, I don't know, Superman, for example. So, I went for the potential. Catachans are survivors. inhabitants of Krieg are also survivors despite their slightly suicidal ways. The genetic augmentation the Space Marine power would bring would only further boost this survivability and potential, while the Healing Factor would put me on a whole new level.

My decisions were thought out. Whether they were well thought out is yet to be decided.

"Hmm, good. This is an interesting set-up. Don't dawdle too much; Entertain me," Death said as she lifted her hand but she stopped and gave a brief smile, "I'll send you to the world now. I'll put your age to around 10-years-old so you can get the most out of your Gene-seed. Good luck," she said before waving her lifted hand.

"Wait--!" before I could complain, a black maw opened up below me and swallowed me whole.

. . .

POV Change - Ororo Munroe

"What do you mean an Alpha-level Mutant just appeared? Couldn't it have just been them awakening their Mutant power?" I said, wondering why Charles was so...worried? It was only an Alpha-level Mutant, they're quite common. At least when compared to Omega-level Mutants.

But as I looked at Charles' face, full of confusion with his brows furrowed to the extreme, I knew I was missing some information that he hadn't told me.

"No, Ororo, I can sense Mutants who haven't awakened yet. Even without their powers, they're still Mutants with the X-Gene," he brought a hand up and massaged his temples, "But this Mutant just appeared in the Amazon Jungle out of nowhere. Worst of all, from what I could see, it seems to be a 10-year-old boy."

As I heard his words, I felt a pang in my heart.

A ten-year-old boy? Alone and in the Amazon forest? But something else popped out to me--

"Are you saying that he's awakened his power as a 10-year-old?" I asked, quite shocked, as most Mutants awaken their powers during puberty and through intense emotional outbursts, "Then shouldn't we go to help him?"

At my words, Charles nodded, "Yes, we should. That's why I brought this up to you, Ororo. Take Hank and Logan with you, their powers should allow for you to track him down. I can only imagine the horrors of being a child all alone in the Amazon..." Charles trailed off, his eyes pleading with me to go and collect the child. As if he had to tell me to do so. I would have done it on my own if I had to.

Nodding, I walked off to go and tell Logan and Hank of our new mission. Turning the corner I saw Logan with Rogue and Jean, talking about something.

"Logan, we have a mission," I said, gaining the attention of the trio and before I could continue, Jean came up to me with an excited face.

"Can I come, Storm? Please!" she looked up at me, pleading with her green eyes, and I could only sigh. In response to my sigh, Jean pouted, "Storm, you said I could go on a mission soon. You remember, right?" she questioned before instantly begging again, "Come on, Storm, just take me and Rogue with you, we won't hold you back!"

Sighing, even more, I nodded my head, "Okay, but only because this is a rescue mission! If it were a combat mission, I would have told you no! Now go get suited up and on the Blackbird."

As the two girls ran off excitedly, Logan put a hand on my shoulder, making me look up and see his cautious face, "Should we be takin' the kids with us? Seems risky, Ororo," he said with an uneasy tone, to which I smiled and stroked his cheek.

"You're always worrying, Logan. Those girls are soon gonna be adults, so you need to start treating them like adults at some point. Anyway, you never know when powers like Jean's and Rogue's will come in useful," I tapped his cheek before giving him a wide smile, "Now go get ready, I have to go and tell Hank we've got a mission."

Sighing, he nodded before walking off. I looked at his retreating figure and wondered if he was going to ask me out one of these days...Though I guess such thoughts have to wait, no?

Smiling to myself I made my way to Hank's lab.

. . .

30 Minutes Later~

"...And that concludes the briefing. Hank and Logan will take the lead and track down the boy, while Jean will search for him with her Telepathy. Rogue and I will be there to pacify the child if he's aggressive. Any questions?" I asked, looking over at the trio in front of me before looking to my side where Hank was piloting the plane.

No one put their hands up, all I saw were grim faces. The thought of a child alone in a jungle was weighing heavily on Jean and Rogue. Logan just looked...curious, I guess I would call it? He was wondering how a child had survived so long in a Jungle as deadly as the Amazon.

Hank, on the other hand, looked just as worried as Jean and Rogue but also determined to find and help the boy.

Seeing they didn't have any questions I nodded before looking to Hank, "Put us down then, Hank. We're near to the coordinates the Professor gave us, so you can get to tracking straight away," as I said this, I turned to Jean, "Can you pick up his thoughts at all, Jean?"

As the plane was being put down, Jean closed her eyes before using her powers to search for the boy's mind.

It didn't take long for some...surprising news.

"He's waiting for us," Jean said with a confused look on our face, "He wants help...He's scared and confused...I-I can't get too deep into his mind? It feels like trying to read Logan's mind..." she looked to me for help and I just smiled back at her calmly.

"Tell him to wait for us, Jean. Tell him that we're here to help."

Nodding, she got to speaking to the boy while I looked toward Logan who had a surprised face when he heard what Jean said. But then his face went serious and grim, probably remembering his daughter, Laura.

. . .

POV Change - MC

The first thing I noticed when I opened my eyes was the overwhelming clarity of everything I could see. Every detail of the leaves above me, ever crack in the bark of the trees surrounding me, the small mosquitoes flying around me and the patterns on their wings and the segments of their exoskeleton--Everything wa captured by my eyes, not a single detail or frame was missed.

Then came the sounds. My ear picked up everything. I could somehow tell there was a snake 15 feet away from me, purely because I could hear the slight rustling its movements caused. Even the birds dozens of feet away were heard by my ears like I was right next to them and if something was near me and making noise, I knew exactly where it was with pinpoint accuracy.

Put together with my enhanced eyes...and nothing escaped me.

Then came smells and scents I'd never smelt or been aware of before were now making themselves known to me. I grabbed my nose before my instincts instantly went haywire. Before I even knew it, I was running. Why? I picked up the scent of a Jaguar and somehow I just knew it could kill me.

I somewhat regret picking Catachan Physiology now. These new enhanced senses and instincts are...overwhelming.

I felt more resistant to fear and guessed that must be my Krieg heritage but as I hadn't undergone the necessary training, I still felt it.

And my instincts were currently scaring the shit out of me.

Danger was literally everywhere around me right now. How did the Catachans survive on Catachan?! I bet it was hundreds of times deadlier than the Amazon!

I guess you've gotta respect the crazy fuckers.

My new senses and instincts guided me to safety and before I even knew it, I had information in my head which told me a plane was nearby, flying at a very low altitude.

But with my new instincts putting me on edge, I just stood in a clearing, looking around in a confused and fear-induced daze.

Suddenly, a calming sensation flooded through me as a melodic and clear voice appeared in my head, (H-hey, kid, you need some help?) the voice said, sounding both nervous and worried, (Well, don't worry because we're here, so just stay where you are, okay?)

I managed a mental grunt of acknowledgment, my current on edge state of mind not wanting to be distracted by words.

From above, an aircraft I recognized as a Blackbird went from invisible to visible before my very eyes. Connecting the dots of a Telepathic Girl speaking to me and a Blackbird which can turn invisible, I realized who had come to help me:

The X-Men.


I backed up a bit as the plane landed, before patiently waiting for whatever was about to happen.

As soon as it landed, a tall, curvaceous African woman walked down the ramp that was slowly lowering to the ground. She had white hair and bright blue eyes which contrasted beautifully with her dark skin.

The first thought that entered my head when I saw her was 'Beautiful' but even that was overrun by the word 'Danger' on repeat. Even as I saw the friendly smile she had while she looked at me, the word 'Danger' only got more prevalent in my head. Even as I thought about the fact that this was the Mutant Hero, Storm, Ororo Munroe, someone who wouldn't hurt me unless I did something wrong, the word 'Danger' was filling up my head and forcing me into an aggressive stance.

It only took one look behind her to see a tall muscular man with brown, wild hair and a grumpy expression on his face for me to snap and give in to my instincts that screamed 'Danger' and attack the people who only wanted to help me.

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