/ TV / DC: Lucas Queen

DC: Lucas Queen Original

DC: Lucas Queen

TV 74 Chapters 2.1M Views
Author: Booggie

4.34 (25 ratings)

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Jonathan Green a comic book and literature lover gets reincarnated into the body of Oliver Queen's twin brother, Lucas Queen. Fun right being rich and all, being able to live the life of luxury for a while until the yacht crashes, train, and prepare. Wrong Jonathan or should I say Lucas gets Reincarnated the day of the Yacht crash seconds before it happens, the island changes people, how will it change Lucas?
This is going to be ff of the whole Dc verse but mainly focused on arrow in the beginning. he will be kind of like an anti-hero he is very opportunistic and won't mind fighting the good guys. and he and his brother will often clash in fights.
*nothing DC or tv show related is mine all rights to the owners of Dc*

  1. Booggie
    Booggie Contributed 258
  2. Policemike
    Policemike Contributed 32
  3. Lurk
    Lurk Contributed 29

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Author another genius work of art, this ff can be compared to jade beauties๐Ÿ˜ how do you do it!

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LV 13 Badge

Mc is just another basic a** anti-hero, messing with heros and villains. It feels like he has no peronality. Besides having fun and being somewhat selfish, he has no other emotions. Even his โ€œtraumaticโ€ past has like no effect on the story what do ever. smh

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So like your last novel, we barely know who the mc was as person. When they reincarnation they get all the memories and emotions but I would like to know who the mc was before he become lucus.what were his goals and passion. It confusing af when u switch from first to third person to a flashback without heading. Do put heading when you r doing that. So far I'm enjoying the novel and am interested to see where it goes.

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Enjoyed the story up until now hope you continue to write it in the future once you donโ€™t feel burnt out anymore.[img=recommend][img=recommend]

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If had been anything but vampires this would have worked. A crippling weakness and the massive change in diet are all aspects that make it kinda boring. Vampires also are kinda boring as a main character. They never work well.

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LV 14 Badge

Good fanfic. I hope you make Thea the female lead, though. It would make sense since he only sees her as a sister from his past selfโ€™s memories. You should give him a one night stand with Huntress, though.

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โ€œYou either die a hero, or live long enough to Morb.โ€ - Mahatma Gandhi 1969.

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................. it's good ...................

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It is great. There are parts of this that make my blood rush.

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great work not enough updates we can only hope for more ...........................................................[img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]

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I love the idea and how the author is presenting it. I also love the MC and hopefully the story continues. .................................

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I like it. At first I got a feeling I would not like it that long, because how the start was (nothing really wrong, just my personal choice. and not the 1 chapter, but 1 or 2 chapters later). I give it a 5 star review, because it is good and got me hooked up. Hope to see more chapters soon. But yeah overall its good and I recommend.

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it's interesting..........................

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A very entertaining and interesting read. I've always wanted to read a decent DC fic but so far none has caught my eye enough to push through 40+ chapters in the story, at least that was before I read this. The fic's current ranking is absolutely undeserving in my opinion and should at the very least sit at Top 50. The only glaring thing I could criticize would be the few to several typos or wrong wording used every chapter that cuts off immersion and hampers down on the reading experience of the story. Another thing would be the frequent usage of the 'A/N'. I for one likes it but for sure some people doesn't or feels bothered by its almost constant usage at every chapter. It cuts off reading immersion even worst than the typos/wrong word usage because even with that you can still understand the correct word almost intuitively most of the time based on context. However, even with both of those taken into consideration the story still is currently the best DC fic I have read in Webnovel in my opinion. Looking forward to more.

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LV 13 Badge


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Have not read it yet, but I was drawn in by the image of the Eversor Assasin from Warhammer 40k. Any chance there will be some 50k stuff in this

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Great story so far please do t drop. CC. V

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Author Booggie