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58.33% DC: Hunting for Beauty. / Chapter 5: Chapter 5 - Cat

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 - Cat

Earth - Unknown

July 30, 2010, Friday

4:00 Pm

Ethan savored the last sip of his afternoon coffee, the warm, bitter taste grounding him in the present moment. The hum of the diner's activity faded into the background as he lost himself in thought, strategizing his next moves in Gotham. The bell above the diner's door chimed, signaling the arrival of another customer.

A few moments later, a sultry female voice broke through his reverie.

"Mind if I join you?"

Ethan looked up to find a striking woman with short, dark hair and piercing green eyes standing before him. She exuded confidence and a hint of danger, her leather jacket and tight pants accentuating her lithe figure. He recognized her instantly—Selina Kyle, also known as Catwoman.

Ethan smiled, masking the sudden rush of excitement he felt.

"Of course, please have a seat." Selina slid into the booth across from him, her gaze appraising.

"I couldn't help but notice you sitting here all alone. Are you new to Gotham?" Ethan shook his head, maintaining his composure.

"No, actually. I've lived here most of my life. I've been taking care of my grandfather until recently. Now, I'm staying at an apartment nearby." Selina leaned back, her interest piqued.

"Gotham's a tough place to grow up. Your grandfather must be pretty special."

"He was." Ethan replied, a touch of genuine sadness in his voice.

"He taught me a lot about resilience and survival." Selina's eyes softened for a moment, a flicker of empathy crossing her features.

"I can relate. Gotham has a way of teaching us those lessons, whether we want them or not. Ah, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Selina Kyle. You can just call me Selina." She introduced herself while Ethan nodded.

"Ethan Adoil. Or just Ethan whichever you prefer. No need to be formal." Ethan nodded, feeling a connection forming. He knew he needed to play his cards right to gain her trust.

"So, what brings you here, Selina?" She raised an eyebrow, a playful smile tugging at her lips.

"Before I answer that, you still haven't answered my question—why are you really in Gotham?" Ethan shrugged casually.

"A leap of faith and a fresh start, I guess. The city's been a part of me for so long, it felt right to come back and make something of myself here." Selina studied him for a moment, her sharp eyes searching for any signs of deceit. Ethan met her gaze steadily, projecting confidence and sincerity.

"Fair enough," she said finally.

"Gotham's always looking for new victim. Just be careful—this city has a way of chewing people up and spitting them out."

"I'll keep that in mind." Ethan replied with a smile.

"So, what about you? What's a woman like you doing in a place like this?" Selina chuckled, a low, throaty sound.

"Oh, I have my reasons. Let's just say I'm always on the lookout for interesting opportunities." Ethan's mind raced. He needed to keep her engaged, to draw her further into his orbit.

"Well, maybe we can help each other out. I'm still getting my bearings, and you seem like someone who knows their way around." Selina's smile widened, a glint of mischief in her eyes.

"Maybe. What's in it for me?" Ethan leaned forward, lowering his voice conspiratorially.

"How about dinner? My treat. We can talk more and see if there's anything we can do for each other." Selina seemed to consider his offer for a moment before nodding.

"Alright, you've got yourself a deal. But don't think I'm easy to impress."

"I wouldn't dream of it," Ethan replied, his mind already plotting his next move.

As they finished their coffee and left the diner, Ethan couldn't help but feel a thrill of anticipation. Selina Kyle was a formidable woman, but he was confident in his abilities. If he could win her over, she would be a valuable ally—or, under his control, a powerful asset.

Walking side by side through the bustling streets of Gotham, Ethan felt a surge of lust. He was playing a dangerous game, but the rewards were too great to ignore. With Selina by his side, the path to power in DC seemed clearer than ever.

Ethan and Selina strolled through the lively streets of Gotham, their conversation flowing effortlessly. The afternoon air was cool, and the city lights cast a warm glow over the bustling crowds. Selina's presence was magnetic, and Ethan knew he had to tread carefully to win her trust.

"So, what's your story, Ethan?" Selina asked, glancing at him with a playful curiosity.

"You don't strike me as just another guy looking for a fresh start." Ethan smiled, deciding to reveal just enough to pique her interest.

"Well, my grandfather was a savvy businessman. He amassed quite a fortune over the years, and when he passed away, he left everything to me." Selina's eyes sparkled with interest.

"Everything? That sounds like quite the inheritance."

"It is." Ethan replied, keeping his tone casual.

"He had a large share in Wayne Enterprises. It's given me a solid foundation to build on, and it's one of the reasons I decided to stay in Gotham. There are plenty of opportunities here, and with the right connections, I think I can make a real impact."

Selina's expression shifted slightly, her curiosity deepening.

"Wayne Enterprises, huh?" Selina seemed to frown thinking about a certain bat that had been disappointing her lately and wondered if she should let go of him. She turn back her attention to Ethan

"That's impressive. You must be quite well-connected." Ethan nodded, sensing that he had caught her attention.

"My grandfather and Wayne family went way back. They had a lot of mutual respect for each other. I've been managing the shares and making sure the investments keep growing." Selina raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk tugging at her lips.

"So, you're not just some guy off the street. You have real connections." Ethan chuckled, shrugging modestly.

"I try to stay under the radar. But yes, I guess you could say I have a few connections." Selina's demeanor shifted slightly, her posture relaxing as she regarded Ethan with newfound respect.

"Well, color me impressed."

"But what about you, Selina? What keeps you intrigued in a city like this?" Selina's gaze flickered with amusement and a hint of something darker.

"Oh, I find Gotham endlessly fascinating. It's a city of contradictions—wealth and poverty, order and chaos. And there's always something happening, always an opportunity if you know where to look." Ethan nodded, appreciating her perspective.

"You're right. Gotham is a place where fortunes can change overnight. That's part of what draws me to it—the potential for growth and the thrill of the unknown." Ethan said then turned his attention to Selina.

"What about you, Selina? What's your story?" Selina's expression grew guarded for a moment, but then she shrugged, her demeanor becoming more relaxed.

"I grew up on the streets, learned to fend for myself early on. Gotham isn't kind to those who can't adapt. I found my own way, using the skills I have." Ethan wondered if she was telling the truth or not. He can easily discern if she was but decide to let the mystery intrigue him.

"Skills?" Ethan asked, raising an eyebrow. Selina's lips curved into a sly smile.

"Let's just say I have a knack for finding things that aren't mine and making them mine." Ethan chuckled, appreciating her candor.

"Sounds like you've made quite a life for yourself."

"I get by." she said with a wink.

"But enough about me. You mentioned wanting a fresh start. Any specific plans?" Ethan took a moment before answering, choosing his words carefully.

"I'm looking to get involved with some of the local groups here. Maybe even the Young Justice team. I think I could be a valuable asset to them." Selina raised an eyebrow, genuine interest lighting up her eyes. She worried thinking about him becoming a hero and if he's a meta human but trying to play it cool.

"Ambitious. They could use someone with your drive. And what exactly do you bring to the table?" Ethan smiled enigmatically.

"I have a few tricks up my sleeve. Let's just say I'm more than meets the eye."

"Intriguing," Selina said, clearly intrigued and Ethan smiled but obviously did not care about the things around him. He would help but not to the point of self sacrifice because there are better people than him to do it.

"Gotham can be a tough place to navigate alone. Having someone like you as an ally could make all the difference." Selina tilted her head, studying him.

"You're smooth, Ethan. But I get the sense there's more to you than you're letting on. What are you really after?" Ethan met her gaze, his expression serious.

"I want to make a difference. I've seen what this city can do to people. I have the power to change things, to help people. But to do that, I need to be part of something bigger." Selina seemed to consider his words, her eyes narrowing slightly.

"You talk quite big. I'll have to see it to believe it."

"Fair enough." Ethan said with a smile.

"I'll prove it to you." They continued to walk, their conversation deepening as they shared more about their lives and aspirations. Ethan was careful to weave in elements of truth with his narrative, crafting a story that would resonate with Selina and build her trust.

As they approached a quiet park, Ethan suggested they sit on a bench overlooking the cityscape. Selina agreed, and they took a moment to enjoy the view.

As they continued walking, Ethan felt a sense of satisfaction. The seeds had been planted. Selina was intrigued, and that was the first step. He knew that winning her trust wouldn't be easy, but he was patient. He would continue to engage her, to draw her in, until the time was right to use his powers.

For now, he enjoyed the challenge. Selina Kyle was no ordinary target, but that made the prospect of bringing her under his control all the more enticing. As they reached a small park, Selina stopped and turned to face him.

"Alright, Ethan. Let's see if you're as good as you say you are. Dinner tomorrow night?" Ethan's smile widened.

"It's a date."

"Don't be late," she said with a playful wink, before turning and walking away, her figure disappearing into the shadows of Gotham. Ethan watched her go, a sense of excitement and determination filling him.

Ethan watched as Selina's silhouette disappeared into the bustling streets of Gotham, her confident stride blending seamlessly into the city's nocturnal rhythm. The encounter had gone better than he had anticipated. He had not only managed to impress her but also to sow the seeds of a potential romance.

He can easily brainwash her like he did to Barbara but where's the fun in that? Ethan was simply trying to enjoy himself and let the excitement build since he knew Tomorrow would be great.

The sun began to set and he was turning back to his apartment building, Ethan felt a sense of satisfaction mingled with cautious optimism . He had played his part well tonight, but there was still much to be done.

Entering his apartment, Ethan closed the door behind him and leaned against it for a moment, letting out a deep breath. The small, utilitarian space felt cozy and welcoming after the intensity of his interaction with Selina. He walked to the window and looked out at the city, the myriad lights of Gotham twinkling like stars against the dark canvas of night.

Ethan moved to the small desk in the corner of the room and sat down, opening his notebook once more. He began to jot down the details of his conversation with Selina, capturing every nuance and hint of interest she had shown. These notes would be crucial for his next steps, helping him refine his approach and ensure he maintained her interest and trust.

He reviewed his plans for the upcoming days. Barbara's promise to speak with Batman was a key part of his strategy, and he hoped to hear from her soon.

Until then, he would wait patiently and build his understanding of Gotham's current landscape. Every piece of information, every new connection, would be a step closer to his goals.

After an hour of planning and reflection, Ethan decided to call it a night. He felt a sense of accomplishment but knew he needed to be well-rested for what lay ahead. Tomorrow would bring new challenges and opportunities, and he wanted to be ready.

He made his way to the bedroom, undressed, and slipped under the covers. The bed felt surprisingly comfortable, and the familiar sounds of the city outside lulled him into a state of relaxation. As he closed his eyes, his thoughts drifted to Selina. Her flexible and sexy body made him want her more, and he was determined to bring her fully into his orbit.

With a final, deep breath, Ethan allowed himself to relax completely. He felt a surge of confidence. He had navigated the first steps of his plan with skill, and he was poised to take on whatever Gotham threw at him next.

Tomorrow would be another day of strategic moves and careful decisions. For now, he would rest, his mind already weaving the threads of future plans.

As sleep claimed him, Ethan dreamed of the power and influence he would one day wield in this city. Gotham was a place of endless possibilities, and he was determined to seize every one of them, shaping his destiny with every calculated move.

Barbara Gordon stood in front of the imposing entrance to the Batcave, her heart pounding with a mixture of apprehension and resolve. She had spent the past few days under Ethan's influence, her thoughts and actions molded by his powers. But now, as she prepared to face Batman.

As she descended into the Batcave, the familiar sound of computers humming and the soft echoes of her footsteps on the stone floor gave her a sense of comfort. Batman stood by the Batcomputer, his back turned to her, but she knew he was aware of her presence.

"Barbara," he greeted, his voice a low rumble.

"What's happened? You were off the grid for days."

Barbara took a deep breath, preparing herself to recount her story. She needed to be careful, to omit certain truths while conveying the urgency of their situation.

"I was ambushed, Batman," she began, her voice steady.

"I was investigating a lead on a new gang in Gotham. They were better prepared than I expected. I barely managed to get away, but I was injured. I found myself in the forest, unconscious."

Batman listened intently, his piercing gaze never leaving her face.

"Who found you?"

"A man named Ethan." Barbara continued.

"He helped me, took me to a cabin, and tended to my wounds. He saved my life." Barbara's mention of Ethan's name had sparked a sense of unease in the Dark Knight, stirring memories of a past long buried.

"I know Ethan Adoil." Batman finally admitted, his voice tinged with a mixture of surprise and concern.

"His grandfather was an investor in Wayne Enterprises, a good friend of my father, Thomas Wayne." Barbara's eyes widened in surprise.

"You know his family?" Batman nodded, his expression grave.

"Yes. His grandfather was a good friend of my father. He has a large share of Wayne enterprises."

"Is there anything else you know about him?" Barbara asked, her voice filled with curiosity. Batman hesitated, his gaze fixed on the distant skyline of Gotham.

"Not much. Ethan was always a quiet, reserved young man. He kept to himself, rarely mingling with the social elite of Gotham. But there was always something... different about him."

Barbara listened intently, absorbing every word. She knew that Batman's instincts were rarely wrong, and if he sensed something amiss about Ethan, then there was cause for concern. Barbara hesitated, carefully choosing her words.

"He's...certainly different. He has abilities, powers that I've never seen before. He wants to do good, to make a difference. He mentioned wanting to join Young Justice." Batman's eyes narrowed.

"Powers? What kind of powers?"

"I'm not entirely sure," Barbara admitted.

"He can heal, create things out of thin air. He's strong, and he's eager to prove himself."

Batman was silent for a moment, processing the information.

"It's... unexpected to hear that Ethan has become a metahuman. And do you trust him?" Barbara nodded, her loyalty to Ethan unwavering.

"Yes, I do. He saved me, Batman. And I think he could be a valuable ally." The Dark Knight regarded her for a long moment, his expression unreadable behind the mask.

"I'll investigate further," Batman said, his tone resolute.

"We need to understand what Ethan is capable of and where his loyalties lie." Barbara nodded in agreement, a sense of determination filling her.

"I'll keep an eye on him, Batman. I won't let his powers go unchecked." Barbara said.

"I want to meet him. If he's as powerful as you say, we need to understand his intentions." Batman sternly said.

"I've already arranged it." Barbara said, feeling a mix of relief and trepidation.

"He's ready to meet you whenever you are."

"Good." Batman said.

"But Barbara, be careful. Powers like his can be dangerous, and trust can be a fragile thing."

"I understand," Barbara replied, her voice firm. Unaware that she already was under Ethan's control.

"I'll keep an eye on him." Batman placed a hand on her shoulder, a rare gesture of reassurance.

"You did well, Barbara. Get some rest, and we'll meet with Ethan soon."

As Batman turned and disappeared into the shadows, Barbara stood there, her mind swirling with thoughts. She had managed to protect Ethan's secret, to keep his control over her hidden. But she knew the path ahead would be fraught with challenges.

Returning to her apartment, Barbara felt a strange sense of duality. She was still Batgirl, still committed to justice and her allies, but now she was also bound to Ethan, her loyalty and will intertwined with his.

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