If you want to read up to 20!! chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer
Discord invite: https://discord.gg/XHduApz
[David Lance POV]
As Dinah drove to our destination, where one Batwing would be waiting for us, I hacked into the satellite sight to see what was happening up there. On display on my computer screen, I saw battle unfold in a violent crash of lights, the Green Lantern Corps Vs. The Yellow Lantern Corps, who were aiding Superman.
The Green Lanterns had even brought a planet to fight, a whole planet.
As the seconds went by, I could see the battle stretching up thinner and thinner. It was clear that Superman and the Yellow Lanterns wanted to break the Green Lanterns' formation by bringing them into the earth, where they would be forced to hold back in order not to hurt any humans.
They knew that most Green Lanterns would not fight back if that meant hurting others, even if the one hurting the innocent wasn't directly them.
The situation wasn't looking all that well so far.
"We have arrived," Dinah said as she parked the car.
I nodded, jumping out of the car as I followed Dinah to the Batwing. The time had come to face Superman. Even with all this preparation, I still felt my heart heavy and a lump forming in my throat with each step I took as I approached the Batwing.
Quickly enough, we both got into the Jet and took off.
Our destination now was Superman.
Which, according to satellite data, would take us less than a minute to reach.
[Unknown POV - On Earth]
Hal Jordan had always prided himself on being a man without fear. But in the face of uncertainty and defeat, even the bravest man can falter. When Sinestro offered him a yellow ring as he was about to plummet to his death, Hal didn't hesitate to put it on.
Now. The man that once fought Sinestro now stood by his side as his ally, facing the one he used to admire, Ganthet, and the one he used to call his friend, Guy Gardner.
"Such a disappointment," Ganthet said after giving Hal a brief look that ended up over Sinestro. "You two were both terrible mistakes." With that said, the old guardian turned around to face Guy, telling him. "It's time to leave, Guy, there is someone more important than these two."
"THERE IS NO ONE MORE IMPORTANT THAN ME!!" Sinestro screamed at Ganthet as he and a few of his Yellow Lanterns rushed at Ganthet.
Barely acknowledging Sinestro, Ganthet turned around, and with a dismissive flick of his hand, he disintegrated all of the Yellow Lanterns in front of him with a powerful blast of Will Power, leaving only Sinestro and Hal, both barely standing.
"You are a speck in history, Sinestro, and so are you, Hal," Ganthet said calmly as he began to walk away. "The universe will forget you two ever existed. You two are not worth any more of my time." With that said, Ganthet blasted into space with Guy at unforeseeable speeds, leaving behind Sinestro and Hal without anything to say.
They knew Ganthet was simply too strong for them to stop.
Then, before they could process what had happened, a massive beam of Will Power blasted Superman back into Earth from space with enormous strength and power of which Superman had never seen before, illuminating the sky with a green powerful hue. Followed by Superman's seemingly unconscious body free falling into the planet.
[David Lance POV]
As we neared our destination, the entire sky was suddenly painted in a green hue that lasted a whole second, revealing soon after the body of Superman falling from the sky, his body limp showing he was seemingly unconscious.
Dinah, seeing this, quickly reacted and, at full speed, flew toward Superman's falling body blasting at him with the Batwing's missiles, taking advantage of this opportunity that had presented itself. But all this did was wake Superman from his short-lived slumber as he turned around to face the Batwing.
Thanks to the pill that I had taken the moment I had gotten into the Batwing, I could see from afar that Superman's eyes were turning red as he glared ahead, meaning he was about to destroy the Batwing with a blast of his heat vision.
Seeing this, I quickly grabbed Dinah before jumping out of the Batwing as Superman fired his heat vision at the Batwing, destroying it instantly with a powerful explosion, with said explosion sending both Dinah and I plummeting out of control.
Taking my hand, Dinah moved her body around, stabilizing our fall before activating her jetpack glider, flying the both of us toward Superman, who by some miracle was somehow unaware of us approaching him. Maybe whoever had attacked him in space had left him stunned.
Focusing on the battle, I swung off Dinah's arm, catapulting myself toward Superman, grabbing him by the suit, where I proceeded to speak right up his face. "Enough."
In an instant, Superman was blasted into the earth at a blinding speed as my power destroyed almost the entire desert ground we had been flying over, leaving everything as far as the eye could see in a scorched and blackened state, with Superman lying in the middle of it all. It was almost as if the sun had descended from the sky and incinerated everything in its path.
From that distance. My attack should've done some significant lasting damage to Superman. No matter how strong he was, the inside of his ears were bound to be several times weaker than the rest of his body, regardless of how tough everything else is.
Be that as it may, I would not lower my guard. Not for a single moment.
[Superman - Kal-El - Injustice POV]
As I pushed myself back to my feet, the world around me was nothing but a blur of light and sound. I could barely make out the two figures of those who had attacked me as they fell into the ground.
Angered beyond measure, I tried to move, but with each step, I found myself struggling to not fall, as if walking was now a Herculean feat. It was as if the very air around me was pressing down on me.
The pain in my ears was unbearable, unlike anything I had ever experienced. It felt as though his head was being split open, first Ganthet and then that mysterious man. If Ganthet hadn't attacked me, I would've dodged that attack, killing that pest before he could understand the gravity of his mistake.
And even if I hadn't been able to dodge it for any reason. The attack would've done considerably less damage.
I needed time to recover.
A few moments without interruption would do, giving the sunlight enough time to heal my wounds.
[Sinestro - Injustice POV]
One moment the green light of Ganthet's willpower had struck Superman down back to earth, when all of a sudden, the earth trembled under a new attack that blasted Superman into the ground, devastating the entire desert without measure.
The attack had destroyed everything in its path, leaving behind only destruction.
As strong as the Kryptonian was, I had my doubts he could take many of those hits before perishing. If I wanted my revenge against the Guardians, I would need to lend him a hand. Be that as it may, I would not risk my neck against an unknown with such destructive power without some recon.
I would let my newest Yellow Lantern do that for me. Once he had the threat occupied, I would come in and save the Kryptonian, gaining his favor.
"Hal, Superman needs our help!" I stated, giving Hal a look of feigned concern. "You need to help him! In the meantime, I will try to keep Ganthet occupied!"
Nodding, Hal Jordan took off into the air, flying toward Superman's location at full speed.
I smiled as I watched him go. Good.
If I played my cards right, Hal Jordan could become the perfect tool. He was a fool, but a powerful one, that much I could admit. All I needed to secure this opportunity was to move a few pieces here and there, and I would ensure that he remained, well, yellow.
If you want to read up to 20!! chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer
Discord invite: https://discord.gg/XHduApz
[David Lance POV ]
As I landed on the ground creating a crater upon landing, a flash of light shining a yellow hue in the distance caught my attention, and it seemed like it was approaching our location, and it was doing so very fast. There was no doubt in my mind that whoever was approaching was Yellow Lantern.
Inwardly cursing.
Taking a tenth of a second to think, I dissected the situation as fast as I could.
If I fought the Yellow Lantern, there was a big chance Superman would recover during that time.
If I ignored the Yellow Lantern and went toward Superman instead to try and finish the job. Then Dinah would have to face the Yellow Lantern by herself.
And then, there was option C, letting Dinah deal with the weakened Superman while I dealt with the Yellow Lantern. The Kryptonite bullet in her possession that Batman gave her should be more than enough to deal with Superman in the state he was in.
No matter what I picked, Dinah would be in danger, regardless of my intervention.
I had to pick the best possible choice.
And that was leaving her to deal with Superman, as much as the idea sickened me. Because as much as I wanted to deal with Superman myself in order to ensure Dinah stayed safe, I knew that fighting a Yellow Lantern in possibly perfect condition would be harder for her.
Besides, she was already flying toward him, and she had no Kryptonite for a Yellow Lantern.
Having taken my decision, I pressed hard on my feet and charged at full speed at the Yellow Lantern, who, as I approached, revealed himself to be no other than Hal Jordan. The latter, having seen me come, had already been in a defensive stance, creating a protective yellow ball around him, which allowed him a sliver of time to block my first attack, the ball cracking a bit under my fist.
Pushing my advance, I struck the yellow construct defending Hal two times before it shattered, much to Hal's surprise. However, before I could deliver a clean hit, Hal had already created another defensive construct, blocking my attacks.
Giving no openings, I continued the assault, whispering at Hal. "Leave."
The whisper weakened his construct, enabling me to shatter it in the following hit. Taking this opportunity, I threw a hard punch at his jaw, putting all of my weight and strength into it. The blow knocked Hal's head to one side as I pummeled him into the ground, giving him no rest; I followed that up with a right, a left, and an elbow to the face before kicking him into the air, where I once again whispered, blasting him into the air.
I knew I could probably win battle a whole lot faster if I just spoke at him instead of whispering, but if the attack I had thrown at Superman was anything to go by, there was no guarantee the planet would stand more than one of those.
And this didn't mean that if I spoke, the planet would blow up, but that the damage I would do by permanently altering the tectonic plates of the earth with my power could start a few natural disasters in a domino-like chain, like massive earthquakes, tsunamis, stuff like that.
"I will not allow you to attack my planet!" Hal screamed in anger, bleeding from his nose and mouth as he created another construct, this one in the shape of a large hammer, before he immediately started to attack me with it.
Following my heightened senses and the tingling of my danger sense, I easily weaved through his assault before quickly closing the distance between us, delivering a kick to the stomach that sent him flying backward, where I followed up with a left hook that broke his jaw, ending the chain of attacks with another whisper.
But Hal didn't give up and pushed through the pain, blasting at me with a massive beam carrying the full might of the power of fear before slamming one of his constructs on my face, drawing blood.
Dodging his next attack, I grabbed his construct before pulling him towards me and punching him in the face with all my strength, which caused a few of his teeth to fly out of his mouth. Then, grabbing him by the arm, I took a step forward and slammed him into the ground creating a crater.
Seeing there was still some fight in him as his ring was beginning to glow, I stomped down hard on his power ring hand, feeling his bones crunch under my boot. He screamed out in pain, but I didn't let up. I just kept stomping until the yellow glow of the ring stopped, and Hal fell unconscious.
I knew I had been a bit too cruel with him. Just as I also knew he would heal, given time, thanks to the power ring. Time to help Dinah.
[This fight lasted 1 minute in real time.]
[Dinah Lance POV]
As Black Bolt intercepted the upcoming threat, I pushed forward toward Superman with my glider, with the latter struggling to not fall down, and honestly, it was surprising he was even standing to begin with, after all, Black Bolt's attack had been immensely devastating.
"You won't take me down!" Superman said through gritted teeth, his eyes glowing red as unleashed a powerful heat vision attack in my general direction that I managed to dodge easily because his equilibrium was so out of whack he couldn't aim.
Taking my chance, I took my gun out and shot at him with the kryptonite bullet Batman had given me, which immediately dropped Superman on the ground as soon as it pierced his skin. Then, I rushed at him, delivering a solid kick, putting him on his back.
I could feel the victory swelling up inside of me as I approached him. "After everything you've done, Bruce still asked for mercy for you."
[Superman - Kal-El - Injustice POV]
As I lay on the ground, unable to move thanks to my injuries and the Kryptonite enhancing them, I couldn't help but be in total disbelief.
Never in a million years did I think that I would find myself in this situation. How could this have happened? Just moments ago, I was certain of my victory. Now, I was lying on the ground, surrounded by nothing.
"After everything you've done, Bruce still asked for mercy for you." Mercy. He dares to talk about Mercy?! Killing the Joker would've been merciful; all of these villains, we allowed them to remain, to kill, to terrorize, for what?!
Where was his mercy when the people of his city kept dying under the schemes of the Joker?!
This world didn't need the heroes we used to be. This world needed heroes capable of inflicting fear and terror in the heart of those seeking to disturb the peace.
I will be that.
"If you ask me, you don't deserve his mercy," Dinah continued as she approached me.
When all of a sudden, I saw a yellow power ring flying toward me. At first, I was confused but immediately realized this was my chance to turn this situation around, so I extended my hand as the ring slipped onto my finger before a message played out.
"No!" Dinah screamed as I pulled the Kryptonite bullet out of my chest with my body before standing up, the pain no longer registering to me as I towered over her.
"You should've just killed me when you had the chance," I said in a dark and twisted voice. Then without wasting a moment, I fired a blast of heat vision right through her chest, now being able to aim thanks to the ring.
As she collapsed to the ground, I clenched my fist as the power ring changed my attire to one of golden glow.
"I might have failed in plan A, but plan B was a success," Dinah muttered, flooding coming out of her mouth as she pointed at her eyes. "I broadcasted all of this to the entire world. Special contact lenses. Everything I saw, the world saw, everyone saw the real you."
I gritted my teeth in anger. If they wanted a monster, I would give them one!
[David Lance POV]
By the time I reached Dinah's general location, a flash of yellow light had disappeared into the sky, with the point of origin being where Dinah should be. Seeing that, worry erupted in my chest as my heart sank.
Pushing forward at full speed, I found myself face to face with an image I had never wanted to see, the image of Dinah's dying, bleeding body on the ground with two holes in her chest.
I rushed to her side. Having a meltdown. No, no, no! This couldn't be happening! Not Dinah!
"Hi, Bolt," Dinah muttered, coughing up blood as she tried to give me a smile.
~Hang on, Dinah! I'll get you some help!~ I signed, my hands trembling as I tried to pick her up, only for her to stop me.
"No, it's too late for that," Dinah said with a sad smile as she slowly reached up to touch my face. "You really look like my father. Did I ever mention that before?"
I shook my head, trying and failing to hold back the tears as I frantically signed, ~Don't talk. Just hold on. I will fix this, and you'll be okay!~
I just needed to stop the bleeding, and everything would improve from there. I knew it. I... I k... I knew it!
"Don't let Connor get into this war, and tell him I loved him with all my heart," Dinah said as her hand fell from my face as her body went limp.
I stood in silence for what felt like forever as I just stared at Dinah's lifeless body with a feeling of emptiness in my heart, trying to tell myself this wasn't my Dinah in an attempt to soften the blow. Then, I let out a silent but sorrowful cry into the sky, without a care of who my powers destroyed in the process, the clouds breaking as I collapsed to my knees, clutching Dinah's body close to mine in grief.
He had done this.
He had brought this world to complete chaos.
He had killed her!
He would pay for what he did; I would make sure of it.
I didn't care anymore. No matter the price. No matter the sacrifice. I wanted to kill him.
As I lay on the ground, Dinah's dead body by my side and my heart consumed by rage and grief. A red flash of light came into view, a red power ring appeared. It hovered in the air for a moment before a message played out.
This was my chance to make him pay.
Extending my right hand, I waited for a moment before the ring slipped onto my finger. Then a feeling unlike anything I had ever felt before, invaded my entire body. A searing, white-hot pain that seemed to pierce through my very soul.
I could barely think, let alone move. All I could do was lie there in agony as the ring continued whatever it was doing. Every breath felt like a thousand knives stabbing into my chest. Wave after wave of unending pain. I don't know how long it had lasted so far or how long it would last this pain, and the thing was, I didn't care as long as it helped me destroy Superman.
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