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Dark Heaven Dark Heaven original

Dark Heaven

Author: DaoistnxZ8iv

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Introduction.

Aurora POV (MC) :

 I was walking across the path in a dense forest, tears were rolling down my cheek. It was a blustery night. My face was impassive, so was my soul. Suddenly there were  huge noises of thunderclaps, rain was washing away my tears, but they were unstoppable.

They say "love is a feeling of strong or constant attraction for a person, or the most spectacular,indescribable and deep europhic feeling for someone.

But in reality Love is a game, easy to start and hard to finish.

We fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time.  Reality of life is Some say, some stay, some betray and fade away. Every love story does not end with " Happily ever after."  Some has to end with "Happily never after. "

Maybe our story has to end like that...



POV (LI) :

   "Bla- what the fuck is going on here!!??" Asked Aaron. Aaron's Blaze's best and ride or die friend. He is one of the very few people who are trustworthy to Blaze.

"Aaron, can't you knock the door before barging in like that?"

"It was open idiot!! Don't avoid my question, IT'S SIX FUCKING AM IN THE MORNING!!!

You are having sex at this time?? Can't you keep it in your pants at least for sometime with respect to the time!!??"

"And can't you get it out of your pants??  You are twenty six for fuck's sake and still a virgin!!" Said Blaze.

"Hey! Being a virgin these days is something to be proud of, because it's so rare nowadays."

"Yeah whatever, anyways what's the reason that made you barge into my room like that?"

"Errmmm..... Weell.. You are not gonna like that."

"Just tell me already." Said Blaze.

"Our shipment for tonight is cancelled."

"What The FUCK Are You Telling... Are You Out Of Your Mind!!?"

"N-No, those are exported back and it's someone from us."

"So you are telling me we have a traitor!!??"

"Umm.. M-Maybe" Said Aaron with an agitated face.

"Then he must have a death wish.

Aaron, tell the whole team to meet me in the basement in fifteen, I would like to pay a special visit to that son of a bitch."

"Sure" Said Aaron and walked away.

Aaron gathered all the team members in the basement, they were all with confused faces.

"Aaron, what's the reason for this sudden meet??" Asked Gabriela, Blaze's one of the best and badass assassin.

(In case you don't know, a person who kills a famous or important person for money or for political reasons.)

"It's not my place to tell Gab."

"I left my cozy bed for this shit😩.So this better be worth it." Said Liam, who's Blaze's lunatic yet genius hacker.

"Liam, can you just shut up for a bit!!??"

Suddenly there's a loud noise of thud of shoes and there he comes.

With a cigarette in his mouth looking dangerous and devilishly hot in that black leather jacket he is wearing. He pulls the cigarette out of his mouth and slowly lets the smoke out and says in a cold yet sexy tone,

"There are three things which cannot be long hidden

The sun,

The moon

And the truth.

So, tell me who sent back my shipments. It's better to come out by yourself, at least I'll think about sparing your life."

"BUT!!" Bawled Reagan.


"If  I find you myself, trust me it won't be good."


"Fine, I'll give you more three seconds.. If not you can start digging your grave. It's not a warning, It's a promise."


"Max!! Good to know that you fear death. Because the one who betrays me should not be afraid of dying, or clearly has a death wish. So, are you ready for the show?"

"Bo-boss, please don't kill me." Said Max.

"Wow! That's amazing. Am glad to know that at least you know where to expect yourself sleeping in the next few minutes. Look Max, I have two questions for you, if you answer them correctly, I'll kill you without any pain. But if you choose not to open your mouth, you'll fucking suffer. You'll beg for yourself to kill you, but you'll not get that. I'll kill you thousand times, mentally. So yes, my first question is who? Who told you to go against me?

Because I know you alone wouldn't dare to go against me, there's a mastermind behind you. Tell me the name and why? What's the reason you chose to rat me? Now speak."

"Am sorry boss." Cried Max.

"Tch! Tch!...

By speak, I didn't mean apologize because apology is the last thing you'll get now. Start speaking you motherfucker! Don't test my patience!" Screamed furious Blaze.

Max gulped, sweat was dripping of his face, his legs were shaking and he was trembling with fear.

Max looked at Blaze apprehensively but understanding what's in Blaze's mind is fiddly.

"Sure boss." Replied Eduro.

Max's POV :

I was following Eduro but I was kinda scared. I wanted to know what he had in his mind.

"Ed- Eduro..."

He turned around and looked at me as if I was some sort of pest he wanted to get rid of.

The elevator's door opened and we walked to the basement. Then, I followed him to the PLAYROOM!! Have you ever experienced a situation in your life when you thought this is the biggest regret I have? Well for me this is!

As soon as I entered the playroom, I screamed at the glance of the most horrific place I've ever seen. The room was covered with dried blood stains, everywhere. It scared the shit out of me. My heart started pounding inside my chest and my ears started throbbing! I couldn't breathe properly, I was petrified and started trembling. I tried to make an escape but Eduro quickly grabbed me by my collar of the shirt and tied my hands to metal chains.


Eduro started hitting Max in the worst possible way making him miserable. There was an elevator door opening sound and there he comes, the devil!

"Eduro, I see he is not enjoying our hospitality is he?" Asked Blaze

"No boss, he is not opening his mouth."

"Well, let me give him a taste of my medicine." Said Blaze with an evil grin on his face. His words were in a calm tone. There was silence in the atmosphere. But it wasn't pleasant. It was a lull. The peace before the storm hits and that's exactly what was going to happen, the STORM!!

Blaze slowly removed his jacket, stretched his back and shoulders. He radiated this brutally cold attitude which scared the hell out of Max.

Blaze moved closer to Max and Whispered in his ear-

"You must think twice before going against Blaze fucking Romano. Now face the consequences."

Just like that he started hitting Max in his vital parts making him vulnerable. He couldn't bear the pain.....just couldn't.

"Ahhh!! Please st-stop..... enough!! I-I'll tell you, tell you...." Said Max out of agony.

"Good, spill it!"

"The working for him. He told me to pass all your information to him." Said Max.

Who is Blaze Romano?

To be continued.....

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