/ Sci-fi / Dark Angel: Mirage

Dark Angel: Mirage Original

Dark Angel: Mirage

Sci-fi 3 Chapters 1.1K Views
Author: DragonfirePKA

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Welcome to the futuristic world where science ruled everything and humans are no longer restricted to their dreams and imaginations.

People's daily lives are now made easier thanks to the introduction of neural link.

Flying cars, AI, floating buildings, aircraft. you name it. they all exists. but everything is not all sunshine and rainbows.

A dark organization created by the government operates under the shadows.

Evolution is the name of the organization. Their purpose is to find a way to help the human body break through it limits and to do that they needed to experiment. The best test subjects were children that haven't reached their limits(full growth) yet.

She used to be one of them but she managed to escape from the facility one day. Now she seeks revenge on all those who have wronged her, no matter where they run she would chase them yo tge very end of the earth like a dark angel.

This is a sci-fi fiction about a lady who has lost it all and is out to get revenge.

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Author DragonfirePKA