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75% Danmachi: spindrift / Chapter 4: Into the dungeon

Chapter 4: Into the dungeon

Levi woke up when the first rays of light hit his room, lighting his room enough to wake him up.

After a bit of stretching, he changed his pyjama's for his daily clothes. Then he grabbed the 2 swords that were standing in the corner and went to the living room to get breakfast.

After arriving, he saw Falgar already eating his breakfast.

Placing his swords in the corner, he then went to the table.

"Good morning." Falgar greeted Levi, and he just nodded at the greeting before sitting down.

Then he started picking his food.

He ate a basic omelette with some toast.

After he was done eating, he saw something on the table that caught his eye.

It was a box with little pouches in it and they smelled quite refreshing. He surmised that there were leaves in them.

After picking a pouch Falgar asked him something.

"would you like some tea?"

"..What?" Levi asked.

"What you are holding, it's a teabag. So would you like some."

'Oh, so this is the tea the old people talked about.' Levi thought.

"... Sure I don't mind."

after he said that Falgar stood up and went to the kitchen. Then he came back with a mug. And a can with heated water.

"Here." He said after giving Levi the mug and can. But Levi looked confused as he didn't know what to do with them.

After a moment of silence Falgar finally remembered that Levi lived in the slums, and did not know how to brew tea.

"Sorry, let me help you." He said after realising his mistake.

After a while the Levi's tea was ready.

After Falgar gave the mug to Levi, he tried to take a sip put pulled his head back immediately after feeling how hot it was.

'Tch, I think I burnt my tongue a little.' Levi then decided to wait a while until the tea cooled down.

After a while, and more members joined the table, Levi took his first sip from his tea. Holding the mug on the rim.

After tasting it he was awestruck. His eyes widened a little at the taste. And this did not go unnoticed by the others.

After taking another sip he smiled slightly. And everyone was watching his interaction with him, and the tea.

'So, he likes tea. Got to give some tea leaves as a present then, when I know he likes it.'

'So he can also smile like that.'

'What a view.'

The members all thought at the same time. But then Hermes came in and also saw how Levi was smiling.

"Oya? Levi what got you smiling like that? Found a girl you like or something."

The familia members glared at Hermes but Levi just ignored him and sipped his tea.

'It's rather calming' He thought.

After finishing his tea he got up and picked up his swords. Falgar did the same.

"We're going, Lord Hermes."

"Oh, good luck out there."

"Be careful out there." Asfi chimed in.

After waving goodbye to the other familia members, which was mostly Falgar and Levi just nodded at them.

They left for the dungeon.


After a while of walking they arrived at the tower of babel.

The they went to the entrance and went to the first floor.

It was a straight hallway and the walls were coloured light blue. And the walls took the shape of rocks, making it look as if you were in same kind of cave.

"So you read the information I gave you yesterday?" Falgar asked.

Yes, right after they arrived yesterday and just before Levi went to retire for the night, Falgar gave him some papers with basic knowledge of the dungeon. And there was a lot of information about the upper floors.

"Yes I read them." Levi replied.

"You think yo can beat the monsters here?"


"Alright, let's see it. If it's easy, we will go to the next floor. Don't worry about being killed." He said.

"Yes sir." Levi said before unsheathing his two swords. Then switching his right one in a reverse grip.

Then they started to walk for a bit and encountered a group of monsters.

There were 6 goblin's and 1 kobold.

[a/n image of goblins and kobolds]

'The most dangerous one in the group is the kobold. I'll first take him out and then the group.' He thought before sprinting at the group.

Then the monsters noticed his presents and the first to charge at him were the goblins.

'Tch, annoying." He thought

The number of monsters who approached him first were two.

He put his right foot forward in a horizontal position, breaking his momentum a little bit.

When the goblin was in range, he shifted his weight slightly towards his heel, which resulted in his upper body rotating to the left.

Taking this to his advantage, he used his momentum and slashed his reversed sword towards the neck of the goblin. Beheading him instantly in one fluid motion.

Because of the momentum of his rotating torso, his back was facing the other goblin. Giving him an opportunity to strike.

But Levi was faster, swinging his left arm towards the goblin. slicing his head in two pieces.

This all happened in a little over 2 seconds and Levi started running again, and because of his spin he gained a boost. Running faster than he when he first started running.

Then he arrived at the main group, and Levi used the heads of the green midgets as stepping stones. Hopping from one to another and jumping up in the air after he arrived at the last head.

Then he started spinning mid-air, his attack gaining more momentum with each spin.

Then he finally arrived before the kobold who was looking at him with eyes full of shock and disbelief.

Levi didn't even hesitate. Cutting his head off in one strike.

'This is way too easy... tch, did I overestimate them?' He thought annoyed by the fact that he was a little stressed to encounter his first monster, but then they turned out to be weaklings. After ending his inner thoughts he attacked the leftover goblins.

Chopping or dismembering them. And after about 13 seconds the fight was over.

He looked at Falgar confused, but then he explained.

"It's normal they're so weak. With that skill you got, you not only increase your stats, that is increased by about 500 give or take. That already gives you E stats in everything, but then you also have H stats on your falna bumping some of your stats to D.

Not only that, but also the years of battle experience you get from your ancestors seems to be no joke. Some adventurers would kill for that kind of skill. All the more reason to hide it." Falgar exclaimed. But Levi just nodded at him.

'So my skill is good, that's good to know.'

"So what now?" Levi asked.

"Well good news is with that skill of yours, even with your low falna status you have E in your stats. That means we can go up-to the 9th floor and maybe even 10 and 11 very soon. With the difficulty increasing you will get more excelia. And with so low basic stats, it will increase your level rapidly."

"... Then let's go." Levi said before walking again.

"You're right."

And then they went further in the dungeon


The duo finally arrived at the 8th floor.

The height of the ceiling increased from previous floors. The hallways became shorter but there were a lot of rooms in exchange. The walls were coloured brown and moss was growing on them, and the ground changed from soil and rocks to a short grass plain. The light came from above, casting almost no shadows for others to hide in.

Right now Falgar had nothing on him, no blood, no scratches, nothing.

While Levi was covered in blood...

Not his blood.

His cloak was soaked in it, but it was never absorbed the blood. Which was a good sign for Levi as he would have less work to clean it later. But the cloak was not the only thing covered in blood. His boots, probably from kicking some monster too hard. And his face, mostly around his eyes was soaked and the blood already dried so he would have to wash it later.

'Tch, At least it doesn't hinder my eyesight. But it still feels disgusting.'

"The eight floor." Levi murmured.

"Indeed, You know about the monsters here too?" He asked.

And Levi just nodded.

"Alright, let's go." And at his command, Levi started walking thru the dungeon.

He took a carefree posture as if walking thru a park, with his swords in hand. But if one watched closely, he would see there was no gap in his defence. Even in this aloof position.

Then he took a turn and went inside a chamber, two shadowy figures attacked Levi from both sides.

Levi leaned forward on reflex and looked at his two attackers.

'2 war shadows... gotta end this quickly, there may be more in the room that I am unaware of' He thought while facing the left attacker.

[a/n image war shadow]

He then swung his left sword at the shadow, decapitating him. And using that momentum he turned to the right one, only to see him starting to retreat. But he wasn't going to allow it.

He stepped one time with his left leg towards the monster and then leaned on it and quickly took another step, now he was face to face with the monster. And all this happened in one breath.

He looked at the monster with his right blade raised and slashed at him. The shadow managed to defend himself by raising his arms and distancing himself even more, but the sword cut thru the arms.

Then shadow positioned himself on the opposite side of the room and looked at Levi.

Only to see a sword spinning towards his head, and everything after that was black.

Then Levi went towards the corpse and picked up his sword that was lodged in the creatures eye and searched for the mana crystal, as he previously surveyed the room and not spotting any monsters.

"Did you have to throw your sword like that, I kinda feel bad for the shadow. He doesn't even know what killed him." Falgar joked.

But Levi kept quiet and got the mana crystal before giving it to Falgar.

"You're no fun, you know that?" He joked again and Levi ignored him... Again.

"So, wanna go further?" Falgar asked and Levi nodded.

"Alright let's go."

On their way, deeper on the floor. They met a lot more monsters then previous floors but Levi took care of it.

But then an unexpected situation occurred.

They into a room that was packed with killer-ants.

[a/n image killer-ants]

They even saw some adventurers fighting the ants but before the two moved. The party was killed by a sneak attack from above.

The two watched as the ants snacked on the bodies of the fallen adventurers.

Then Levi came in the room and started slashing with no peculiar expression.

No madness, no sadness, nothing in particular.

'People die, that's how it is.' He thought and after a few minutes the room was cleared was ant carcasses laying everywhere.

"... You seem to take it well." Falgar asked.

"..." Then Levi faces him and said.

"I prepared myself the moment I accepted Hermes's request. I knew I would be walking into another hell where people die on the daily. But this time I can die while achieving something. I will put myself in dangerous situations and I will survive.

And next time I come in the dungeon, I'll be stronger. And that same situation that was previously dangerous will be no longer, and I will keep doing this."

"..." Falgar said nothing while looking at the firm eyes of the previously dead eyed boy.

"Alright, it's getting late. Let's begin to head back." Falgar proposed and Levi complied

And then duo went back to the surface.




1989 words

So there were some problems with some yesterday about not liking(?) the FL or that it was too soon(?) for the romance and first I need to clarify, which I had to do earlier.

First off, there will be NO romance till canon starts. And there was also a problem with Rose being the advisor or smth but that's only cuz Eina and other guild members from the show aren't working at he guild yet timeline-wise.

Also these are only FL-candidates for now and not the legit FL.

candidates I have seen so far are: Ryuu, Asfi, Rose and Freya. (reminder; we have to chose cuz #noharem)

Also about the ODM-gear: He will make them for fighting a certain monster solo.

And I also need to devise a chant for the magic he will use but I'm no good at rhymes so plls help me out on this one? The magic will be similar to the thunder spears in AOT.

If you don't like smth, leave a comment here so we can see what we can do so it will be enjoyable for everyone... or we can try at least.

Also do I need to leave an image of the monsters??

Anyway thx for reading, hope you enjoyed. Leave a review and a comment. Drop some stones if you have to spare.


Endless_snow Endless_snow

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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